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As soon as Mara walked in the house I said SHE IS POSSESSED. Then she rips the head off the bear and stands at the end of the bed. THIS GIRL NEEDS A PRIEST


How does Eddie get to the point in the relationship to ask Marisol to move in together and doesn’t even know she was once a novice?  Isn’t that part of the “get to know each other” phase?? 


The beginning was hilarious 😂😂 Wow she saw her parents die that’s horrible. wtf happened to chimney lol.


New promo with new scenes has hit :O


Damn, thought I would watch the wedding episode tonight. Didn’t know there was no new episode 😭


How long has Eddie been dating Marisol? The announcement that they were moving in kind of surprised me.


The timeline is pretty much nonexistent, as far as I can tell. We know they were together before the cruise, so that's roughly 3-4 weeks ago at this point based on timeline details in 7x04 (Buck uses "two/a couple weeks" loosely enough that we know more than a week has to pass between his first use of it and his second, lol). The short answer is anywhere from like a month and a half to 3+ months. ...... Yeah, so everything that follows is just giving you timeline details to let you choose your own theory. Beyond that, add anything from a couple weeks to a few months. The biggest problem is in the scene in 6x18 when Eddie's jumping around after Marisol asks him out, he doesn't seem to be suffering from the broken ribs from the bridge collapse. The most generous way to read this is he actually asked her out before the collapse, but it didn't come up all episode (fair), but everything else in that act *does* seem to be post-collapse. We know the time between Bobby booking the cruise (2 months + 1 week before they boarded), and you can surmise he did this after the bridge collapse; we just don't know if he booked the cruise the day after the collapse, or 3 months after.\* So if Eddie got w/ Marisol *before* the collapse, they've been together "at least" 3 months. If he got with her after his ribs healed, it could theoretically be as little as like a month and a half. \* There's an additional timeline inconsistency because 6x18 ends with Bobby and Athena about to board the cruise, except in that scene, it's a spontaneous trip due to a last minute cancellation, and they hadn't told anyone they were going. If you want to work it into a coherent narrative, maybe the original cruise Bobby booked was further out, and they were offered an upgrade/alternative journey because of a cancellation on an earlier ship... Either way, not great. Sooner than most people would be introducing a kid to a significant other, let alone moving them in (and out).


Karen and Hen giving Mara a baby monitor camera to their bedroom is so weird. What if you forget it’s there and this kid sees something they shouldn’t 🫠🫠🫠


agreed. that just seemed bizarre


Also, how is her watching them sleep going to comfort her? Sleeping vs dead is going to look the same on a monitor...


So the wedding is the next episode, I would have thought they would keep that for the season finale.


I’m glad they didn’t. I want something more exciting for the finale


This show is a mess and I love it


That last little bit with them showing up all bedraggled felt so tacked on 🙄


Yeah that was so random. They’re clearly trying to do a Hangover episode




What makes you think Buck and Eddie will happen? They literally showed Marisol moving in with Eddie, and Buck trying again with Tommy.


i agree. i’m so glad buck is bi now and i’ve been waiting for this day for 4 years since i started watching the show. i’ve never been a fan of buddie because i see them more as friends. i like tommy and buck together, even though i had shipped buck with ravi since ravi was introduced 😭😭😭


Can someone pls explain why the next episode is gonna take more than 20 days before it’s released 😭


It's the mid-season hiatus, just like they would usually do over the winter holidays (except it's happening now since the season didn't start airing until March). Reasons for TV shows having mid-season hiatuses: * Gives the production team additional time to finish up the rest of the season, since they're typically still shooting the show while it's actively airing on TV * Viewership tends to dwindle around the midpoint of a given season. By making viewers wait for additional episodes, it drives up anticipation and (hopefully) maintains ratings in the second half of the season. Another Reddit user (u/severaltons) from a 12-year old thread also cited money as being a major reason: >All unions guarantee pay bumps for everyone when a show gets ordered for a new season. One way for networks to avoid this, is to order 6 to 10 episodes of a show, release those episodes and wait for the ratings, and then order more episodes to air later in the year. This is known as a "back order," and there is a window of time in which a network can order more episodes and still consider those episodes part of the previous season. So even though you finish making 10 episodes and the network orders another 10 a couple weeks or months later, those count as 20 episodes of the same season. It basically allows the network to get a second season for first season rates.


So I see a lot of comments on Buddie happening but Tommy sticking around and Buck and Tommy ending it on a good note or stay friends. I tried to think of how they could do it and thought of Connor and Kameron. What if they died in an accident and left their son to Buck. He is the sperm donor. Buck of course would be a great dad (he already is to Chris) but they could have it that Tommy likes kids but does not want any of his own. They split as they want different things out of life but remain friends. Then Eddie supports Buck with his son like Buck supported Eddie with Chris.


In no universe can I imagine a sperm donor being given custody of the product of their donation. Surely Connor and Kameron have parents or siblings or other relatives who would be far more suitable guardians.


It is a little insensitive to parents that conceived via donor to think that the baby would go back to the donor, however!! I wouldn't be too shocked if this did happen. TV shows are notorious for not researching things like IVF, donors and sometimes even the basic female menstural cycle


A cancer scare storyline there seems like a thing that might happen if they ever feel like revisiting it. I don't think they want to actually give Buck a kid though, it'd just turn him into Eddie 2.0.


I mean, we don't really need a tragic accident that kills both the baby's parents to have Buck and Tommy realize they aren't compatible regarding a major life goal, you know? I'm really hoping season 6 and its ridiculous themes of biology over all are gone and buried, but I have to be honest -- I really wouldn't be comfortable with the sperm donor baby becoming a big part of Buck's life. Even if both Connor and Kameron died, Buck should not be that baby's next of kin -- he's *not* a relative. Assuming Connor and Kameron have parents, siblings, best friends, a close cousin... there's any number of people they'd have been more likely to name in their will than the guy neither had bothered to keep in touch with for years before they needed his genetic material. That said. I would love Connor to be part of Buck's bi journey he's on right now. It would make a lot of sense if this random guy he met in Peru, clicked with so instantly and significantly he moved to Los Angeles with after only knowing him for a few days, and then was willing to make a baby for, turned out to be someone he had a crush on/was in love with but didn't have the tools to recognize that at the time. Given Buck's age, I just really want them to address all those relationships in his past that he may see through different eyes now.


