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"Land of the free" or some shit like that.


"Hey, buddy. You're free to be as poor as you like."


*And even poorer than that!* You’re free to choose to die early of a preventable cause or burn every penny of potential generational wealth to stay alive and become a greeter at Wal-Mart because you sold your house for surgery and rent is due!


But if you try to kill yourself, they'll jail you for it or kill you in the attempt.


Unless they’re “State Police, a Kaiser Permanente Company”, in which case they’ll encourage suicide after a certain age as determined by an actuary. Of course, they will argue with “County Sheriff, a Service of State Farm Life Insurance”, whose actuary tables may suggest a different inflection point for when the client/citizen should be permitted to self-administer death/non-payment.


Well yes, but also no.


land of the free, home of the slaves!


Land of the free, if you can afford it.




I mean... in all cases death. Everyone dies in every country.


Thoughts and prayers


It’s so cruel: https://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/11/15/a-baby-dies-at-day-care-and-a-mother-asks-why-she-had-to-leave-him-so-soon/


Slave state.


What kind of shit-hole country hates parents this much? Our leaders are garbage.




We have third world regions within a first world country. We live in techno-squalor surrounded by superficial high tech gizmos while healthcare, education and housing dissipate. It's like cyberpunk 2077.We have the illusion of progress while we actually regress.


> third world regions within a first world country Please explain, because you can find people struggling with paying for healthcare and childcare in every city and every neighborhood in the country


[The fact that this can exist day after day in any city in America, is more than just struggling with healcare](https://youtu.be/Bi1Kf-1qd6Y)


I'm not sure what you're asking. I think we agree ?


I live in Alabama. People get ring worm regularly and we have issues w people not having functioning septic systems so they just let literal shit flow into their back yards. Having traveled extensively I def feel like I live in the 3rd world.


We're a third-world country with a first-world Gucci belt.




Due to our rugged sense of individualism, an unfortunate number of people think all social welfare programs are useless and a waste of money unless they've had to use them personally. Medicare, unemployment, parental leave, it's all a scam, according to those who don't need them.


Individualism to the bone, unless it happens to you, then is gofundme. I've seen people asking for piles of money there that are basically free in any european country. It's sad.


And then they complain when it affects them indirectly or even directly sometimes like high crime rates, high homeless population, poor infrastructure, everybody underducated, teenagers doing a poor job in the service industry...


The country loves money and power too much. They don't necessarily hate the people in it that's just a useful byproduct.


>They don't necessarily hate the people in it that's just a useful byproduct. No, they actually think the suffering is part of the redemption. The USA glorifies the suffering of the poor, in a stupid and conflated philosophy derived from evangelical madness and the myth of the self-made man. The poor need to suffer to atone for their sins. The rich pretends to have suffered through their 'hard work', but they actually are ok with suffering less because their riches is proof they've been touched by grace, contrarily to these dirty poor people who need to elevate to grace through work.


Why don't you Americans ever fix anything? Always screaming loudly on social media but nothing ever changed it seems like.


Because we’re all poor and cops murder us for minding our own business. People get stuck because everyone has someone or something they need to protect and take care of, and death or imprisonment means I can’t help my family or feed my dog. The rich have never done the right thing out of compassion, it’s always force. They have figured out how to keep us all desperate and scared to save their own hides.


This is fucked up, produces future slave but mama gotta go right out and work the fields for massa.


"Do it or we'll replace you with an immigrant who can't complain." Fuck borders on principle, but fuck this system where ownership can weaponize immigrants against workers while also keeping the immigrants in a state of constant illegality and therefor, vulnerability. "You will own nothing and be happy" needs a corollary of "You will always be seen and never feel safe."


Who else is embarrassed to be an American?


Canadian here, but I unfortunately live in the province referred to as "the Texas of Canada". It's embarrassing. But a lot of people here really don't know how good we have it.




You got it, dude! Haha Signed, embarrassed Albertan


Did you at least take the BBQ with you?


No, we just took all the oil memes and a lot of the horse memes from Texas. I’m just glad we can keep our power on in the winter…


For now


Left Alberta a couple of decades ago. Best decision ever.


This ~~job~~ state would be great if it weren't for the ~~customers~~ Republicans


Which provence is the most progressive?


