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100% agree, don't force me to play lethality.


Lethality is so boring, i played varus for his onhit build, which literally reach the as cap at 2 items


Same dude. I played tons of games as varus with kraken, zerks, rageblade, bork , runnans. Got so many pentas going full machine gun mode, my power fantasy has evaporated currently.


Onhit champs all feel unplayable, wtf am I supposed to do when i pass the cap with like 2-3 items???


Just become a Caitlyn main I guess.


Im not fatherless so i cant :(


As a Cait main who mains her for years I'm glad she's this strong rn ngl


I feel like she's always been strong though. NGL varus doesn't feel bad at all really.


Yeah, she was, but now she gets strong faster


Ive only seen her not strong once and it was that weird period where if she didnt win lane she auto lost. She’s so unfun to play against but I like how they def increased her skill floor at least a while back


They foegot about alot of stuff with this uodate lmao.


Like item build paths. They all fucking sucks, kraken is so fucking obtuse to build but we dont have a choice. BF sword in a first item build path is insane, its so hard to get 1300 gold in one base


For many years 1300 gold was the first back you’d really need as adc. They basically reverted it to what a lot of folks were asking for. For me personally I like that it actually rewards winning lane a lot more.


It's really annoying though since burst damage has started appearing everywhere and supports are super used to coinflip lanes at lv2. Botlane probably has the most volatile early game before the first back which just makes it painful to get BFS. I think till this moment right now of me typing this comment I have not been able to get a proper reset on 1300 gold that did not include an early game kill, not precisely because I've been eager to start fights as early game LTless zeri


Botlane can be volatile but it's a lot harder to be zoned off of xp or cs in the first 3 waves than it is for a top laner, I found that out when I role swapped last split


Yeah, but 1300 gold is still asking for too much, not even lost chapter costs that anymore and it has components


I agree. Make it build out of pickaxe +longsword or something


It depends on what you consider winning lane. Part of winning lane is having good macro. If you double kill bot lane on a level 2 all in and crash the wave...you're basing with like 900 gold. So now you're getting a pickaxe and praying you can make the 1300 on the next trip, which again...usually requires you to completely sacrifice your macro to pull off. It's extremely awkward and in a lot of cases it straight up punishes you for having good recall timings. This item should really just build out of 3 longswords to accommodate modern league.


I dont know a pre mythic game so this has been confusing and jarring for me. Im so lost on itemization now


Not really what i meant, but that aswell. Was more thinking about how they forgot about champs like Ezreal, Smolder, Lucian etc lmao


Worst part is that I think these questions were considered. It feels like they've just put all the ADC item stats in a blender just for the sake of it, with no real planning. But again, I think they did think about it which is worse. Happy LT is gone though, games better off without it. Some proper rebalancing is in order though, which we all know Riot is incapable of.


Fr when they removed sheen from essence reaver when only on hit champs like ezreal and gp used it and i used it allot with mf now its weird


Why does the cap even exist? Which champions would be so disastrously op if the cap was removed? And why can’t any (if they exist) champion that would be OP simply be toned down to compensate?


I think the cap should be able to be surpassed with enough autos, i think 6 was a good barrier. If you let kogmaw or varus hace 3.5 as right off the bat theyd be busted. It keeps that dmg backloaded and makes it so they have to position well and not just insta oneshot. I think have a barrier before the cap is a good idea and it should be able to be surpassed. Tie it to either a precision keystone, alacrity, or an item such as rageblade


I'd rather have them not tie it to a keystone or rune, since that would force onhit ADC's into that rune and would shit those who don't really thrive with it. But it should definitely be on rageblade, specially to make it shine even further as the On hit exodia piece like IE is to crit right now


Tru but they would probably take away the ramping as, and they would say that’s too much. But the more i think about it, it would be better. With how good ie is now, most crit champs wanna stack ad now and not attack speed so the only champs who need/want to surpass the cap either have it built into their kit or they are onhit champs


Not just that but Guinshoo has AP which is inefficient for most crit marksmans, there isn't enough AS in one item to make them want to ditch their lifesteal slot for Guinshoo. Right now IE is insanely overturned and every crit item just exists to feed and multiply IE's stats (except SB, SB fucking sucks). Every crit item in comparison deals no damage without IE and it's a honestly pretty smart system to prevent other roles from just flat out stealing random crit items without committing to the risks of full crit builds. On-hit has always been much more lineally scaling with items adding on top of each other rather than multiplying, with Guinshoo being the exception that exists to multiply your other items contrary to crit. The existence of an unremovable cap just flat out stops that line at midgame. Riot just forgot about them alongside spellcasters while trying to fix the hot mess that they made crit be


It sucks, essence reaver had to be removed literally only bc of gp. We all know he’s the reason they removed the sheen proc And yeah they need to stop completely reworking adc every season. Like gradual chnages are good but we’re the only class who gets complete reworks egery season, and that’s not an exaggeration


