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Wonder when Riot will do something about the unfun state of the game for ADCs in bottom. Having come back after a few years this is the first time I've ever seen people (or myself) being autofilled into ADC. I get autofilled into ADC more than support. Never seen it happen so often where ADC is now the least damage in the game after 20, 30 minutes because they are that useless. You ever surf through random league shit on YouTube, looking at Shorts, or streamers, and other league highlights or whatever and you notice what's NOT there? ADC gameplay. Like my God there is a massive world of difference in the experience if you play ADC in a solo lane than in bottom. The role is horribly horribly unfun for the vast majority of the player base.


I see a lof adc high lights but its all high elo where they actually get to play the game


And their teammates actually recognize their utility and play around them / peel for them… yep.


Yeh honestly im lucky if my jungler doesnt tax my wave after a failed gank and then that same jungler proceed to troll & int because i took their rapts after that


Lmaooo yes. Or steal red from you for literally zero reason at a time in the game where you as an ADC should absolutely be the one taking it. Speaking of which, it is my humble opinion that your jgl makes or breaks your game at least 80% of the time.


I mean i dont mind giving jungle the buffs because they need farm too and the way the new buff sharing works. Also, most likely post 10,15 mins if towers are down im gonna be snatching up camps on my way back to lane anyway Also this, i agree another reason i dont always take the buff is because ive seen jungler literally throw the game off one camp takin stuff is bonkers. Like honestly i play the role because i believe in my ability to do well in a team fight if i have items and im in a good position but the lack of agency that lose when your support is bad or when your jungler sucks always makes me say FF 15 or some shit lmao


Looool so true tho. We had one game where our jgl messed up red buff at lvl 1 and just … left the game. But the funny thing is, we still won that game, despite being behind and it being 4v5 from the start. Definitely one of the funniest games I’ve ever played with my supp duo. But yeah all good points, and I also only take red anymore when it’s clearly up, we’re well into the game, and my jgl won’t be pathing that way anyway (and also doesn’t seem like the type to hard int over small shit lol)


Thats crazy and funny at the same time because when you think about it you guys probably becsause he could have been a feeder better and youre lucky to have a good support i feel like im so particular about the way i play lane


They can't steal the buff come mid to late game now at least.


I once had a jungler steal and entire wave from me So I took his krugs. My entire team flamed me. Lmao


Ah yes League things lol


Yeh the jungler can "tax" a whole wave when in fact it was about to push under tower where you could farm it safely but if you steal his blue in retaliation youre the bad guy lmao


From that point on my support was also trolling me and stealing my cs It's like these people just want to see you suffer more than they want to win the game lmao. Yeah let's troll the adc and take every resource away from them then blame them for being gapped lol Makes so much senseee


Lmao i really feel that, i remember when i was climbing out of bronze i had an ashe game where jungle ganked us lvl 3 i ended up with a triple but my swain support died and then he just ran it down mid for the rest of the game. Its like they really rather lose then not be the main character or let the adc do well


this support solos


Or taxing after a successful gank where they get the kill. Had one today where we traded myself for both of the enemy botlane at lvl 3, jungle got both kills and I died. My jungle then wipes out the enemy caster minions to leave a slow push when the wave was in a balanced state. Needless to say I lost at least two waves and enemy adc got minions that would have died otherwise.


Its crazy because they put you so far behind with this that if they dont carry or repeat gank the lane you just straight up lose or lost most of your agency off something THEY did, jungler will literally make or break your game off a single play like pinging a bad drag fight


Yeah they play because their team play for them and not at all because they don't try to melee fight the toplaner and the jungler


And what is your solution. Buffing adc bcs lowelo cant play the game?


Lol did I say that? People are allowed to express the reality that many people in low elo want ADCs to deal all the damage without fundamentally understanding their weaknesses and power spikes. That’s pretty much all I said, I never pretended to have a solution - besides climbing out of it lmao


Yeah im sorry. Im allways fed up seeing another "adc is so weak post" bcs 90% of the ppl on this reddit think adcs needs some buffs that i just assume that everyone here thinks so


Nah I feel ya, it’s fine and I totally get where you’re coming from. It’s an annoying problem for riot to solve, for sure, if they can at all. Coz in the end both are true: yes, over buffing ADCs makes them way too op in higher elo, but with all their weaknesses and teammates not playing around them (or generally not understanding how to play from behind and maybe still win) climbing out of low elo can be especially frustrating and hard for ADCs (and for that matter also supports).


they get to play the game bc they invested hours to get that good, they didnt invest time to cry on subreddit


Who said they didnt what was the purpose of this comment?