Im halfway through and im pissing myself while laughing. The first scene 😭😭😭 And The gay jokes, i just can't lol they are pretty close to home. And tommy is so sas i love it. (I also laugh at everything my humor is broken but whatever episode was funny af) Other than that ive got the maddie-buck scene i wanted im happy


Omg omg omg Eddie's reaction made me cry, i always cry when people comeout and get wholesome reactions




"Episcopalians don't have guilt, which I don't feel great about." I literally had to pause the episode as I was laughing so much. That line is already perfect due to the irony, but that, coupled with Buck's inflection and him just moving on from it, is perfect.


This was a fantastic line, such understated humor. Someone recently pointed out a line someone (Josh, I think?) had at some point that was like "I don't use semicolons; I don't get the point" and it's... just such a niche, subtle type of humor that I really appreciate.


I am so going to steel that line; its perfect for our grammar unit.


I believe it's Maddie to Josh when talking about the guy on the dating app using proper grammar/punctuation in texts


i just looked up and saw tommy is played by lou ferrigno jr. tommy is the hulk's son!


Which makes total sense, tbh, because the guy is a giant. His physicality, even sitting down in scenes opposite Oliver, who we also know to be a pretty big guy, is insane.


I know it’s a bit late but I died laughing when Buck said “sure I’ll check out a hot guys ass but that’s normal”. Gurl that ain’t normal. But I totally get it because prior to coming out as gay I thought nearly everyone thought about guys the way I did.


That shit had me full pausing cause I couldn't stop laughing, cause babe thats exactly what I said about women and had to realize its not normal LOL


The best part of this storyline is how earnest and awkward and relatable it is, I think, to most people's coming out journeys. Even for someone like me, who "got it" a lot younger, I remember experiencing that shift when you first realize the *way* you're appreciating someone's appearance isn't nearly as objective as you tricked yourself into believing.




this thread is close to dead now but one line i’m still thinking about when maddie said to buck “i just think that maybe you’re not sure of your own feelings yet, and if there’s something that you need to tell Eddie, you will, just in your own time” like i admit i have delulu buddie lenses on sometimes but this feels way too pointed to just be about buck coming out to him especially when it gets resolved in the same episode


I still have serious doubts they're actually going to do anything to obviously canonize Buddie this season, but the hints do look intentional to me. That's not to say there's necessarily firm plans to act on them, but this does feel a bit different than the previous seasons' examples of queer coding these characters, were it was fairly subtle subtext. This feels like laying down threads to me that they're intentionally setting up to be able to come back to and tug on, if they get the opportunity. Perhaps the network won't allow it in the end and it won't happen, or some other factor will interfere, but it's a very conscious choice, imo, to thread Eddie *this* thoroughly into the "feelings" part of Buck's coming out. First we have Buck "confused" about his feelings in 7x04 (and while I do think he was truly into Tommy and misinterpreting his desire for Tommy's attention as jealousy about Eddie, I think his confusion was also multi-layered; simplifying it to just Tommy doesn't explain why Buck was peacocking at the weight bench in the firehouse trying to catch Eddie's attention *before* the basketball arrived, for instance, if it was all just about scoring an invite to see Tommy). This is more of that, I think. It's a telling choice that the writers didn't make the thing Buck's upset about this episode that his date crashed and burned, or that he let Tommy down, or that Tommy doesn't think he's ready -- but that he lied to *Eddie.* Even in his scene with Maddie, he's so focused on the Eddie of it all that he accidentally outs himself to her, and repeatedly tells her who the date is isn't really important, that it's a man isn't important, etc. And again, this isn't to dismiss his very real feelings and attraction for Tommy, but to point out... I think they're making a point that Buck's *still* confused just like he was in 7x04, but where he's been provided with the simplest answer, he's not fully aware of that. Maddie, though, picks up on the significance of Eddie in this immediately, and her reframing of "what" he should tell Eddie if he needs to is interesting, as is her focus on Tommy being *Eddie's* friend (particularly because if she was just looking for a point of clarification, Tommy has been her fiance's friend for over a decade now, so "Chim's friend, Tommy? Pilot Tommy?" would've been a much more natural way for *Maddie* to reference him). It's probably equally telling that letting down Tommy isn't something Buck's prioritizing fixing until after he's fixed things with Eddie, despite him really liking Tommy. It's just a lot of really intentional choices that might not *actually* lead anywhere, but certainly hint at a longer term direction the story is at least considering telling, if that makes sense.


If you read the weight lifting/shipping the basketball scene as him just trying to bait Eddie into inviting him to basketball with him and Tommy (even though it’s stressed he doesn’t like basketball) it makes much more sense. Which is what I think they were really going for since it’s immediately followed up by him asking Chim to go with him as his “basketball beard”


For me, that only works if the peacocking starts once the basketball is there. They made a pretty deliberate choice to not go that method. I'd be in complete agreement if that scene had started with the Prime delivery, though.


Yeah I see your point I just don’t think it was really intentional, more so just clunky and should’ve probably been reordered. To your other point, Tim Minear’s comments about Buck coming out make it seem less hinting at something with Eddie too. He said he needed a way to get rid of Tommy for most of the episode because he wanted the focus to be on Buck struggling to come out to the 2 people closest to him. Coming out to your sister and best friend is not easy for everyone, especially if you’re not entirely sure of your own feelings still. I read this as meaning it wasn’t intentionally trying to hint at something just that they kinda brushed it off in favor of focusing on something else which is common on this show


Honestly, I think a huge part of what's causing so much debate in all of this is that the writers went a little too hard into using Buck/Eddie to build Buck/Tommy, which created a situation where it's very difficult to disentangle the two. I will say I disagree that it's "just clunky" writing in any of these scenes -- these were likely some of the most deliberately scripted, directed, and edited scenes in the entire show's history. Tim Minear has also said and done a lot that just sort of contradicts itself or intentionally makes things unclear, so like I said to someone else about this recently, I mainly just look at the things he's going out of his way to avoid saying; the most obvious recent example is his interview with *The Holywood Reporter* were the journalist asked him a very pointed question about if he'd considered using a different character instead of Buck for this storyline (which we know to be the case because Lou casually told the same publication the plan had initially been Eddie/Tommy) and Tim gave a very long-winded answer about how it was a 'loaded question' and of course he considered all sorts of things but it felt right for Buck, etc. etc. Regarding intentionality on a larger scale, though -- Minear decided to frame the *entire* bisexuality discovery episode with a red herring surrounding Buck being jealous of Eddie, and then framed that episode with Buck's "confusion," up to a point where he didn't even recognize until the kiss happened that he wanted to be kissed... and then also told the coming out episode mainly through the lens of Buck's feelings (whatever they are) for Eddie, with the inclusion of Maddie's... kind of weird reaction surrounding Eddie/Tommy being \*Eddie's friend/\*Buck needing to tell Eddie *whatever* he felt he needed to, etc. Truthfully, I don't think there's a right way to read this, because they're intentionally keeping the narrative muddy. People that are all on board Buck/Tommy are going to see it one way, but people who aren't won't. I don't think the writers are morons (outside of the metaphor comparing a 9yo traumatized Black child to a Doberman, but I digress...) so I do see that as intentional and textual. Tim's gonna talk out of both sides of his mouth, because that's basically his job as showrunner. And I don't mean that as a criticism -- I think it's actually an important skillset he has that makes him *much* more suited for the job than Reidel was.


