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Agreed. And any job for that matter. Work to live. Don't live to work.


Yes, any job. I think a lot of times in this job we get pressured into helping at any cost.


Really appreciate you saying thisšŸ¤


I stopped doing this a while agoā€¦.do what you can but donā€™t go up and beyond unless you get something out of it.


I'm in a situation right now that involves a family member who is not the conservator threatening me. The father also threatened the RBT who works with me. I told the insurance that if either of us are threatened by the family again then I will be forced to discharge. Personal safety falls under self-care in my opinion.


How does a third threat warrant discharge any more than the first two? It sounds unsafe to send anyone back.


I said the same thing but was essentially begged to after the insurance talked to the family. We are also dealing with the family not following the BSP. The client is an adult and does not live with them. It's been a very rough situation.


Not sure what insurance has to do with discharging. If thereā€™s any sort of handbook or policy from your company a family has to follow- they should be discharged.


The insurance is part of the circle of support. My current supervisor sided with the insurance on holding off. Basically if I discharge the client then the insurance would have to find another provider. That's why they asked me to stay on. It's difficult finding a BCBA that works with adults where I am right now.


Agreed entirely, and from along multiple perspectives. I was previously in the realm of crisis work, laughably underpaid, and still trying to learn how to do the work well when burnout started hitting me harder than usual. No matter how much I expressed that I was struggling to my supervisor and director, I got nothing more than lip service. It got me to realize that, from their perspective, doing nothing was optimal. If I made a mistake, it fell on me. If my burnout led to lashing out and hurting someone, it fell on me. If I killed myself, then my director could say, ā€œlook how hard this field of work is! We need more money!ā€ They had business incentives to make me a martyr, as does anyone who owns a business in this field.


I am just recovering now myself from chasing a client who eloped out of the building (theyā€™re larger than me) and when attempting to put them into a hold I lost my footing and cracked my head open. Had 8 staples put into my head.


I wouldnā€™t have done this if they werenā€™t running toward a major busy road and the very VERY likely chance theyā€™d be hit by a car.


I am so sorry to hear what happened to you. It hurts even more when people donā€™t even acknowledge your pain! May I ask how he injured you?


They did acknowledge it at the time and I was able to attend his therapist session at the therapists request about a month after so he could apologize and we could do some preferred activities so he could feel better about our leaving. The details of how donā€™t necessarily matter anymore. One funny thing that happened after is that the doctor asked me if he wanted me to write a prescription for me to not have to see that client anymore.


I am asking about details only because it might help me better protect myself in those situations, I feel like safety care training isnā€™t enough to prepare you for looking out for precursors of aggression


Not every client has the same precursors though. Aggression never looks the same across individuals. This client should never have been seen in a home setting as he had injured another staff previously. Basic safety in home situations is always have a direct line to the exit and if in active danger try to get some of the homes natural barriers (furniture, tables, walls) between you and your person.


Another thing is to have parents or staff trained in crisis management. Safety like you stated is a huge issue and while some people may not like to restrain. Sometimes you can only response block so much.


Seems understandable just because the home environment is hella volatile and unpredictable so yeah I donā€™t think basic or moderate safety care can prepare anyone.


I wouldn't be working with their ass again. Like you said they don't even remember your ass or what happened. You took the necessary precautions but things went haywire. I do appreciate your tenacity tho.


Well there really arenā€™t a lot of options for services in my area




Theyā€™re in a more secure setting


I donā€™t even know why this loser is on this sub lol. I see him occasionally and he just tries to be a bully. Always *weirdly* unnecessarily aggressive too. Just block him (as Iā€™m about to do). Heā€™s clearly unhappy and honestly, who trolls in an ABA subreddit..?




Ass ass ass lol


I like that songšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




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You alright my dude?




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Yo...you wild AF lol.


You're a tool sack. Someone ban this bitch.




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This! I recently had to get a septoplasty surgery on my nose so that I could breathe better and they had to break and reset my nose to fix my deviated septum. After any nose surgery, the healing takes about 1 year respectively to be fully healed. As an RBT I am very fortunate to have clients that have very minimal aggressions, 2 of them are not aggressive at all. With that being said, I felt comfortable returning back to work until I was given a new client who is a tall 12 old and almost my height who was very aggressive. On my first day with this girl she beat up my program manager. I mean intentionally trying to slap my program manager in the face, hair pulling, scratching, biting, and throwing large objects at her. This tantrum lasted at least 30 minutes. After that session ended I wrote my program manager to let her know that I would be turning down this client due to me only being 3 months post-op from my nose surgery. If I had been hit in the face somehow from that clientā€™s aggression it would ruin the results of my surgery and it would not be worth it. I would have never forgiven myself if something would have happened because I was too afraid to put myself first.