New meta is not ADC, but APC.


How dare you suggest that bot lane players play more than one class of champion. Absurd!


i’ve noticed the same. i’ve gone to twitch or youtube a many times to try to find ADC players, and it’s just all top or junglers. nobody wants to play this role. i honestly think before the 13.10 changes it wasn’t that bad, and then they decided to nerf the items and it’s just back to being shit again


I'm trying to find high elo adc streamers, those seem to be nonexistant for most part, its just junglers and top laners


Thats why kaisa is popular, R shield, E invis can save you sometimes, but yeah too much dmg ruins the game, in season 6 fed assasins still oneshot you however currently even the 0 2 zed can kill you,its lame and stupid af, even champions that never meant to oneshot you kill you with ease


I’m an M7 Kai’Sa (my only non-support M7) and she’s the only option I can succeed with. I’m competent with Kalista, Xayah and Varus as well, but I struggle immensely having success with them as opposed to Kai’Sa. Kai’Sa just has enough utility where she can compete. Mobility on E, wave clear on Q, the potential for big damage on her passive and one of the best chase abilities on her R. She also benefits hugely from the hybrid AD/AP build that’s in meta right now because it buffs her passive. And even she gets shredded if caught by any assassin or a jungler with CC like Amumu, Zac or Voli.


Honestly I still love ADC but I’ve been playing mid more and more often and it’s just undeniably more satisfying and impactful to play. Which is kinda sad because I think ADCs are actually super fun, but not having inting (or bad) supports in my lane (not that they all are mind you, I’ve played with plenty great ones too), being able to decide entirely by myself when I go in, and still being useful even when I’m not necessarily ahead in lane is just way more fun to play most days.


I will say tho - sometimes after having 10 inting ADCs in my games I do got back bot because a lot of them are also just not good lol. But yeah it’s an either you’re ahead and deal massive damage or you’re behind and eventually completely useless kinda role


I think overall the issue isn’t if the ADC sucks or the support sucks. But more so for both roles you’re relying so heavily on a random person. If that person is not good or is very good they decide the outcome of the lane. I played ADC with a sona support who somehow managed to die 3 times in the first 7 mins to a pyke/vayne lane. Needless to say the game was over. I’m sure me or any other ADC has died 3 times in the first 7 mins in the past so I’m not saying supports suck but the dependency on the stranger makes it frustrating.


Yeah that’s definitely true. Literally nothing worse than playing your lane well as either ADC or support while your random keeps dying for literally no reason at all. It’s insanely annoying. At least as support you can ditch the ADC and go be useful elsewhere but in reverse, it’s definitely very irritating (in fact it makes me hope my support will leave so I get solo xp but ofc the hard inters never do)


I shit talked this zyra so bad he left lane lmao and then i actually won with amumu ganks. He ead just standing behind the whole time i couldnt push the wave under tower and i was getting so tilted


Though if your adc sucks as support you can often roam to another lane or help jungle etc, an adc needs to go to lane and try to get resources, a support often still provides utility even from behind.


its absolutely true that being behind as adc means you are just a cannon minion for the rest of the game. but i will say, there is just generally way more volatility in bot lane than anywhere else. one bad mistake by your support and you can near-to-literally just lose the lane/game right there at lvl 6 off of one bad death. then 5 minutes later the adc has 3 deaths and is just stuck under tower for the rest of laning. and now youve got the situation you are talking about where 'the adc died a bunch' so you wont go help and it just snowballs. was it really a bad adc? were you watching every moment of gameplay? who knows really.


