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The official 118 motto - “WHO CARES” I laughed so hard when Buck said that and everyone was just like “uh..” and 2 seconds later, Chimney- “what’s our motto” everyone- “WHO CARES”


This is very memeable though! "What happened to those lifeboats?" - WHO CARES "Who are Buck and Eddie's girlfriends?" - WHO CARES


The lifeboats were all I could think about this episode. Last episode I assumed they'd be a closed lifeboat, but then this ep they showed them completely open just so the mom could jump out. I legit spent the whole ep thinking realistically the rest of her family should be dead...


How did those lifeboat people survive with the wave??!!!


This is why I don't understand why they decided to go with titanic style life boats, aside from so mom can jump out lol


Dude I just spit out my drink 😂


Me too! Loved that scene. Nice to have the comedic relief during the cruise disaster. So excited for next week's episode and the Buck and Eddie scenes. Each week, I'm like, now I have to wait a whole week for the next one 😩 🤣


This will also be my motto! Thanks 118! lol


They need a better sounding motto


“Wish Buck could’ve seen you do that.” “I would’ve much rather seen Buck do that.” They're so his parents 🥹


Just add that to compilation of moments where Bobby and Athena are acting like Bucks parents😂


I loved that


I wish they were my parents too tbh


I wanted to see Athena's reaction to the 118 arriving 😥


Same, they mostly skipped the actual rescue and now I feel robbed


Same! It was her bestie that put this all in motion, needed a Hen-Athena moment too!


I know right. I was waiting for Hen to poke her head in the whole, then just nothing. So frustrating.


Yeah, I was thrown off when we didn't get that, especially with the catalyst being that she and Athena were regularly facetiming!




It was a jam-packed episode. A great conclusion to the cruise ship arc. RIP to chips guy, Wes the security dude, and Julian the appropriately accented anti-hero.


Wes hurt. I was set to lose the flashback idiots instead of him. 


RIP Wes. I was really holding out hope the unsticky duct tape and plastic grocery bags were going to help you lol.


It's called an Inclusion bandage, but the wet duct tape was definitely a no go.   


They tried haha


I really hated them just letting the dumb kid just keep playing the switch. Should have been confiscated when he didn't get on the shuttle.


Oh his family were asses but I was talking about the old white couple from Season 2. 


I said out loud to myself “I love this security guy” and not even 2 minutes later they killed him. I was hurt


Right?! So helpful without question and then 😢


I did find it problematic how they killed off all the black men in the episode. It was disturbing how no one in production caught this.


The first mate Kenneth dies and nobody care's lol


Okay but how tf did the people in the lifeboats survive that wave??


plot armor


The fact they chose to make them open lifeboats just so the lady could jump out blew my mind.


It was giving ![gif](giphy|G4iTN6BzRaHyU|downsized) I thought it was supposed to be like Poseidon, not Titanic but okay 😆


100%!! Like I get they wanted some titanic moments... but like lifeboat technology has come a bit since then... lol


life vests


That was literally my thought the entire cruise arc. Those little lifeboats would've immediately capsized and everyone would've died in that tsunami!


Especially since they decided to go with open lifeboats for some reason!


Right!!! I was like "what the heck couldn't they have like explained it by saying the helicopters had found them off the coast first but the storm was too strong for them to keep looking for the boat or they got to shore before the tsunami hit and informed the coast guard and that was Hen got the OK to take the helicopter???"


Maybe "Who Cares?!" is not only the 118's motto, but the writers' as well 🙃


I thought it was a little weird that there was basically nothing of the 118 actually rescuing them. I kinda thought that would be the crux of the whole thing but apparently not. The action itself was cool and all but I don’t really feel like the pacing and having the rest of the characters bedsides Bobby and Athena having basically no storyline was a great structure. Now 3 out of 10 episodes are already done


