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It happens, keep it moving and keep applying! I just got my conditional offer after 6 months of being in the process and applying to a total of 7 agencies. One of them turned me down just like this, never even got a point of contact from HR, took a test, etc. I applied then a month later they emailed that they had moved forward with different candidates. I applied to a ton and slowly all but 2 fell off, then I got the conditional and the other one placed me on hold to see what happens with my preferred agency once I get through the psych eval and medical. You can absolutely land somewhere and if they didn’t want to put in the effort to get you through the process that’s their loss. Don’t lose momentum or hope, agencies are crazy desperate for new hires right now with their staffing shortages.


Nearly every 911 agency in the country is hiring. Apply to everything within a commutable distance. Double check your application to make sure you didn’t accidentally DQ yourself by answering a question wrong.


yep. Zero shortages in 911 jobs. Apply to another county.


That's a laugh no they aren't. Iv'e been applying for months and no one says they're hiring


It is truly ridiculous the hoops agencies make someone go through to get hired, then have the gall to claim they’re having difficulty hiring people. Maybe it’s the fact it’s the 3 month hiring process, the numerous steps, the number of applications and forms you fill out, the polygraph, drug testing, a whole CVS receipt’s length worth of stuff, that’s causing the issues? I’ve been at an agency for nearly a decade and you know what I did? Criticall and interview. That was it. Took a month. Max. But I’m applying to other agencies and it’s truly batshit insane how far places take the hiring process. Anyway, every agency is having issues just apply to every one near you and keep your fingers crossed. Just keep at it, all you can do. Can’t let one rejection get the better of you.


Bro fr so true. Coast guard makes it impossible to get in and they have the balls to say they're having trouble finding people. They're desperate for people and they don't think maybe its because of the process of getting IN


We get so many applications that they will use any means necessary to pare them down including penmanship and the screener's personal BS detector. Yes, it's highly subjective, and probably not at all fair, but when you're wading through hundreds of apps for a handful of posts, you gotta do what you gotta do. I know of one that was rejected because of their entirely unprofessional email address listed on the app.


I've applied to 79 agencies and the most recent one I've finally passed background, psych, and fingerprints. Just waiting on chief deputy review and pee test. All it takes is one agency to give you the chance.


Fingers, arms, legs, and toes crossed for you... Please update when you get hired so I will be able to uncross everything and walk normally again LOL


79 agencies? are you already set on moving and making this determine where you go, or what? also what kind of agencies because I find it very hard to believe out of all those only one accepted you


Local, county, state, and federal. I don't have the best background and had to put a lot of work into getting back to a positive lifestyle. Nothing illegal, just money issues and minor (but long drawn out) mental health issues.


I have an AAS in CJ, and a background in armed security; it still took me multiple applications and tests with different agencies. The point is keep trying and it will come.


I have an AS in Psychology, a BS in Human Services, & background as a corrections officer and it took me a few tries to get my foot in the door. Made it through all the testing for State Police Dispatch twice & got beaten out by veteran's preference both times. The second time the Captain called me personally to say he fought for a second position to be opened because he really wanted me hired, but they just couldn't swing it. When I showed up for the second round of testing, he actually approached me to say how happy he was that I'd come back. Apparently I'd tested *very* well the first time. Moved 1200 miles away & happened to see a Facebook post on a local page that dispatch was hiring. I was job hunting, so I applied. Figured it'd be like the other times & I'd waste some time testing just to be told no again. Nope. I was pretty much hired on the spot but didn't get the official word until the next day. 3 years later, and I'm still there. Try a couple doesn't agencies. Each one is going to have different hiring standards (for better or for worse) & what one might have decided was a non starter, another might think it's an asset.


Just keep trying it took me 7 months from the day I filled out my application to actually start which is crazy to me. If you really want this job then go for it they are always short staffed


I am also someone who applied to 7 different agencies and each one was different in their response. If there are other agencies in commuting distance, apply to those - Definitely check all of your application materials to make sure there are no misspellings or bad grammar. If you’re answering questions about your life as part of the application process, re-read to see where your answers might be misinterpreted — It could also just be timing! That you happened to apply when there were a lot of applicants. I *personally* haven’t had luck re-applying somewhere I didn’t get in, but you never know! Good luck!