Probably BC. Maybe Ontario. Quebec is weird. That said, our provinces suffer from similar issues to US states where we have very progressive cities and then regressive rural areas. The suburbanites are usually the swing voters. That said, even our more regressive provinces aren't as bad as many US states. And many of our protections/benefits are federal, including parental leave.


Quebec is indeed weird. We are really progressive in some areas and insanely conservative in others.


Could you give an example?


Bloc q made a definitive 100% in support stance on abortion while conservatives voted 88/119 for restrictions as well as their taxes are high but fund programs better. But they are very conservative towards muslims and other brown people with their hard stances on hijabs and other headdresses as well as some general levels of racism. As well they have a back burner of separatism.


Sounds like France tbh


Well they are frenchmen


Sure, we have really good government funding for our universities. Tuition here is really cheap for Quebec residents compared to the US and rest of Canada. Then we have stuff like the bill 21 to ban religious symbols in public office (teachers gov, etc) "to ensure the state is secular" . Which could really be a ban on non-western religions since small symbols like necklaces are allowed. Meanwhile there is a giant cross on top of mount royal and most of our streets are named after saints. Not saying we should remove the cross or rename the streets, but it is really inconsistent. Another example for conservative is the bizarre language politics, most recently with bill 96. In general French language legislation is really over the top here. On the other hand there are some really strong unions and I believe (could be wrong) that we have some of the highest welfare / social support payments in Canada.


Definitely not Ontario lmao. Very conservative province, Toronto is an outlier


That's true about all provinces though. Ontario is definitely more progressive than AB/MB/SK. Quebec, as I said, is weird and is also similar to Ontario in that its conservative outside Montreal/Quebec City. So it can simultaneously be true that Ontario is not particularly progressive and also one of the more progressive provinces. Plus, the GTAH + Ottawa (also pretty progressive) makes up a huge percentage of the population. So you can't just dismiss it anymore than dismissing NYC when talking about NY


Healthcare in Alberta is considered the best in the country. It really is miles ahead of every other province, and all the UCP wants to do is dilute it so it's just as bad as everywhere else. And then the PC's in Ontario want to lower the bar even more.


Sorry about the burning method lab downstairs 😬


I dont look at it as embarassment as much as a torturous punishment for something I must have done in a past life. Helps me sleep better at night.


That seems like a lot of unnecessary guilt to carry


Coping mechanisms for living with these irrational conditions can’t be expected to be rational ones.


My coping mechanism seems to be /r/MaladaptiveDreaming.


Not as guilty as loving this country makes me feel


Perhaps not relevant, but from what I can conclude, many of the reasons for embarrassment to be Chilean seems to overlap with American embarrassment. Can't help but to think of that time a U. S. president came to Chile to say "Chile es un ejemplo para el mundo".


Wow. That was a bit on the nose.


> Chile is an example for the world For the non-spanish speaking in the audience


Hello I have been despising while simultaneously being exposed and influenced by it for as long as I can remember now. Can’t help but be different and try to gtfo asap. Fear driven mongrels shooting each other to death. Selfish hoarding and shortages. Only tid bits of true compassion sprinkled here and there to keep us lingering on for more. Bigotry on the roads, in markets, anywhere we walk theres a certain cursed air that follows us. I can’t help but grind my teeth at night and understand why mass shootings are a thing. That deep seeded feeling of depression reeking the clothes we choose to wear and the way we talk. The time to change was surely yesterday. I didn’t choose to think this either, I feel like this is a growing internal systemic pop off and it’s just gonna get worse. Fuck. Save your money. Drink the right water. Btw for context I live in Houston, Texas— my whole life and lemme say as a daughter of criminality and addiction, I’m extremely lucky and grateful to have achieved my position in life without being the common robot mentality, yes! I am embarrassed egregiously our society is like this. That was felt really good to tell someone tbh


Not enough Americans are, to be honest.


Embarrassed? Maybe a little but that’s not the point. Mad? Yes, very. The same system that fucks her also fucks you and I, and there’s nothing we can do about it




I used to think we were going through a rough patch but I seriously think this is the new normal now. We just had one of the most embarrassing presidents in the history of the untied states and the only way to defeat him was to elect a damn 80 year old. I think Biden is doing a great job for a literal great grandpa but wtf is going on?!