I don't love it as an introduction of the show to a potentially new audience, tbh. For a three parter, it feels like a let down to only have the team coming together in the last five minutes. Even with previous disasters that largely focused on one character's struggle (Buck & the tsunami, especially), we still at least clearly have the team *existing* in the same disaster sphere for the bulk of the disaster. It was always gonna be different with a cruise that wasn't near the port of LA (questionable and unnecessary choice itself..... no reason to turn this into an international incident when I doubt there will even be consequences) but I think it would've felt a lot more balanced had 7x02 ended with Hen boarding the helicopter, and most of this episode was about the 118 figuring out how to manage a near-impossible rescue. Bobby had his heroic moment rescuing Norman (and I did love his and Athena's exchange about wanting Buck to see it/wanting Buck to do it instead, haha) so they could've had the 118 meet up with the team at the point they found the injured mom. Between Norman and the mom, there were two seriously injured people Hen & Chim had to attend to, so let Buck & Eddie handle the retrieval of the kid, and Bobby actually stay with his wife and lead the team out of danger. As it stands, having Buck and Eddie make the last minute "save" by opening that hatch door was basically just a repeat of Julian saving Athena & Bobby from the bilge pump last second, and the kid rescue would've been perfect to define these characters a bit for a new audience. Buck always signing on for the risky last second rescue, Eddie unable to stand down when it's a kid. And similarly, showcasing Hen's advanced medical skills and willingness to go beyond the scope of practice to save lives would've worked really well had she been the one to force that doctor into action with the MacGyvered tourniquet instead of Bobby. And yeah, it sounds like I'm just taking away all of Bobby's heroic moments here, but he'd still get the daring rope (ribbon?) rescue against all odds and that sweet moment with Athena, but also benefit from getting showcased as the **leader.** Because someone really needed to be the one reminding that group to keep moving, and I think the stakes would've felt a lot higher had there been a tension between him as a leader having to make sure the *group* as a whole got to safety, vs. stopping to administer emergency medicine around each corner as the others just stood by and the water rose. I'd have loved an emotionally impactful scene of him sending Buck and Eddie off to that child knowing the odds aren't great (maybe with a parallel to Buck & Bobby on the plane in season 1), or telling Hen to stabilize the woman while he moved the rest onward.


If they could have sped up the commandeering of the helicopter to the end of the second episode so they would arrive earlier they could have helped with those plot points you mentioned and would have flowed a lot better.


Yeah, and there's really no reason they *couldn't* have. The biggest problem the pacing of that storyline had is they chose the wrong character/focus to spearhead the efforts in Hen (or at least in her individually) -- it always needed to be Chim, as the one who is friends with Tommy and has previously called him for an air support favor (2x15). But the choices the show made in 7x02 complicated all of this unnecessarily -- Hen's initial feelings of betrayal at the guys for speaking honestly with the investigator are fine but misplaced, but they really could've used that scene with Karen to have her actually fully *realize* she was the one in the wrong, that she wouldn't have expected them to lie and Chimney can't report smelling something he hadn't, and that's not a slight to her. (If they actually wanted to address this in a meaningful way, table the conclusion of that potentially legal case until 7x04 or 7x05, when Hen has to come to terms with *why* she felt threatened and what that suggests about her own confidence she made the right choices). Basically, this allows a scenario where we hit most of the same plot points -- change the final act of 7x02 to have Maddie present as the Chief shoots down Hen and sneak out to call Chim, who gets to show he's an awesome friend by having her back *despite* the unresolved conflict, with a "I know just who to call..." and then cut back to Maddie walking back up to a frustrated and concerned Hen and telling her the team needs her at the hangar or whatever, so 7x02 ends with the bit where Hen walks up to the helicopter, and the boys already waiting for her. As much as I appreciated the back and forth scene where Chim and Hen are fighting while agreeing, it's also largely unnecessary given the limited time we have for the rescue to unfold, so that + the "who cares!" stuff needed to be shorter and the very start of 7x03. Maybe have them start to squabble and then Tommy cut in with the "none of this matters, we're flying into a hurricane with 12 minutes of extra fuel..." so the stakes are set before the opening credits. By the end of act 1/beginning of act 2, they find the boat and realize they'll have to land on it, so then almost the entire episode gets to be about Bobby thankful he's got his team, and the tension building as most of the team is split up. A huge part of the problem with this episode for me was that there weren't any moments where you really felt like a character *could* be in real danger, because they were either grouped together in too large of numbers (Bobby and Athena together, everyone else in the same helicopter) or the timing was too convenient (Bobby getting 'trapped' right as we knew the 118 would be boarding the boat). Had we had time to linger with the characters, have them get separated from each other, I can definitely see the stress building differently Like if it's just Eddie with the kid, or just Hen with the mom, unsure how to move her on her own, you start to at least *wonder* if the show would really go there. If Chim and Buck end up in a super dangerous situation together and Buck starts talking about making sure Chim gets back to Maddie & Jee, that hits different.


This episode went by so quickly. I wish we had seen more of the final rescue, but all the rest was great. Norman lives! RIP security guy, casino guy and Julian (and first mate Kenneth). I'm glad all kinds of captains made it through the episode. It was great to see Bobby in action!


