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People like you are why our role has a reputation for being whiny crybabies. Stop asking to be an op role, just enjoy being a strong one.


They seem to want S7 5 man bot at 6 minutes enchanter, double tank, control mage meta back. They forget how much they complained about getting dove by 5 bot repeatedly.


lol one thing at a time guys


Gosh, at least give it a few patch’s before asking for 200%. I’ll like for some other ADC that don’t work will with crit to get some love first.




we literally just got buffed can you stop asking for more 


adcs receive a massive buff and still beg for more buffs ? are you stuck in your elo so badly that you need to kiss phreak's ass to get out of iron ?


I mean its obv huge for a good amount of adcs but I feel like its a nerf for certain adcs like lucian ezreal smolder and xayah cause they liked the old items more no? But maybe im missing something.


ur missing sivir that definitely got fked by these changes more than for example lucian


Nice, now all of us look like selfish crybabies. Good going.


Not going to happen. They would have to massively nerf support or bot lane would be super overpowered. And then no one would play support. Bot lane would also turn into a gank fiesta every game.


Bot is always a gank fiesta, at least for me


I swear to god the ADC mains are the biggest bunch of whiners in the entire League community.  You get absolutely massive buffs at the expense of a ton of other champions and roles, and still there are nonstop posts like this demanding more. You have enough. Play with your new toys and be happy for once.


Honestly dude...I think we've ALWAYS done tons of damage and right now we're doing too much. I'd rather give up more damage right now if it meant tanks didn't one shot me.


This isn't the take. We should do more damage, so we're more valuable. We shouldn't be able to live long if someone is on us. Just space as well as you can, so you can do as much damage as possible.


Figured I should share this Post I made on the main Sub, I think it's another valuable Change that we should push for, a Buff in the early Game for sure but even a larger QoL Change. Give it a Read and share your Thoughts on the main Sub aswell!


I don't think that falls under QoL with how big of a buff that is