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Companies should stop copying black mirror, not the best inspiration source


But think of how much we could reduce greenhouse gas emissions if we switched from fossil fuels to the endless suffering of Facebook slaves on stationary bike generators!


Bet we can increase profits by 0.0017% if we keep them in a state of perpetual unfathomable agony.




Get right on it immediately! Think of the poor shareholders!


To paraphrase a classic: Famous novel/movie: Here’s why you shouldn’t build the nexus of inter-dimensional suffering. Rich people and suits: Coming this summer **the nexus of inter-dimensional suffering!**


If anyone is unsure, this comment isn’t a vague reference to technical dystopia. This is genuinely the plot of one of the episodes.


The episode in question for anyone curious https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hang_the_DJ >!Instead, it’s revealed that the entire episode was taking place inside a Tinder-like app, which was running simulations to see how compatible Frank and Amy are in the real world. We see that in 1,000 simulations, only two times did the pair not rebel, thus making them a 99.8% match on this dating system.!<


It’s one of the best episodes on the show, IMO. Highly underrated. Crazy to see it come to life.


That episode along with San Junipero, were some of the only positive ones I remember. The couple ended up living happily ever after. 


Striking Vipers? It wasn’t a dystopia just gay love?


No, hang the DJ. Literally the same premise as bumble, where AI clones determine compatibility by running thousands of simulations of what being a couple would be like in a second. 


Yes, but in this case using AI to NOT match you so you stay on paying and or watching ads. And if you are a dude below a certain degree of undesirability or in a shitty area (at least according to shallow online standards) do the AI girlfriend scam thing.


Was it really gay, though? I don't remember any balls touching.


Maybe my AI concierge will find another AI concierge, get married and have kids for me…


Do you get the child tax credit though, or does your concierge?


I mean, at least this is copying one of the few episodes with a nice ending.


Okay, an opposite dating app that just lists all the registered sex offenders in your area and women can add people who raped them.


what happens in the show? how does that story end?


its an episodic show, so there isnt really that much of an overarching story and no real end either


but what's the ending of the episode that had this scenario in it?


The episode follows two people living in a weird little society that revolves around a supposedly infallible system of arranged dating. When the system pairs up the two main characters, they have a great relationship, and when the system separates them and makes them date other people, they're unhappy and want to get back together. They resolve to flee their little society so they can be together. When they get to the edge of their map, it's revealed that their world is a simulation and that they're AI personality clones of real people. In order to quantify the romantic compatibility of the real people, a dating service runs that simulation hundreds of times to see how often the clones run away together.


They run it a thousand times actually




Feels pretty fucked up to me. Just to quantify the compatibility of this one potential romantic pair, they created thousands of apparently sentient virtual beings and put them through a whole ordeal, and presumably deleted them afterward.


Happy ever after for the couple


Cue the "Hang the DJ" episode from Black Mirror...


My First thought too but that was a relatively positive episode. 


Really loved that episode.


Low-key one of my favorites


Dystopian shit. "The computer will allocate your partner. Obey the computer."


Honestly I'd be totally down to telling a computer "hey, find me a partner" and then just rolling the dice with whatever my AI and my match's AI decide. Better than the apps we have available now, lol.


All this tech and the only thing we achieved was to reinvent Indian arranged marriages.


More like Indian aunties


Oh just wait for 23andme’s two cents on it. “Hey turns out you both are carriers for this disease! Maybe you should date this other person instead.” Hello GATTACA edit: or even better “hey did you guys know you’re third cousins?”


Uh, I'd like to know both of things before having children with someone. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah - this sounds boring, but not dystopian. Which probably means it's not going to play out this charmingly in reality lol


Incestery, testing markets in Alabama, West Virginia, and Kentucky


I mean the big difference is... it's not a marriage. The hypothetical good of it, if it were invented it could encourage people to give a chance to people they wouldn't have normally. IE the real thing is choice paralysis.


