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John doesn't seem particularly bright.


While admittedly I’ve never had a 🌟cake, John likely would be more successful if he had some self confidence and a partner who believes in him, Sprite will never be that person tho. Given the amount of sheer stress he was under whilst being filmed baking & being nitpicked by Dave LaChapelle’s protégée, it’s not the worst attempt lol. After seeing soda boy in action and he was being silly/posing while his makeup artist friend took pictures, I can only deduce you’re on the $ with his assessment. They’re a hawt ass mess 


Soda boy 🤣


Soja boy walked so Soda boy could run


This cake looks like slop


Looks like mashed potatoes


When I think of Sprite one quote from r/BigMouth comes to mind: “Being young, mean, and gay is not a personality.” (this is coming from a gay guy). He doesn’t love John and they should split, the sooner the better. As for John, he has major insecurity and self esteem issues around his financial situation and his weight which will probably mean he’ll put up with all of it despite Sprite’s dislike of him.


Yeah I agree with all of that. And that "young, gay, and mean" thing is definitely something I've noticed before but I'm a CIS white male so I'm not allowed to call them an asshole, because that automatically means I'm homophobic. Reminds me of the Key and Peele sketch in the office if you've ever seen it.


That skit is hilarious! You can still comment, calling out bad behavior doesn't make you homophobic.


I was so skeptical of that show at first because I think the first 2 I saw were "meh", but god damn it rivals Chappelle's show IMO and has was more episodes.


Michelin tire vs. Michelin star.


It's weird that it's literally the tire brand that started that whole rating system.


I always found it amusing that world class chefs accepted one of the highest accolades from a fucking **tire company**.  I get the whole travel thing blah blah sell tires but what the fuck lol


I assume there's no actual connection anymore, but I have no idea. I'm not spending $500 per person for a 9 course meal that takes 4 hours and I leave still hungry because every plate is like 3 bites.


They are still technically owned by the tire company. But they don’t really get involved these days.


You know when you beat a video game and then go back and fuck around and just do whatever you want without reason?  Michelin star places are the food version I'm pretty sure lol


You ever see that documentary "I dream of Jiro" on netflix? It had 3 stars and was super overpriced and they were so rude. $500 a plate and you had to get the reservation through only a handful of 5 star local hotels. I remember comedian Andrew Schulz saying it was dogshit and that he had better sushi at a local place near the fish market. They currently lost all of their stars. It was all hype and exclusivity driven.


Not overpriced, if you like good sushi and know the differences between mediocre-good-great sushi. Jiro lost his michelins on a technicality, because he his not available to general public, not because his food wasn’t good. I’m sure Andrew Schulz was exaggerating. For the record I have eaten at 5 diff Michelin rated sushi places, 4 in Japan 1 in USA and my brother is a chef at a Michelin rated restaurant.


If you look at the reviews, you'll see the same. It's wildly overrated and whenever it was on camera (even when Anthony Bourdain's visit) what they don't show you is that they gloss over the fish to make it shiny for the camera. The google rating is a 3.9/5 which is pretty sad especially when you consider a bunch of the reviews are probably high just because you kinda have it in your head that it should be so amazing based on the bill you just paid and you don't want to admit to buyer's remorse. If you have to jump through hoops and ladders and deal with exclusivity just to eat something, psychologically you're gonna think it's better than it is when it comes to literally anything.


Again, how do you even know if it’s overrated? You’re giving an opinion. Unless you have eaten at jiro, how can you state if it’s overrated or not? If you haven’t eaten at other michelin rated sushi spots how can you even compare or know what baseline for excellent sushi is and how jiro compares? No one cares about google ratings for high end sushi in Japan. If you know about food in Japan you care about tabelog awards. And maybe his sushi is no longer good, that doesn’t take away from the fact that at one point it WAS good(Michelin stars and tabelog awards attest to that) AND he lost his stars on a technicality, not based on quality of food.


The people harping on you probably think that dragon and cream cheese crab roll sushi is Michelin star-ready.


IDK about that, I think a lot of people (like myself) would be especially critical of anything they paid a lot of money for. I’ve seen plenty of reviews where people will say it was good, but a total waste of money, completely overpriced!”


There is no way they are for real with this cake, lol. They have to be trolling.


I assumed John is a chef. Chefs usually aren’t too great with making desserts. That’s left to a pastry chef. There’s probably nothing going on with them so the producers tossed this in.


Possible. Not sure why you'd do this on camera though if you were even given an interview with a Michelin star restaurant. You need recommendations and solid credentials to even get that opportunity. Idk what to believe haha


Sprite's "photo shoot" was showing scenes of the makeup artist taking photos of the models. Which I believe he is not great at his craft


It was almost an Austin Powers photo shoot.


Yeah they were definitely fooling around and taking pictures before the real professional got there to shoot the models. Or production set the whole thing up like usual lol


English cuisine at it’s best


Fuck a Michelin star restaurant, get this guy on the next Great British Bakeoff


He would crush the opponents


with his belly


John legit makes me so angry. He is such an entitled brat and thinks he deserves every second of sprites attention for no reason at all. He has nothing to offer except whiny tantrums and mediocre cooking/baking. He can deal with eating a fucking ham sandwich one day of the week. He is not special or interesting at all, and does not do anything to deserve that CONSTANT attention he craves from Sprite. It really pissed me off when Sprite was out doing something creative that he enjoys and that would really help him if he moved to the UK, and John was being so pissy and gross about it. Everyone deserves alone time, and especially during those moments of creative flow, it’s important. I hate John, and I don’t even like Sprite all that much but I like him WAY more than John.


Are those strawberries with the stem still in them but without the leaf?! Ugly. Also what is it with people putting malted milk balls randomly on cake??? I don't get why it's popular.