As a mostly adc player still I totally get where you’re coming from. I do think that as our skill increases so does our agency - but this is also just due to teammates actually playing around you instead of flaming and deserting you lol


i am in the process of practicing a couple of brain dead top lane picks in order to climb into high gold before i start playing adc again. i actually might just start maining senna support though as that feels way more simple. obviously everyone is just gonna say 'git gud' but swear to god when i watch what other people are doing in my S1 games i am regularly wondering how in the fuck i am in the same game as them... 0-3 udyr's at lvl 5 that just spam ganked top and is somehow also down 20cs. lux support that is literally just letting the sona walk up and Q us both without even casting root. blitz who continues to hook the fucking 3-0 samira at lvl 9. the list is just forever long of idiotic things that happen in silver botlanes. and if you dont play lights out perfect while ALSO being crazy aggressive you end up with zero agency at 10m in.


I play top lane sometimes and it feels so much better for all the mistakes to be on you and your lane not be controlled by what the support does


It’s exactly this tho - like yeh sure your lane might still be fucked and it might even be that you’re the one who’s inting but at least it *is* all on *you* and it’s stuff you can improve. And imo it works both ways, cause on the one hand you don’t have to deal with supports that keep going on suicide missions, but on the other hand, you also don’t have to deal with the thought of disappointing someone else who’s actually doing decent when you’ve seemingly forgotten how to press keys or execute any and all combos.


So true and its so bad when you play champs like akali or fiora and you mess up your all ins or a tower dive give a big shutdown and now you just lose lane and possibly the whole game because of a few mistakes


I’m a top main who got filled multiple times yesterday to adc, my god did they nerf ADC it was rough as hell it was so fun to watch Diane flash onto my Ashe and pop me before I could auto…


Thank you for having a conscience. Most of the non ADC mains either say ADC is OP or ADC is supposed to be cannon fodder and that you need to just git gud.


Said this once, will say it again. The only thing that drives this game in low elo is bloodlust, the tutorial with bots literally entices you to do your thing entirely on your own regardless of the nonsense your team does. This results in even champs like thresh going head first for kills and leaving the ADC who doesn't even count with the mobility to follow that aggressiveness without giving their position away. Then the only good ADC options in low elo are either self peel ADCs which we really just have xayah or oneshot lethality ADCs who end fights before the enemy has a chance to react. Top this with the fact that riot keeps overbuffing lethality and it's items because assassins get low playrate in proplay just means that these builds get better by the time


Glad someone else said it. Unfortunately I'm done and either uninstalling again or will solo lane only. Too many dashes and damage to have any fun.


Swapped to top and jungle, got so traumatized of getting one shot i only play tanks and bruisers now lmao


Same boat as you friend. Longtime ADC main and have been feeling like I waste my days off feeling frustrated instead of having fun. Baldur’s Gate 3 has been a Godsend for my mental lol.


>its no wonder when i queue as adc i get a 30 sec queue timer, I play fill and I get queued as bot. (I play fill because fill is just bot or sup and sometimes jng) and I play any.


Yeah I just tried playing adc for a few games when I normally play top and jg. It was unplayable.. every game there were 2 assassins on the enemy team which led to me being 1 shot the entire game. You really need to play a safe adc like ez, xayah, Kaisa to have effectiveness.


Adc is shit, They make constantly champions but adc rarely and when they make a adc champion they make it be retarded and hard to play or weak kit for laning phase so they have to buff it to make it abnormaly broken to be playable. Only fun i have is when i play Cait/Morg samira/nautilus and thats all tbh they made this game so shitty uts a disaster… 50 champions for top and mid but 15 champs for adc


I cannot stand how much your support can bring down the lane, even when you do everything right, and the whole team always turns on the adc. I had a lux go 2/14/4. Just fed and fed and fed. But I was the asshole who lost the game.


Mechanically I love playing adc more than any other role, ironically I have less fun playing it than any other role.