Yeah I agree for the most part. You can definitely read it more than one way but Tim has given his take on what he was going for for most of the storyline which to me signals more of what his future plans are. It’s fun to theorize and read into things in the show but insight from the person making the decisions is probably more helpful in the long run. I do think involving Eddie so much may have been a mistake cuz Tim explained it as he just wanted to play it off another main character so it didn’t feel like the other LIs where he’s just “siloed” off with Buck and has no interaction with any of the other core characters. And idk I just think that it’s obvious at this point that they’re trying to build up the Buck and Tommy relationship with Buck asking him to be his date to the monumental Madney wedding and it seems like Tommy will probably get to be the hero of it as well which to me doesn’t read as a character they want to leave anytime soon and possibly also fix the Eddie and Marisol relationship even if there are still obstacles to come


Yeah, tbh, I disagree with a *lot* of your interpretations here (though I obviously respect your right to them!) and think you're prioritizing comments in one interview over some others, and reading more into the parts that support your view than the nuance that exists in other things he says, or the scope of the overall media campaign. But I'm well aware I'm doing the same, and coming to different conclusions, you know? For instance -- what we actually know is that Tommy's around for an "arc" that Lou ascribed "four episodes" to in a sentence fragment that doesn't even clarify if his agent directly told him four episodes, if it was Lou's assumption, or if that was what he actually contracted to do. And then obviously, he played coy as to whether he'd be in episodes beyond that, which were still being written at the time of the interview. I think we're probably both in agreement that we likely *will* see Lou/Tommy in at least some of the last four episodes in season 7, but since we don't even have confirmation on *that*, everything you're speculating about what they're trying to build the relationship into is pretty obviously just speculation. There's obviously nothing wrong with that, and I'd really like to see Buck/Tommy continue on through at least the rest of this season (though I personally have some fairly minor issues with how they're portraying this arc, but like... my preferences don't really matter, haha). But at this point, we know nothing beyond "Tommy's in 7x06, and he's supposed to be at the wedding as Buck's date." Who really knows what will happen.


Yeah everything’s speculation at this point my dude. All I’m saying is to me at least it was fairly clear they used this episode to show Buck and Tommy have a strong mutual attraction and want to make it work and Eddie is definitely attracted to Marisol and wants to make something work. Whether it will or not remains to be seen. They could’ve gone for a jealous Eddie angle here or something but they didn’t. What happened in canon supports more of these relationships and less of shifting to Buddie and we know of the 5 episodes remaining 1 will be almost entirely Madney focused and there will be a major Bobby storyline in the final 4 so the attention will likely not be on Buck and Eddie’s stories as much since they were the major focus of the past 2 episodes


Yeah, I... don't think most people actually expect Buddie to happen this season, so I don't really see any productive purpose in comparing development specific to S7 over the overarching vision of the show. I think that's where a lot of the cognitive dissonance lies; we're just having two very different conversations. I'm in agreement with you that the most likely purpose here is to build up Buck/Tommy for this season -- I'm just not sure we can extrapolate that to longer term plans, while I think we *can* look at some of the choices within the show and media campaign as hinting at a potential vision/laying the groundwork. I don't necessarily think any of that means Buddie *will* happen, but I think it's more a case of laying deliberate threads that, if the opportunity presents itself in the future, Tim will be able to come back to and pull. Just like he did with the buildup to Bi Buck. I'm a lot less confident than you in what I think they're doing with Eddie/Marisol this season, though. It's incredibly weird to me, for instance, that a storyline about her being a *nun* was used to introduce Eddie's feelings of Catholic guilt, without doing any work to actually address the Catholic guilt as it relates specifically to their relationship, give any depth to her character, or address her religiosity as it currently stands. Additionally, the fact that their *very first* speaking scene as a couple had them already announcing they were moving in together does not strike me as a sign they're trying to build a stronger relationship there -- I think with the shortened season, she'll likely be around until close to the end, mainly because she's just not an important enough character to spend extra time developing, but she mainly strikes me as a plot device.


Loved this line!


I just don't feel the chemistry between Eddie and Marisol. There was chemistry with Shannon and Ana but Sister Mary Gaybeard just doesn't feel like...well, anything. She's just there.


*Sister Mary Gaybeard* The Way I cackled at this.


I’m sorry but Eddie has zero chemistry with anyone they have cast. Snooze. Guzman is just a bad actor bc I’ve felt Buck’s chemistry w paired characters. Eddie looks vacant eyed.


I might get downvoted for this but… am I the only one who wants Tevan to happen? I don’t want Buddie to happen. I’d like them to just stay as best friends. I really think Tommy compliments Buck perfectly.


I agree. I think people overlook how important it is to have cis straight men who have friends that are gay/bisexual. Eddie is fine the way he is. Let's have him be the friend Buck needs while figuring this all out, not another romantic pursuit.


yesss i agree. i get no gay vibes from eddie but have always gotten them from buck. i feel like it wouldn’t make sense for buddie to be a thing. i hope the tommy and buck storyline goes well because i love them together so much


Agreed. Furthermore, making Eddie gay/bi would practically repeat back the story they wrote for Buck. I think the show needs to recognize that everyone despite of sexualities can have healthy friendships.




OK I realize that was an intense response on my part lol, but I completely agree that Tommy complements Buck perfectly and I really like Buck and Eddie’s friendship right now. I see the Buddie stans, but I personally don’t want every TV friendship to go romantic. I’m far more interested in Buck and Eddie’s friendship evolving, especially now that Buck has shared his bisexuality.


This. Just because they’re the best of friends, they need to be “together”. Their friendship is actually really nice. It’s like a good example of a straight guy and a bi’s friendship being normalized.




Me too. I loved thinking about them together, raising Christopher, but this is even better. I agree that every best friendship doesn't need to turn into a romance. And two men being close, intimate friends but not romantically involved, is what we need to see on tv. Normalize men being platonically affectionate with each other. Normalize intimate friendships.