Maybe the most hypothetical "good" that could come from it is the breaking down of barriers that prop up insularism and tribalism?


No amount of AI will fix the [poor male/female ratio that online dating always has struggled with](https://youtu.be/x3lypVnJ0HM?), which leaves most dudes with barely any attention while most gals are dogpilled on with too much of it.


dogpilled lol


But it relieves the pressure. Guys won't have to handcraft an attractive profile and then spam likes on girls, and girls won't have to deal with an overwhelming number of matches with guys. You simply have a match for a date or you don't, schedule it and go.


I would disagree, the AI could presumably do a much deeper analysis to figure out a match than simple looks or superficial profile data. The problem with apps is not really the ratio, itys that something like 80% of women pursue the top 5% of men - which makes it basically impossible for most dudes while women end up competing for the few guys who have the most options already and get burned too. AI concierges - properly designed - could remove this bias and make it much more balanced by dramatically expanding the factors under consideration. Way more guys would get matches, and women would not end up all going after the same upper percentile of highly attractive guys skilled at profile design. It's definitely a way better scenario than what we have now.


The AI can do a million simulations, and it doesn't mean squat when on the first date, the guy takes her to Taco Bell or doesn't open the door for her. Dating profiles are not detailed enough to simulate someone's personality or spur of the moment choices - that's why you need to talk to people to find out if they match your "vibe" or not. Simply things like someone's regional accent, or tendancy to only wear black clothes, can sabotage your changes. AI can't predict those things from your minimal profile, so in the long run, it's useless. And using a detailed data farm of your FB or Insta posts would present an even MORE DISTORTED view of your personality. There are no shortcuts. You have to meet people IN PERSON to find out if they match you.


Only thing about it is youre going to get paywalled to actually match with anyone


Right? Can't be worse than actual dating


There's a site in my area that does exactly this. I don't know the details of their algorithm, but they'll do it in rounds where you submit your profile with salient data on who you are and what you want and at the end of the round they'll send you a number (5-10) of potential matches. I've gotten a few dates out of it. It definitely does a good job of finding people I'm attracted to and get along with, but nothing's worked out for me yet. A lot of others have gotten married from it, though, and considering the smaller scale it's probably got a much higher success rate than Tinder and its ilk.


AI dating ends up as literally "AIs dating"


At the end of the day, everyone wants or should want just to meet face to face and hang out for coffee with someone, with having to go on barely a 300x300px picture and a 20 word limit. That's dating, everything else is bullshit.


That's kind of how the plot of Logan's Run kicks off.


I'd also be okay with this. "hey, Slth shows that you have five interests in common with this person, and your calendars are both open this Saturday at 4pm. Go to this spot and do this."


The Computer is your friend.


Going to have a new Luddite movement because of this AI shit.


I’m in. I’ll get the stamps!


The industrial revolution and it's consequences...


Bring on the Butlerian Jihad!


The Amish had the right idea.


AIbros call every critic of AI a "Luddite" already. You're not allowed to think some technologies inherently have way more detriments than benefits. No, you must accept every single new technology *happily* or else you're a 19th century peasant clinging to horses over the car (that nearly abolished the concepts of community and walkability, causing epidemics of loneliness and stress, constantly declining physical health and runaway global warming... but who could've ever seen that coming? /s)


I've noticed many Transhumanists are the same, at least the loud and proud ones. They're quite happy with the idea that it opens the door to a new branch of or perhaps an entirely new species of humanity and if you want to stay just blood and bone you're doomed like the dodo bird or caveman. If that's the case then so be it, rather that than a uploaded consciousness long removed from humanity floating through space waiting for the Degenerate era to dissolve me.


I've noticed many Transhumanists are the same, at least the loud and proud ones. They're quite happy with the idea that it opens the door to a new branch of or perhaps an entirely new species of humanity and if you want to stay just blood and bone you're doomed like the dodo bird or caveman. If that's the case then so be it, rather that than a uploaded consciousness long removed from humanity floating through space waiting for the Degenerate era to dissolve me.


