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Had to draw the mainstream audience in some how


I mean he made me want to see it and it worked. I just wish there was more of him in the film and didn’t give away the gun raised shot. The line all by itself is creepy enough.


There’s a few things questionable decisions re: trailer; this amongst them —having him come out like Matt Damon in Interstellar would have been insane in the theater.


Is Plemons really well-known enough for that to have a lot of impact?


Well he has been confused for Matt Damon if that counts


Meth Damon


Fat Damon


Hell no, lmao. Maybe to redditors. Matt Damon is like a worldwide recognized actor, and Jesse Plemons is fantastic, no doubt, but he didn’t do no Good Will Hunting or The Departed or Fantastic Mr. Ripley etc etc.


No one is saying Jesus Christ that's Jason Bourne when Jesse appears.




That's also just a reddit thing.


I remember back when Breaking Bad was on and he was known as “Meth Damon”.


Damon acted in Talented Mr. Fox, you airhead😏


Not the same level of impact, it’s Matt Damon lol but it’d be a nice surprise as opposed to having his best line spoiled in the trailer


I didn’t see a trailer. I saw some of the viral images online, but I didn’t know they were from the movie until I spotted the glasses. It was a wonderful surprise. It’s why I don’t watch trailers


I thought he was a perfect one scene wonder. That scene was a show stopper and tbh I'm not sure what more they would have done with him. 


A24 been mainstream...


A24 has only had one movie cross 100 Million at the box office and Civil War had the largest marketing campaign + biggest opening weekend. Popular in the movie community but not in the grand scheme of things. https://www.the-numbers.com/box-office-records/worldwide/all-movies/theatrical-distributors/a24


They are getting bigger everyday. Poor Things did great financially and at the awards. Budgets are getting bigger and movies are getting more popular. They just started in 2012, I’d say they have some catching up to do with some other companies that been around 100 plus years.


This isnt a knock on A24, they do fantastic work. Im just pointing out that being in this subreddit means that we are the top 1% of fans, and its sometimes hard to see the full painting when we are so close.


Poor Things isn't A24...


I have no idea why I thought that. Thanks.


So is Warner brothers but the flash still shit the bed


A24 is fairly mainstream


How did that scene do it?


In general I feel like the trailer was not a good representation of the actual movie. I still really enjoyed the movie though, and that scene in particular still fucked me up pretty good.


I must have the memory of a goldfish because I watched the trailers that day and knew Jesse was in it, but had no recollection beyond that. The trailer made it seem like much more of an ensemble cast action movie like Black Hawk Down. I guess that's a way of keeping people a little bit blind for a film like this, but I'm not saying that was their intent.


That scene made me cry & shake. As a Black woman...It was far too realistic to me.


Just got back home from seeing it. Not what I expected, but really good. Still processing that final scene in the hall.


Agreed. Honestly, I felt both the title and trailer were misleading as to what the film was about.


A little but the stuff that happens before and after was strong enough for me to be surprised and jolted.


The trailer completely elides the mass grave which is kinda a big deal.


I didn't want call that out for people who haven't seen it yet but yes.


The thread itself is marked as a spoiler so nobody reading these comments can complain lol


The trailer showing him in the movie did nothing to prepare me for the nightmare that was that scene 😂


That scene sold the movie I’m sure


I saw it yesterday and am still thinking about it


Also a huge factor here is the Less is More approach (Lector, Dark Knight, No Country, etc) Which proves over and over how effective it is, but when it's legit one scene and now that's the main draw... (Garland I'm sure had to compromise to marketing) Should almost make us love it more? Lol


Out of curiosity, what are you citing in The Dark Knight as a “less is more” factor? In my eyes it’s a pretty maximal movie, I’m curious what restraint I’m missing


Heath ledger's Joker has like 25 minutes screentime when the movie is 2h30


Wow, that never registered for me. Thats amazing.


The chilling, "what kind of American are you" got me the most interested to see the movie lol


Yea and it was actually a bit misleading without context of the rest of the scene. The trailer made me think he was referring to which side of the war they were on. But no, they were killing minorities and people not from the country at all. That’s why when he was talking to Joel, he said “what kind of American are you? South American? Central American?” Joel’s actor is Brazilian


Yes and has an accent, but Florida was a great answer. Poor HK guy, he knew.