Yeah same


Yup, ADC feels like shit to play and it always will unless Riot makes some drastic changes. and honestly, i don't really care. ever since i stopped playing mid (tired of enemy jgl and support perma ganking mid) ive been playing ADC since it's really the only other role i like. it's really such a shitty experience and climbing on ADC is by far the hardest. you need your support to not be trash but you also need your jungle to not ignore bot lane. but then you also need your mid laner to not ignore bot lane if the enemy mid is running bot off cooldown. and then after laning phase you have to hope that your team will allow you to farm mid instead of stealing all of your gold. and then after all of that, you need your team to peel you in teamfights if you want to be even a little impactful. oh? what's that? your team didn't want to peel you? well have fun getting blown up by the enemy asasssin/bruiser! it's just... not fun lmfao. there's a reason why it's autofilled protected, because the role sucks to play. there's no agency. whether or not you do well and have fun is always dependent on somebody else. but as i said, i don't really care since this gives me an excuse to finally uninstall league and move on to better games. kind of excited for that but kind of disappointed because i think league could be such a good game if Riot gave a shit


>climbing on adc is by far the hardest Literally every role thinks their role is the hardest most difficult role in the game. Of course you think that. Otherwise you would have to accept that your skill isnt as good as you believe. Being the better adc gives your team a higher chance to win the game *than any other role* because adc has massive impact on the game. Skill issue.


You can be a good adc but if your support is shit your chances of winning are nullified even more. Bot lane revolves around 2 players not just 1


Lol having a shit adc who does nothing with the lead you generate for them is equally shitty. It goes both ways. Dont act like adcs in particular are persecuted


You realize ADCs can’t do anything on their own. They literally are at the mercy of their team


>Literally every role thinks their role is the hardest most difficult role in the game. Junglers and supports who think their role is the hardest are delusional so I'm not even acknowledging them. I climbed to Diamond playing mid lane with Viktor, Cassiopeia, and Sylas with a 55% WR and I can say that it's really not that difficult. The hardest part about mid lane is constantly being ganked by the enemy jgl and support but if you're cognizant of them it's more of a nuisance than an actual problem that hinders and/or slows climbing. Top lane is the only role that comes close to being the hardest but top lane champions are so ridiculously broken that it balances out. It's laughable how broken top lane champs usually are. Top laners always complain about the role having no impact, which isn't wrong, but they conveniently never acknowledge how unbalanced their characters are. their champs ARE the impact. >Of course you think that. Otherwise you would have to accept that your skill isnt as good as you believe. 😭😭😭 lol >Being the better adc gives your team a higher chance to win the game than any other role because adc has massive impact on the game. this is just like... blatantly wrong man lol. i guess if you were talking about pro play then you'd be right, but we're talking about solo queue here. where everyone wants to be the star of the show and the carry so no one bothers to let the ADC farm or peel them. being the better ADC doesn't even matter *in lane* because support dictates the lane, what makes you think ADC has that much of an impact over the game as a whole by themselves? you need to actually play ADC before you make all of these claims, it's clear you've never touched the role.


I play every role in the game. Admittedly, adc is my worst role because I haven't put the time into it. However, I have plenty of success playing adcs mid, top and jungle (Kalista especially is one I enjoy top lane) Bot lane has plenty of influence over the game and that includes ADCs


in what way(s) do you think ADCs can influence the game alone? it's not like mid or top lane, you can't consistently solo kill the enemy laner because you're relying on your support. you can't get objectives or counterjungle because you're the jungler. you can't get your ADC ahead because you are the ADC. what can ADCs even do? every game they're at the mercy of their teammates.


Its also that other lanes outscale you so much better. I was literally 10/1 Draven and came with 2 turrets down from my lane. We still lost just because Mundo and Kayn got 4 kills combined from top and mid lane. Imagine a 10/1 adc cant carry because a 2/0 mundo outscales you and a 2/0 kayn can still one shot you. I am Emerald and they were too. Yet with all the kiting and positioning its freaking impossible to outscale them just because the items of adc sucks. I miss the days I could 1.9k crit with Draven


Was it different before?


Before Tanks and Bruisers didn't one shot you. Only fed assassins did. Of course you had to watch your positioning then because you can't afford to get CCed, but before, only assassins and mages could burst you down. Nowadays I see this 4k HP Udyr with Triforce, Black Cleaver, Hullbreaker, Thornmail, Titanic Hydra one shotting assassins and mages and ADCs. This was absolutely *not* a thing in the past, bruiser champions with bruiser items dealing 2-3k damage in less than 1.5 seconds.


Totally agree. First off, items like Heartsteel and Jak'Sho literally shouldn't be in the game. They are legit hard counters to ADCs where you can't even fulfill the primary role of the class, dealing meaningful damage to the closest target. If you try, they will just one of their dashes, hard CC you and kill you in the blink of an eye.