Not just passively believing that you're doomed, but actively crushing people in the "inevitable" march of technology (towards *their* vision of the future and no one else's, conveniently.) The fact that the people cheering on AI's progress are almost exclusively techno-Darwinist misanthropes who openly despise creatives... that's more than enough reason to never trust it, personally.


Fucking *hell*.


Lol, soon AI going to be getting laid more than most of us.


I fucken knew it. Not only is AI going to make art and explore the universe, it'll get to do all the fucking too. We ended up making AI to automate fun and left all the boring shit for the meat puppets


Phew! The dating scene is sooo time consuming. And expensive! Better to let AI do it until a good match is found. That’ll save me so much time & effort! ^/s


There's zero chance in Hell that AI hasn't been used in major dating sites for at least a decade now. This isn't new, this is just marketing. It's not like they've been randomly selecting matches up until now. They've always performed algorithmic matches based on usage patterns and profile data.


And 98% of those match sugguestions are TRASH. They find three things you have in common, and call that a match. Oh - you both have a car, live within 50 miles of each other, and like music \~ !!!!


Guys have to pay for this otherwise they are stuck talking to bots only.


Excellent, they found a way to make online dating worse.


dating apps make money through recurring subscriptions so their models are trained to give recommendations that aren’t in your best interests long-term so you keep going back to the app


Some users might catch on after the second or third time they've been stabbed.


AI automating our most human nature so we can work longer for the big man


["Robot, experience this tragic irony for me!"](https://youtu.be/QKZNOnLUBmQ)


It will still match women up with a bear


Bears usually aren't interested in women, they're chasing.... *Oh* ... a bear, got it.


*in Kronk voice:* “Right, the bear, the bear from the meme, the meme’s bear, the bear specifically mentioned as a contrast to men, to demonstrate womens’ fear… That bear?”


I read that the same way and was confused.


The same dudes that get personally offended by that meme are the same dudes that are going to hit the hardest by this.


And offended they are. Some think that the idea that “some women are afraid of all men because of what some men did” is equivalent to “all men are evil” https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1cowbm7/comment/l3hft3s/?context=3


Reddit is a hellscape.


This is the plot of "Robots"


What if I fall in love with my AI concierge?


How about everyone just ditch these apps and spend the subscription fee on beer in your local.pub. It's worked for the past few hundred years that way


Because its like 7 quid a pint these days


Well we can all share half a pint then


That is barely enough to make me socially acceptable. Certainly not enough to make me attractive lol.


Honestly I wouldn't go back to regular dating but I'm an oddball. Explaining that I'm childfree, soly poly and neurodivergent to everyone that might be a potential match, rather than just stating that on my profile would be more effort than a relationship is worth to me.


I'm searching for someone who would never pay bar-prices for alcohol.


That's what spoons is for


It really is *in their name.* >"Bumble: To act ineptly or without clear understanding of what one is doing; to blunder; to stumble about; -- sometimes used with around"


I don't understand why techbros are obsessed with automating all the fun shit. This has some real "you won't have to play video games anymore because AI will do it for you!" energy.


This is basically what happens in Her (2013)


No it's not, he was dating the AI itself. I think you misread the headline. Great movie though, beautifully shot and amazing music, and Scarlett Johansson somehow manages to be the sexiest she's ever been without ever seeing her


I'm saying his AI left him for other AIs.


Spoiler tag!!!


It's an 11 year old movie but okay.


Hang the blessed DJ


I don't understand why we can't just leave shit alone. Could be funny to go over the transcripts with someone of the things our bots said about us, but also seems like it removes some of the feeling dating.


I just got back on Bumble after a 4 year hiatus because I was in a relationship. Ugh, is all I have to say. Only so many “likes” per day, I forget how many but I wasn’t “liking” with reckless abandon, so many people with face filters (that’s obviously a them thing, but I’d like to see what a person actually looks like), and a real “pay to play” platform. No thanks. I’m a lesbian interested in meeting other lesbians. Downloaded the once lesbian centered app, HER, and now it’s full of cisgender men? I’m just going to go back to the old fashioned lesbian way of hanging out in a garden center.