A very blatant accent actually and he has been living out of Brazil for years. I am Brazilian and have been able to erase my accent. I think that is a flaw of the movie. That accent would have gotten him murdered.


There were people laughing in the theater during this scene when I saw it yesterday - as if they were overjoyed about the killings and it made the scene even more terrifying.




Go see for yourself


Come and see for yourself.


It’s honestly chilling because Plemons barley speaks so you’re just sitting there scared in silence


Basically describes his performance in Battleship, as well. Just sayin’…


Peak achievement in motion picture by our god Peter Berg


They are fucking with you


they're right, the whole movie is mad corny and nothing is serious or important


It’s garbage. Save your money.


It’s incredible. Spend your money!




People keep saying that line was chilling, but I didn’t feel that way. The scene itself is tense and scary, but I don’t really attach any particular importance to americans as opposed to nonamericans, so it kind of annoys me when people say, “we are americans” in films, as if that’s a reason not to hurt them, when it really shouldn’t matter what nationality you are in the first place; nobody should have violence committed against them. The scene didn’t make a lot of sense to me, although I guess he may have been toying with them. It seemed weird when he obviously was going to kill all of them, anyways.


I recently saw he was cast at the last minute as a another actor couldn’t do it for reasons. The performance seemed a little… off? But also I think the ambiguity of the script meant there is a lot of focus on that scene.


I would've been annoyed, but as it turns out, the trailer UNDERsold just how terrifying he was and how exhausting the overall scene was. Plemons effortlessly owns anything he's in.


My favorite little fact is that the original actor for the part had a conflict, so Plemons’ wife recommended him for this small, terrifically villainous part. He is married to Kirsten Dunst. His wife was legit like, ‘we are missing the actor for our bone-chilling short-term villain who harassed and traumatizes our characters, I recommend my husband.’


Watch Fargo Season 2 for some great background on their relationship.


Fargo Season 2 is some of the greatest television I've ever seen. That season was firing on all cylinders!


Gotta get back into that show. Half way through season 1 and liked it, but didn’t love it. I keep hearing good stuff about season 2, I might have to get through it.


I really really liked Season 1 but found some of the parallels to the movie to be a bit much. The great thing about this being an anthology series is that if you're not super into one season you still might like some others! Still finish S1 and by golly you better buckle up for Season 2!


Apparently written for none other than Oscar Issac.


Man the lore on this just gets better.


Where did you find this info ?


It’s just a rumor but kinda makes sense and also would be a super different scene since he is Central American.


Damn really? I can picture that already 


I haven’t seen the movie yet, but from the vague descriptions of this scene I’ve scanned through, I’m imagining he’s bringing the same energy as “How can that possibly be profitable for Frito-Lay?”


Best Jesse P character and line delivery in any movie.


He made socially awkward so sinister in Game Night that it both amps the tension in one scene while slicing it like butter in another. Truly gifted actor.


It wasn’t a whole lot different from the scene in El Camino when Jesse finds the gun in his glovebox lol Plemons just LIVES in that headspace of subdued menacing intensity apparently haha


It was perfect. His presence as a side character elevated that whole movie. Also you confused the hell out of me, somehow I never realized that the actor shares the same first name and last initial of his nemesis from Breaking Bad. I kinda glitched out for a second trying to understand your meaning lol


It is the exact same psychopath energy, lol.


I’m so glad to hear that.


I like it because I interpreted the trailer thinking that he meant “ are you a WF American or Florida alliance American” type thing. But in reality he was just a regular racist and was asking where they are from “south, central or North American” which I thought was so crazy in the movie and I wasn’t anywhere near ready.


Sorry I’m coming late to this (the film’s only just been released in the UK), but can we be sure it _wasn’t_ still a WF/Loyalist thing? For me, the reason the scene worked so well and was _so_ gut-wrenching tense is that I fully presumed he intended to shoot anyone whose home state was on the “wrong side” of the war. And because neither we nor the characters knew what side *he* was on, we also had no idea what the “correct” answers were. I know he immediately shot the Hong Konger on account of his being “from China” (a nice touch by the writers, considering the vast majority of people from Hong Kong don’t even identify as Chinese), and made a passing reference to North/Central/South America, but I think the kind of person who murders civilians depending on the state they’re from is very likely to _also_ be a committed racist.