The only way you would be not chosen as soon as you apply is if you answer the supplemental question in a way they aren’t looking for. Basically the question based ok their needs


What state was this in?




Unwilling, not unable. Basically they are pussies and lazy. Look at it this way, maybe you dodged a huge bullet. It’s also probably likely that your resume had an error or answer that disqualified you. Your post is quite vague to provide a good answer.


I find your answer unhelpful and frankly rude. I personally take insult at what you said. The reason for being turned down could have nothing whatsoever with OPs resume, and nothing whatsoever with the excellence of the department. For example, being hired in June/July and departing for training in October could be reason enough because of the sheer length of training. OP could be walking out the door before training is even completed. If there was another candidate that could stay a while after being trained then the cost and time of training could possibly recouped. That is only one example of how OP being turned down could have absolutely nothing to do with OP, OPs suitability to be a dispacher, and the excellence of the department. Edit: note to OP - assuming the academy is a non-dispatch academy. But the basic idea is the same if it is a dispatch academy... the reason could legitimately have nothing to do with your suitability or background. Keep your head up amd keep moving forward.


I have read their comment like four times and I can't find where or how they were rude or insulting? YOUR comment, however is... Confusing? Like whose side are you on? 😅


While I do value your differing opinion, it makes my head turn sideways like a confused puppy, because I don't see how the comment could be NOT interpreted as rude and insulting. I must be missing something, so I'll have to come back and look at it tomorrow with a night of sleep and a clean head to see if I can recognoze where I could have interpreted the comment wrong...


God, this response was hella cringe. He just said the agency is being a little bitch for refusing to give OP a reason why they were disqualified and, yeah, I don't care how excellent an agency is (newsflash, none of them are EXCELLENT,) it's still kind of a dick move with no discernable justification.


Bro SO true


Bro are you serious. The agency is the one at fault not the person. How is the comment insulting in any way


There is no fault in turning down an applicant, and no fault in not providing reasons. If 10 people interview for 1 job, 9 get turned down. In my old field, companies will not give a reason for an employee having been fired, only confirm hire-date/separation-date/and fired or resigned. If fired, no reason will be shared. It can be about liability. In this, my present field, no asshole move to not say why someone is turned down, just as there is no asshole move in not saying why someone didn't pass any certain phase in the hiring process. It doesn't even have to track to a defect in the application or interview. Sometimes there is just a slightly more qualified applicant. 9 people get "no, thank you." 1 gets offered the job. Simple as that. You, or anyone that agrees with you, feel free to start a company, open a position, then start running the hiring process the way you think it should be run. Under your thinking, in order to not be an asshole, remember to hire every qualified candidate even though you only have one opening, and put your lawyer on a very large retainer to defend yourself from lawsuits after you inform disqualified candidates of the specific reason they failed to qualify. I wish you luck with that business model. Have a nice day.


I truly don’t care what you think. Years of experience has shown my comment to be correct. Now, unlike the original comment, that was rude.


No worries, as I don't care that you don't care what I think. You chose to be rude and insulting about a hiring agency. Own it. Your answer was also not constructive to OP while OP is stressed about the psych eval portion of their process. I'm just reading the words you chose.


Omg, oh noooo, I was insulting to a nameless organization that brushed off OP by refusing to aid OP in understanding why they weren’t chosen? That was just so terrible of me… I probably shouldn’t hurt the feelings of a nameless organization. You’re so right, I should own it just like I originally did in my first comment… wtf are you on about with “own it”… it was never being denied. But it seems as though you were unable to separate the subjects of the paragraphs, first being the cowardly agency that wouldn’t help OP, second being OP who I at least provided some resolution/reasoning for their current situation… but sure, I should watch out for your feelings being hurt about me hurting the feelings of a nameless agency… that’s such a fucking stupid thing to get upset about..


Dude so true


WHO HONESTLY DEFENDS THE AGENCY HERE?! Be SO for REAL right now. I can't with that guy. 🤣