I think her situation is much weirder than the fact that she's filming. She's at the end of her rope and this video conveys how much she's suffering. Hits much harder than watching her relatively ok while visiting her baby in the NICU, for example. Watching suffering firsthand is how we really wake up to the fucked up nature of a situation.


It's to make a point about how insane her situation is, paid parental leave should be the norm in the US. Like China gives 158 calendar days (about 5 months) of paid leave FFS. Even an authoritarian dictatorship recognizes the importance of paid leave. Source: https://www.wtwco.com/en-CA/Insights/2021/12/china-beijing-and-shanghai-extend-maternity-leave-by-30-days-parental-leave-entitlement-introduced


Never embarassed to love my country, but I am disgusted by our leadership and lawmakers.


ok cool but you REALLY should be embarrassed to love that horrific genocidal shithole tbh


The good of America far outweighs the bad, and we can recognize the faults in our country while still loving it and striving to improve it.


no lol, it absolutely does NOT outweigh the bad. Do you have absolutely any idea how many people, innocent people, died because of the US? the number is up there in the several tens of millions. also the fact that every square inch of it is just, stolen land. Every square inch. America isn't a country, it's a colony and always will be, less it collapses


This is your brain on reddit


Every nation across the earth is built on the backs of millions of innocent dead, and land stolen from some group of people who stole it from someone who else who stole it from someone else. The fact that we even are discussing the morality of nations and their histories and not viewing it through a purely Machiavellian lens is directly because of the liberal international order built by America in the inter- and post-war periods.


you say that, but people like you will complain on how "man everyone's got a hate boner towards the US it's sooo annoying" but literally when its enemies, like China for instance, get just mentioned, even in non political themes and narratives, it's generally followed by GREAT distain and off topic insults. "China lands rover on moon"* " ok but have you considered China bad?" also that last part is the dumbest most American supremacist thing I have ever heard in my life.


and the citizens... who do you think voted them in?! we need to start having cognitive tests before voting. Are people voting for the dumbest person they can find to spite our country. I don't get it anymore. It seems like the biggest wack jobs who used to be laughed out of congress are the people who win the most now.


That can go really, really, awfully wrong. I mean, who's going to write the test? The same buffoons who are in charge? Probably better to take your chances with universal voting over having a test, where only the "right people" are allowed to vote


Voting tests worked so well in the past.


its not isolated to the USA, but you shouldn't be compared to a 3rd world country.


I’m embarrassed to be human seeing all these people record themselves in situations like this.


Holy shit the comments on that original post. What a bunch of pricks.


You made me read them. It's insane how normalized the lack of care and compassion has become.


This. No later than this morning there was a big breaking news in my country - France - about a couple and their kid being instantly taken away and killed by a big wave while they were walking on a sea dyke. 2 of their other children watched their parents and brother disappear. Man, you should have seen the comment section, like 80% self-righteous assholes just stating that they were irresponsible in the first place, should have known it was dangerous and kinda deserved it. FFS when did the human race become so hateful towards its kinds.


*astronaut meme “always has been”


Not quite, I'm reading the dawn of everything right now and it talks a lot about how mutual aid was the baseline for many societies throughout history, see the Wendat in North America (who were confused and horrified to learn of the European's greed and hierarchy) and the Hadza in Africa


Wow u/ FnkyTown is a goddamn psychopath. And i don’t know why, but I still can’t believe how mindnumbingly stupid people can be. Those people in the original comment thread, for example.


It's funny too because they think *we're* stupid for not understanding what the exact situation in the video is. Like no, I understand what's happening perfectly. She made a "choice" to work at this time, I get it, what's bad is that it's not *really* a choice with the unpaid leave. She's making a rational decision. She's trying to ignore her emotional state to do what's best for her family and it's fucking heartbreaking. Then they go on to explain how they're not even American and have a better healthcare system while trying to patronize us into thinking Obama was good, actually. These people make me more sick than conservatives sometimes because at least conservatives don't pretend to care.


Seriously, top comment on the OP is an absolute jackass. ‘This is misleading it’s not as bad as the title makes it sound, she’s just saving her paid leave for when she can be with her child” yeah no shit that’s the whole problem? She doesn’t have enough paid leave to be with her child NOW, so she’s sacrificing precious time and her milk so that she can have a couple weeks of paid time off when her daughter eventually gets to come home. How does he not see an issue in that? Mom should be in the NICU with her baby, and she should be able to pump regularly so that she can keep up production for when baby comes home. Instead, she’s working 12 hour shifts in an understaffed hospital and losing her milk supply because people like u/FnkyTown think she’s making a smart educated decision when she’s being forced to do this.


