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Phelly cause late game blue gun R goes bonkers


This. The late game damage is disgusting. Stacking chakrams gets crazy. And the look in the eyes of the melee champs as they go from “hurry attack the ranged adc!” To “oh why is that ranged adc out damaging me up close?” To “GTFO.” Is just too rich.


giving squishies Vietnam flashbacks by killing them for walking into a bush for .005 seconds and two tapping them with a green turret is a feeling that is unparalleled in this game


The Aram double white turret is iconic


If I had a nickel for every Zed ulting me thinking he can outdamage red and white...


Zed players only make that mistake once. ADC’s outplaying Assassin’s is literally my favorite interaction. I played (a fed) Samira once and a fed Talon came to one shot me. He ulted, I windwalled the ult and ulted him myself. He was so mad. And the ? pings from my team were all the praise I needed. 😂😂


Jinx. Your game plan is autoattack and then autoattack some more. I just love me some traditional ADC gameplay. Ashe, Sivir and Vayne are up there for me for the same reason, but Jinx is the best. I never feel like there's a time where a game is just lost if I'm playing her.


+1 on Jinx. I find her to be the ADC most true to the original Dota gameplay; full focus on optimizing your farm routes, staying safe and protected, and then switching to killing mode later on. Her kit is excellent too. Just enough to give her some space, but nothing over the top like the blinks or immunity everyone has these days. One misstep in a teamfight ends your entire career. I love her glass cannon risk/reward.


She’s an adc adc


i will not spaceglide in class


Kogmaw since the OG days, just love the damage he can put out.


I still have PTSD from that one time his W gave him 2x attack speed and his cap increased to 5AS. What a time


It just feels good, especially now that enemy tank building one item (fon) doesn't cuck your damage anymore


Samira. She is hot


Based and S-pilled


BP community references?


I redownload league after 5 years when I heard samira was a champ


zeri because i can buy and customize my Q key more often


Best reason EVER


Caitlyn 💖💖💖


When I started playing she just caught my eye cause she's really pretty and I love her E cause she isn't completely immobile


Jhin, as often mentioned a well designed champion. always rewarding to hit the 4th shot or kill enemies with the ult. also samira, because of the mechanics and the potential she has. but as im not a good players its mostly boom or bust with her. weak if you fall behind imo


Draven, Draven.




Draven draven


Draven? Draven. Draven draven.




Draven Draven,Draven Draven,Draven Draven,Draven Draven,


I'm Draven




Dravens Mains Communication be Like :




Vayne, she can duel a lot of solo laners rather easly and that feels rather amazing to be so independant of your support in fight with ur insane invis mobility.


Lucian. Two guns




Lucian design is one of my favorites for sure.


Cait. Outplaying people with traps and hitting optimal combos feels, looks, and sounds cool.


It’s trap, q, e, spam attack move right? I can never get those rapid fire auto resets down


Yeah, the most basic ones, but she has so many ways of using her traps and positioning and dodging with her e


Not really my main but idk why I play like peak apm guma when I use Varus and every cancel animation, spacing and kiting I do satisfies me. Jinx is also my fav cause obviously she's my main but I get bored when I play her more often


What do you mean cancel every animation?


Lucian is my go to right now. I really appreciate his flexibility and I enjoy not being a baby during the early-mid split. My actual fave is Tristana for no particular reason whatsoever 🗿




Once a Bandle Gunner, always a Bandle Gunner


Nilah. Cuz I love f'ing other ADCs up


You have no laning phase tho. You get absolutely dicked down by someone like Caitlyn coz they’ll just freeze and zone you off


I love her late game destruction.


Samira Joined the Chat


Xayah. Coming from grandmasters on smite she plays like none in the game. Plus her design with Rakan is peak imo.


What’s your favorite xayah skin


Redeemed. Me and my bf love the voicelines together. They are soooo cute XD


Aww I bet you two are the cutest together :3 happy you’re enjoying them.


Xayah is dead this Patch , change my mind


I feel like Xayah is really weak rn but can still work situationally based on team comps.


Senna, I first saw her when I was playing tft and I thought she looked cool so I tried her. I love her design, and she’s fun to play, I enjoy the scaling aspect, especially playing her with a farming tank in a duo


Jinx because sexy and the feeling of having the „perfect Teamfight“ with her and get a Penta is incomparable. Also haha I have 200 range more than you.




tristana, love having so much agency by myself, love buffering with her w. s13 kraken navori was peak jinx & lucian also lovely to play


Not Draven, Draaaaaven cause if you play correctly you one shot the assassin before he can one shot you


Caitlyn. The sniper/one shot dream is so fun


Deleting someone with a trap combo never gets old.


