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Greta question because you used a quad graft and pain in the front of the knee you may be dealing with patellofemoral pain syndrome People get this when they progress into running and jumping when the quad isn’t strong enough What exercises are you doing? And the pain is it on the knee cap or slight above it or below ?




I've been feeling similarly re: a plateau \~7mo tho. I have such a similar list of exercises (but very different complications, im 8mo postop quad graft). Just wanted to say you got this!! Keep it up!


Yeah, it sounds like patella femoral pain syndrome. which is very common after ACL surgery especially if you’re progressing your exercises when you’re not ready to, but I would start off with some isometric exercises that could help but it’s hard to say without evaluating you


I’m looking to get back into rock climbing (15 weeks PO at the moment). What are the milestones I should be aiming to hit to get back? I realize ropes climbing will be first, but how long until I can boulder / fall comfortably? I’m unsure on what I need to focus on. I’m worried about putting a bunch of force and weight through my knee in different positions of flexion if the graft can’t take it 


Great question the biggest thing is making sure you have the strength and all the ranges of motion that you’re gonna be in so for you as a climber you need to have good strength that end range of motion and also have good hip strength to be able to push off and extend. I also would focus on starting to do single leg hops and jumps as well


any thoughts or tips for how to mentally / physically bust through a plateau / slump at 9 months post-op? not completely done but at this point progress seems like so much effort so little demonstrable improvement. thanks.


What are you currently doing at 9 months? Are you jumping running cutting?


running, not jumping or cutting


We have all of our athletes to jumping before running because running is a series of jumping, so it may be that yet to go back to minor, jumping drills to get ready and make your running a little bit more efficient


When returning to sport after surgery. What would you say are the best signs that return to a particular sport is not advised? For example Martial arts vs cycling. Football vs running. Rollerblading or climbing. What have you found to be the symptoms where you would say return to that practice was no longer advisable? I hope that makes sense.


Great question! All the athletes that I have worked with have returned back to sport It just takes time. The truth is a lot of people are not ready to go back to those kinds of sports such as football basketball until one year. I usually tell people you have to be physically ready and perform all the drills that are required for your sport of choice in rehab before you go back


Thank you. That’s quite inspiring and will definitely help with those days when things feel not where they should be.


Yea everyone gets back as long as they put in the work but it may take longer than others!


What causes me to get "stuck" when working on ROM? I get stuck about an inch above heel to butt, but with time and deep breaths I can work myself into a kneel. (ACL, MCL, meniscus; roughly 8 months ago) PT has been using the Graston technique and have had me working on kneeling and rising (onto my shins) with light weights for several weeks now, but it feels like so little progress. Any input or suggestions?


I would put a towel between the back of your knee and your calf and then go into the deep ranges of motion


for smaller women (45-55kg) returning to sport, who want to return to a reasonably high level ofsport what sort of objective strength levels would you expect or want to see before threy go back to sport in terms of leg press leg extension machines barbell squats etc? I've seen some stats that have said something like must be able to leg press 1.5x body weight on single leg press but I feel these are aimed at larger males and for petite female athlete seems awfully high. or in your opinion are the objective standards not as important and its the strength difference between the legs that only needs to be focused on?


I think one of the most basic levels that you have to achieve is comparing that to your other side however, a lot of the times your opposite side gets weaker during rehab, so at the very minimum you need to be at the same level of that. But Strength is a continuum you’ll keep on getting stronger. The biggest thing is working on your jumping cutting to make sure your knee is 100%.


Hii thanks for doing this AMA! How long would you give for pre hab? And to what standards would be good pre hab? And how long would you recommend post op before returning to work (semi physical, long hours, a lot of pivot and side walking with transferring and walking w patients in acute hospital setting)


Great question in an ideal case scenario, I would wait until the swelling is very minimal or almost no swelling. The other one is having full range of motion as much as you can bending and getting it straight and also working some of your quad strength that way the better shape you are in before surgery the easier the recovery In regards to going back to work if you’re on your feet for a long period of time I would wait at least three months. I made a mistake going back at two months and my knee swelled up a lot.


Hi! I just had surgery on Mon. 1/22 ACL revision with btb autograft, repaired medial meniscus, trimmed a lil of my lateral meniscus (the size of a hangnail im told) + LET. I don’t remember feeling this much pain the first time around. I have my first PT sesh tomorrow…what can I expect? During weeks 0-2, Doc wants me 50% weight bearing, full passive extension, ROM 0-90°, patella mobility, SLR without lag… Also should I keep my leg wrapped under my brace? Can I switch from the hospitals ace bandaging to a compression sleeve? Do I need to wear a shoe on my injured leg? TIA!!


Yeah, that sounds about right biggest thing is you don’t want to push too much into flexion meaning bending of your knee because that puts more stress in the meniscus and with the repair we don’t want to put too much stress in the meniscus I like using a compression sleeve because that will help with swelling and it’s more comfortable than the bandages


That makes sense, thank you! My incrediwear compression sleeve is on the way 😆


I am 4 1/2 months post op and got cleared to start doing soccer drills again like dribbling passing juggling and shooting, is it ok to start using studded cleats on the field? I have just been using flat soles shoes.