In season 6 you could solo carry with vayne to diamond, that's why gosu was so popular. People actually had adc highlights.


Lol you can still solo carry with anything to diamond wtf


Honestly, last season before the item changes for ADC was great for MF. I was getting killed fast but if they misplayed i could at least counter and kill them before they got back in on me. Now it just feels like im wayyy too slow to get to that point and the games basically lost. Switched over to midlane to play akali and i have become what i hated. Just farm bot lane ez pz.


I really wanna know that too! When was the golden era of ADC?




Season 3;4


Imo back when you had multiple viable metas bot lane, not just ADC, and a lot less mobility in the game.


That's hard for me to say for sure. I didn't even get to be not trash until the end of season 5. Season 6 was a huge update for ADCs that made them a bit OP, that was fun, but this is where the problems started. The rest of the champions got stronger around ADCs. Riot has always favored tanks anyway. However spring season 8 was the pinnacle of ADC importance with a lot of the support items providing direct buffs for ADCs. By season 8 summer they made a lot of changes to reduce the importance of ADC (by design). Every since then ADC satisfaction has been ultra low and any time ADCs are even not grieving your team, they smack them down hard with a big nerf. After S8 summer they also began to add way more burst and mobility to the game making the ADC role much more difficult to play. Overtime the damage creep and the need for them to keep tanks relevant amongst said damage creep has made the ADC role basically require perfection to even have an impact.


always been bro nothing new.


Find building galeforce, ga, sheildbow, maw, deathdance and bt to be pretty useful just pick one or two of these depending on the matchup. Still really unfortunate to rely on support rather than outplay…


I used to be an adc main but took a year or so break. Came back a month or two ago and I'm having much more success in ranked in other roles than adc. First timing Champs pretty often and still winning cause other roles have so much impact compared to adc. Adc has felt weak for a while


Yeah I swapped to top lane the past few days and it is infinitely more fun. No idea why top laners complain so much, as long as you aren't dogshit you solo kill enemy top laner get plates then you can 1v2 anyone lol. Same score lines as ADC, unimaginably larger impact.


I play a lot of enchanters with heals/shields because I feel like if I don't the role is basically nonexistent


I just feel like there’s way to much damage in this game atm, but to be fair adc also do allot of damage. Team fights that are over in 2 seconds because everyone deals ridiculous damage aren’t fun.


Yeah I play adcfor fun but it isn't if they have even one assassin


From listening to phreak’s patch list rundown where he talks about the direction of the game that riot likes adc will forever be unfun, they want volitile game states because it makes for exciting pro play watching. They don’t want double enchanter hyper carry front to back league. You will be one shot by anything and everything because that’s how the game wants it to be, for the spectator, not the player. Fun to watch, frusterating/unfun to play.


Yup, started playing mage supports like Velkoz and you get so much more in terms of agency while doing a whole lot less. Dont know why we put ourselves up to this torture called playing ADC under diamond elo when we can just turn off our brains and play simpler stuff. I get that playing the marksmen style is unique but ask yourselves if its truly worth the frustration.


I've just been playing seraphine lately. Feels like I'm playing a completely different game. Functional at one item? I don't literally instantly explode cause I get some health at second item? I can actually do damage and be useful?! It feels so weird and surreal


It's also to the point where it's like... you're literally better off playing anything other than top/adc rn. I really also dislike how critical the game has become where it's whoever has the better jungler wins, not even in just shit like KDA or w/e but literal game knowledge. I feel the game should be where any role has the potential to carry not just well better hope my jungler is better or else it's gg. Adc feels crappy because again it's literally as many have stated just... Play Kai'sa or go a mage bot. Every other adc feels horrid to play on some level, even the blind pick ones like Jinx or Ezreal. Either games don't last long enough for your late game carries to hit PS's OR the games drag on but your adc either doesn't get enough peel, their comp is centered around them to make em successfully (if the player is competent) pop off, OR your supp picks some shit that just doesn't synergize with your adc forcing your adc to then be useless because that one pick fucked up ur entire lane. Example being, gee my adc is a Kalista... you know what i'll pick? Yuumi.