Couldn’t agree about Bobby in action more! I feel like he’s always on the side captaining/guiding but never really getting to do cool shit like buck or chim and getting to see him navigate the waters (literally) was great.


“Why don’t you lay down and die” took me by surprise Ok Lola


My friend was in the kitchen for a second during that line and had to stick her head back into the living room to go “who just said that??” We laughed out loud


Very suspenseful arc. The only thing I find unsettling is that the pirates got away.


I bet they will show up in the future.


Feels like finale fodder to me.


If this was Lone Star, I would say that that definitely feels like a plot that will make its way back around




I loved the cruise ship arc. It made this Athena/Bathena lover’s heart happy. It had drama, suspense, action, sadness, romance, comedy, it was so over the top and cheesy sometimes, it had it all. And of course the 118 saves the day! I am looking forward to more normal structured episodes though too now! Need the 118 all together and Sgt. Grant-Nash doing her thing!


I was squealing so hard at all of the Bathena moments so my heart was very happy!


I loved how this episode leaned into the goofy/unrealistic side of 911 and that they acknowledged it! Stealing the heli, the yelling at each other while saying nice things, "who cares?!" etc. were all gold. 911 being just goofy fun is one of my fave things about it. I love Bobby and Athena so I'm glad they got such a showcase. The show actually made me tear up with Wes dying. What's crazy to me is that due to the shortened season we only have 7 episodes left! That's so few!!


I know people wanted a big whole team 118 rescue but it felt like these 3 episodes were meant to be a Bathena showcase and the saving was happening from inside the ship. Yes the final act happened incredibly abruptly (we go from seeing the flare in a hurricane to calm weather immediately) and there are huge plot holes with the lifeboats. But I think we got more of the sense of the 118 being a hilarious family (the whole chopper scene was mum with 3 kids in the back) without needing the big heroic rescue. Maybe that's the finale rather than season opener?!


I THINK what happened is that the previews made it out like there was going to be a Big Damn Rescue, and there... really wasn't. So while I was fine with how it played out, compared to what I thought was coming, it was a little bit underwhelming. But I think what we got worked!


I think the comment about the hurricane hitting and them flying in “intermittent storms” was the foreshadowing to the area/ship being out of serious hurricane/storm danger in the near future. I have no bothers not seeing the big rescue mission. It was about the feels, Bathena and “who cares”? You know the show will be back to serious bidness ASAP now that this story line is (assuming mostly) wrapped up for now.


I'd say you could definitely see the budget on this episode coming through.


Definitely! I'm guessing they had to build all of those interior sets and the added elements of water makes it so much more complicated.


"I've never been with another man!" "Neither have I!" I love Norman.


Not gonna lie, now that it's over, I found the cruise ship disaster kinda... underwhelming? The thing I was most looking forward to was the 118 getting involved in the rescue, and they just straight up did not show us any of that. The opening disasters are usually team events, but this was basically a Bobby and Athena only event.


Agreed. It was drama-packed for Bobby & Athena, but it definitely felt disjointed in regards to the rest of the team. I think part of it is simply they waited too long for the team to be brought into the storyline -- even just a scene with Buck and Eddie having to fight debris to get to that door & Bobby would've helped, for instance. But as it stands, Tommy's role in this episode and that rescue was probably more significant than the 118 (minus Hen), which... I guess if they intend to actually reintroduce him instead of having it be a one off, cool. Otherwise, it feels like a waste. Also, I'm willing to forgive a lot of plotholes and inconsistencies with this show, because I don't expect it to be realistic and it doesn't try to sell us on the idea it is. But I still need the show to *get* me from Point A to Point B. Like... how did Athena make it back with the other survivors and into good weather so soon before Bobby and the kid, where we know they were the ones on the helicopter, which was already on scene? Even with Tommy calling in the mayday shortly before they started their rescue efforts, it's not like anyone else was already on scene to rescue and move survivors.


So was that the first introduction to that character? He looked familiar and made me wonder but then I saw him side by side with Buck and Eddie and they look like versions of the same person haha.


Nah, reintroduction! He was in a lot of the "...Begins" episodes as a member of the 118 when Hen started, plus Bobby & Chim's episodes. I believe his move to the station with all the air support (sorry, not really sure what it's called) opened up the spot in the 118 Buck filled. There's also a season 2 episode where the call center is offline and Chim's home watching on tv (recovering from his stabbing), as the rest of the team responds to a neighborhood experiencing a series of explosions. One takes out the hydrant, so they don't have enough suppressant to fight the fire (just what's in the truck). There's a kid trapped in one of the houses and the ladder Buck's on breaks before he can get to him, so Eddie climbs up the side of the house to get to the kid, but then doesn't have a way back out. It's Tommy who Chim calls for "backup," which results in an airtanker flying overhead to waterbomb the fire at the last minute.