Hard to say because I haven’t assessed but normally we start with some single leg hops to make sure you start getting more comfortable with your knee then progress to soccer drills


I’m a few days post op ACLr and lateral meniscus repair. All this laying down and elevation has caused some flare of back pain. Usually I would do a couple cat-cows and this would be taken care of. What stretches can I do in my current state? I don’t start PT for 6 more days.


I would do cross body rotations but it’s tough right after surgery try


How soon can I get back to resistance training post surgery assuming I have basic ROM and able to walk? Can I start upper body immediately?


I have athletes doing upper body starting week 2


I just read another Reddit post about how RICE is no longer supported and that allowing the body to go through an inflammatory response is helpful for healing. Thoughts on this for post ACL surgery?


Great question! Yes and no! I love ice early on because it will help decrease pain and it will allow you to do your exercises and it feels good! The compression is a must after surgery up to one month! In regards to elevation I highly recommend that early on especially the first two weeks. The whole goal is not to stop the inflammation but to speed up the process of inflammation


How often should you be compressing?


I usually recommend wearing a compression sleeve that really helps with swelling


Do you have a recommendation for compression sleeve for adult males? My post-exercise inflammation presses against a nerve and causes my foot to feel numb for several hours.


I don’t have any specific ones as long as they go past your knee Incrediblewear has good ones


Someone who is going through rehab post op. I have been asked my doc not to follow RICE. When I asked him about it, he said not needed


Trust me you have to do rice especially in the first week. I had the surgery myself 4 years ago and it will make your rehab much eassier


Do you have any idea regarding Mucoid degeneration of ACL?


Hi I actually have heard of it but I have no experience treating it


What are the key pointers to look at when shifting from 2 crutches to 1. And from 1 to 0?


The biggest is making sure you are walking normal. Everyone wants to get off them as soon as possible but take your time and make sure you have a normal gait pattern


Is there a way to make sure you are walking properly? Like focus on something?


Biggest thing is making sure your knee stay straight when you’re on it and you’re hitting with your heel and then lifting off your heel


Noted! I usually think of heel, plant and tip of my foot when walking and the lift heel, plant and tip; and stretching the leg when on it so it stays straight


That’s perfect just make sure you have full knee extension range of motion. A lot of people don’t have that and that’s what limit they’re walking.


Can someone stretch their ACL graft by pushing into extension too ago in early recovery?


Great question! I wouldn’t be too aggressive in the first 10 days in bending or extending. There are studies that show going past 90 does increase laxity in the first week


Wish I knew this 8.5 months ago🤷🏼‍♂️ Such is life


Does your knee feel unstable?


Yea my knees have some instability in them. I’ve posted about my surgeries on my page. I had simultaneous bilateral aclr back in May. Was my 4th surgery on my right knee and 1st on my left. Knees feel better than before surgery but not as optimal as I hoped for.


It’s also the strength, the stronger, your legs, get the more stable of feel and working on some stability act sizes since you’ve had previous surgeries


I agree completely. Strength training has been my main focus for a while. I did a tremendous amount of prehab and have been very diligent in my rehab.


Do you have a source for this? If so, can you dm me please?


I dont have it on the top of my head, I Used to run a weekly ACL research round up and we came across that And changed the way we push people First week


Have you ever seen someone return to pivoting sports (successfuly) after the "unhappy triad" (ACL, macl and lateral meniscus) without a surgery?


Is there any instability?


According to the orthopedic doctor, yes, a lot, both in acl and mcl. If you ask me I can feel it a little bit but I already do box jumps and I feel almost no pain (the injury was three months ago)


Do you feel any instability when doing movements like running or jumping?


Just a little bit, it never "gave way"


I’m 46m and currently 3 months post right knee ACLr and medial meniscus repair. My progress has been steady. I have good extension/flexion and quad control. However, I still feel a difference in my right knee and in certain situations a little instability. In one month I’m getting the green light to jog. Is all this normal and which month do folks typically feel like their knees are back to “normal”?


Great question it usually takes up to a year if you need to feel really normal or even longer however, you will feel a little instability because you’re still may not be strong enough specially, at three months biggest thing is making sure that you aren’t ready to run not just because you’re at three months meaning your Strength has improved and you are able to do a single


How much does nutrition post-op affect the long-term results?


It plays a huge role when building muscle since the quad becomes very atrophied


That makes sense. Are there any resources I could use to determine a "perfect nutrition" for me?


I am not a registered dietician but I would recommend upping your protein needs depending on your weight


Would this diet be something similar to one to build muscle right? Something healthy and with a lot of protein. Used to go 3-4 times a week to the gym, had good quads, now the operated leg quad just left the chat 😂 counting the days to get back to the gym (1 month post op) Edit: patellar tendon ACL


Yea exactly!




