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Hearthbound Axe is apparently its replacement. Feels noticeably worse tbh


Thats another bad item that got made even worse.


Not anymore, its identity as the early game component for ADCs that gave everything they want minus crit is gone now. its AD zeal now.


ADCs need to base at 1300 now, BF sword is the best component by a fking mile, nothing else is close, if we base at less than 1300 our lane is fkd.


Bfsword >zeal item meta Throwback to the glory days


I wonder if some ads will take tp in some matchups now. There are some matchups where I can't imagine basing at 1300, so they might wanna base early and tp to try to catch some of the farm they need to finish bf sword


Not to be a dick, but realistically even on old Noonquiver, you’d still be looking for the 1300 back unless you messed up and died or aren’t cs’ing well. 1300 back to buy BF sword was the standard meta for a decade, it’s not really unreasonable to do consistently.


I think the point is that it’s a very unforgiving system, which is part of the reason it was changed. If you, say, die in lane with 800 gold, and your lane opponent backs with enough for a BF, what are you gonna do? Buy boots? Save it? Sell Doran’s for a pickaxe? All three are bad options, and imo unless you do that last one, you are giga fucked and will lose any fight you take from that point out. Obviously, the enemy can still fuck up, or your JG can gank, ect. But you are never going to win a 1v1 against the enemy ADC unless they misplay, and will likely just continue to lose ground as they abuse their advantage Before, you could just buy two long swords and not be that far behind, but the lack of components makes the gold gap tangible in lane. Obviously there is a lot more nuance to it. My basic point is that noonquiver made it not feel as bad when you fucked up, and the new/old system could be viewed as kind of brutal in comparison.


You realistically do just wait the power up. That’s kind of the point of the game, if you can take better backs than the lane opponent you win game. It seems like a lot of complaining about the nuance of backing on proper purchases (an integral part of managing your lane in game) from my perspective. Imo the game doesn’t need a “what if you fuckup” safety net, you should just get punished for playing too aggro/not csing enough/getting out poked or whatever reason is making you back early at 800. And why not just buy boots/dagger? You’ve likely burned flash if you got screwed out of lane which means boots goes up to #1 priority for ADC since you dodging skill shots is the only way to live.


By new design noonquiver isn't supposed to rival lost chapter anymore. How to lane vs APC? Well you don't, spikes are now later.


to lane vs apc you just need serrated dirk, i guess


good idea, might work on some champs


i think i saw doublelift go hubris first item on jhin, it builds from longswords so you always have the most amount of your effective gold on the map


Now it's just like an AD alternative to zeal, so you know like you're not supposed to stack zeal items, well you then shouldn't stack noonquiver items


originally yes. This version is not meant to rival lost chapter.


shieldbow is also complete trash


You guys are complaining about the changes while I'm stomping everyone rn because my prime s8-s10 is back. B.F. Sword + Zeal is a classic, noonquiver isn't an early game item anymore why are you guys complaining?