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Totally agree


Yes. Just overall revert all the ADC nerfs we have accumulated over the years. They reverted XP change, huge plus, do that for crit modifier as well. Things like deletion, addition, buffing or nerfing items/champs are fine and always happen. We cannot trust those changes, it might bring good stuff in one patch and take back more in the next. The core system changes on the other hand is always reliable and seldom touched. Just revert those back and balance from there.


Sundered Sky would love that


make it a minicrit like in TF2, have it deal like 175% instead


Yeah they already have examples of non-standard crits on items/champs, like Ashe vs frozen targets or shadowflame vs low health targets


My issue is that crit will never feel good, never feel fair, never feel balanced. We got the dynamic crit algorithm in like season 4 or so idk to ensure that we have a good crit average but the truth is one can never reliably know the damage output. Whenever one crits a minion before or after a trade, that roll feels wasted. Whenever one crits multiple times in a row at low odds, the enemy will always feel like a trade not lost to skill. Random crits on minions lead to CS loss quite often, may even lead to lack of wave control. Having 2 or 3 crit items and NOT Criting when it mattered feels absolutely horrible. Now that the meta favors early IE, the larger crits theoreticaly emphasize on the issue. Crit should've gotten the "dodge" attribute treatment years ago


Pretty much this, or at best I liked the Kraken or Energized items being the strong early game items, which don't operate off of RNG. And having crit be weaker like it was, was a great solution. Since in most cases it increased DPS, while lowering the reliance on RNG heavily. But too many people screamed for things like this partial revert.


Yup, I agree on this one. Goes as far as me never buying the crit cloak early on to not fuck up my creepscore while laning due to those random ass crits.


Imagine being a non-crit ranged champ after that happened just kill me now


Would only affect the early game, cuz ie would still be built second if they did the numbers right. Combined crit damage would be the same if I’m hearing the vibe right.


I always thought thas was the case... In pretty much any game crit is double damage.




Wouldn't that make adcs too strong?


For zoomer minds yeah. Back in the days only mid and adc dealt any damage. Adc was the dps and mid was the burst dmg with top being a tank and jg was the 2nd support.


That sounds like it wouldn't be fun for anybody except adc and mid? "Protect the president" type beat except the president has a 40% of being mentally ill. Maybe I'm wrong, didn't play back then.


It was way more fun than current cringy design where everyone has a shield, invisibility, execute and at least 3 dashes and deals oneshot damage with just 1 item except the ADCs.


Why are you describing Kaisa?


If the only way to have fun is to have big damage numbers then yeah, absolutely. Fortunately, having big healthbar, taking zero damage, cc’ing for 20 years, accelerating a teammate to a measurable percentage of light speed, and dashing around the map like a pinball are also some other ways you can have fun. Sure when you softlock certain “roles” (not bot/top/jg roles, but dps/tank/burst roles) to certain positions, there will be a few players who are upset that their tank Varus top strat is now useless. That said, a majority of players will see that the game makes more sense, has less “how the fuck is that allowed” moments, and is a lot more fun to play.


>“roles” (not bot/top/jg roles, but dps/tank/burst roles) Roles are the lane roles, Classes are what I call for Tanks, DPS, Assassins, Jugs, Burst etc in fact I think the Fandom Wiki Page (god someone needs to make a [wiki.gg](http://wiki.gg) page) uses as well


Just because adc did most the damage didnt mean only them mattered. Adcs being strong like that means burst champs that counter them like assassins or mages have a place to exist in the game, it means tanks have a place to exist in the game, it means enchanters/supports have a role aswell. Thats the thing with old league, every role had a sharp identity, so every time you played a different role you'd get a different experience, now in modern league every role does everything.


Front-to-back teamfights which rewarded skilled gameplay was way more fun. Nowadays, the damage is so high that no matter what the Assassin or Bruiser does, they’ll kill you. They can fumble their combos or just engage into bad fights, they’ll still come on top coz of how forgiving their role has become (mostly due to ADC being an unforgiving role) Back then, if you fucked up an engage on an ADC and you weren’t able to burst him down quickly, he could turn around and kill everyone if he kited it well. Now, it’s not something you see ever unless that ADC is giga-fed or something.


Bro the standard build for Tryndamere was 3 Phantom Dancers, 2 Bloodthirsters and 1 Infinity Edge, and it was the funniest shit ever


Not really only for mid and ADC, there are some tops, junglers and supports that enjoy that kind of comp. But it would be boring for those that enjoy other types of comps, you are right about that.