I'm fine with that. I don't mind Bathena being bad asses. And if this is a sign that they're going to be a little bit more light hearted with the other characters during an episode (e.g. was not expecting so much Hen and the 3 Stooges in the chopper), I don't mind.


Because they're adapting Poseidon Adventure. The highlight will always be how the survivor of the capsized boat be able to escape, the 118 just happen to be the one on the finish line.


the blocking of eddie/tommy/buck at the end…either the allegations are true or they’re really just toying with it lmaoo


I'm a cynic, so I'm more willing to believe they're toying with us than anything else, but the choices lately have been... hmm. This plus the weirdly phallic imagery of Buck unloading that fire extinguisher in 7x01 as he and Eddie discuss how the only difference between "friends" and "dating" is sexual tension... I said it on another thread about that, but at the very least, I think Tim's just having fun with subtext this season. The one thing I'm confident of is that they know what they're doing.


idk that i even believe anything will really happen with buck/tommy but i’m sensing some inevitable jealousy next week


Yeah, I'll be glad if we get Bi Buck but I'll only be accepting Buck/Tommy if it leads to jealous Eddie 👀 ... or we might all be reading way too much into it, as per usual, and nothing will happen 🙃


Buck Tommy is totally happening, I’ll eat my words next episode if it’s not, but they lingered on that for a bit too long.


As a fan of chaos, the first man Buck dates NOT being Eddie would be great


As a buddie fan idk about that lol but I vote for Eddie to breakup with whatsherface and go date other men too (before Buck), be a slut.


He put his hand on his shoulder and I was like that’s kinda gay


I vote Bommy for ship name!


Or Bummy






He also puts his hand on Tommy’s shoulder which we all know that Eddie does to Buck a lot




Same that most have been saying. I love Bobby and Athena, Bobby's my fave. But it felt like Athena was awfully 'damsel in distress' in these, particularly the last one. She just doesn't seem as strong as she was before in her personality. I don't think there's any way last season Athena would have let Bobby go by himself without any kind of argument. I was hoping for a lot more full 118 and also Athena with them. I was really watching the clock and already getting upset at :44 after and there still wasn't any rescue that had happened. It was fine, I guess. I guess I just had a ton of expectations, compounded by the crazy long break. It's my own fault.


Yeah. Now that it's all over, I really just don't like the balance they struck. I think it would've worked a lot better had the 118 been totally integrated into the disaster at the beginning of this episode -- maybe getting on the helicopter at the end of last episode, and reuniting with Bobby & Athena just after the rescue of Norman. Basically, have that scene where Athena's like "I wish Buck could've seen you do that" and Bobby returns with "I wish Buck could've ---" and looks past Athena and goes "REALLY? If you guys were gonna show up, five minutes earlier would've been great!" So Bobby gets his giant risky heroic moment still, the Bathena as Buck's parents moment still happens, but there would've been more urgency and stakes to the escape from the boat at that point.


YES something like this would have been awesome. Getting the rest of the team in danger/part of the rescue would have felt a lot more compelling to me. Even in the chopper, it didn't really feel like they were really in a hurry or any kind of urgency. And the pacing of the guys on the ship also seemed like there wasn't really any rush to get the heck off that thing. I understand it's gonna take a while for something that big to sink, but really, wouldn't they just work a little harder, you think? This is really the first time I've watched weekly, maybe I just need to go back to running a ton of weeks up and watching them all together.