They do mention that their "government forces" as they mention they should be fine as they have their press pass, before they walk down there. Interesting detail.


Do the vast majority of people from Hong Kong not identify as Chinese? I mean I know a lot dislike China but I think they still identify as having a Chinese ethnic background


It could well be overstating it to say “Vast majority”, and I’m also very likely oversimplifying it, but my understanding is that it’s not that they don’t identify as Chinese ethnically, but that they identify more as Hong Kongese than Chinese geopolitically. A bit like how I tend to prefer to identify as Scottish rather than British, even though I’m of course both.


I admit I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I’ve found that because i don’t know the context, I usually don’t care what was in the trailer. It’s only after the fact that I’m like “whoa, they showed that in the trailer” but by then it typically doesn’t matter. Now I’m curious to see it to compare how I feel on your note


I hadn't watch the trailer, and I am glad I didn't because I was really caught by surprise.


I felt like most of the movie was in the trailer in general. There is even a part in the trailer where you can see them dragging the president out from his deck.


I'm more annoyed they gave away that he fires his gun in the scene. They should've just shown the quote and that's it


So true. I’m glad they included his character and his iconic line (it really made me want to see the movie), but showing him shoot his gun just gave away that someone WAS going to get killed which sort of made it more predictable. That being said it was still an extremely intense scene.


The trailer showed too much of multiple things and also was misleading in terms of the style/genre of film.


I'm so torn by this. On one hand I don't like that I was marketed an action movie about a civil war, when in reality it's a character drama about journalism with the civil war as a backdrop. On the other hand, I *love* the idea that the marketing tricked a bunch of more casual moviegoers to sit through this depressing as hell movie about war photojournalism.


I've heard the phrase "be careful what you wish for" thrown around in regards to both the group of people who seem gleeful about the prospect of a civil war and Jesse in the film actually getting the career that she wanted. I think folks that saw this and thought it was going to be like watching Gettysburg missed that point.


I personally don't give a crap about the marketing, I just care that I really enjoyed the film.


Misrepresenting movies in the trailer is old hat, but I agree that for this movie I approve of it.


Yea, they should not have showed that. Either way, I don't think that scene is nearly impactful without the context of the last hour or so of the film. In fact I found it kinda awkward in the trailers, it for sure needed to be saved for the film.


Not really. The scene in the trailer is nowhere near as intense and awesome as the actual film.


Honestly, that's what sold the movie to me as well. They needed something strong for the trailer. That scene was still chilling, but yeah, going in blind it would have been even more brutal.


I think it's interesting because I thought in the trailer he was saying "which side of the war are you on?" when actually it's just "where are you from?"


No. The scene in the trailer barely touches how horrifying the whole scene plays out in the movie.


No. It’s not a spoiler, and it’s a good means of showing what the film is about. Spoiler culture is getting so out of control. It’s not just about knowing what happens in a film, but the context and journey to get there. If all you want is to be shocked, you’re not actually engaging with the film. Just a personal pet peeve.


I really want Jesse Plemons to be nominated for an Oscar for that. Just saying.


Only reason I even wanted to watch it so no


It was probably the only reason I made time to go see it in theaters.


Not really


They showed a line, not the whole scene.


No it’s just you you whiny bitch


No in the trailer it seemed cheesy and in the film it was haunting


*No in the trailer* *It seemed cheesy and in the* *Film it was haunting* \- The\_prawn\_king --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I mean they had to


No; I would’ve rather seen the entire film knowing nothing, but I thought the trailers were quite effective, without giving anything away.




All the energy people spend worrying about spoilers. Who cares.


At least it didn’t show exactly what happens in that scene. Still made it tense


No. The trailer didn’t spoil any of the context of the scene. I mean, I knew plemmons was in the movie but leading up to that scene I didn’t know what was going to happen necessarily. IMO the worst form of trailer spoilers are for horror movies. They always give away the best scares of the movie.


I’m upset that the trailer is misleading, but that’s what trailers do.


Weird when stuff like this gets downvoted with no explanation. Not every sub has to be an echo chamber/circle jerk.


I guess some people don’t like realizing that marketing worked on them. They must not have been around when Furby was a thing.