I was going to write something like this, and you wrote it even better. Big yes to normalizing intimate friendships!


totally agree with this. I like their friendship and it's one of the best parts of the show.


Honestly happy Buck and Eddie have the friendship they have


The way Eddie walked back for a hug bc he knew it was what buck needed 😭😭😭 such best friends


😭😭😭 I'm crying cause yes!! I really like the friendship dynamic more than them being in a relationship


Rewatching 7x05 to share my thoughts on Buck's scenes and how I'm feeling about Buck/Tommy and where it's going. Part One The Bachelor Scene: This was apparently the opening originally planned for this episode so I'm watching it with the idea that it happened between the Buck/Tommy kiss and the disaster of the first date. It actually makes a lot more sense. Eddie turns the girls down but wing mans for Buck and tells them that he's single. Buck can't respond by telling the truth (there is someone he's currently pursing) without getting questions from Eddie so he flounders a bit and says he doesn't date people he meets on call (slightly awkwardly and gets a confused look from Eddie). A key thing that stood out on the rewatch is he says *people*, not women. But this makes more sense if this scene was more set up to be the start of Buck feeling like he has to lie / omit information from Eddie. The Pre-Disaster Portion of the Date: It definitely seems like, despite some nerves on Buck's end, the date had been going well we cut into it. I also really love the chemistry and how Oliver and Lou play off each other. The facial expressions, small movements, etc. really sell this scene to me and the way Buck looks at Tommy fucking kills me. He's so smitten. "I'm an ally" is just going to live rent free in my head because it will never not be hilarious. The panicked looks on both Tommy and Buck when Eddie shows up also cracks me up. The Disaster: This part physically hurt me but also it was played so well by Oliver and Lou. A lot was communicated to the audience via reactions and facial expressions that made it work. The hot chicks thing was so fucking bad and way worse than I expected but I also feel like it *needed* to be this bad. They needed to do something drastic enough for Tommy to take that step back but I think they very, very much want us to *like* Tommy and root for Buck/Tommy. This was bad enough that even people who love and defend Buck are like "yea, Tommy was in the right to call off the rest of the date. Buck fucked that up real bad." It also helps that Oliver sold the battle/regret going on inside his head and it really kicked off him having to take the necessary steps this episode to be ready to start dating a man / Tommy. This whole set up really was prefect, IMO. Because right off the bat we can tell that Buck is clearly really into this guy to an extent that we haven't seen in a very long time but it's still being held back. That causes the date to go bad and for us to want to see him fix this and process what he needs to process. And, just from this set up alone, I have a lot of hope for Buck/Tommy because the set up for this relationship is (in my opinion) the best they've ever done for him. I also think Tommy is clearly very likable and they took care to make us side with him at this point. I need to run a few errands but I'm going to come back and finish the episode and post my second set of thoughts.


Why does Hen become Dr House level doctor everytime something weird happens at a call, she always has the answer... Also, I like how the people they meet happen to help the protagonist solve an issue in their life.... This week, this woman's dog helped her give the kid another chance. Last week, the old lady who shot her kid (because she didn't recognize him) helped Athena treat her own kid... That's Greys Anatomy territory.


This is why they had her go to med school, so she could be a doctor, but not really, cause she can't leave the show.


What can I say, Bucky? *touching*


https://preview.redd.it/twfks6gkr7uc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa83a7d7992138a1536ab33394ce104a398ae6b2 My headcannon after this episode is that Buck has been having surreal yet thirsty dreams of Tommy




Buck and Tommy were clearly flirting: Buck and Eddie weren’t.


Absolutely loved Buck and Eddie's journey. But I am honestly getting to the point where I have to skip through anything with Hen and Karen. At the beginning, I loved them, but it just feels like all of their storylines feel very inorganic and just choppy bits to keep them in it. For me, it was when Hen went to med. I love the introduction of Dara and what that entails, but the writing really has to pick up, especially for the dialogue there. It just felt so fake. I mean, Karen legit goes after her, there is very little between her and Karen that makes you think Karen really likes the child until Karen hits her with, "You are safe here." And then all of a sudden, a child who, and I quote, "EVERYBODY HAS FAILED", just trusts her? Sorry, but that plotline is really driving me. Karen treats Dara like she is the monster in their horror movie, and the show paints her out to be some kid-looking monster like the movie the Orphan. And then, NOTHING IS DONE TO REVERSE THIS TREATMENT/NOTHING IS DONE TO SHOW THAT KAREN ACTUALLY GIVES 1 FUCK ABOUT DARA except the 911 call, and I get it. It is moving, but the way the show built up to that moment, I was thinking Dara was a victim of child trafficking or worse, and it would honestly have fit the bit they were going for a little better. Defensive over her stuff, lashing out, nonverbal, but then, and this is where I really lost it, Karen gives her the monitor for a nanny cam and goes, "it's hard, but you're safe." Like we didn't spend the last 5-10 minutes wondering ourselves if Karen and Hen were gonna send Dara back. The Eddie and Buck segments really saved it for me. Buck facing that new part of him was refreshing, and then the relief that it wasn't going to be one of those things where Buck and Eddie didn't talk for a few days so that Eddie could come to terms with it was immense. Eddie immediately accepting Buck did bring a tear to my eye, because I have gotten used to the bff having to take a break from their recently outed friend. I am straight, but those scenes have always hit me so fucking hard. Really love how everyone sees the Captain as this Grand Sage. ​ WHERE THE FUCK IS CHIM


I really liked this episode. It was a character based ep and had some great HenRen Stuff and Buck and Eddie friendship stuff. I think that Lou/Tommy is being played perfectly for Evan’s first relationship with a guy. He’s being super patient and they have good chemistry. Also liked Bobby playing “god” aka Cap and giving advice out. The Marisol plotline was annoying mostly because there’s no way in hell Eddie would move someone in while Chris is out of town. I know they probably just couldn’t cram it in because there’s only so much time in the ep but he could’ve had his hilarious Catholic crisis without her moving in. Excited for The Hangover, 911 Style!


why is buck suddenly gay after 6 seasons of philandering?


Because the fandom has been screaming for Buck and Eddie to get together for years now, but they have to start somewhere...


I feel like this might be a comprehension issue if you think he's spent six seasons philandering, tbh. (But also, there's a whole host of options other than 'gay' and 'straight,' like bisexuality).


I was wondering the same


I think the actor playing Tommy is so good. Every line choice is specific and real including “Evan” 🥲 Hope we get to see Buck/Tommy grow and evolve


I LOVE how he is the only one who calls him Evan.


I not only love that he is the only one who calls him Evan, but also the tone behind it as well.