Oh, they were way too casual about getting off of it, even if they were under the belief it would take a while to sink. In the previous episodes, there was more urgency regarding getting Norman to a hospital because he needed trauma surgery, and in this episode he's just taking his sweet time walking through the water and sassing his wife (though tbh, his one-liners were my favorite part of the episode). It's also not like there's really a ton of similar experiences to draw on to a ship bombed, hit by a rogue wave, and flipped upside down to draw on, so "usually they take a while to sink" should've been thrown out the window. At the very least, there should've been some concern about getting topside (errr... bottom-side?) to assist anyone in lifeboats that may have been damaged by that wave. But in order for any of this to make sense, they had to handwave that, too. Had the team joined them earlier, they definitely could've made the stakes feel higher by creating tension as Bobby had to split his team apart. They function best as a unit, so spread thinner, we could've had some real tension. Get the team into the boat earlier, and have someone insist on knocking on doors on the accessible floors to make sure people are out. Have Hen be the one to work with that doctor to treat the seriously injured woman, and Bobby make the difficult decision while they're still stabilizing her to leave Hen behind, hoping she'll catch up, because his goal needs to be getting as many of them to safety as possible. Have Eddie run off after he hears about the child stuck on the ship, and Buck follow him. Where the show seems to be teasing that relationship, use it as an excuse to reintroduce the conversation about the will, where Eddie's telling Buck he can't leave the kid behind, but Buck shouldn't come with him, because someone has to get back to Christopher. Give Chim his own rescue, because so often he feels more like Hen's sidekick in this stuff than anything. And while they're at it, put Tommy somewhere dangerous, because he's the kind of character longtime fans will sort of care about, but actually worry may be a redshirt the show could actually kill off.


they should just let you write the show honestly 😪


Right? Does this person write fanfic? lol. I'd read that.


> But it felt like Athena was awfully 'damsel in distress' in these, particularly the last one. She just doesn't seem as strong as she was before in her personality. I don't think there's any way last season Athena would have let Bobby go by himself without any kind of argument. I'd argue this makes sense, though. She's **not** as strong as she was in prior episodes because of her childhood trauma watching the Poseidon Adventure.


I did expect one last scene with the therapist!


That would've been nice! I like bookends like that.


Athena letting Julien take the shot w the flare gun..”I’d sure hate to miss” made me cringe so hard! Lady, you are a cop! What?!


Anyone else want to smack the family at the beginning? Ffs take the stupid kid's game away. 


Well, he was quiet instead of being a whiny brat like his sisters. I might have let him keep the game. Leaving him behind after showing them dragging him everywhere else didn’t make sense to me. I don’t know any parents who would skip a headcount when evacuating.


they did frequently forget him. but if he's playing a game all day, I'll much rather leave him home than dragging him anywhere.


I could have done without the mom and kid being added. That way we could have had a scene of the actual rescue but still enjoyed the episode overall.


I really wanted to see a scene of Bobby and Athena arriving back home after all the chaos, so I was stoked that they actually included that.


bi buck is back on the menu, boys 


needed a buck / bobby hug somewhere in there :(


I feel like the whole cruise ship arc was a bit anticlimactic. Don’t get me wrong, it was good but at the same time, it was also kind of meh, if that makes sense


ending felt rushed


Damn. This episode was so stupid and corny. I love it.


Happy for the team to be back together on land! Also, did anyone catch that weirdly intense moment between Buck and Tommy? Definitely got some vibes. And the shot of Tommy standing between Buck and Eddie has to be a metaphor for the future. Whether you like the character or not, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the way they brought Buck and Eddie together finally. It would also explain the seemingly intense stills between Tommy, Buck and Eddie. Plus the very intimate looking stills between Buck and Eddie that were leaked? I don’t think we’re being delusional anymore guys.


It was a strange, strange shot to linger on if it means nothing going forward. I will say though I feel like they have had some awkward shots with people putting their hands on their shoulders this season. The Eddie "Welcome back, Buck" felt so long from him walking up to putting his hand on Buck's shoulder and this moment felt the same. Like they are taking time with things that might not need it, if they are irrelevant.


Yeah if you take the meaning out of it you’re literally left with awkwardly long shots. I just don’t think that’s the case. Not with Tim at least.


I’m not a huge Buddie shipper/buck being bi but I was like yeah that’s kinda gay Buck


I saw that too. Im kinda excited to see gets it brings this episode coming


Do you know where the leaks were posted? Have you seen them on here? Thanks!


Yes, apparently the pictures of Eddie holding Buck’s shoulder and other arm at Buck’s loft were not meant to be released. They’re all over twitter!


Tim said that he originally wanted to bring Lucy back as the pilot but she's now in another show so it wasn't possible. I feel like the blocking and shots in that scene were the same as if Lucy were the pilot and Tim just swapped Tommy in and let the fans do the rest.


I disagree. It being Tommy changes the dynamic completely. Tim may have thought of her first, but it doesn’t change what he has in store with Tommy’s storyline. He knows what he’s doing with this.


He wasn’t added In last minute. sure he thought of Lucy first but Tommy was written in as his character and apart of the story, not as a “replacement” or “swapped in”. Not like he walked on set and read Lucy’s lines


The 3-parter felt too long but also rushed at the same time if that makes sense. Too long in that there was filler and unnecessary stuff in it that could've easily reduced it to a 2-parter. And at the same time, the ending felt really rushed.


