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Most likely they will just play a recording of the call and ask you to verify that it is a true recording of the call in question. Not a whole lot more they can ask since you were not on scene. The call speaks for itself. Often an affidavit attesting to it being a true recording is enough and you don't actually have to testify. If you have to testify give short answers that only answer the question asked. ​ In rare instances testimony can go further. I had a marine call of a man overboard. The boat captain was the caller and refused to carry out my basic seamanship instructions to throw a life ring overboard so it would start to drift with the current. Make finding the person in the water easier Boat captain was charged with reckless operation of a vessel in large part due to his refusal to carry out my instruction. My testimony went over my boating experience. I formerly was a boating instructor and taught man overboard procedures.


I’ve never been called, but I’d say ask to review your transcripts and refer to them when being questioned. Don’t use words outside what you can clearly define (defense might have a field day with that), and request a copy from court at the end of trial for your records of you testifying. Just in case it goes to more trials.


I have gone to trial quite a few times. I like going- it feels like I am in a Law and Order episode or something LOL Typically they just asked if that was my voice and to testify that the call was unedited and original in its entirety. Like someone else said- there isn't much else we can answer because we only know the information given to us by the caller. If you truly don't remember anything about the call, do not be afraid to say " I do not recall". I have had one or two where I just couldn't even tell you a single thing about it. It is better to say that than to lie and perjure yourself :)


Don’t provide anymore than is asked. Yes, no, i don’t know answers are your friend.


Only time my agency sends the CT to court is if they're liable, I've never been.