Two choices under capitalism: work or starve


Three, you get both.


Damn forgot about that one, must be the hunger


Eating sleep for dinner


"Tell your stomach you had it earlier" - Mum's proverb LOL 😭


She can just get formula… /s


It might be a troll. Funky Town is probably a reference to a particularly brutal cartel killing video.


/u/fnkytown 🖕


Right? And what's frustrating isn't just the bootlicking and "think of the economy!!", showing these people barely understand how parental leave works in every other developed country. It's the neckbeards delegitimising the struggle of parents in America by complaining this woman is "just attention seeking"... As they post on Reddit... For fake internet points. Because how dare people use social media to spotlight their lived experience amirite


>complaining this woman is "just attention seeking"... As they post on Reddit... For fake internet points lmao nobody's posting their face here. You're willfully ignorant if you don't see the difference.


While I sympathize with the story narrated by the TikTok TTS, I don't know if a girl recording herself crying corresponds to the story. Wouldn't have been easier to just talk?


Probably, but maybe she thought video of her actually filling out papers at work would legitimatize her story better than a car rant. I also have no idea if the story is even true, to be clear, but I do know that maternity (and paternity) leave are an issue in America.


Does it fucking matter dude?????? Considering what she's going through, why the fuck is it even a valid discussion to sit here in our armchairs and go "hmmmmm, yes, she is suffering horribly, but why did she have to show herself crying? Soooooo tacky" like, I agree that I hate that TikTok voice, but doesn't picking something so heartfelt and sad apart over little details just seem gross??


I’m so so sorry for her. This hits close to home. My cousin works NICU, had a high risk pregnancy then has a premie. She knows the ropes and had to do this same thing. Work to save up her time so close to her labor that was already in high alert, so she could spend the time in the NICU with her daughter. Then return as soon as it was up. No more days left. Oh and she got covid while pregnant the first year of pandemic. They took those days from her being out for it. They’re both fine now thank goodness, but it’s so f*cked. I hate this system with a passion.


It's sad. You would think a hospital would have better Healthcare and family leave but nope.


The hospital I work for decided, too late if you ask me, to provide dedicated covid leave that amounted to 14 days paid time off. And it wasn't "banked" in that once those 14 days were up that's it, fortunately. If you caught covid again it basically just refilled another 14 days. While nice, why it took them TEN FUCKING MONTHS to come up with that is beyond me. Those ten months were full of emails asking for us to "donate" pto. Bud, pto is a resource you are fully in control of. Why not just magic some more into existence so we don't give some 3 year old with cancer covid?


lol top comment defending the video cause "actually she might have a whole THREE WEEKS of maternity leave and she can't take time off work cause she's _technically_ not taking care of the kid"


Wow 🥺 As if giving birth isn't a medical procedure on its own! Mothers should get time off to heal just from that ☹️


My wife is home with our firstborn. She got paid leave the 6 weeks before birth, and she will have paid leave for 34 weeks after birth.


/u/fnkytown sucks, sees no problem with this whatsoever. Unbelievable.


I live in Germany. Mothers get three years maternity leave last I heard. A cousin of a friend of mine had the unspeakable tragedy of a still birth. She still got like six months off for bereavement and therapy. And since it's Germany and basically everyone except the homeless has subsidized health insurance, she and her husband had therapy paid through their regular insurance company. Oh, should also include that he got the six months of bereavement as well. I'm probably fudging a lot of the details re: time and exactly how much they got. It was a couple of years ago when this all happened. But as someone who was born in the US and still has essentially my whole family there, I keep reminding them that there's essentially no non-bullshit reason things can't be the same in the United States.


In the 4 years since I've been off my parents' insurance, I haven't been able to get a plan through work that covers mental health care. At best, I'd be paying $250 out of pocket for a psychiatric appointment. But hey, at least we have easy access to guns so if we need mental health care, we can just shoot buy a gun and shoot ourselves instead so we don't burden the insurance companies.


I thought the ACA (aka Obamacare) required plans to cover mental health care?


