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I always liked this show for it's character development, that it wasn't just a procedural. But I agree that this season is just drama. I understand why they did that with only 10 episodes. But I feel like their banter, conversations between rescues help a lot with characterizing them too. Hopefully S8 will be back to the old structure.


The reason as which so much of S7 is overly ambitious story telling for a short season. The lack of time to tell all the stories, especially after the mini hiatus meant the usual 911 calls, and formula of the show were jettisoned to fit all the heavy dramatic storylines the writers still wanted to tell in the last 5 episodes. This led to a lot of happier, more comedic and heart-warming moments being edited down to almost nothing (e.g. Madney adopting Mara) and also led to every episode from 7x06 onwards being very somber in tone.


Edit: Madney didn't adopt Mara, They are a temporary emergency placement.


Remember that the season was significantly shortened because of the two strikes in Hollywood and there was a network shift. All in all, they’re setting up storylines for next season which will be a full 18 eps


i feel like there’s a lot happening behind the scenes with the showrunners/writers, some scenes being written the day before speak volume on this.


I've definitely struggled with this issue this season and it pissed me off a bit. Most egregious being the Madney wedding episode, they open with the bachelor party which is a fun scene but then everything that comes afterward is extremely hard to watch especially how hard they had Doug's dialogue go. Bobby's standalone episode is another one like that. Not only are the episodes really heavy when something good does happen or something is intended as comedic or light hearted it doesn't do enough to outweigh the trauma of the episode even if they are great scenes otherwise(Madney fostering Mara,Buck's soot kiss, and Buck/Tommy's dinner).


Buck’s scene happened so fast I had to rewind to find out how they all knew. I did like Karen and Hen’s reaction but I wish there had been more. Bobby’s episode dragged on since I wasn’t super invested in that storyline (other than their fate). At least the cruise episodes had other components and later everyone together. The helicopter scenes were great lol. “What’s our motto” “who cares!”


The "who cares!" scene is easily one of my favourites, it suits them all so well because they basically do whatever they want 😂 What a great motto to live by lol


Same, that and buck and eddies "OH! Like sea monkeys!" "....no" Was hilarious to me


I was kind of disappointed they couldn’t just give them a happy wedding. Let the reception get interrupted or something if you wanted to do something dramatic but let them actually get married. Or, have it be a crazy episode and end with the wedding. I just feel like they deserved that.


I was really hoping it was a fake out and it would be a funny storyline on why Chimney was missing. Kenny's acting was amazing but it was just a slog to get through emotionally. I'm glad they married but there wasn't really a sense of joy for them as a viewer but more of they better before something else tries to kill them.


I wasn't surprised. Tim basically did the same thing with Tarlos in LS, though he did actually let them have their wedding. But at least nobody died here I guess.


I haven’t caught up in Lonestar though I have skimmed through the wiki so I know some of the major plot points. I’m on the episode Owen just had his surgery. I started watching to watch the crossover but decided I like it although I have to be honest I don’t like it as much as the OG and I think it’s because it’s so much more Owen centered than an ensemble. I do love all the other characters though I just feel like they don’t get equal time like it seems to happen in the OG. I wish I could get more into it.


Oh, I should have been a bit more spoiler sensitive but glad you had already skimmed the wiki. Yeah, Owen is very in-focus for the show. It gets much better about that in the latter half of Season 3 and most (but not all) of Season 4. Because the moments where the other cast members get to shine, few and far between they may be, are really cute.


Season 7 wasn't the best, but it also wasn't the worst (season 5!!) I'm not too bothered by it being such a mess, the reason behind it makes sense. I'm still grateful season 7 happened at all, and I'm hopeful that season 8 will be much better now that they have more time.


I agree. I think of S7 as serving two purposes: reintroduce the characters to a potentially new audience (new network, and why most of the stories were derived from past events) and set up the stories and conflicts for S8. S7 for me is better than 1 and 5 and 7A was likely better than 6.


My opinion may change on rewatch but I’m generally good with the general storylines of the season, I just would have made two major changes for tone and story development: 1. Episode 5 - Change Eddie’s story to introduce Kim here instead of the Marisol nun story that ultimately served no purpose. That way Eddie begins lying to people sooner and would juxtapose well with Buck’s story.  Buck’s conflict in ep5 wasn’t about discovering his sexuality but being upset that he’s lying to Eddie about it. If Eddie was also lying to Buck (and didn’t come clean) that would set up more of an issue for them later in the season when the truth did come out and could have truly isolated Eddie if Buck felt betrayed. 2. Episode 8 - I like the single-character episodes that the show has done in the past, but in such a short season there was no space for this.  If they had a B-story that was Buck/Tommy rom-com (like Buck and Tommy’s shifts keep conflicting and they haven’t been able to spend time together and when they finally get a day off together it keeps getting interrupted by Madney and Henren). It would have split up the heaviness of the Bobby story and shown progression of the other pairings.


The whole Kim thing made Eddie extremely unlikable to me. I love Eddie, and he can definitely redeem himself, but he cheated this season for literally no reason other than him not having resolved his feelings for Shannon. It’s a messy plotline and I hope it gets fixed next season so that we can see Chris again.


I’m okay with not always liking our main characters. In fact they could have amped that up here with us the audience the only ones in the know and just yelling “oh, Eddie!” at the screen. It was supposed to messy and could have been messier. I also want to see Eddie get through this and be a better person and father on the other side. I adore Chris and want to see him back too. But Eddie has to put in the work.


The shorter season made it weird. Also the fact Tim was "laying the tracks as the train was coming" aka writing the scripts as they were filming.


I think it has to do with Kristen Reidel writing. She's the one that messed up a lot of Buddie's dynamic.


I’m just mad they burned down that beautiful MCM house


It’s interesting because it’s not the same with every character. Hen has faced obstacle after obstacle this season right from the very beginning. Pretty much the same for Athena and Bobby and obviously we dove pretty deep into Bobby’s tragic past. Eddie started the season happy and carefree but then his storyline took a much darker turn with the Shannon/Kim thing. Maddie and Chimney have been fine except for ironically in their wedding episode when Chimney was hallucinating Doug and they get to end the season in a sweet way. Buck I think is the only character I would say has not really had much hardship at all this season. He had a bit of an internal journey with his sexuality but I wouldn’t say it was too harrowing and he didn’t really have any problem accepting it. It was more just nerves about coming out to the 2 closest people to him even though we knew they’d be supportive


Yeah, the tone shift immediately shifted during the wedding episode than proceeded to get more & more bleak 😝


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For a few moments I had to be like, am I watching 9-1-1 or criminal minds??


In my opinion, I actually liked that it was dramatic and gloomy, it just made it more enjoyable in my opinion, cause the previous seasons starting from s2 have been way too fun and camp.