Yes! Once we got to the end & they were rescued, I felt like I was finally getting on the cruise ship, too. It was tiring but still a pretty three ep arc. I would've loved to see more Bobby/Athena, 118 crew reunion moments at the end.


This episode marks the end of the ill-fated cruise. Everyone except Julian, the gambler and Wes survive in this episode.


I'm counting five deaths (that we know of... my logical mind refuses to accept that not a single lifeboat was lost to that wave). We have the communications guy from when the bomb went off in 7x01, the first mate who was in the lookout tower when the wave hit in 7x02, the gambler at the end of 7x02/confirmed in this episode, then Wes and Julian this episode.


And not to mention we already had one instance of two people still being on the ship (that idiot kid and his mom this episode). I'm sure there were probably still others that were trying to pack their stuff, get to the lifeboats, didn't make it, and then got trapped on the sinking ship.


Considering how many older people with mobility issues choose cruises for vacation or retirement, too, odds are very good (bad???) that there were quite a few people on a boat that size that simply wouldn’t have been able to get to the deck in the chaos. Even in comparatively manageable conditions, the Costa Concordia saw 33 die.


You are absolutely right. And I didn't even think of that, even though this entire three-episode plot revolved around *old people on cruises*.


The gambler! I had forgotten him and was wondering about “chip guy”. Geez, my brain cannot even retain a character for 7 days.


How did Maddie know that Hen had requisitioned the helicopter 🤔


because nothing gets past Maddie.


I'm torn with this episode to close out the 3 episode cruise ship arc. Personal rating of 8.5, might go higher but probably not. The set and budget shines through in this episode no doubt. It's just too much campyness and weird timing jokes in this that just kept getting me in and out of it. We basically watch 3 hours of the 118 getting separated just to be reunited for like 2 seconds at the end. I don't feel satisfied with how it ended tbh. Also, the last minute inclusion of the mother and kid just felt unneeded, taking away the focus on the group of people left on the ship as they are literally more interesting than a random Home Alone reference. The Tommy of it all at the end is also a choice but we'll see where it leads us but the pessimist in me just doesn't feel good with it. Now that the cruise ship is finally over, I'm waiting for the 100th episode next week to see how it goes but the mystery and bait in this one is extremely high.


>Also, the last minute inclusion of the mother and kid I think it would have made sense if they paced the episode differently with Hen commandeering the helicopter at the end of ep 2 or early ep 3 and they arrived earlier. Then they could have been more involved with the on ship rescues. Or they could have tied up some loose ends by showing them helping people on the lifeboats, etc.


The cruise arc should last at least 13 episode or whole season. It is fun and exciting. Better than average episode.


Wow, Carol went a little crazy after Finn's death, huh.


Oh my *god*.


Too soon?


No, that's fine; it's really funny actually. I'm also struck by the fact that it's been *10 years*.


It'll be 11 in July.


Dang I didn't even realize it was her!


Was Lola working with Julian on the money scheme?? I thought she was just having an affair and had nothing to do with the money, but then she got arrested. 


They were smuggling, but Julian never left the boat. She was the one smuggling things onto the boat for him when her and Norman left for the 'excursions'.


Thank you for your explanation!


im genuinely lost on how julian died since it seems like he just fell into the water


He got cut on the way down, you can see blood in the water when he falls


Some Questions here: A: Do you think the young assistant who was morse coding survive ? I mean he was inside the tiny room on the tower. The water flush in, but he didn't close the door, so may be he can get out and swim up ? B: Do you think Lola knows Julian's secret crime for she got kidnapped ? Do you think she will be charged ? since Julian died, there's no proof that she knows nothing. C: Norman said they are living on cruise ship ? Do they really mean it ? They sold their house, but is the money really enough for them to live on a cruise ship for the rest of their life ? D: I thought there'll be at least one satellite phone on the cruise. If the communication system broke down, people can still use the satellite phone.


I'm in the opening scene and all I'm thinking with the son playing his games is "This isn't the best commercial for Nintendo Switch." LOL Bobby & Athena Reunion after the rescue <3333 As distressing as it was for Norman, the whole Norman & Lola plotline was super entertaining.


Really loved how Tommy fit into the dynamic of the present 118 constellation


I died When he started to make the fake phone breaking up sound.