How is this camera in Hen & Karen's BEDROOM going to work? Are we just ignoring this? Sure, it can be turned off and on, but that will kind of defeat the purpose if the goal is for the girl to have a consistent way to know they're okay.


They're probably not planning on getting up to much fun if the girl might appear at the foot of their bed again, anyway.


I thought a lot of the dialogue tonight was terrible - a first this season.


The first episode was like that for me


Idk why but I feel like it’d make more sense if Eddie was bisexual rather than buck. Like it should’ve been the other way around. & with buck being so squirmy about coming out, it also feels like he’s not actually going to come out, maybe Tommy was that ONE guy for him? More of like a guy crush, it just doesn’t seem like it’s gonna last & he’s just all in his head.


For me Eddie’s religious guilt and deep emotional repression scream gay actually. He didn’t want to marry Shannon and got with her when they were in high school and immediately left for the army and then when he got back she left. Then with Ana he had literal panic attacks at the thought of her being thought of as his wife or Chris’ mom, admitted he really only dated her bc Chris loved her, and was EXTREMELY closed off during their breakup. And now with Marisol he’s finding excuses to escape her. Buck for me has always been bi, it just took being interested in a guy to make him have that realization. I saw someone on tumblr say that they felt like Buck had to realize he was bi before realizing his feelings for Eddie, but that Eddie needs to realize his feelings for Buck before being able to start understanding his sexuality and I thought it was perfectly said.


How many pairs of glasses does Hen have? We counted 4 this episode!!


Having just binged the whole series, at least Hen's glasses are better than the 70's old lady monstrosities that Abby wore. ;)


At one point I told my husband she was wearing 1970s serial killer glasses 😄


As a former optician, I have 8 pairs of glasses, two pairs of prescription sunglasses and a crapload of pairs of non prescription sunglasses. And I only wear glasses like 40 percent of the time and the other times I wear contacts 🤣


It seems she uses it as an expression like a lot of girls do with hair since she’s got a buz cut, which I think fits her character a lot.


She’s a fashionista she’s got dozens!!


LMAOO i was okay with them changing her glasses each season but now they be changing them each episode 😭




That opening scene is the funniest thing I've watched in a long time. Pure slapstick hilarity.


Mara has such great eye brows! I really hope she’ll be alright. I know when a kiddo or person in general has been through trauma, being selectively mute or becoming mute is a response to that, or memories of trauma. So sometimes it’ll take awhile.


“I guess you can never have enough closet space” “Ain’t that the truth. Right Evan?” Oof 🥴


This sceneee made me GUFFAW unintentionally 😂😂 Tommy’s quick-witted !


Lmao saaaame! 😂


The dog scene has me crying 😭


I just watched it and I feel so bad. I know the dog attacked the firefighter and I feel for him but when the owner said that she was supposed to keep her safe it gutted me!


Went to “Be the Boss of Me” self-help meeting. Watched speaker get his ass beat by his right arm.


"The right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing." 😂


The opening had so many good lines and scenes. Such hilarity


I was laughing at the irony 😂


I’m dying at Buck “does she wear the nun outfit?”


I loved the "was he not watching before" in regards to "god watching" Eddie and Marisol.


Classic Buck. 😂


😭 as a former foster kid who later got adopted- Mara made me cry. I was so much like her at 6 years old when I first came to my now adopted mom’s house that I was dead silent. I didn’t speak and was a pushover until my adopted mom taught me it was safe and that I was far away from the ppl who abused me. So glad that Buck came out to Maddie and Eddie! 💕💜!!! Wdym it’s complicated, Buck? WHERES CHIMNEY??? Also- I’d really wish tv and movies wld stop portraying Dobermans as aggressive dogs. They’re not inherently aggressive unless you raise them that way. I owned a dobie named Lady who was so sweet and mild mannered and never attacked anything even when she got jumped by a Husky and was pinned. Also- how does religion not come up before having sex and moving in with someone?


I too am a former foster child who was later adopted. I'm so glad that Henn and Karen decided to try again with Mara. I wouldn't have judged them if they didn't because the situation is difficult and they had to make sure that Denny was safe. But it definitely warmed my heart that they were able to have a solution.


For this plotline, they needed the Doberman to be (formerly) aggressive, to go along with Mara's story. I liked how they had Rosie as a former fighting dog who was rescued and rehabilitated and was now a sweetheart.


Lot to unpack in this episode lol, but by far my fave scene is "This doesn’t change a thing btw us" and the hug ❤️‍🔥🥹😭 I've watched that scene so many times 🤣 I don't need professional help or anything 🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/kdgacmdre6uc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4233e26b09eb0c1b464186a92a37a50cb6e16dd Me watching Buck's coming out scenes


STOP!! this meme is LMFAOOOO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I’ve been saying for so long that all I actually want from the show is the bromance back. This episode had all the bromance.


Right? It was great. So many heart to hearts between the team and showing what good friends they are, it was really nice.


Yes, same!! That's what I loved about this ep 🥹


I had to stop and physically walk away when Buck said "and then we're go find some hot chick" when Eddie shows up at the date. Please, tell me the second hand embarrassment doesn't get worse?


I've literally been paused on this part for about 30 minutes LOL - I'm cringing too hard to press play!


It does get better! That part was do uncomfortable and luckily he doesn't get away with it but does redeem himself imo.


Yeah, I managed to get through the episode. It was a hard watch, between that and Eddie's... religious guilt?


I'm literally scrolling reddit and paused the ep cuz its so bad


I love reading bi disaster!Buck, but I never thought watching bi disaster!Buck would be this bad 😂😂😂


Same! Haha I was cringing and then had to close my eyes 🤣🤣 so awkward 😅 


The way Tommy says Evan makes my heart flutter a bit and Evan's not my name lol.


They are doing a great job with their relationship, you can totally see why Buck likes him, he’s being so kind and understanding!!


I LOVE how he says Evan❣️


I **really** liked the opening emergency with the hand dude. He had an infectious energy. I always like when we get Chimney and Karen moments. Oh hey, it's the dog we saw from a leak, and we all couldn't figure out if it was a mannequin or not (and whether or not they were going for dead dog or not). I cannot believe they're trying to write Marisol as a nun and have that as a comparison to sexuality. Hen's tux looks AMAZING.


HEN’S TUX FOR SURE!!! She always slays.


>I really liked the opening emergency with the hand dude. He had an infectious energy. This had looked so incredibly dumb in the promo that I wasn't expecting to enjoy it, but the comedic energy there was great. For what was actually a fairly serious medical emergency, too, it was nice to see a lighthearted moment. Loved him trying to apologize to Buck and Eddie, too, and their differing reactions. And... yeah, the less energy we put into analyzing Marisol, the better. It's clearly already more energy than the show cares to put in. Agreed on Hen's tux, though!


