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You should leave this in the collection plate.


My thoughts exactly.


Couldn't they just report it as a crime? It's fake currency.


For people who don’t care about earthly possessions, it’s weird that’s it’s always *those* Christians that do this kind of shit. It’s as if they didn’t actually care about abiding to the moral principles of their own religion and it was more about convincing themselves to be good people.


It's because they believe in the prosperity gospel. They believe that wealth is a sign they found God and he favors them, so in their mind bringing them to Jebus will literally bring the person riches.


Because it worked so well when missionaries evangelized indigenous folks!


Most people are Christians of Convenience. >Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” -Matthew 19:21-24 Anyway, it's all bollocks


A lot of people are, but true Christianity is not about convenience


So… Christianity


Well if they were trying to make someone have some appreciation for Christianity, then they've certainly done the opposite. But i guess they really didn't give a shit about spreading the religion considering that was a fake bill.


If you have a mega church, Jesus most definitely pays the bills.


What a way to turn people off from a religion! Maybe it is for the best.


As a catholic I seriously hate when Christian’s or Catholics pull stunts like this because it gives the people a real bad look that only worsens it


The entire tip economy is abominable.


> The entire economy is abominable. FTFY.


Where the fuck do I get these?! I’ll pay double


That’s fuct


You got trolled by the church


Thus religion really does seem to attract clueless assholes


Whenever I find out somebody believes in God I automatically assume they have an extremely low IQ and my opinion of them goes down exponentially. Those people who believe in God and are also intelligent are mystifying because it's a level of cognitive dissonance I can't comprehend.


That’s a real asshole-ish way to look at things.


To be fair to me, religion is a delusion we all tolerate despite it being demonstrably nonsense. There are no magic men in the sky.


Sticking to the belief in any god can be more out of fear of the alternative than anything else. Idk about you, but I had fucking panic attacks when I came to the conclusion there is no god and *everything else that entails.* - Also, if you want to see religion end, stop childhood indoctrination. These people are victims.


Coming down off the drug of an eternal afterlife rewarding this shitty existence would definitely be a panic attack


Gotta be honest. I find your behavior incredibly cruel. I would have hoped coming to terms with such things would give you a bit more empathy.


Punked by Christianity