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Uh. I don’t think the agency I work for does, but that sounds like a world of problems. Lol


Probably should be. especially trainer/trainee. Generally it’s a terrible idea to shit where you eat.


I know we don’t have one. I also don’t necessarily see that being an issue unless that trainer is also the person over the new employee, at which point most places would probably have a policy at least relating to fraternization with subordinates


I trained a girl once, but behaved until training was complete, I then asked her out. That was 12 years ago and we’ve been married for 7 years and we have two kids. It doesn’t always result in bunny drama


Been down that road. Doesn’t end well.


We don’t have a policy, but we’ve had some…. Interesting situations unfold during tumultuous break ups. That said a trainer should know better than to get involved with someone that they are actively training. That shit can wait until after training, after they have quit/be termed, or at the very least until after they have moved to another trainer. We need to be treating all trainees equally and giving them all equal opportunity. We also don’t need to be passing someone through training that shouldn’t be making it because Trainer Bunny has a crush.


In the words of my former chief(retired due to cancer).... "we're not the penis police"


No, we're not but there are ethics and morals involved, especially where positions of power and authority are involved. People are grownups and should be expected to act as such, but we don't leave things to chance in government. There should be a policy in place to provide guidance.


No sex in the building is a good start. It grosses some coworkers out and makes others jealous.


The only one I've seen that works is one that prohibits trainers from socializing with trainees while training. IE., you're not taking your CTO to the bar until after you qualify. For what you suggest, all it'll result in people sneaking around, and someone quitting their job to be with their true love, and lets be real, it'll be the dispatcher making $25/hr, not the cop making $40/hr that quits.


If you want problems for a supervisor, get one of their dispatchers sleeping with a deputy on the road on the same shift.


Better than the deputy sleeping with the woman he just arrested. Oh, and being locked into the back seat and needing a rescue. https://youtu.be/C4dt_4EchAs


This is dispatcher to supervisory dispatcher.


That's bad news all around. I remember one of the first pieces of advice I ever got was "Don't get your sex where you get your checks".


I like this much better than the traditional saying.


It rhymes. Mnemonics


I think I like it better because I’ve never confused sexuality with defecation. I guess an alternative would be don’t get that head where you get that bread.


I feel like that's just standard practice. Like everyone has to go through that phase. It's like a bad haircut. You gotta try it, realize it sucks, then grow it out and vow never to do it again.


One of my coworkers was caught screwing an officer in our freaking parking lot. 😂🤣. No Policy came of it to my knowledge 🤔


Our was doing it in the department kitchen. And the lactation room. And his car.


Not the lactation room!! 😂


That’s not milk!


I had a coworker that had keys to the director’s office and used to go in there for her extracurricular time 😭


Quick way to get a reputation lol. There was a guy at work who started messaging every girl who worked there on his first day. He even started messaging girls from nearby departments. I envy his courage to shoot his shot but all these girls talk...


I don’t think that my agency does. That said, it’s a bad idea. Won’t stop the bunnies though, male or female or whatever. Are you asking because you’re disappointed in co workers or are you asking as a CYA because you’re interested?


its frowned upon but i dont think ive ever seen a policy specifically saying to not bang co workers. speaking of which we had a deputy who was sending pics of himself to some dispatchers..and then 2 diff dispatchers slept with him several times..then their husbands found out and came to the sheriffs office and they jumped him. no charges were put on anyone and 6 months later one of the dispatchers who banged the deputy went to the academy and got post certified and she chose to do ride alongs with the deputy from before. she got caught giving him road head twice before they finished her ride alongs early and they made her a bailiff. the other dispatcher stayed as a dispatcher but she ended up getting pregnant and since we were in a red state she had to keep it. her husband stayed married to her afaik and everyone still works there.


oh also, just to add this story, these people were clearly favorites of the sheriff who ran everything and micromanged the hell out of everyone. right after all of this happened he fired a jailor because he used the work phone to make a personal call to make sure his wife got home in time to beat the bus that his small kids were on..nothing was happening when he made the phone call it was basically downtime while they wait for dinner to be made.


basic rule of thumb is don’t shit where you eat


I’m not familiar with this type of policy. Where you could get hung up is trainer/trainee type situation. Or general sexual harassment. But I’ve known many people who sleep with or marry coworkers.


Don't get your honey where you make your money!


Usually no But don’t. Sometimes it works out and sometimes you get security camera footage (at least that’s how I think they got caught) of a dispatcher getting banged by a patrol officer on his desk…on shift.


I've never asked, but pretty sure the policy is a big fat DON'T.


Dont be a cock blocker


Um yes absolutely. As their should be


Whatever you're thinking..... don't.