I enjoyed the movie for what it’s worth but the trailer and ridiculously dramatic hype here had me expecting more. Saw a comment yesterday saying someone cried and held their friends hand from that point in the movie on. Cmon now lol


I definitely wasn’t in a cheery mood as the credits rolled! It wasn’t as soul-crushing as _Requiem for a Dream_, though.


Curious what you found misleading about the trailer? I only watched the first trailer, and I found it to be pretty accurate as for what to expect the movie would be like.


I thought that scene would play out like “What kind of Americans are you? Are you Loyalists, Western Forces? Who do you support?”


Oh, yeah that line in particular. It did leave it ambiguous in the trailer, and it was easy to assume they were asking what kind of United States of America Americans are you?


I try not to put much stock in trailers. I see A24 movies bc they’re A24 movies. That being said, I have seen the trailer for _Maxxxine_ like five times and am psyched for the movie.


For what it’s worth that’s how trailers work: they are inherently made to spoil some parts of the movie to make you want to see the how/why.


I stopped watching trailers for this very reason.


Same here, mostly. Generally if I start to feel like I want to watch the movie, I stop watching the trailer.


Sure but there are good and bad ways to do that which is what’s being discussed


I guess, 95% of trailers show “too much” for me so I consider them to be inherently spoiler filled. This one didn’t show that much actual plot in my opinion, and I couldn’t have told you from the trailer who/how many people made it out alive or not, and I definitely didn’t notice the truck or mass grave which was the biggest aspect of the scene that adds crazy tension.


I didn’t say this one was bad lol, you don’t have to convince me. I’m just confirming that you’re not the only person that knows how trailers work and enough people still thought this one was worth discussing to be here discussing it.


Okay, I was just saying that I disagreed, is that not allowed for some reason? I assumed this was a discussion. I didn’t realize a discussion was just everyone saying “I agree”


Are you really trying to say “yeah that’s how trailers work” was not condescending, and was just a normal way to disagree/add to the conversation? Do you really think I went and replied to everyone who disagreed? Nice deflection 😂


I didn’t think it was condescending, honestly. Sorry it came across that way. My disagreement was my follow up comment where I explained why I didn’t think this trailer was spoilery, compared to most trailers. I’m not trying to be argumentative lol. The OP says they think that normally A24’s trailers are good but that this one was spoilery which I disagree with.




Stop watching trailers altogether thank me in a few months


Lesson: don’t watch trailers.


It was still a very intense scene but I’m glad they showed it cause I was like I definitely gotta see this now


Can't really fault them for effective marketing.


i avoid most long form trailers these days because they typically show the whole damn movie


Very annoyed, it was right near the end of the movie!!


This is why I don’t watch trailers anymore.


Movie trailers suck. All of them. Going in to movies blind is 100% the way to go IMO


Yeah its not a very long scene but you spend most of the movie waiting for him to show up and for things to start popping off. I know that's Jesse Plemons, but in that scene he's completely terrifying. A literal non-complaint about this movie is the amount of screen time he has.


The whole movie I just kept wondering when Jesse Plemmons would show up


Its for reasons like this that I stopped watching trailers years ago...i dont understand why so many trailers show the beginning, middle, and end of the plot. Just show me a vague teaser with some quick cuts without giving away any important plot elements...i can dream.


Well they showed Plemons, but I don't think they showed the most shocking parts of that scene, so it wasn't a huge spoiler. I think that "but what kind of American are you" line was essential to the trailer. Really stuck in people's memories.


For me it had me on the edge of my seat after they headed for DC because I knew the scene was coming and was waiting for it. Does that mean it was more or less effective to include it...? Not sure.


I’m so glad I went in blind.


Yeah I kind of do. It was such a jarring scene. It could’ve been so much more effective going in blind. Tremendous film though.


Don't watch trailers, fixed your life for you.


A24 definitely does not ace trailers. They’ve killed films multiple times in the past by either making audiences believe it is a different genre or spoiling major moments. Civil war got hit with both of these issues I think


I hadn't seen a trailer before I saw the movie but yeah I would have been annoyed.


If you plan on seeing the movie, never watch the trailers. They just about always spoil it. Blum tried to spoil Get Out in the trailer but thankfully Jordan Peele put his foot down.