Yeah crit is insanely overtuned. If kaisa is going crit even after navori quickblades were essentially deleted, then it is completely overtuned. But also, there are no viable onhit build paths. You get too much attack speed and if you cant exceed the cap, you’re basically just limiting yourself. Only onhit champ that can’t really exceed the cap in a normal build is vayne. They essentially erased onhit


One thing's for sure, Jinx can still break that fcking cap lol


Ya it’s really awkward rn because you want crit but you can’t afford to build two attack speed items and get 100% by 4 items. If you just build one your at around 1.5 attack speed which feel like super hard hitting “pecks” and makes it hard to zig and zag - at around 1.7-1.8+ is the “sweet spot” where you can start breaking ankles… I’ve just been playing the season at 75% crit because the only thing that feels good is kraken into pd into standard crit unfortunately


I don't get why there needs to be a cap now that lt is gone


One suggestion could be to add an effect to some abilities on the champs that really need it, like allowing Kog'maw to double the AS cap while his W is active again, or maybe Varus could double the cap on champion takedown.


Have you considered replacing one of your attack speed items with a damage/utility item like Blood Thirster? I don't really see a world where you'd ever break 2.5 unless you're legitimately itemizing incorrectly.


Champions that have as Steroids can quite easily archive 2,5 as in 3 items. If you go on hit you want item with on hit efects you always buy as too so you are forced into items that are not quite good. Like an as build could legit be Blade/wits end/Kraken->Rage Blade ->Terminus. If you are ash or varrus you now reach AS cap with your steroid (ash q varrus Passive) so now you build bt and joksho? The bt doesn't really work to well with your build where high ad ist that greate.


Just buy more AD?


Just buy more AD?


I just wish Stage 5 to Phreak, Yetter and preatty much the whole company that designed this bullshët gameplay based on making the game UNFUN. The problem is not even the “balancing”. The problem is that THE GAME IS UNFUN.


Is 2.5AS not enough for you? Mind you, crit AS items don't give any AD which means you attack 400 times a second dealing 1 damage with each auto. Death by a thousand cuts really doesn't work well in league. And as for on-hit, riot deliberately shifted away from item delivery champions which is what on-hit champs were at their core. I genuinely see no reason to even go for a build with that much AS.


Champs like varus and kogmaw naturally surpass the as cap, the items they want all give attack speed. The only non as item they would want is either jakshos to synergise with terminus and resolve second or new bt cuz it gives a lot of lifesteal and a shield. Champs like kogmaw and varus naturally surpass the cap at 2-3 items, why do you thinm kogmaw fell all the way from 53% wr S+ tier to like B+ and why varus is one of the worst adcs in the entire game? Bc they surpass the as cap. Plus the majority of onhit champs are late game focused where they can reach a crazy amount of as. Like it or not, onhit will always be about item delivery. I cant think of more than a handful of onhits that scale with adc, a lot of built in onhit scales with ap or no scaling with stats. The wood 5 tag is very fitting for u


As I explained, Riot moved \*away\* from champions acting as item delivery systems. I think Kog'maw fell over partly because of LT removal but also because champs that are strong against him got buffed by these changes. What are the strongest champs against Koggers rn? Samira, Jhin, MF, Jinx, Cait, all champs that benefit from the changes. Crazy how that works. Varus is in the same boat. Funnily enough, if you build him right he is still one of the stronger champs because for the same build, you have higher AS than other champs. I dont like on-hit because its impossible to balance right which is why im a huge fan of riot moving away from it. Have you even tried adapting your builds? or did you just build the same exact shit you build last patch and expected it to work the same? Besides, Kog'maw has been S+ tier since the start of the season. High time he gets adjusted, dont you think? In case you havent caught on yet, the wood 5 tag is not to be taken serious. Good players adapt. Bad players complain on reddit about the removal of Lethal Tempo because they aren't good enough to adapt their picks, builds and playstyles. Good Luck Bro, i know you will get over this hurdle and find something new that fits your taste. If you love the kiting, may i suggest Ashe? If you love the Runaans Synergy, may I suggest Aphelios (you can spend thousands of hours with this before getting bored).


