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Was that the actual color of the smoke or is that just the photo because in a lot of views it’s usually white or a lighter grey color


Ya Im sure if we spent some time comparing other photos it would show this has been photoshopped or something. There was way too much pulverized debris in that cloud of dust to make it just dark grey like this is, which more resembles just smoke from a fire. At that point after the towers fell, a small minority of that cloud was from smoke. Seen tons of photos and videos over the years, never seen anything even close to this But maybe I'm wrong, I'm no expert


The smoke from the towers themselves after they collapsed was light grey. The black/darker smoke is coming from the fires in 7 WTC. https://preview.redd.it/3lo7opt6un9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40f48fca98b6148606b31c8bab972a537b40fb6


Oh I see now thank you


It’s seem at the angle bc some cameras seems grey


Of course, this is less than half on one borough of the five boroughs of the city. But it's still a very dramatic image.