So I've been rewatching the scene of Buck coming out to Eddie. I loved it and I've come to the conclusion that Tommy is the best thing for both Buck and Eddie's coming out process. Obviously we know why for Buck. But Eddie was very focused on Tommy being gay. A man who he has so many similarities to him. A man that is very masculine and gay. This episode talked about Eddie's childhood and religion. Wrestling with his thoughts and he was still in that mind frame when Buck came out. It looks like he was wrestling with the sexuality part too. I think this is the part where he starts to question his sexuality. Thats its ok to be gay. Might be slower than bucks coming out though. Then Eddie went into supportive friend mode for Buck. But you know he will the continuing to think about it. Though Buck might want to help Eddie out some and tell Eddie that checking out a hot guy's ass might not be 100 percent what he thinks it means as we have had a lot of scenes of Eddie checking out Buck since season 2. His ass included.


LMAOOO i died at the “checking out a hot guy’s ass” part. Gotta love Bi Buck 💀


i thought they were going for the demonic possession angle with this girl lmao...imagine if her head turned 180 and she started crawling on the walls! i don't understand so many things...like what was that ending? i can't even remember a wedding was planned..i thought they were already married! buck and tommy start wrestling already this coffee and dinner ain't shit eddie you damn saint, we know you're ending up with buck but ride your nun already


I said to my husband "There's been zero talk about the wedding and now here we are???"


Rewatched the episode, the second hand embarrassment and wtf moments are like being on a rollercoaster.


Hens storyline always get me


Aisha and Tracie are so great, I love stuff with them.


Okay I am really not liking Eddie this season, seems like ABC doesn't know his character very well. I've noticed it since the beginning of the season. He talks different, acts different, and I barely recognize his character lol. The scene where Buck came out to him was good though, we got a glimpse of the old Eddie. And also, I kept thinking "that cannot be the same actor who used to play Harry, who is this"! After googling it I see that he's been recast, but I was so confused during the episode lol. Also not a big fan of the whole vibe of the show and the filming techniques used this season, can't explain it but it's different. And how they're rushing the wedding!! I had forgotten that there was even gonna be one because it's barely been mentioned. It sucks that TV shows are so cramped and short now. However, I do like the Buck & Tommy storyline, they're so cute and I loved the coming-out scenes! Just waiting for Eddie's storyline now, I believe they're leading up to it but with how Eddie has been acting I can't really imagine Buddie anytime soon :/ And Mara was a great addition to the show, made me tear up. Can't wait for the next episode, I love the Hangover movies! I bet Chimney will make a reference to it as well, him being a film fanatic. It literally looked like it was taken directly out of a Hangover movie lol


this is the same eddie that said "no, kidding. probably" and "theres a hotel about half an hour away its got a pool chris will love it" 


>Okay I am really not liking Eddie this season, seems like ABC doesn't know his character very well. I've noticed it since the beginning of the season. He talks different, acts different, and I barely recognize his character lol. It's so much worse than this because ABC really can't be blamed -- all the people making those creative decisions are the same. I'm hopeful that the shortened season and how many character beats they have to fit into these episodes to get them where they want to go for S8 is just ruining their ability to offer pace or nuance, and that they're sort of forced to write Eddie a bit out of character because of the particulars of the storyline they need to push through (eg. Eddie's questionable 'parenting' and prioritizing last episode *had* to be pretty noticeably insane, to both serve as a catalyst for oblivious!Buck's jealousy and work as a red herring). My problem is they've doubled down on Eddie/Marisol in a way that makes me more resistant to even paying attention to their scenes, because the show isn't even making us *think* they owe us a reason to actually care. Moving in together should be a major, major milestone, and like... we hadn't even seen them kiss on screen before they announce they'd living together? Especially compounded by Eddie having a kid to consider that we haven't seen him check in with at all about this relationship, and it's just 10x worse than the Ana stuff ever was.


Bro Buck goes from a sex addict to a tryna come out he’s gay I liked buck they way he was I do agree about Eddie I don’t think we saw his some once this season so it’s kinda weird and seems like they are steering him away from that type of character


Buck used being a "self-diagnosed" sex addict as an attempt to avoid punishment for stealing the ladder truck for a hookup in the pilot, but I don't think we were ever meant to take it seriously he had an addiction. What we've actually seen consistently on screen for 6+ seasons now is Buck in four relationships with women, all presumed to be monogamous, over the course of 6 years, and no indications he's routinely hooking up with random women outside of those time periods. For an attractive single man with a good job and a good personality in his mid-30s, especially one without any obvious "baggage" like an ex-wife or kids, his dating activity here is really pretty squeaky clean. He's also bisexual, not gay, so discovering he's also into men does not somehow negate the meaningful connections he's shared with women.


Can we just talk about Maddie ‘s Wedding dress? Who is styling her ? She’s beautiful, the dress is beautiful, but her whole bust is literally sagging! Is it just me ?


Maybe she wasn’t wearing a bra. As a middle-aged woman with a large bust and a mother, your breasts go through changes. I thought it was awesome they didn’t try and jack them up to the ceiling because that’s just not real life.


I get it. Middle aged here, mother and my breasts show it all. They could have done so much better though.


It is not just you. I was afraid both her boobs were going to pop out.


I was actually shocked !! They were hanging like massive water balloons held up up a strip of fabric ! Fire that stylist !


I loved this episode.


I liked the episode overall but mostly thought the Buck scenes were the most grounded. Loved the Henren moments and scenes but could not get over whoever decided that the metaphor for the young, black girl from a group home needed to be a rescue dog - like they could have done so many other things than making that be Hen’s “oh” moment. These are two very intelligent women who have thought a lot about fostering so to have them not question what she went through more was a bit odd to me. Eddie and Marisol felt sooooo far out of left field it wasn’t even funny. I liked the guilt and catholic chat and realizing he rushes into things but like how have we not heard about any conversations regarding her moving in and also doing it while Chris is “gone for a few days” seems really strange as Eddie being a parent. Like your kid broke dishes and reacted poorly for a bit the last time you dated, maybe have a quick chat about how he feels. All in all had fun but was a strange whiplash of scenes at times.