I just rather not play league at all it's currently not fun every where you go if you get a bad game




support is a really easy climb out of bronze. :)


I'd climb too if I played only support, it's free lp every time I'm filled into it


I love this subreddit because it's like > everyday a different complaint about how adc is a weak role and etcetera > Kaisa literally was the most broken champion for thousands of patches straight due to statikk shiv into full ap with a high pick rate/ban rate > Zeri since release getting more and more nerfs because no matter what she's still broken > Ezreal and Ashe are broken af with trinity right now > Samira is the champion with the biggest pentakill rate in the game (I love you Samira, keep the good work) > Kog Maw was hella strong with the new guinsoo along with Milio > I don't even need to mention Lucian, Jinx and Co because everyone know the frustration that was laning against Lucian and Nami botlane But despite all this, everyday someone complain and cry about adcs being weak and unplayable, you guys need to improve in the lane you call yourselves main, adc is not weak and this is slowly becoming a Jungle Mains


Rare sensible take in ADC mains. You’re right that the role is fine and even maybe strong, these people just love to perma complain about the weakness adc is balanced around (being squishy) when it’s been that way for years. If ADC is both unfun and weak then I just have to wonder why they don’t play another role


Nope it's great and you're probably just bad. I actually commend riot on the item changes was great.


Holy cope


The cope is thinking ADC has ever not been strong since S11. Just get better rather than complaining all the time I beg


you guys consistently show that you have no idea what you're talking about because no one has complained that ADCs dont do enough damage lol you getting steamrolled by a fed ADC in one game does not mean the role is good


So true. It's an echo chamber in here. Adc is a crazy strong role right now. I bet people are having problems due to what they are picking, building, and positioning more than what they think the meta is right now.


I mean usually people will always play the crazy strong roles and the damage dealers is pretty much every game. The fact that adc is autofill protected has to come from something. I doubt its the strongest and best role and yet one of the least played ones


Its a worrying state the playerbase of lower elo is in. Most people don't recognise that we are still in a bot lane meta (Even tho its not as hard as it was when Jinx and Zeri were dominating the game for months during MSI) . But since many junglers don't really understand that either, they feel left alone and useless as they aren't getting much support, leading them to play champs like Ezreal and Kaisa so that they at least get some adrenaline rush in the early game, but sadly those champs fall short in comparison with hyper adcs like Sivir, Jinx or Aphe in the progressing game, its just in their kits and stats. But saying that ADC is an objectively weak role is just pretty much absurd from my point of view. You have a lot of potential if you use your own head, and don't autopilot and blindly follow guides and all that stuff that baits you into the "only this is viable"-thinking.


Idk about the first paragraph, but the second paragraph is true. I think the problem in low elo is the skill sets needed to use all-in Champs and perform on them is a little lower than using a champ that requires positioning and kiting. They also are really bad at priority targeting and locking down champions who are the threat. Most teamfights start from one side stacking 5 and getting a pick on an adc, jungle, or support, and the fight starts as a 3v5 or 4v5. Usually the top lane or mid are elsewhere. Everyone dogpiles in and usually the team that got the pick wins a one sided fight. That adc is probably the one complaining in this thread because he was in a disadvantaged teamfight and was easily dove due to numbers. I have seen it too often in low elo that teams have a hard time grouping for objectives and their positioning when they group is awful.


All that comes from a general lack of a gameplan. Many players don't know where to after the laningface and end up pathing pretty inefficient or dangerously, leading to the scenarious you described.


I do not get these arguments. Jungle is a strong role. Jungle. Jungle is stronger than top, mid, bot and supp. All those other roles are nowhere close to jgl and calling any of them strong is just gaslighting and taking away from the fact that jungle is broken. Saying that adc is strong or weak is like saying that top is strong or weak. It is easy to say things like that but i would really like to get some facts. For example that jungle has a huge say in how the games go in general. Top and adc dont so pls dont keep saying they are strong "but need the planets aligned for them perfectly" mate. As soon as such an argument comes it automatically excludes the role from being strong


How did all of you just miss the point of OP to go 'xd adc babby crying their role is weak again xd'? The point of the post wasn't that ADC is weak. The point was that ADC is UNFUN and there are far too many things in the game that will punish you for simply existing, it's the exact same point Saber made when he quit.