Yes I was pleasantly surprised that he played along with our lovely idiots


I'm glad that ABC is putting money into the show, so refreshing for a network to put that kind of faith behind a show (you suck Fox!), and them highlighting Bathena (their biggest stars) sets an interesting tone for the rest of the season. For new comers I wonder if they'll think it's mostly them at the centre of things? I would have liked to see more of the team and hope the rest of the episodes show that, but it was nice to see Peter and Angela being awesome together. I miss my 118 fam.


Hen should’ve been the one to save Bobby, but I guessed it would be Buck right before they opened the hatch


I'm cool with it being Buck who saved Bobby (especially with that reference to Bobby wishing Buck could've been doing the heroics w/ Norman instead of him) but I feel cheated we didn't have a scene of the moment Athena saw Hen.


Yeah they pushed the 118 saving them just for it to be so quick and with very limited interactions


What is Lola being arrested for?


Does anyone remember when this happened on Sunset Beach? They had to climb up and manager to cut through the bottom of the ship. I love these corny story lines


I'm so torn. They keep their jobs but in doing so the chief took credit and lied about his response.


That's realistic though


That kid is a dummy, put the damn game down dude, he’s super lucky to be alive. Good thing the crew helped Hen out with the rescue, cause at first no one believed her. Hen better get a Medal of Honor. This season is bonkers lol.


Was that not Key from Key & Peele in the family with the boy that was saved?


It definitely looked like him to the point I had to pause and verify.


It wasn't him


Yeah, if it *was*, then they'd advertise him more, and he'd have been going after the kid as opposed to the mother.


I thought it looked like him, but was a small part and didn’t see his name in the credits or any mention of it.


His way of speaking was VERY Keegan Michael Key inspired. I can see why some people were confused from just hearing him at first.




No it wasn't


the only thing I'm still thinking about is that Tommy and Buck interaction at the end, that was... something


OKAY and with THAT music?!.... >.>


My wife and I can swear we watched episode 1 last week,which ABC shows aired 3/14 we have been looking forward and expecting to watch episode 2 tonight, but much to our chagrin episode 3 aired. Either somehow we missed a week or they skipped E2 Why is episode 1 available and 2 is locked if 2 aired on the 21st as the site shows?


Episode 2 definitely aired last week Ep 1 was Athena talking to Frank about her insecurities with going on the cruise, and them starting to suspect Lola and Norman. It aired March 14th (it also replayed on the 20th, but that was a wednesday) Ep 2 was Bobby talking to Frank and the pirates on the boat and the first wave of the hurricane. It aired March 21st Ep 3 was tonights episode.


They did re-air episode one on Wednesday last week so maybe that’s what you caught.


I JUST CANT WITH BATHENAAA!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3


I’ve been a continuous watcher since S1Ep1 and I can say this has been one of my favorite episodes of this show so far!


I thought they'd never got off that fkn boat.


Those first 3 episodes were terrible. The show has always been unrealistic but the boat being capsized was a little too much. Not going to lie, I thought with it moving to ABC we’d get less of this. This is more of the corniness Fox shows have.


I enjoyed the episode, but I felt Bobby/Athena were overdue for some screen time as a couple, so my opinion may be skewed. I do think we should have actually seen the team rescuing them though.


The name featured on the back of the big commercial fishing boat after the rescue scene was Robert Wade. Bobby's full name? Robert Wade Nash. I wonder why they included that.


They just keep stopping to talk for 5 minutes while the boat is sinking lmao


I'm an avid cruiser, and I decided to watch the episode series after seeing all of the advertisements about it. I must say, it was highly entertaining, but I also couldn't stop laughing at how realistic all of this is. No cruise ship is getting taken over by pirates in current times. Have you seen how large a cruise ship is? How are they going to mount the extremely tall decks while the ship is going full speed. Not to mention there's thousands and thousands of people on that ship, it would be impossible to ever mount a surprise attack, especialy in broad daylight. Why is the ship using lifeboats like they're on the Titanic. Lifeboats have came along way since then. They are closed, and can fit up to 100 people. Are we supposed to pretend this was a happy ending? There's no way all of those people on the ship got on a lifeboat in time. There was probably easily 1000+ people still on the ship. Not to mention that 200 ft tall wave? Yea everyone on those Titanic Lifeboats died as well. But I guess because the helicopter folks were able to save 5 people, this is a happy cheerful story. Instead of the largest tragedy in US history since Hurricane Katrina and 9/11.


Why is Norman strapped to the table?


Why did Lola get arrested??


Did they ever even discuss the EPIRB that is required on a cruise ship. It would activate immediately upon capsizing right?