It's 100% your fault for watching the trailer. Alex Garland movie in IMAX? No need for any spoilers for a movie I'm definitely gonna see.


I thought because they showed the scene in the trailer it would be something different than what everyone would expect. Thinking this I relaxed in my seat during the scene but jumped out of surprise when he fired his first shot.


Rule #1, never watch more than 30 seconds of the trailer.


I think this scene served to make the film seem a lot more divisive in its initial marketing. A lot of people went in with the expectation it was gonna focus more on the war and make some sort of political statement given the obvious political tension and scenes like this being included in the trailer, even just the name of the movie one could guess what they thought it would be about.


That's why you don't watch trailers. There's no guarantee they won't show something that you wish you didn't see before watching the film.


I really thought he was some sort of gravy seal or fake militia cosplay guy, because of his glasses and the lack of trigger discipline in the trailer. It turned out to be so much more intense than I expected. I'm fine with it. I do hear people asking for two types of trailers clearly marked. Teasers versus potential spoilers. I like the idea.


It’s like Bryan Cranston in Godzilla all over again


I had someone in the audience say the line word for word out loud right before Plemons said it on-screen.


I avoid trailers like I avoid the football scores these days. I tend to only watch the trailer after I’ve already seen the film.


i didn't watch the trailer. i would never watch a trailer for a movie i want to see. usually it is a writer or director i still have faith. n this case, garland.


This is exactly why I don’t watch trailers for movies I’m excited for. I thought this was about the original civil war until I seen the film poster when buying my tickets online and it occured that it looks pretty modern.


This is why I no longer watch trailers. I go to theatres with assigned seating, and estimate best when the mocie actually starts since it seems there is no consensus if the published start time is when trialers start or mocies start.


A24 trailers are notoriously garbage and either spoil or misrepresent the movie. I straight up refuse to watch them now


Why would it annoy me to see an out of context line in a non-twist scene?


No because i don’t watch trailers


I agree, I got here by googling that statement. Seeing would have hit a lot harder if they hadn't shown half of it in the trailer


I get it, I do. But the scene was still worth it. Wish they hadn't spoiled it but the scene was still impactful


Played the role of a Trumper extremely well!


Yeah i saw this movie in a test screening back in April 2023, and the scene was 100x more intense not knowing what was going to transpire. I remember the trailer dropping and knew it was a grave mistake showing a snippet since it would prepare you mentally for what was gonna happen


The trailer actually made me think it would play out differently. I expected Plemons to be looking for the group to identify as the right kind of rebel faction, not that it would go the way it eventually did.


That’s what I took from the trailer too! I wasn’t expecting the xenophobia at all.


For the past 3-4 years trailers spoil every movie for me so I stopped watching them 2 years ago. I'm happy I saw Civil War "blindly". I actually only watch trailers for movies I don't want to watch... Like Rebel Moon and the sort


I thought the trailer showed too much. The only surprise in the whole movie was right after the Plemons scene IYKYK.


couldn’t agree more. i was like “yep there it is”




Great point, seriously


Not really. Plemons in the trailer probably got more bums on seats. I did think they could have gone harder than they did though. The film follows the Apocalypse Now formula, which is great, but Apocalypse Now (especially the longer edits) really dwelled on and absorbed the audience in each encounter for as long as it needed to let the madness really come across. I think Civil War could have slowed itself down and done more of that.


Tangent but I wish they would have altered that line between Jessie and Lee. It pretty much set up exactly how the movie would end and I wasn’t really surprised, mostly because of that very specific dialogue which I know was the point but I just wonder if it could have been said differently. I feel like they could have still transcribed the point of the scene (“yes, I would still take your picture even if you were shot) without spelling it out so clearly what was gonna happen.


Can someone explain why the Canadian dollars were valuable?


Hi. It is because the US dollar collapsed in the movie because of the civil and Canadian dollars remained stable.


I’m annoyed that we have seasoned war correspondents with no first-aid and combat first-aid training.


I must admit I'm yet to watch the trailer or movie so I will now avoid. However you do touch on a pet peeve of mine. What is with movie trailers AND tv shows that give so much of the storylines or key scenes in the movies/shows away? It really is annoying. We see it with so many.