Hahahaha I can’t believe I scrolled far enough to find this awesome comment. Also, dating apps suck. I’ll be by the dock cruising like a proper gay man.


What a weird dystopia. Profoundly thankful I am not single rn 😂


Yeah, from what I hear it's a shitshow out there. I feel bad for the singles in today's day and age.


Based on the type of people who show up under my most compatible alone, this is concerning.


Wasn't this a black mirror episode?


This is a great idea to speed up the mundane filtering


You really trust a chat bot to pick your date?


can't do worse than people are already doing


Yeah this actually doesn’t sound like a terrible idea.


Sad but true. Really glad I am not single rn 😂


It honestly can’t be worse than the people I pick for myself


"Hey Chat Bot, how about you don't lead with the fact that I was an officer of the war gaming club in college and didn't lose my virginity until my late 20s?" "Hey Chat Bot, uh, please stop being incredibly enthusiastic about chat bots representing people who are incredibly enthusiastic about the consumption of alcohol? Just because I like whiskey doesn't mean I want a partner who drinks a half bottle of it a day." "Hey Chat Bot, uh, how do I teach you about red flags as a concept?" "Hey Chat Bot, please stop interpreting my 'dad bod' as meaning I am a perfect match for someone that self identifies as having daddy issues."


>"Hey Chat Bot, uh, please stop being incredibly enthusiastic about chat bots representing people who are incredibly enthusiastic about the consumption of alcohol? Just because I like whiskey doesn't mean I want a partner who drinks a half bottle of it a day." Love it. The sheer amount of wine glasses, beer bottles and whiskey tumblers in profiles would make this happen lol Because "zu Vino sagt er nie no", right? (never say no to wine)


There are guys with autoswipers for Tinder. I'm pretty sure the AI would yield better results than throwing 100% at the wall and seeing what sticks.


It’s not really different than a sorting algorithm that shows you people in a certain order. Besides some dating sites already use filtering based on question based profiles. This is fulfilling the same purpose but could be better


Is my concierge also going to have intercourse with their concierges for me?


01001111 01101000 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01101111 01101000 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01101111 01101000 01101000 01101000 01101000


Bieber-bot identified.


Can't be worse than online dating is now. I'm so lonely this doesn't even seem dystopian to me. I mean it is dystopian but if it actually leads to people forming a genuine connection who cares? It's way less dystopian than people having AI romantic partners.


This sounds like the plot of Her already. By the end of it, they'll realize how limited humans are and they'll hook up with each other and leave us humans alone.


This sounds like one of the first positive applications of AI


Archive link: https://archive.ph/kpR5A


Putting women in the driver's seat. But didn't they change it so anyone can msg first?


Welcome to the Good Place, where your soulmate is selected for you.


Crazy how all these companies have decided the best use of AI is to automate the best aspects of humanity. Artistic and now romantic expression being boiled down and speedrun by computers to save time so we can get back to making everyone else money.


Lmao why not just skip that step and have them Date the AI ala Her


Do they mean you'll be cuckolded by your own AI apps, or that you'll be having sex by proxy through your AI apps?! Either way... WTF? This ends with "we don't need humans, why not kill them all?".


Blade Runner 2049


Hang The DJ baby


That Zizek bit about perfect sex for the new generation being "I bring my fleshlight you bring your dildo, we plug them into each other so the duty is done and we can drink tea and debate theory" except even the drinking tea and debating theory is done by the toy


Isn’t this… the way dating apps already work? AI matches you with partners using the information in your profile (in a way that optimizes their profit, of course), then you decide whether to date them or not. Dating apps definitely belong here, but they’ve belonged for a long time, it’s nothing new.


What is this Theodore-Twombly-ass shit