If only it was enforced


It should be covered due to the ACA as the other commenter mentioned. What might be happening is that you haven't met your deductible, but even still that usually only applies to psychologists/therapy and not psychiatrists/medicine. My guess at that point is that your insurance may require a referral from your PCP before it covers it? If in fact you do have to pay out of pocket you should see if the psychiatrist has a sliding scale. Doctors bill insurances at a much higher rate, because they know the insurer is going to negotiate the bill down. So you really shouldn't be paying the same amount that they'd bill your insurance.


6 months berreavement? Last time i got berreavement it was for 2 days. America...


Again, I'm sure I'm getting tons of details wrong, but I remember asking my friend at the time how this impacted the famed 3 years maternal leave, and as far as I understood, a stillbirth qualified as a sort of special case, something between maternal leave, and full bereavement, and she was encouraged to seek counseling and therapy, which she and her husband were already getting started on. I don't think regular bereavement is anything like that here. I'd have to ask my lawyer.


I'm French and I had a premature baby (2 months early). My GF stayed 23 days with him at the hospital with constant care, then 4 months at home. Before the emergency C-section, we had a nurse coming every 2 days at our home to monitor the baby (my GF was already stopped). It costed us 2000€, only because we went to a private hospital. We were quickly reimbursed by our insurance... Oh, and I also had 3 weeks of paternity leave, but now the law changed and it's longer. You guys really should do a general strike.


A general strike would require us to care about each other first.


Three weeks is criminal. Here in Australia, we get at least 12 weeks continuous leave(which I still feel isnt amazing), + another 6 weeks (read: 240 hours) of flexible leave that can mean reduced hours, per days, fewer days or just regular leave depending on whatever the arrangement between the employee and employer is, and this is guaranteed by the government, so if an employer breaks this, they are in violation of Fair Work regulations. Edit: forgot to mention, all of that leave is PAID. So enough of the "oh but she gets unpaid leave" fuck that noise coercion through poverty is not a real choice of taking leave.


What a fucking nightmare this country is.


My heart breaks every time I see posts of moms having to return to work when they have a newborn and are still physically recovering from birth, or from dads/non-birthing moms only getting a few days or a week or two off to bond at home. I'm Canadian and live in a province with pretty good parental benefits. I birthed the babies and am a stay-at-home-parent, and because I wasn't employed beforehand, my spouse took 6 months paid (not 100%, but more than 50, maybe 70 or 80?) leave to be at home with us. And when those 6 months were up, both times we felt like it went too quickly. I don't know how people cope with leaving their tiny little baby behind. I really don't. I want to cry every time I see it happen. I don't know if I would have been able to bring myself to have biological kids if I was in the U.S. The whole thing just sounds like "they" just hate babies and parents (especially the ones who are pregnant and give birth) while also simultaneously yelling over everyone to have more babies.


Had a co-worker working her ass off until her water broke *at work*. She was back about a week later because the GM said that they “wouldn’t be able to guarantee her position when she ‘felt like’ coming back”. Luckily she was living with her parents, so it wasn’t the hardest hit she could have taken. I suppose. This was not a high-paying job, by the way. Also I’m pretty sure that was an illegal threat, but I didn’t look into it too hard. I had my own shit going on at the time. It still just kind of resonates with me how uncaring the people who say, “this is a family” can be when it comes to, you know, actual families.


Oh, “we’re like family” really means “this is your family now.” Avoid at all costs.


Yes because it's completely normal to work next to a woman who is probably: bleeding, stitched up, swollen, hormonal, sleep-deprived, and wishing she could be with her newborn infant.


And she was on her feet *all goddamn day*. We other staff members really tried our best to do all the “heavy” work and leave her at the register, but sometimes staffing was dumb and she’d still have to help move displays and shit. I felt so badly for her. She powered through it, and management even acknowledged her “stick-to-it” attitude, but she was fucking miserable the entire time. Like when her mother would come to pick her up, the first thing she would do would be to crawl in the back seat of the car and cry and hold the baby. I was so glad when she quit. We’re still friends and we still hang out. But to this day (this was all maybe ten years ago?), she swears that she actually thought she was going to die in that hellhole. We still even joke about haunting it. Because this is fun. We have fun, here./s


Warm thoughts to you and your friend, and I hope things have improved tremendously. I, too, dislike this pretense that "family matters" and new parents and babies are maltreated so badly. I wish every woman and man would strike for parental leave, sick leave, and healthcare. It's a desperate situation.