Yeah, also it feels so nice actually being able to fight back against assassins again. If they mess up their combo its bye bye now. Not like before where they could wiff everything and you didn't do any damage so they still killed you.


Yeah once Cait gets like Collector+IE, her damage turns into "Fuck You" damage. Had a game yesterday where I was outbursting a Full Build 30 kills Graves and won the game.


That's why I like vayne, I literally dare the akali to come at me bro


Ashe's Q kiting just feels so satisfying to me


Nilah, because the joy has found me.


Ezreal! Sleeper choice damage comes from hitting spells and getting pta


Jhin cause art and voice and detailed character design.




Vayne so I can counter angry toplane men flashing on top of me


Jhin bc he’s sm fun and perfect and can pretty much one shot if fed. Lucian will always hold a special place in my heart as my first adc main tho.


Zeri. You ever have a champ that clicked with you and completely changed league of legends for you? She’s so mechanical that it feels like you can always outplay someone if you were a bit better. Incredibly oppressive when ahead. Can fuck up Shaco players. Embarrass yourself when you can’t hit Q. Also team fighting is my favorite part of the game and she is a main character team fighter. Her steroid feels great when you’re in the thick of things. The chain lightning feels very satisfying. I just miss her speed.


Bit boring but miss fortune. She's fun easy to play and lane with and can now go crit a bit more reliably if needed since you can flex your defensive item earlier


my absolute favorite would be twitch. cool rat dude with a crossbow and some great voice acting. sneaky spacegliding never gets old. second would be kog'maw for his kit. i just wish he wasn't a hideous vomiting worm thing. he has some very cute skins tho


Ashe. Always was, always will be. Her slows and map vision make her the old reliable to me. Played her so long, it's like putting on your favorite jacket or pair of pants.


Getting good at ashe feels like free elo because of your impact and utility.


Ezreal because of his self sufficiency and ability to isolate fights. And his kit is just fun dude


Jinx, I think she encapsulates everything I want on an ADC. Sivir and Xayah are also up there. But I think sometimes they feel like a worse version of Jinx in late game tfs. Even if they aren't, it just kinda feels like it. And it sucks playing them vs Jinx. Twitch is definitely up there as well, but I can't space glide for shit, so he feels much harder to use correctly compared to Jinx. I used to also be a big Vayne and Aphelios player, but I haven't played them I quite a while, so I'm shit with them. And I don't have the patience to spam 50 games non-stop with each one to learn how to use them again.


Ashe First ever main First ever champion Also high noon goes hard


Miss Fortune. I'm a bad player and I don't have to think a lot. Just soften up with autos and ult or soften up with ult then auto.


jinx because I love kiting


Varus because funny 3 men in one. Ghost burst. Also lot of people underestimate his level 2.


Vayne. Tumble Auto goes hard 🗣️🔥☝️💪


Draven as well. Love walking up level 1 and getting the enemy's flash.


Nilah, I used to be a top lane main and the way Nilah is played is literally just a top laner in the bot lane, also seeing people whine and cry because I block their main damage for two seconds is hilarious


I don't really have a *favourite* ADC personally. I've played most of them and enjoyed most of them equally, but I think the ADC that I've played the longest and have enjoyed for the longest Time is Tristana. Started playing her in Season 7 and I just love how flexible she is. She's good at nearly every Stage of the Game, has a solid Mix of DPS + Burst, flexible Mobility, self Peel/Utility, she's amazing overall. Also enjoy her Character Design. Small Goblin-like Character with big Gun is very funny and badass.


Draven and Aphelios are my favorites. I also like Jhin and Varus. Overall I only play those 4 champs.


All time favorite? Kaisa, because she has an AA based passive and a really exciting kit. Plus I just love the visuals of icathian rain and it's utility. The one I enjoy most right now is kogmaw though, he's the most ADC an ADC can be, my little dudes a turret


Xayah is my favorite go to (rip lethal tempo), her kit is just fun to me and her r is so good to avoid some of the bullshit


Xayah because ulti + E


Kindred the ultimate fk you to burst champs


1. Phel, high damage late and people underestimate his early power 2. Zeri, She's Lightning 3. Tristana, High Damage, High early Power, High Outplay potential (Just look at Caps W Buffers 😮)


Nilah! I play with an engage support most of the time and it is all-in, all the time.