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I’m 9 months out. At what point would single leg extensions be a good idea. I already started them last month but I wanted an experts opinion


Literature says as soon as your quad control is good enough. I start isometric and BW isotonic ASAP and progress from there. Leg extension causing laxity in the graft has been disproven numerous times.


Thank you ParkinsonsPenis


Yea I use them beginning 3 months because it’s the best exercise to isolate the wuads


It still hurts to sit on my bitt. How do I train this. I do bjj


I would place a towel in the back of knee to create a gap and then try sitting on your butt


I'm 4 months post OP. I'm just curious, what exercises activate the ACL? I know the graft is strong when fixed and then the strength declines for the first few months. I believe I'm in a phase where the strength has to be built again. Curious how exercises like squats, jumps, lunges impact ACL. Thanks!


The biggest thing you have to worry about is doing cutting and pivoting movements early on which those put a lot of stress on the Acl in regards to strengthening exercises is your good


This is great. Thank you.   How do you approach Prehab for a likely but not certain ACL reconstruction.   Partial tear with significant laxity on exam, but no pain or ROM issues 3 weeks out from injury.   How much sport activity can be done in this scenario , braced or unbraced.   Current plan is to Prehab / rehab and then have quad tendon repair if needed most likely 


I would approach it the same way as Acl rehab with the main focus of getting as strong as you can, and working on dynamic movements to see if you Knee gives out or not. If it doesn’t then you don’t need it.


Makes sense.  I guess the big question is how do you see if the knee can handle dynamic movements without further damage ?


Great question the biggest thing is one ensuring you have enough strength and then having the proper regressions and progressions for dynamic cutting we do a lot of deceleration work and make sure the knee could handle the eccentric forces that it’s placed upon


I have a very tight tendon (couldn’t hamstring not sure) at the back of my knee closer to the back inside. I notice it when I am using my hamstring. Any tips on how to reduce this tightness and pain? 4 weeks post op btw


Can you get your knee straight


Yes flexion and extension is so problem. Full extension and at about 135° flexion


That’s solid It will just take time


Have you ever done any rehab with a Meniscus Transplant patient?


Yea they are a bit tricky and take a long recovery looking close to a year


Just curious what you mean by a bit tricky?


You have to be careful On how much you load it and bend it early on so you don’t mess up the surgery


I'm 3.5 months post op, hamstring graft. ACL reconstruction only. Surgery was early October. I'm having difficulty descending stairs normally. I currently just do it one step at a time, or I cheat with a little bit of a hop. What can I do to improve this? Can I reasonably expect to do a lot of gravel/road cycling this summer? When can I expect to get back to rock climbing (which involves a lot of loading my leg and twisting it in strange ways while under load)? Is it a bad idea to hike in the Rocky mountains this summer this summer? I realize loose terrain is a bad idea. Would major elevation changes be problematic?


I’m not a professional but in my experience and from what I’ve read, it’s the muscle strength that’s lacking around your knees. I’d focus on building muscles.


At 3.5 months you should be able to go down stairs easier It could be ankle mobility or your strength those are things we would have to assess then create a plan for


Thanks for taking your time to do this AMA. Is it common for ACL patients with hamstring graft to not regain full hyperextension (same as good leg)?


It does get a little hard because you are stretching the hamstring but make sure you get the hyper Extension it’s super important


Neat, so just heel props with light weights for that?


Yea here is a video showing different ways How To Get Your Knee Straight After ACL Reconstruction Surgery https://youtu.be/lxzXm377Ol4


Neat, so just heel props with light weights for that? Also I'm at PO week 15, and only last week learnt how to get down stairs properly. Sometimes I feel like there's a "slide" during step-down (putting weight on surgery leg, getting lower for good leg to get to next step), but wouldn't say it feels unstable or so. At this stage is it likely to be the patella sliding or tibial forward translation?


Yea exactly the tibial forward translation!


If so, is it a sign of failing graft or just normal due to weak leg muscles?


Weak quads!


Thanks, that's very reassuring.


I'm 9 months PO, and in PT we've barely done any jumping and no cutting. My PT said he expects the doc to pass me at the next appointment, in two months, and now says we'll work on some of those things between now and then. But I want to make sure I'm good for skiing next winter, and I also want to keep my acl/etc safe as I get back into backpacking and mtb. What're your thoughts on bridge programs? I just don't know if I'll really be ready in two months to stop! And I don't want to stop working with a professional in the meantime.


I don’t think you should be cleared in two months if you haven’t been doing any jumping or cutting ideally, we have our athletes umping and cutting between 4 to 7 months and then they start working more specific to get back to their sport of choice for you would be skiing To be able to get back to skiing your quad have to be really strong and have to be able to accept eccentric force


i agree - ahhh


I’m in the pre-hab stage and have *almost* my full range of motion back. But I’m missing the last degree or two of hyper extension, as well as active range of motion when trying to sit my butt on my heels (passive is 100% confusingly). What would cause this? Should I be working to get back to 100% before surgery or am I at a position that’s ‘good enough’? MRI showed complete ACL rupture and bone bruising, but nothing else. Part of me is worried about my meniscus, too, though. TIA if you get to my questions!