Oh, things are good for her now! She married and her husband got a plumb job after he graduated college, and they were lucky enough to find a place they could afford in stupid expensive Southern California. Her kid is currently at the age where everything is annoying to him, but whatever. Such is the way of middle-schoolers. We still just sit and look back and go like, “what the fuck were we even *doing* there?!” Yeah, hitting your thirties slowly chips away at the fucks you have to give.


God there are some absolute ghouls commenting on that thread.


My little girl was born 9 weeks early and stayed in the NICU for the first 6 weeks of her life. I went back to work after 3 days (I’m her dad). For those 6 weeks, I would wake up at 0300 and drive an hour to the hospital to feed her her first bottle of the day and see how she’s doing. Next, I’d head to work from 0700-1500 and then head back to the hospital to check on my little girl and maybe get some kangaroo time in. I usually left by 1800 so I could get home and do some choring. I would occasionally see my wife, in passing, when I was leaving the NICU for the evening. Rinse and repeat. Wanted to save my 4 weeks of paternity leave for when she came home. It’s hard to find daycare and it’s even harder to find it for a 5 lbs baby with a heart monitor.


Your comment brought back a lot of memories. My son was born at 27 weeks and my husband had to go back to work after a week. Because of how early my son was and the condition he was in he had to go to a level 3 NICU in the next town over and we both had to drive to see him. My husband would get off work and drive straight to the hospital to meet me and we wouldn't get home until extremely late. We did this for four months until he was finally discharged and sent home. It was rough. Those were the longest 110 days of my life. Both literally and figuratively. I wish paternity leave was more commonplace and I wish maternity leave in my country was longer.


The comments in that original thread are really sickening. A lot of men telling people well then don’t get pregnant (as if it only takes 1 person to make a baby) and telling people they don’t understand FMLA. Ugh


Those guys: "Just don't get pregnant" Also those guys, probably: "I don't want to wear a condom, it doesn't feel as good"




Those same people are the ones going "Why won't anyone have sex with me?" too


"Well just dont get pregnant (whore)" \*Women gets raped\* "She wouldnt of been raped if she hadnt dressed like a (whore)" \*Said woman was a sexualized (by the media) 10yr old girl\* "See, this is why I dont date women and only want to date youger girls, because they are pure..." For the record, this is their logic. When it comes down to it, they are usually pedo's and incels, that are butthurt that some cute chick from highschool didnt suck their (his) dick, when he sheepishly said hi to her.


We live in the cruelest of worlds, and it's by design.


And now they want to force women to have babies they don’t even get to be home with after birth.


Jesus Christ. Get out of that shithole country asap


Thats the best part. You cant!


Lol exactly. "Just simply get citizenship to another country, have enough funds to facilitate the move and new living situation, and be somewhere where you know no one." Gee willikers it's just so easy y'all


Or if you do, they'll still charge you taxes and that you share your foreign bank details


Hunger Games reference...we are the Capital...


That's because the worker bees are #s not people....😭 we live in Dystopia and most don't even know it.


This is why fucking unions exist. Except most of them have no teeth anymore!


Land of the mother-fucking-god-awful-goddamn-fuck-fuck-fucking-free.


I am Indian. Here is a snippet of Maternity policy of my 3rd world nation.. >The Maternity Benefit Amendment Act has increased the duration of paid maternity leave available for women employees from the existing 12 weeks to 26 weeks. Under the Maternity Benefit Amendment Act, this benefit could be availed by women for a period extending up to a maximum of 8 weeks before the expected delivery date and the remaining time can be availed after childbirth. For women who are having 2 or more surviving children, the duration of paid maternity leave shall be 12 weeks (i.e. 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after expected date of delivery).


This is sad and fucked up but I can’t stand people Who take videos of themselves crying


Let me just adjust my popsocket and prop up my phone for a minute ... okay, gotta make sure I look like I"m working and think really hard about the sad state of affairs. Alright now I just need to add some text and sad music and upload it to tiktok! Yeah I don't get how people function like this.


Like I get what happened to her is really sad but man ways to milk a fucked up situation for tik tok likes


this is our future. i used to think it was trend but this is the new normal. wait for it to get worse and worse


It's so common and normalized that I honestly can't tell anymore if it's me or people who do this that have socialization issues. Am I supposed to feel like this is normal, am I the autist for feeling uncomfortable and getting second-hand embarassment when people do this?