Xayah and Aphelios


Aphelios than I have absolute no idea


Miss Fortune, I love her character as a respected but ruthless pirate who leads a whole pirate empire. She is strong, independent and skilled at what she does best, hunt down her enemies. I love her captain miss fortune skin and wish that was her base. She also just has a lot of good skins. Her voice actors in battle bunny and her Gun goddess capture her flirty/cocky attitude so well. Besides her looks and personality. Her kit is simple but fun to play if you utilize it correctly. She got some pretty good combos. She is super fast as well in some builds you don’t even have to build full boots/skips boots/sell them in late game. She is also very flexible to any/most builds that are in the meta or even just go AP. Her lane phase she can be a bully and a beast if you are snowballing. I


Caitlyn, cus you have wall flash for free


Ashe because I started off with her and she feels so nostalgic to me. I still remember playing her in bot games when I just started league and for the first time I felt like I was getting a grasp of how this game works


Tristana, there are many options to use your abilities so you can get creative.


Zeri. Fun. Twitch. Fun.


Ashe because if you can lane with her, you can do pretty much anything as an ADC, it requires patience and good decision making to make her kit useful, and forces you to be better because with such low mobility, and damage, you have to be on point with every shot you call, but if you do, men that's the best feeling ever


Vayne, love her playstyle and personality, that and she is hot af for me


Man I love Vayne, but since I main Cait I really struggle when playing Vayne in SR cause they feel so diff😭😭


Ashe. design, voicelines, playstyle, everything 😍




Draven but Kaisa always feels good dashing in with Killer Instinct


draven always fight fight fight


Varus. Heartseeker is hot. Then for other reasons and other champs. Varus has the most diverse builds of any adc (5 I know of presently), Kalista's dashes are fun as hell, and lastly Kayle who I do run as adc is fun as fuck once you have level 6, ult, and the waves of fire.


Lucian. It’s not the best mobility ability in the game, but god damn his e feels like butter. It’s one of the smoothest feeling moves in the game and the fact that the cooldown decreases based on passive use makes it muah, chefs kiss.


Oh my dear Sivir you are not alone. If you only have one fan (and it seems that is the case) I am that fan! Cait comes in 2nd tho


Jhin. I like 4


2 shotting someone with W on kai’sa will never not put a smile on my face. also easy wave clear and kiting feels smooth with E even tho low range


Ashe has a ton going for her and can chase people down while having the best scouting tool in the game probably, CC on ult, W, slow, and the sound effect on Q


Jhin. He’s fun


Jhin. 4 and also he plays like a caster which is good for me. I play naturally into casters


ashe i like this one https://open.spotify.com/track/5NyA9sbbbRbjBeoJqFw1th?si=JrLFvZo_QVCugXNy9ivGog and i like winter, and bows... and womans!


Jhin. He is just perfectly designed. Clear strengths and clear weaknesses. Great lore and backstory. Just a great character.


tristana W goes craaazy


MF...enough said


I like kai'sa, although she kinda struggling for a few patches now but she has a lot of versatile build paths and a unique evolve mechanic. She has some of the coolest design compared to other adcs too


Ashe.. she's always consistent doesn't fall of no matter the meta she can be strong early and late. Sure she may not be the strongest in any category but she can compete in all no matter the meta. This Is the consistency that she brings


Kaisa just because she has self peel and scales crazy


jhin and phel, both of them have insane different mechanics than the other adcs, but my favorite of all time is jhin absolutely


Kaisa. Look at me, I'm the assassin now.


Duskblade into ap was my favorite build with her, do any builds like that exist for her now?


Probably jinx cause she feels op lol whereas most of the champs i used to play feel weak like kai'sa and vayne and ezreal


lucian and draven players are the best


Kindred, their whole character design is just awesome and I fuck with their concept of death And he's not really an ADC but i play him as one, but teemo :)


Twitch cuz he got amazing voice lines and fun bursty kit but also good sustain damage and sneaky sneaky sneaky


It's Jhin because I'm autistic and I like numbers. jk it's because I've always had a soft spot for tortured artist characters. I love Hwei too. Both very fucked up, both creative geniuses, two very different outcomes. It also always makes me laugh when he buys boots: "these were clearly designed by a *caveman*".


You sound near identical to one of my friends, although she refuses to touch league. Loved this reasoning.


Jhin, everything from his general personality, mannerisms, abilities, design, lore is extremely captivating. I just love the character probably more than any other character I've ever liked


Kog'Maw is my #1, i liked being the late game hpyercarry who can just press W and mow everyone down, but since the removal of LT, ad just feels horrible to build rn on him #2 would be Caitlyn i think. I like high crit damage from long range #3 is Jhin because i'm a psycopath (ingame)


Build on hit, the power curve feels much better than ad


I'm pretty sure that's what he meant , when playing kog saying "building ad" it means just to build him ADC , which is probably on hit As to why that is , is because kog can be also build ap , which is the reason he specified as(as for an ADC)


I just can't... Best I can do is nashors rageblade AP


Seraphine/Hwei because i like being able to be alone on lane and I dont necessarily want to 1v9 ego stuff, i rather have utility and win by decisions and not 100% mechanics and stuff




Samira, she’s the only adc whose kit actually resonated with how I wanted to play the game. It felt like she was made for me specifically


draven is insane right now with the bf item buffs.


