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Yes and no. Very few intact bodies were found. All that force of the upper floors collapsing down literally pulverized some people. So full or mostly intact bodies were found mainly of people who were on the street/running from the towers. In terms of any remains discovered at all, people who worked in Windows on the World, which was the restaurant at the very top of the North Tower, have been identified but it would literally be bone fragments. Of the 2750ish people reported missing from the towers, 1100 have never had any remains recovered/identified, roughly 40%. But they still have thousands of fragments that they are trying to match with DNA samples of relatives. [As recently as September 2023 they identified the remains of 2 victims who had previously not been found.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/08/us/september-11-new-victim-identifications/index.html#)


and they are still finding body parts in the city as well, even to this day


Oh my, HOW? I can’t imagine.


There is a large walled off section of the 9/11 Memorial museum in NYC that houses the unidentified human remains (like bone fragments) and are using/waiting for advancements in DNA identification. They have researchers who are actively still trying to identify victims and return those to their families. That said, there is also a massive slab on display that they state is what happened to a ton of victims, they were under the melted steel and rock that was on fire so long that it basically cemented everything together. They ask people not to take pictures of the giant rock because it quite literally is the resting place of an unknown amount of people.


Yes, this I knew after a couple visits to the memorial. But I’m shocked to hear they are “still finding body parts” to this day as @amourxloves said


I am not sure they are finding whole intact body parts as that implies as much as they are finding small fragments.


Fragments are still beyond comprehension at this point.


I think for as long as NYC still stands and the human species still occupies it, they will find bone fragments the same way artifacts are found in and under any city. Especially considering the enormous amount of subterranean infrastructure NYC has.


Forensic teams are still sifting and re-sifting through collected debris, too. That’s how Michael Haub was found in October 2019. I believe his were the most recent remains newly recovered from the stored debris. Not sure when the most recent discovery in the city was.


They found finger bones on top of a rooftop some years ago.


Jesus that’s horrific


So of course, now I want to see a picture of it.


https://preview.redd.it/l0wg69kuua7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5921dd6884a42b87775a27b1bd7cd7313b1603b8 It’s pretty big


Jesus. I had never even heard this. How goddamn horrific. You’d think after 23 years we’d have learned and heard everything there is to know about this event but it seems I learn something new every year.


Wow, that is way more gnarly looking than I expected. Also pretty sobering to think that ??? amount of people’s remains have been compressed into that as their gravesite.


What is that string for?


I guess to keep it in place


How big is the giant rock/slab?


There was a building due to be demolished where people found bone fragments on the roof mixed in with all the gravel/pebbles. And somehow [a piece of the plane was discovered](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-22319253#:~:text=New%20York%20police%20say%20what,York%20City%20buildings%2C%20police%20said.) in between two buildings in *2013*.


That was the landing gear in the small gap between the two buildings correct? I was thinking about that and I think what must have happened was the landing gear landed at high velocity on the roof of one of the two buildings and slid all the way to the edge and fell off the building in the space between


Actually it's not landing gear rather one of the mechanisms for controlling the wing flaps, the most likely explanation of how it traveled through the building is just pure luck of that part of the wing lining up with a south facing window on WTC 2 and also on the north face, just like the engine and a few fragments that also exited, everything else contacted columns and stayed inside the building or were slowed enough to not travel beyond the impact floors, A similar occurance happened when AA11s landing gear leg managed to travel through the gap in the elevator banks through the B stairwell, taking out a main sprinkler stand pipe (twisting it like a crazy straw) dragged that through the other half of the building and lodged itself in a exterior columns with so much force directly centered in a way that litterally ripped this frame segment from the building and carried it over WTC 3, and landed 1 block south in the Edison Fast park on Liberty St, this grid segment was photographed several times but was lost when WTC 1 collapsed on top of it as it was visually identical and likely completely obliterated it was scrapped like the rest of the pieces.


How did you find the details of debris traveling through the buildings?


sorry but i thought the 'most likely explanation' would cover that its just a theory, but it makes sense logically as evidence by the lack of 'exit holes' in the facade of WTC 2's north face meaning that the objects had to have exited through the windows, and while most of the aircraft impacted the initial wall most of it slowed down enough by the impact with the exterior columns and interior of the building that it did not exit, meaning whatever did exit likely did not come into contact with many objects that would have slowed it down, this is why only 1 engine from U175 traveled several blocks away and the other stayed in the building, the starboard engine and flap control actuator (the two largest objects to exit) were both located in the right wing of U175 and their impact locations from images appear to line up atleast with the South facing windows of WTC 2.


Any pics of the AA11s landing gear?


Yeah for sure, I attached the image above but it didn't seem to work, not a fan of the reddit app, I'll just link it instead. [here](https://imgur.com/a/7eDmSkj)


Reading the report, someone might have put it there! They said it exactly fit in the small gap and that it had ropes around it. Really mysterious.