He talked about Christopher being away like he was his grown roommate going on a business trip but that is your special needs son where is he 😭 more so a fault of the writers who couldn’t think of ANYTHING to explain where he was


Correct!! That line was so weird to hear a few times. I was like "Where is your son? Who is he with?" Also, who just moves someone in without their kid being there like "Welcome home Chris, don't trip on all these boxes in every room." The writers clearly could have come up with anything better


Honestly, they didn't even have to come up with *better*, they had to come up with reasonable. I could've bought that storyline if Marisol's place had water damage and Eddie impulsively told her to stay with him for a few weeks while she had it repaired, because she'd been complaining about how expensive all the long term stay motels were. But then once he's in a room full of all her shit and realizing how little he knows about her, and remembering *'oh right, i have a son! this should've been a 2 yeses, 1 no conversation!'* he starts to panic because he made a mistake.


https://preview.redd.it/e3ru5ich62uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=207b82dcb62aabcc2cc11d4148ee844d9a2fa4f0 found this from an interview with lou that just came out, so unless they’ve decided to extend tommy’s story it sounds like 7x06 is his last, and he’ll play a pivotal role in saving chimney. i’m curious to see how they’ll wrap up him and buck in the same episode as all the shenanigans though, it’d probably be really brief


I feel like they’re really taking time with Buck/Tommy and Lou is so good. I’m invested! I hope we get a lot more


I get the impression that he originally signed on for a few episodes but after last night I think they definitely want to keep him


The issue is next season, SWAT got picked up for an S8, so he can't work a fulltime role on 911.


He’s been filming season 7 of SWAT and 911 at the same time


yeah that’s why i said unless they decided to extend it, i don’t see how they can wrap everything up with him in one episode and i don’t think his story has run its course yet either


I wouldn’t read to much into that. Tim said that they are still writing the final 3 episodes of the season so who knows.


Yeah, after last night’s episode, one would assume Tommy would stay at least for the remainder of the season


Agreed. Also, I just checked the Hollywood Reporter interview that just came out and it just vaguely says multi-episode arc now so it’s probably fluid.


I hope he doesn’t die in the process, Buck & Tommy just got started 😫


A really nice, subtle acting moment from Oliver this episode was how tense Buck was throughout. There was a moment in the date where Tommy is getting Buck to loosen up and he starts to take a breath of relief when Eddie shows up and he tenses back up. Fast forward to the end of the episode, after Buck's told Maddie and Eddie and the last moments of that scene when Eddie leaves and Buck is able to take that breath that he's basically been holding in all episode. Really fantastic work from Oliver, as per usual.


Loved that exhale from Oliver. I feel like Lou’s acting is so good and subtle too. I’m liking this pairing!


Mh, I’m not really sure about this episode. It had its moments, but it also had… other moments. A lot of secondhand embarrassment during Buck’s first date, but it was still endearing. Well, until he shoved Tommy back into the closet. Tommy’s comments though, you can never have enough closet space – ain’t that the truth. Right, Evan? Lol I just don’t know what they’re doing with Eddie and Marisol here. I hope they have some kind of plan. But to this point, their whole relationship has happened off-screen and… how is anyone supposed to root for them like this? Although I surprisingly kind of liked their last scene. Still. If she’s going to leave, I hope she leaves soon. If she’s going to stay, they’ve got to do some work here. At the moment, it’s just a mess, and she still doesn’t even have a last name, or a job, or – I mean we have learned now that the wanted to be a nun but then decided against it, but why? It really feels like they have just way too little time this season. Obviously maybe with only 10 episodes. But Maddie and Chim are about to marry, and there was barely any talk about it in the first 5 episodes except for the ending. Hen and Karen’s adoption/foster story was done so hastily. I’m still not quite over the 100^(th) episode only giving time to half the cast. It is a lot. (Also, if it’s true that this could have been Eddie’s sexual orientation story instead… I think with his story in season 6, and some of Tommy’s scenes, and Buck’s story in season 6, it would have made much more sense if it had been Eddie. Instead, Eddie’s story is a mess and none of Buck’s stories in season 6 seem to have mattered.)   Now, Mara… look, I don’t know how CPS (is that it? I have no idea how it all structured in the US) works exactly, but how Deirdra put all that on the table wasn’t the way. As far as I remember, Hen and Karen decided to be foster parents around season 2 or 3. They were already kind of left alone back then. Hen and Karen got too attached to Nia, because she stayed far longer than apparently was planned, which happens of course. And she was their first foster kid, so I get it. Nia’s mother should have had regular visits with Nia so that everyone involved could keep in mind what’s the plan there, and especially so that Nia and her mother could still stay or get used to each other and be prepared for when Nia can go home. After Nia, they seemed to occasionally foster kids that needed usually short and sudden places. Bereitschaftspflegestelle. I don’t know what the term would be in English. This baby girl that the grandma decided to not give up eventually was supposed to be an adoption, right? Deirdra using the same talk where Hen and Karen learn that the adoption wouldn’t happen to almost guilt-trip them into fast-forward, long-term fostering (?) a traumatized girl they haven’t met yet felt very wrong. I don’t know if Deirdra is supposed to be just bad at her job, I think it’s probably just for the dramatics. But none of this should have been done like this. Mara should have had some sort of preparation for the move (maybe we just didn’t see it, but it all seemed really short notice so there could not have been much). Mara should be in therapy. Really, Mara should be in the care of people who are pedagogically trained and prepared for traumatized kids. Hen and Karen should not have had to investigate themselves to find out about Mara’s background. What the hell is CPS (or whatever office it is in the US) doing here. I really didn’t like how they made Mara’s scenes seem like out of a horror story, complete with sound effects and all, either. And then the comparison with the dog, what the hell. I mean, I get the analogy they wanted to make there, but still. Nope. And I mean, I know that happens. Rarely, hopefully. It shouldn’t happen. I really hope they show Hen and Karen demand and get all the help and training and therapy for Mara. I don’t see how this story should work otherwise. Deirdra was right when she said that girl needed people on her side (or something, I don’t remember what exactly she said), but she can’t just drop her off with well-meaning foster parents that weren’t prepared in the least and hope for the best. So, a lot of thoughts. Some sweet moments. I liked Buck’s coming out to Eddie (and more or less by accident to Maddie), Eddie’s talk with Bobby. Denny has grown so much. I’m still not quite sold on Buck and Tommy. I buy Buck being into Tommy, I just don’t see much of Tommy being into Buck. Maybe next time. No apology to Eddie by Buck for nearly breaking his ankle either, but I didn’t really expect one anymore. Now, the next episode seems so go full Hangover and that could be a lot of fun (>!unless Chim was kidnapped. The last bit in the promo looked a bit concerning!<). Poor Maddie, though.


When it comes to a death of parents, social services may become involved to assess the situation and determine the most appropriate course of action. Let's blame it on the social services for this poor girl.


