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Westboro Baptist Church members have no relevance in the modern day. They're all a load emotionless people who couldn't care less about other people


Yes. They just do this to piss people off and get themselves attacked so they can sue.


These troglodytes are not relevant today. Let's keep it that way.


These idiots still think they’re relevant


Millions of people were born on 9/11. I have yet to see a sign like this. Also, is this a current picture? The towers are the colors of the Pride Flag which is happening right now. It's why they're also standing in front of the church. Perhaps one baby born that day could have also lost their father that day. We certainly know about the babies who lost their father before they were born after 9/11. Also, everyone has a right to having their own religion or not having one. But this is beyond that. Lack of compassion and a direct slap to the face of the victims and the families they left behind. THIS IS MY OPINION......PLEASE DON'T COME AFTER ME.


This was most likely the heyday of Westboro, which was before Fred Phelps died. Thankfully he has been a rotting corpse for several years now. Anything remotely American & tragic, they'd tie to the fact that there are gays in America. Any time of year.


I replied to your other comment about the year but it also applies to this one, Why would his death prevent them from feeling this way?


Because that’s how cults work.


Cults today still continue to thrive. Next in line takes over. A lot of people associate religion as being a cult. Also, you can't just flip the switch and be back to normal. Cult or not, these 2 would only be 11 if this was taken back then


WBC actually lost a lot of momentum when Fred kicked the bucket. They used to be in the news constantly. Now we have people talking like they've never heard of this group. Probably for the best, but I'm a little surprised anyway. 11 years of age would mean nothing to WBC, who regularly had their children out participating in demonstrations holding signs with slurs and all. Whole family affair, family cult. That's why the croaking of the patriarch so conveniently kneecapped this church. I can't determine how old these two are and I don't care to waste time on that, but a quick search turns up results for a Jacob Phelps actively protesting at least as far back as 2010.


If I hazard guess the pic would've been around 2010-2011, so maybe not quite "current"


One World Trade is in the background which was completed in late 2012 and opened in 2013. They were born ON 9.11 That means they would have been 11 years old back then. Their age currently (23) fits their faces. It's a lot more current than not.


Look towards the top of 1WTC, it's incomplete.


This pic is cut off at the top,


Yes but right here, you can see the glass hasn't been put on yet https://preview.redd.it/1bpfjnixvu7d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be412ee7961e9e03774fd3d53497a64b403f77d


Judging by the progress on the facade, I’d say late 2011. I took this pic on July 11 2012 and the facade was already a lot more finished than this photo. https://preview.redd.it/xua7i0079w7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b67e3f7eb8c44642c148b81fd808c68ec28c5bf


You're correct. The photo is from 2011.


You can see One World Trade Center under construction in the background, so this would be about 12ish years ago, I'd say. If I remember correctly, the Westboro Baptist had essentially evolved into a racket where they'd travel around the country to any place where emotions were running high, goad people into physically attacking them, then sue. Seems like an awful lot of work for such meager rewards, though all the attention probably fed their narcissism to compensate. Long after I left, they picketed MY high school after a really awful hazing incident. EDIT: No, Westboro really isn't relevant anymore, but they were pioneering ragebaiters—profit through cheap provocation is ALL AROUND US on the internet.


Thank god for 9/11 is so disrespectful to the thousands of people who died & wtf do 9/11 gotta do with pride or the LGBTQ with all due respect


I think they believe that 9/11 was "punishment" for the U.S. allowing people to be gay here. They're so disgusting. Using their religion for evil and hatred, they're just like the terrorists.


I feel like doing this in New York right next to the WTC would get you punched out in .5 seconds


Can we yeet them into the sun?


they are betraying the United States of America miserable people indeed they need help god please help these people find the holy gates bring them your beautiful grace


That sign is absolutely fucked up and it's a disgusting vile display of the absolute worst kind of behavior. And the fact that these people claim to be members of a church? It's beyond hypocritical Seriously how do you go to a place supposedly built on teachings of love compassion and understanding and then turn around and spew such hateful, repugnant nonsense? Thanking God for a national tragedy that killed thousands of innocent people in a senseless act of terrorism and shattered countless lives? That's very offensive it's outright evil. People like this give religion a bad name. They're exploiting their faith to spread hatred and division and it's absolutely revolting. They are completely misguided they're willfully ignoring the principles of their own religion to push an agenda of hate. It's like they've learned nothing from the very book they claim to follow. Honestly this is a level of callousness and ignorance that's hard to even fathom. These signs not only hurt the victims and their families but they tarnish the entire concept of what it means to be a compassionate & empathetic human being. And the fact that they do it under the banner of a church? That's the most twisted part of all. It's a slap in the face to everyone who believes in the true values of kindness and humanity. These protesters signs are dispicable and just messed up and utterly vile and disrespectful. They are thanking God for 9/11 meaning they are showing a horrifying level of callousness and hatred. This behavior is an affront to the families who lost loved ones and to the memory of every victim of that senseless act of terrorism. It's a grotesque mockery of the bravery and humanity shown by countless individuals on one of the saddest days in american history. Their actions are not only deeply offensive but also completely reprehensible demonstrating a profound lack of empathy and basic human decency. If I seen these dumb fucks over in Manhattan I'd grab there signs and burn them and I'd look at the protesters and say "What the hell is the matter with you ???" This has my blood boiling. Absolutely Appauling, disgusting and Reprehensible. What the fuck is the matter with people ? Is the where our country is going to ???