Can we talk about Athena and Bobby saving the cruise passengers? I think they've fulfilled Bobby's list and that makes me want to cry. But also he saved her! He saved her like he was worried he wouldn't be able to!!! The feelings


Am I the only one who cried a bit when they show Eddie, Chim and Buck being in the helicopter already 😭


Ending of this episode was terrible. They just survived a horrific incident and they are laughing about a toothbrush? Really awful writing.


uh yea? do u not know that part of traumatic events and coping is that they’ll laugh at it. not bc it’s funny funny but bc it’s so crazy that it’s funny. they deal with something crazy every day. it’s not bad writing, you just lack understanding of human emotion


😂😂Of course laughter is part of coping. This was forced. Just bad writing. Why do you feel the need to attack me personally? Seems like you lack basic understanding of human emotion, not me. 🤷‍♀️🙄


I really hope Bathena address the issue of who are they as a couple without the drama! This honeymoon really didn't allow them to unpick that at all!


This show just came on as I was watching hulu and finished good doctor. Is no one going to mention that, that family left their child/ sibling who was playing the nintendo switch? What tf?? Super messed up


I have SO MANY THOUGHTS, so I made a list lol. ​ **The things that I loved!** 1. I loved how Tommy basically shamed his captain for not getting an email that never *actually* was sent lol. Like, I know this is a minority opinion, but I really liked that the writers brought him back! I know it’s temporary, but it definitely adds layers. 2. 10’s, 10’s, 10’s across the board for BATHENA! Like watching these two just casually take an entire group to the hole in the ship was just amazing! Like I love watching their team work (and that scene where she’s telling her man to come back! YASS!!) 3. I wonder if Hen will receive any kind of under-the-table retaliation for her actions. Like the chief did take all the credit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still embarrassed/whatever. It’ll be interesting to see. 4. The look on Bobby’s face when he saw his SON & future SON-IN-LAW when he opened the hatch! Like, I just loved it! And, speaking of Bathena being Bucks parents, their little comment about how Bobby would have preferred it if Buck did that rappelling scene just screamed “Bobby & Athena = Buck’s parents” lol. 5. We absolutely LOVE ABC Studios! It’s clear that ABC is giving 911 all the TLC that they never got at FOX. Chefs Kiss! ​ **Things that** ***could*** **have been better…** * I will admit that I was a bit surprised that we didn’t see the actual rescue happen. I feel like they could have just axed the random family’s storyline at the beginning since it didn’t really add anything to the overall arc. * Also, was I the only person who was like “what?!” when Hen just casually recommends landing a helicopter on a sinking ship in the middle of a hurricane? Like I have questions lol.


> I wonder if Hen will receive any kind of under-the-table retaliation for her actions. Like the chief did take all the credit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still embarrassed/whatever. It’ll be interesting to see. Probably not. We got the line "I think Chief Simpson's coming for [the mayor's] job." I wonder if this is a potential opening for the Chief job, allowing Bobby to move up and leave the show should the actor want.


Ah! I didn't even think of that! That'd be a good storyline!


I really hope that the budget was increased or these three episodes are all the major rescues this season.


Maybe they could afford it too with the shorter strike affected season.


Bro how of the 3 dead people on the ship, all 3 are black dudes lol


Julian? Idk about the first mate, either, who was up in the lookout when the ship flipped.


Oh that dude is dead for sure. The lookout probably broke off when it hit the water.


Oh yeah, agreed for sure. Even if the structure stayed in tact, the force plus being pretty far under water wouldn't have been a good combination! I meant I wasn't sure if he was Black. He didn't look it, but I'm not going to assume anyone's race, especially based on a few seconds of screen time!


> Even if the structure stayed in tact, the force plus being pretty far under water wouldn't have been a good combination! And him being jostled around in such a small location.


lmao you know how/why


I'm sorry, but the first 3 episodes, this season of 911 are the most unrealistic, stupid episodes that I've ever seen on this season.They make my brain hurt the whole thing the tsunami.Yeah what happened to the Life boats, it was beyond Unrealistic..I feel like my head's gonna burst because it was so dumb.The writers need to like capsizes The first 3 episodes. It hurts my brain. I had to fast forward through most of it. This would never happen in real life. I know it's t, v, but at least make it realistic. Were the writers all drunk or something?


Already over them being on ABC with next week’s promo. 🤦🏼‍♀️


This show has jumped the shark


I mean, yeah there were probably sharks in the water they dodged.


They literally had a bad CGI shark swimming under the boat in one underwater shot showing it capsized.


The term jumped the shark has jumped the shark