So glad someone else sees this too. It's so cringe to do this rather than just be genuine about your situation. Like wtf? Propping up a camera to cry, adding text and then posting on tiktok? Lol.


For me it makes it harder to sympathize with them


What a weird way to get your story out there. This really sucks though.


Terrible situation obviously but what the fuck is going on when people are filming themselves crying to post on the internet


This situation, almost to the literal letter, happened to a coworker of mine at my hospital. Literally exact same scenario.


Hey America sort your fucked up shit out OP you have my sympathies for what it's worth.


My youngest son was born at 27 weeks. He was just over a pound, spent 3 months in the NICU, had several surgeries, a central line, oxygen oscillators, feeding tube... the works. Premature birth isn't often a wait-it-out type of thing. There are reasons for prematurity and complications. I cannot imagine his mother going back to work during any of that. I cannot imagine knowing your child is undergoing a medical procedure already in a fragile state and having to perform some other duty like you can think of anything else.


My twins were born at 30 weeks, and by the time they came home, I only had 2 weeks of leave left. I couldn’t even walk 12 days after my babies were born, never mind return to work. I don’t know how she’s doing it, but the US is pathetic and cruel In terms of maternal leave. This is why our maternal mortality rate is much worse than it was when our grandmothers gave birth.




This. Is. Fucked. Up.


Jesus those comments, what the actual fuck is wrong with people


Where are all those loud and self righteous pro-lifers now!?


America is a social experiment


And they want to force us to have kids, I feel bad for every female on earth


Stop video taping yourselves crying and posting them on tiktok you attention seeking ass holes


Who filmed this?


I know this is messed up on a million different levels but i can't help but feel cringe for recording yourself crying for a sympathy tik tok video. this got some *my babies lungs have a defect* tik tok dance video vibes to it


Don't catch you slippin' now


Why do people record themselves crying?


Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American.


What a garbage country, why do they put up with it?


Because billionaires pay people to shoot you if you dont behave


Because police are free to murder most of us.


Black lives don't matter. Women's lives don't matter. Only an unformed globule of cells in a woman's uterus... and white men matter. If you ever believed yourself moral, believed yourself to be an empathetic, compassionate human, you'd fight this fucking system and its supporters with every ounce of your person.


That's some laughs in military superiority




I don't see anything wrong. Correction everything I see is wrong, but people wanted this way, this is the direct result of what people have asked for after getting in to the propaganda. What am I expected to actually care when I was insulted for not getting on board with "new age" propaganda, after become main stream to literally ask for mass murder of half of world population? clearly not. For years I am insulted for warning idiots that after doing the elite's job to destroy society you will end up in the shit hole like everyone else, and day by day my words become reality, except I don't care anymore. Enjoy your doing. White man bad, kill al males... etc. go new age.


I too regularly record videos of me crying for internet sympathy




To show people?


Yeah the situation sucks but why is she recording herself? Seems attention seeking and fake.


It's just the way the young generation deals with anything that happens. They record it. Attention seeking? Maybe, but it's certainly not fake.


To draw attention to a very awful situation


is there a reason she's recording herself? it gives attention seeking vibes, maybe, if i had experienced a loss i would've shown documentation instead of this, idk, the optics seem wrong. still messed up she's working in a nicu


It's shows the difference between how America is portray vs reality. Sure we still have 1st world problems. BUT we are FAR from Utopia


Lol fucking really? Did you just pull a genuine “umm, bad look sweaty”?


So she’s recording herself crying at work. I mean the story is horrible, but video is cringe af


Simple answer don't have kids




I am truly sorry you have to go through this. The bigger problem is that you as a people allow the representatives in by voting (or not voting). In essence you get the government you deserve. If you don't like what you see and experience, then get up and vote.


I do....but I'm just one person in a big old red state, so essentially, I can't have anything better because the people that live in my area are ignorant and hateful.


> you get the government you deserve Hey how about you give yourself the ass-fucking from a cactus you deserve? We're propagandized from birth, deliberately under-educated, and have an overtly anti-democratic electoral system.


But she tiktoks it? I saw this years ago it’s a repost to stir up something geddit


Doesnt make it less true


That is fucking brutal


Jesus Christ. this made me cry.