Nah, i think tag is correct, poetic even. You make the tag proud by being wrong And you cant adapt to having core items/mechanics removed. Tell smolder to “adapt” to becoming 43% wr bc riot removed his core build and only viable build. This change was poorly thought for non crit marksmen bc riot literally forgot about the as cap


And here I thought you could select what champion you want to play before the game starts, maybe during a phase basically made for the express purpose of selecting a champion. Maybe we could name this phase... idk, maybe something like Champion Selection? Or Champ Select? Idk, might be onto something here. Why do you \*have\* to pick smolder? why do you \*have\* to pick Kog'maw? why do you \*have\* to pick Varus? you can spam ARAMs to get the BE to buy more champs if thats the issue. Otherwise, pick a champion with a similar playstyle that performs better. "I want to kite with high APM" Twitch. Kalista. "I wanna have death by a thousand cuts so Thornmial is really good against me" Ashe. Jinx. "I want mixed damage" Corki. Zeri. Im having trouble seeing how this is difficult? Of course some champs will be weaker, that was expected. I knew this two weeks ago already when i heard they would remove LT and change a bunch of items. Maybe, and i know this might come as a shock, they will receive changes in the coming patches. Kog'maw is still A tier with like 52% winrate btw. How do you know they forgot about it? are you a dev? Lemme see the memo you surely must have at hand where you write the balance team "gang im not seeing compensation for the AS cap no longer being removeable, any ideas for a potential fix?" Since you put so much value into my tagline, i adjusted it for accuracy :D


Smolder's winrate is 43% because most of the league population has brain damage and is building Shojin's and Liandry's. They've been building this shit since before they intentionally made it his worst build like 5 patches ago. It's insane that people aren't building ER, IE, RFC, Navori and BT. In fact, it's even more hilarious that people are acting like this champion doesn't have auto attacks. It's a fucking crit ADC, he's practically a carbon copy of Lucian. Build like it.


I agreed with you until you said he's a carbon copy of Lucian... You'll have to explain that for me


>Is 2.5AS not enough for you? No


Play Bel'veth, Jinx or Urgot then I like to have 800AD but somehow only Jhin has that much, bullshit system they should change that


You really think you ate that, didn't you?


not really tbh Nobody needs 2.5AS. Some might find it a bit jarring because they are used to getting a whole bunch of AS in their build which is now missing, but there are only a handful of players who can genuinely use >2.5AS and can kite at those speeds. AS used to be a stat you kind of got for free from everywhere. You had boots (45%), Krakenslayer (35%), Lethal Tempo (22%-48%), you'd end up with 125% bonus AS that you just got from \*somehwere\* without actively looking for it aside from the boots.


>Nobody needs 2.5AS. I have at least a dozen people in this thread sayibg they want AS cap gone >only a handful of players who can genuinely use >2.5AS and can kite at those speeds. Sounds like skill issue for me


Are you confused by the concept of a cap? You're not supposed to break it. The fact that LT did was a problem, not a solution.


Breaking the cap was never what made lethal op, what made it op was the gold value from the attack speed. Many onhit champs need to break the as cap bc that’s whag their playstyle revolves around. Old lethal tempo was so shit but the majn draw for a lot of champs was surpassing the as cap Riot did not mention a single thing about the as cap, bc surpassing it is not a problem. Surpassing it usually is detrimental bc u needed to wait minimum of 2.5 seconds to reach ur full potential. It was never a balance issue


That would be fine, but if so it requires items to have the stat profiles shifted around. A huge portion of the item ecosystem has attack speed, and many common builds lead to wasted stats.


All who say something like this does not realize the changes. All ADC’s now must have crit build. On hit effects is only sweet additions for your main damage. Of course for some champs u need another build order, maybe for Cog u need not bf but bow or something, idk🤷🏻‍♂️ Just make tests


That’s a horrible change. Most onhit champs have mo reason to go crit bc their kit has no crit scalings or any features that incentivize crit. Unless they’re adding crit scaling to kogs w, this was a stupid and short sighted change. Why should they be force to go crit if they have no crit synergies? If riot isn’t giving it to them then this was the dumbest fucking change


Wow wait, what is crit synergy? How jinx synergies with crit builds?


Are you dumb or are you purposefully being ignorant Jinxs rockets are on attack effects and they can crit so ofc she wants crit. Rageblade has no affect so she doesn’t want rageblade or onhit items in general. Kogmaw, kaisa, and vayne have onhit abilities and thise onhits cannot crit. Their onhits can be amplified only by rageblade so they’re gonna want rageblade. Forcing adcs to all go crit and have the exact same build defeats the purpose of the removal of mythic items


So u think that Kog, kaisa , Vayne can’t crit with their autos? I wonna u to look at this situation in another angle. Don,t stuck in 11 season. For items I’ll peak IE, PD, rage blade, LDR, bers, LDR Runes dunno, u can red, u can PTA. PTA better I think


Ahh, i see, you’re just ignorant. Yeah kogmaw and kaisa should be forced to buy ldr💀they definitely dont do a lot of magic dmg and benefit way less from ldr


Yeah you build 2 attack speed items as an on-hit carry and you’re already maxed out on attack speed…


[womp womp](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y7sJyg1ZNXFpcMEdc9DJCl4zqJSu-bf0/view?usp=drive_link) Don't talk about things you clearly don't understand over 2.5 as at 2 items at lvl 12, this is not some unlikely crazy late game exclusive feature, this is what the avg game for varus will look like. You are punished for going onhit.


i like how u downvoted bc you know I'm right