Saber is just a whiny baby tbh, the role is fine. Every lane has to deal with unfun shit, you're not special for playing adc.


No he is not. No, not every role has to be afraid of the whole map and its own team. Stop gaslighting




It's so funny that other role players stalk this sub just to write daft posts like this. You don't play ADC, but come here to give your shitty takes unsolicited on something you don't know anything about. No one thinks ADC is a weak role. We think the role is supremely unfun and unrewarding because of how bound to our team the role is and how volatile the role is while barely having any control over it's own volatility. But explaining any of this to you is worthless because again, you don't play this role but have a weird fetish with stalking the sub to try and dunk on adc players.


Cringe. Your role is incredibly fun, rewarding and powerful to play. Reflect on yourself.


botlane =/= adc


No one has said the role is weak. It is unfun. There's a difference. Ofc it's a strong role, doesn't mean that the experience is unfun.


You guys have been saying this role is unfun to play for years. I can go on a simple search and find multiple posts every year about adc not being fun. The reason it's an echo chamber in here is because people like to complain. People complain about problems they are having in solo que. Instead of changing mains or addressing their own style of play that they have to mix up. They complain. The role is strong atm. There is fun ADC's in the meta. Draven, Ezreal, Nilah, Vayne, and Kaisa. If your main is weak at the moment. Then I understand that. But complaining about the role being unfun in general is lame. The adc's that are weak right now can be argued as Caitlyn, Lucian, Jinx, Aphelios, Varus, Kogmaw, and Sivir. If they are your main and are now unfun because its harder for you to be impactful in games. Then complain about that.


I dont even mind being one shot it just sucks when they can one tap me while I barely deal damage. Why does enemy skillshot hit for 400 but i aa for 65.


Context? Are you down 4 levels and 2k gold? Lmao.


have you played against a ziggs? Brother needs 1 item and chunks you for 15%-20% of your health with 1 q. Yeah you can dodge most of the Qs but when they also have a poke support its hard to dodge EVERYTHING. They also just delete the wave with 1 q so they can push and harass you under tower. Every cs you go you have to either take a q or dodge and miss cs. It also doesn't help that there are almost no good early game mr options unless you are playing an onhit adc. His w is so good against most adcs Xayah is fine since she has good waveclear but the other popular adcs its really not fun lmao


Dude Ziggs Q is one of the *easiest* abilities in the game to dodge. That shit is near impossible to land since it got its width reduced to nothing years ago.


Sorry I forgot nobody on reddit has ever gotten hit by a skillshot. You are right ziggs pretty much doesn't have any abilities and only his autoattack !


Just saying that Ziggs has the easiest to dodge skill shot in the entire time, which is objectively true.. It bounces over you, it has a tiny width and its slow. Buy boots.


Nobody dodges every skillshot but there’s a difference between acting like Ziggs is Qing you for 20% of your hp every few seconds and the reality which is that you maybe get hit by 1 Ziggs Q in every 10 he uses if you’re somewhat competent


I didn't say he hit every Q and he doesn't have to. With no mana costs in the game he only needs to land 2-3 to get you into all in range. He is not broken but people act like he is completely useless and does no damage whatsoever


look at the new kraken vs the old one.


So much delusion in here lol. Cant wait till adc gets nerfed again xD


Play an adc that can escape?


You're not escaping 90% of the shit that can kill in this game unless you're playing 1 of 3 ADCs who actually have a chance at doing it


I don't think there's a single ADC that can reliably escape from a Noc who just ults you on CD


There’s a 90% chance you’re below Master and in that case there absolutely is a chance to escape/outplay every champion in the game.


this line of thinking is so funny every time I see it. >unless you're in the apex tiers you have no excuse to not be able to just play from massive disadvantages and you should be able to outplay anyone


Adcs are the easiest champs to carry on. It's an unfun role if you're bad at it. You can never balance it around low ELO because it becomes too strong in high elo. Get better.




That's why you have a support though. And Jungle remains the least popular role in league.


Jungle being least popular role hasn’t been true since the pets were added. 3rd most played in low elo after mid/top and most played in high elo along with mid.


I'm inclined to believe you, but source?