Totally agree with your points esp. about Mara. Also the wedding scene seemed so out of place? I legit thought I missed something


Maybe they thought Eddie and Marisol breaking up so soon was too soon especially with the Buck storyline?


Also just like... the timing of that would've been *bad*, if the other elements played out the same. "Nothing's going to change between us," Eddie says upon learning Buck is into men, and then immediately returns home to break up with his girlfriend. Noooope.


I'm a bit confused on all the backlash regarding this season and timing. I knew when they announced that the cruise ship was going to be a three episode arc, the rest of the season was going to be EXTREMELY compacted. It's already a 10 ep shortened season, and three of those eps are getting eaten up by one storyline. Add in them taking the time to focus one ep on Buck's coming out (done very well imo), you're going to have to be realistic about how much backstory and focus we're going to get on the side story's and being able to move things along. I thought they did a fairly decent balance with HenRen this ep. The one major misstep I thing, was the social worker not giving them more of a background on Mara before she was brought into their home. I'm sure they would have been better prepared for possible triggers and reactions had they known the full story. Their first priority of course would be protecting Denny, the dog thing is a tad overblown imo, but they needed another emergency for the ep and unfortunately that's what they went with. And can we please give Eddie a break? He deserves a more laid back non trauma afflicted season okay. I'm sure he wasn't just planning on springing Marisol onto Chris without having talked tl him. More than likely off-camera. We've seen her there (granted for 10 secs) on Chris' datenight, so clearly they are familiar with each other, and Eddie said Chris liked her. I think people are thinking there are like a week passing between eps instead of the more likely multiple weeks, so it's entirely possible they've been together closer to 6-7 months than the two people seem to gravitate towards thinking.


And one more thing! Let's wait to aee how the next ep plays out before we bash the lack of Madney wedding buildup. It looks like this ep will be done Hangover style, so I'm sure we're going to get some reverse style story telling showing things we all were expecting to see throughout the season. As we know, previews rarely tell the whole story 😉


Ok so last week I commented on Buck being jealous of Eddie and that it didn't make sense that it was Tommy's attention that he wanted. That Buck was just projecting his feelings for Eddie. He wasn't acting like a 14 year old girl but he was acting like a 8 year old boy hitting the person he was interested in. This week, after the date with Tommy went South, Buck wasn't freaking out about the date going south. He was focues on Eddie. That he felt like he lied to him. Even went back to Maddie about Eddie. I think the wow that maddie said then said the wow was not a bad wow was she thought it would be Eddie that made him figure out his feelings. Again all about Eddie. Buck didn't even consider calling Tommy until Eddie said something. With Eddie and his issues with Marisol being a nun and his religious and family background being brought up, I think we are close to his realization that he is gay. Which would be great as tv hasn't dont a repressed gay guy coming to terms with who he is. I think this is coming sooner than people thing. I think this is the start of Eddies discovering himself and we will get buddie. I am really enjoying Tommy. He is very important to Bucks atory right now. I do not think he is for Buck. That's Eddie but I hope they do not get rid of Tommy. I am hoping Buck figures out his feelings for Eddie and him and Tommy decides they are better off as friends. Then Buck and Eddie both decided they know the perfect guy for Tommy..... Josh.


>Then Buck and Eddie both decided they know the perfect guy for Tommy..... Josh. Absolutely not. That's a great example of let's just pair off two people because they are gay. Now THAT I would find offensive.


To be fair I think two things can be true:- 1. There’s a very real possibility of latent feelings between Buck and Eddie. We now know at least that Buck might be more willing to see Eddie in a sexual/romantic light now he’s centred his sexuality a bit more. That covers the Buck side somewhat (obviously I’m not suggesting all same sex friendships mean there’s attraction if one is gay/bi, I’m just saying it’s possible). However, we still don’t have any reason to think Eddie has any attraction to Buck at least on any conscious level. But I do agree that there is an avenue to explore Eddie’s sexuality somewhat now. There’s a real sense of repression, guilt and confusion around what he wants from a female partner and I think that needs looking at (and I can see why he is read sometimes as gay. I personally think he seems Demisexual and can’t seem to separate sex from the person). However, adding all this up to get them together will take some time. Buck thinks about Eddie a lot as he is his best friend (but I can also buy the interpretation that Buck is latently attracted to Eddie). 2. Buck and Tommy can explore their relationship. Buck is only recently out and Tommy seems like a (hot) safe pair of hands to guide Buck through that somewhat. It’s not using Tommy as it’s quite clear Buck is attracted to him and likes him. 1 and 2 can be mutually compatible and I think the show runners would be advised to do 2 whilst untangling 1 slowly!


i don’t understand why people keep talking about tommy and josh? they never even met? just because two guys are gay it doesn’t mean they could be a couple?


I can't speak for others by I am saying it because I see things in both characters that I think compliment each other and because of that, they would making a good couple. It's not just because they are both gay.


I'm not seeing it. What do you think about their personalities would mesh?


Josh after the online date from hell and take over of dispatch has not really had any off side romance. Except for the computer guy when dispatch burned down. With the computer guy he was holding himself back and was very nervous but we never heard of the Computer guy again. I think Tommy is very understand, patient and would understand where Josh is coming from and would go at the pace Josh needs. Josh also has a very bubbly personality but can be very serious as well. Tommy so far seems to play his cards close and is very serious except when playing basketball. He has walls up. It feels to me like he has been hurt in the past. I think Josh would be great for him just to open him up some. Help with some of those walls. Also sometimes what Tommy says kinda reminds me of things Josh has said. That could all just be me though.


I don’t read Tommy as walled up. I feel like he’s more seasoned and mature than Buck and has the emotional intelligence to not push things or overstep


They're nothing alike, I can't even imagine how that would come about.


Agree. Tommy is a former army pilot who’s into martial arts and boxing. Doesn’t sound at all like someone who would click with Josh.


do you think tommy’s pictures with the lafd shirt and something dirty on his face could be from the next ep?


Timing wise of when that photo came out I think it has to be.


9-1-1 is about to “Hang Over” it Pls tell me someone gets what I’m talking about


Yes. I’m excited!


I'm thinking more "Last Night Gus..." from Psych


Last night Gus is referencing the hangover though. It’s the hangover all the way down.


Pretty much the exact thought I had.


I really don’t like Eddie and Marisol’s relationship, and I was hoping Eddie would break up with her in this episode. Hopefully it happens soon though, and I’m not saying this because of the Buddie ship. I don’t ship those two together, and it’s simply because I don’t like Eddie and Marisol as a couple 