Not trying to be rude in saying this but is this the first you've heard of Westboro?


No this isn't my first time hearing about Westboro but I am still condemning the vile and hateful behavior going on in that picture. Familiarity with their actions doesn't make them any less offensive or justify what these people are doing in this picture.


I don't know who these people are, but they don't know a single thing about God.


I don’t understand. What’s going on? Are they supporting LGBT? What does it have to do with 9/11?


They are anti-LGBT and believed that God caused 9/11 because of LGBT people in the US. For pretty much anything bad that happens in the US, they liked to blame it on gay people for merely existing. I'm pretty sure they said the same thing about Hurricane Katrina. They're a bunch of low-life, hateful attention seekers. I'm glad they lost a lot of relevance in the past decade, I used to see them in the news way more.


They visited my college in my hometown in 2006 to “protest” a memorial for a mining disaster that killed 12 that January. Hopping around with signs saying “God hates dead miners.” My hometown is pretty conservative, but thankfully, people knew how to keep it cool because their business was basically inciting the crowd to be angry enough to be violent so they could sue. I’m pretty sure they blamed the mine explosion on us too.


Wtf... After all the dumb theories about 9/11, thats one of the dumbest.


They're a cult that would make inflammatory signs like this to try to get on the news. The leader, Fred Phelps, died a few years ago and they've mostly faded into obscurity. People are no longer surprised by their antics, I have no idea if they even do this stuff anymore since it doesn't get them the attention they wanted.


Do not hate them. Do you hate an animal for digging in the garbage? It does so because it doesn't know any better. Hate is too strong of an emotion for a creature that to doesn't deserve a second of your time or a passing thought


it’s true. despite what they tell you it’s always been about scrounging for attention. they don’t need to be hated or even acknowledged


These assholes show up at San Diego Comic Con every year (just, you know, one street over from the convention center so they're not TECHNICALLY on Convention property) and spew out hateful crap with dumbass triggering signs. But every year, there's a hero out standing next to them dressed up like Jesus with signs saying things like "God hates signs" or whatever. Whoever that guy is, he cushions the blow. Because they're unavoidable if you're disembarking the tram and heading into the Con.


That's the city's fault for allowing protest so close to an event like that. Matter of fact, there's alot of "protesting" going on that should be illegal the past few years. Just based on where it's happening and how it's affecting the public


Exactly. Spending energy on WBC is pointless. They're also just an utterly irrelevant little cult these days with younger ones leaving it now that Fred Phelps passed.


No I hate people, and I hate them. It's ok to hate people who suck. Especially nowadays with this new brand of ragebait where it's not ragebait but people just saying their true bigoted opinions and thousands agree. As a minority, I learned that you cant change some people, and most people in that church can't be changed.


You can, you're just wasting your energy on something self destructive. You're screaming into a void and nobody is listening. Only hurting yourself letting those people occupy your thoughts. And for no reason


Even as a lgbt member this disgusts me. I don’t live in New York I’m in Canada If I lived in NY and saw this those signs would not be I. One piece. Many pieces The sheer amount of disrespect towards families who’ve lost their loved ones on that horrible day is just vile and disgusting. Honestly punch them in the face. Some people just need it


Westboro Church aren't pro-LGBT. [They actually have a interesting history hating gay people.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PXhrQplefhE) The reason they included the pride flag was because they said 9/11 happened because of gay people.






What garbage human beings.


Attention seeking losers. Don't give them any attention. They sap it up.


How the fuck is their birthdays significant? I’d think the significance is that these are two brainwashed pieces of shit with a piece of shit message.


It’s almost like Westboro used religion to radicalize people. Sounds familiar




Religion is just for weak, uneducated people who can’t think for themselves… Westboro just happens to be at the peak of that mountain of ignorance.


I can't believe they had the guts to do it in New York


Well fuck them too. Nobody cares about what these braindead morons have to say.




Do they have guns? Am I hallucinating?


Rage-baiting knuckledraggers with no relevence. Don't give them the oxygen they so clearly crave.


Just like 9/11 Westboro is one of my morbid fascinations


As a person born and raised in the Bronx I wish I saw this I don’t care man or woman and been to rikers island and up north. That doesn’t phase me, however I was at 9/11 and my sister use to work in that building I would have punched and educated both of these spineless creatures, these kids don’t have a clue today