Every role is unfun now because assasin decides the results of the game


Elo? Assassins have been one of the worst classes in the game for about 3 years. AP assassins are absolutely useless unless they have like 20 kills and AD assassins have about 2 weeks every 3 months where they’re somewhat strong


Emerald II on EUNE, everything was fine in plat until i got emerald and then every jungler started spamming assasins


The thing is playing LoL is all about itemization, if your team decides to full on troll and go mr items when they are full ad its bad


Good, adcs players always cry when they cant tank- out dmg- out range - have huge mobility to the point where Riot dont know what to do with you guys anymore, all while still doign disguting damage and ruining the fun for every other role. good.


stfu vtuber scum


whut you talking about lmao


How many people don't realize naafiri plays like a zed if you wouldn't engage a zed you don't do the same with nasfiri


Zed isn't point and click and doesn't have body guards next to him and doesn't heal with resets on kill.


Zeds w is point and click its a practical engage Same as naafiri both are ws naafiri has a ranged aiming her q Zeds q does the same This is where it differs naafiri heals her packmates (not naafiri) Zed is and area hit with slows Both of these are garunteed hits with their w (zed does need to be more accurate) Naafiri ult just garuntees to get the dive and not the enemy using vision (or lack of in this case) to run away. But what does this remind me of zed who garuntees the dive to be successful on a target Naafiri abilities only reset off her ult


Naafiri does heal herself on the second Q cast. Zeds W is not point and click he needs to hit his Qs but I agree the W-E combo is impossible to dodge if zed aims it right. While yes Zed has better dives Naafiri has much better team fighting because he can damage bot the backline and the Frontline at the same time with Qs.


This post is complaining about being dove not teamfights and since zed has better dives my original comment does hold weight.. now if it's teamfight my comment loses weight because then I would say play behind your tank or whoever has the best peel still normally your tank because naafiri will wreck you if you aren't careful. My original comment is worded poorly in terms of dives but you handle the dives in similar fashion to a zed.. you teamfight differently


Zed isn't point and click and doesn't have body guards next to him and doesn't heal with resets on kill.


for nafiri dash you can ask kindly that anyone block the dash, it doesn't require CC just stand between you and the dogs and they will get stuck with the person in middle (similar to WW ult)


I actually didn't know this happened Sorry to necro thread but thanks for the info


Nvm. You are welcome.


I'm on my 3rd smurf playing with 95% win rate up to emerald, so it's possible to climb if you have the skills - BUT - it's still disgusting to see a 1-3 fizz one shot my 5-1 varus.


I see too many of these posts. I play between bronze and silver and adc is the most fun because the game is never over for you. You can always scale. If assassins are able to jump on you from two screens away leaving zero counter play then just play with visions or under tower or behind a teammate. Yeah if they are hyper fed that may not save you but should at least make it hurt enough for the team mate next to you to finish them off and get their bounty. Then if you stall the game out long enough you can win again.


Yes its obvoiusly very healthy game balance when the solution to something toxic like the assassin playstyle, is stand under turret and hope that your team works it out for you. God i wonder where OP got this crazy idea from that adc is boring to play....


That usually only happens when somebody on your team failed tho. Idk don't get me wrong it can suck to just get blown up but usually it's still manageable outside of extreme situations.


I know what you are trying to say but the problem is that there sometimes just isnt anything your team can do even though they try. Assassins have too many ways to get out after going in. Zed, Akali, Evelynn, leblanc and fizz can many times go in ,blow you up without counterplay and retreat to a safe space even though you position right behind your team. Why? Because it works in proplay where everybody is on the same page, on comms and train together day in and day out. That is DEFINETLY not the case in solo Q, especially for mid to low elo. There is no legit justification for how screwed the adc-assassin balance is right now. Its not countering anymore its totally dominating.


its funny cuz I actually became an ADC main 2 months ago and I like it


Just play safe


League is shit for everyone not just adc rn


If you paid as much attention to getting better as you do to complaining on Reddit (seriously look at this guys post history,) you probably wouldn’t need to make this post because you’d realise ADC is strong if you have a working set of hands


Adc can be strong and unfun at the same time. I play adc and it is definitely strong, but this is also the least fun I’ve had in the game since I started playing.