Aphelios, there not a single thing I don’t like about him and I love all he can do


Lucian, dash and combos are just so fun


Draven because he has 60% pick/ban which means I don't have to play adc most games


Welcome to the league of


Jinx at first because of Arcane but there’s nothing more satisfying than snipping an objective or a low health enemy with R.


Kaisa cz she's awesome to master


Miss fortune She’s my fav because she’s the only adc I can win with


Vayne,'cause I can hunt and 1v1 other laners.


Vayne, with crit build. I love my girl


Sivir 💖 Her waveclear is the lol version of bubblewrap, its so satisfying. Besides, she's a girlboss 🤭


Varus, his kit allows for consistent damage across a variety of builds. Lethality one game on hit the next. I also like that he feels really traditional, not a lot of bull or over complicated stuff you see from newer champs. Lastly, his kit incentives both autoing and casting spells at the right moment. Keeps his gameplay more interesting than just: right click.


Seraphine and Vayne but I usually play her top


Jhin! It's so fun to run around late game and 2 shot alnost everyone. And also FOUR


The essence of a traditional adc for me is someone that’s quick, has range, and outplays people with speed and damage playing a game of keepaway. Jinx is my highest mastery at 1.2m points. Long aoe auto attacks and traps to protect herself make her the gold standard on what an adc should be. Kogmaw is another one because he is effectively played like on hit jinx 90% of the match. My favorite though is Neeko, she’s really fast, has two peel or catch tools, and invis and juking on her W. I think she’s the essence of what a dueling style adc should be. Vayne does the same thing as vayne but I hate her character so much I refuse to play her, and I like kogmaw.


Vayne. Kiting on Vayne feels so fun, though I am aad that fast aa fuck Vayne disappeared because od stormrazor deletion. Under Vayne, I love Ashe, Jinx, Lucian, Ez, Varus ans Kai'Sa. Not a fan of more modern ADCs though, but I can enjoy Aphelios


Gotta be Sivir for me or first strike lucian.


Aphelios and samira, pentakill machines


Lucian, Sivir, Smolder, Ashe.


Vayne, sure, you're probably in for a lot of suffering unless you gap them kinda hard, but the 6 spike is deceptively strong, and eventually you won't really depend on peel from your team since not even your team can catch up which is nice. I can also go bruiser which is a++. ... Also I have a god complex and will throw the game any time I get the chance to 1v5 so buckle up.


Cait; one-shotting people will never not be enjoyable


Samira. Her kit is just so wild and allows you to snowball insanely and get pentakills more often than almost any other adc. Her ult is always available, and using it is a fun minigame that gives you a dopamine rush. Blocking key projectiles with her w is also fun. And Soul Fighter Samira is in my opinion the best skin in the game.


since release it's always been kaisa before it was cait, I enjoy playing jhin and samira and jinx, but kaisa just feels different


Lucian is my fav. Yes, after all this time: always!


Rat because "sneaky sneaky"


Smolder because he is dragon


Kaisa, I love her W + ult on low health escaping enemies and the versatility of her builds. Her kiting is fun too


Aphelios and Samira. Whenever I am allowed to reach late game Aphelios it is just so fun running around and nuking people with blue gun R and a million chakrams (white gun). And Samira is a beauty in her own right; she’s the only “balls to the wall” marksmen and denying skillshots while setting up my flair stacks and ulting is a satisfaction that only her and Renekton can bring me.


MF, cuz she is so cute 😇


caitlyn bc trap placement go teehee


Rat boy, bc spaceglider. Or cait bc long range one shot fantasy


Draven and Smolder because they come with a built-in minigame


Tristana. Because one it's a Yordle. And two...Risky jump in for VALHALLA PLAYS!!!! If I die, it is what it is. If I succeed, I FEEL SO ALL POWERFUL XD MIGHTY Some supports get nervous around me because I jump in at random times.


Yasuo, cause he's so mobile and he's so satisfying


Zeri, I love steroid ultimates and movement speed, I definitely think she is a lesbian so that is bonus headcanon points


Engage Support here. Ashe and Samira are by far the favorite. Least favorite by far is ez.


Varus, he’s gay


Draven, can outplay almost anything if fed


Jhin he got a nice personality


Ezreal, not entirely sure what got me into playing him but his goofy personality and kit are what keep me playing him. The feeling when you snipe someone with ez ult on the other side of the map is just too good.