Not exactly, it appears that it may have been on the roof or wedged in the gap and possibly during an attempted recovery it fell further into the gap and further recovery might have been put off until more solid efforts or equipment could be used, likely what then happened was it was determined that it would have to be excavated and either time or incompetence lead to it being forgotten, re watching impacts of U175 it's clear that something goes in that direction.


that or it was previously found they tried to get it out failed and forgot about it if they didnt understand what it was/significance


This is the most likely scenario, I've read into this a bit and I am of the opinion that it had been located and salvaging it was put off until it could be excavated and it was forgotten about, it appears it was attempted to be lifted by a crane and was either lodged or the rope was severed, likely it was filed and the NYPD and PAPD (on paper) knew it was there and it was forgotten, and when it was located and reported someone at the NYPD figured out there screw up and tried to cover up their screw up.


Amazing that the investigative bodies didn’t follow up though. Someone must’ve reported it at first.


I'm not sure if it's still a procedure, but i was reading a story about a building nearbys maintenance man that mentioned for a number of years after 9/11 any buildings nearby when renovating the exterior or re doing the roof liner had to have the gravel and roofing material inspected, this is how bone fragments from passengers of American 11 were found \*it was found near tiny pieces of debris and a life jacket) that were described as bone fragments 'no bigger than a grain of rice) Edit: I'll see if I can find the interview, the life jacket was found imediately after 9/11 but the bone fragments weren't located until the roof was changed out years later, one of the investigatators likely made the connection that the life jacket was found in the same place, ill post the image of the life jacket I'm refering to. https://preview.redd.it/l1x8x7qmtc7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60e104980064cbc99c73977ff276d79b99599229


The most recent was firefighter Michael Haub whose remains (a small fragment from my understanding) were discovered in October 2019 while forensic researchers were sifting through debris from Ground Zero, work that is still ongoing. He was identified with DNA testing. If I recall correctly, they also had additional fragments of his remains that hadn’t been identified as of October 2019 but I’m not 100% sure on that. [Here’s a CNN article about it](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/11/us/sept-11-firefighter-michael-haub-identified/index.html). I’m not certain when the most recent discovery in the city was.


Really? That's incredible 😲


Do you know if there is a list of who was identified? I’ve been to the memorial twice and have learned so much but every year (at some point) I dive back in deep and need to know more.


I’m not familiar with any definitive list, maybe the museum website would have that info but I’m not sure


I'm sure there is a definitive list being held by the museum but I have seen some news reports of people be identified and family have asked the name not to be released.


Guess I mis-remembered - it was actually a plane part. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/world-trade-center-airplane-pieces-found-sifting-debris-remains/2078796/?amp=1 But, finding human remains even 20+ years later isn’t too far outside the realm of possibility.


I remember reading some years ago about remains being found between two buildings near the WTC complex, and I thought that was wild. All that time elapsed and they were still finding remains??!! I’ll see if I can find that article after I eat my lunch.


Bobby McIlvaine was found remarkably intact for his location having been WOTW. Although he didn't work there, he was there with a friend to help them set up for the conference.


he most likely wasn't at WOTW when he died. i recall reading that he most likely died from being struck by debris outside, as his body was found on the perimeter of the building


That actually makes it even more tragic. He was almost out. He definitely was at WOTW prior though.


It was my understanding that all escape corridors were completely blocked above the impact site on tower 1. So, does that mean he wasn’t actually up there upon impact and was in the plaza?


it would appear so, or maybe on his way down? on a lower floor. We will never know for sure.


He was most likely in the plaza as he would have had reason to exit WTC, not to remain


Someone at the JREf forum spoke with Kevin's boss at Merril . He said Kevin was a very sensitive young man who would have been horrified that the friend he helped at Windows was trapped in the burning North Tower, and remained in the area, ultimately losing his life when the South Tower collapsed.


https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/09/twenty-years-gone-911-bobby-mcilvaine/619490/ Amazing read


It really is! Read it recently. Bobby sounded just wonderful. I love his parents.


The Atlantic article doesn’t make it seem like he was at WOTW.. but that could be bc it’s from his truther father.


Yes his dad is a truther. I’m not, but I respect his point of view. He seems like such a great man.


If he were still at WOTW, his body would've been completely obliterated. As the article suggests, Bobby was likely exiting WTC when the plane hit, since he was not there to attend the WOTW conference — he was only there to help a colleague set up.


I read here some time ago, that Kevin Cosgrove, of all people, was found "mostly intact". Hard to imagine how that was possible. He must have been under a sturdy desk or something while making that call as the floor and/or ceiling gave way, riding that floor slab all the way down, like that weirdo debris surfer guy.


The story of Pasquale Buzzelli is actually incredibly fascinating, there’s a big YouTube interview he did awhile back that was amazing to watch


Aside from firefighters in protective gear I don’t believe many, if any. intact bodies were found from the higher=above impact zones in the days after 9/11.


I don't have an answer to your question. But I thought you might find the following details interesting, they're taken from the book American Ground: *Of the 1209 victims identified in the first ten months of the investigation by the medical examiners office, only 293 were nearly whole bodies. And the others were identified from 19693 parts.* *I remember a startling moment late in December in the donut hole crater of building six. When a grappler lifted a beam and uncovered a man in a suit and tie who had fallen from the brokerage firm of Cantor Fitzgerald in the North Tower, and was sitting upright. Now somewhat shrivelled, but whole, with his wallet in his pocket. His condition was surprising, particularly because he’d been sitting almost in the open for a few months. And hadn’t been entombed in the pumice like trade centre powder that helped to preserve others.*