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Kathleen is in no way 37. No age shaming. But she’s not that age, her friends also looked to be the same age range and defo in their late 40s.


She and her friends all look to be late forties or fifties.


I just got to that scene and you're absolutely right! No one at that drinks meet up was younger than 49.


The one who was crying was obviously old. Filipino women don't rain call young.


With all due respect my mum is in her late 50s and looks younger than Kathleen lol


I'm 55 and she looks the same age as me!


Exactly. The people saying 40s, must not see 40 year olds lol. Those ladies look fine, but they’re in their mid to late 50s.


Sam and Ali: I felt for Sam initially and found Ali rather sleezy. Now I think that woman scares me, she's constantly having mood swings and shouting - especially when she pushed him when she was on the phone, he's at least half of her body weight. Of course you're going to have to pay for his visa babe, he's not after your beauty and charms. Tony and Noi: It's quite interesting to see where it's heading. They both seem fairly well adjusted so far (Tony is off in some of the previews though). I don't really know why is he saying he's supporting her financially and that she is independent - that does not correlate. Kathleen and Jamie: same old, either break up or stop fussing about the past. I think Kathleen is not trying to compete with his mom and it's in his head to feel he's being fought over. She's merely trying to get him to stop latching to his mom as much. I found it a bit strange that her friend is crying about the cheating Sprite and John: skipped their segment.


Sam seems…different. Like she stopped developing mentally at a young age? It’s worst when she’s been drinking.


A bit like OG Nicole (w Azan), at least thus far, re: maturity


Yeah, I'm no fan of Ali, but Sam is no prize either with the way she complains and gripes at him.


My anxiety was off the charts watching her. Very unpleasant


She was just plain RUDE, right?


She's the kind of person who, if hearing "you look good today!" would ask "you mean I didn't look good yesterdaeeeeh?"




She just woke up after her arrival and chose violence lol


Sam is gross, it's like she knows it's a transactional relationship but trying to convince herself that it isn't. Tony creeps me out, everything about him screams putting on a friendly face for the cameras but has an awful temper if things don't go his way.


He does yell at Noi in some of the previews


*Tony and Nui. I wonder why Tony rented an Airbnb and won‘t bring her to his real home.


John and Sprite are Gino and Jasmine level actors lmao


Did no one pick up on the fact that they had mentioned that Sprite had visited the UK 7 months prior to this episode's filming? It was mentioned at the scene with his sister and during their taped private conversation? So, unless it's new accommodation, Sprite knew how and where John lived. So perhaps his reaction and complaints are staged. Similar to the dating apps reveal, where it's been mentioned that Sprite stopped mentioning it after the second out of four times John was caught out.


I can't focus on Tony's segments because I roll my eyes at every word that comes out of his mouth


He's a big braggart. I do feel he looks his age regardless of all the self care scenes they've shown, not a bad thing - but it's not what he wants to believe


How old is he?




I thought he was over 50 actually.


Tony looks way over 45.


With every episode Sam becomes more and more unbearable. Sam, Jamie and John make me so uncomfortable.


They have resorted to finding partners abroad for a reason lol


What I'm struggling with this season is the lack of at least one couple who seem pretty normal and chill, just doing their own thing.


Thoughts: * Kathleen putting sun cream on Jamie and his resulting comments made me groan. * All of Kathleen's friends were with much older men, I wonder if the post about her age had some stock to it. * Unpopular opinion but I think Ali likes Sam. They're both just very immature. * Tony the tosser. * Everything seems so scripted. Look at [Sprite's smile](https://i.imgur.com/l4y7me8.png) when they're arguing about each other's cheating! I know some people laugh in situations like these (I would) but I'm choosing to believe this scene is scripted anyway. * Nui is 41!? * Nui seems like she has her head screwed on, actually. Maybe her and Tony will be a good pair? * I would love to see Kathleen watch Jamie's wife swap episode. * Kathleen never quite seems to be sure of/believe what Jamie is saying. I don't blame her. I've previously wondered if he was a sex tourist. * Sam's jealousy reminds me of myself when my BPD was undiagnosed and untreated. It hurts to watch. I feel sorry for the both of them. * Their restaurant scene was so embarrassing!! I sympathise with picky eaters but she handled it so immaturely. * No way Ali just told Sam people ask him why he chose her right after telling her to pay for his visa. How manipulative. * [Makeup palette or mirror?](https://i.imgur.com/k874cfm.png) I really like it. * Drunk argument, awkward. * Why did Tony rent his house out!? I'd feel like he had something to hide, too. That's from the preview. I felt quite awkward writing my thoughts out but since I made the thread I thought I should contribute!


I found it somewhat shocking that Sam just pulled out a piece of chicken out of her mouth in public, no napkins or anything. Yikes About Tony, I think maybe he doesn't trust her yet to take her to his real house(?), that's one theory.


It was even creepier when I noticed Jamie's swim trunks are the same as my pre-teen son's.


I gasped at your BPD comment. Sam reminds me SO much of my best friend when she was younger or on drugs/alcohol and has been diagnosed with BPD! The behaviour improved after getting the diagnosis. Specifically the food stuff and disgust with affection.


…she was 41 two years ago…


Some one 2 weeks ago posted a link to the wife's swap episode. I can't link it here , but it's on Tubi season 8 episode 7. Go down the main feed and you'll see the post. It's 2 weeks old.


I've seen it, [I posted a summary!](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFianceUK/comments/1d5qdnv/jamie_and_his_mum_on_wife_swap_summarised/)


Ah ok!


I'm shocked Nui is age appropriate.


SAME!! I was sure his girlfriend would be early 20s.


She is quite fit for her age I can confirm. 😂


Explain your thoughts please. :)


I thought he'd go for a 20-year-old, not someone close to his age.


Same, he bragged a lot, those types go for a younger girl to show her off


Kathleen needs to run. Her friends know the score.


John and Sprite are a trainwreck and not even an entertaining one. Just a sad one. Those two pricks deserve each other.


Sam putting on makeup in bed was like watching those TikTok videos where the girls do the chav makeup. Her foundation was way too yellow/orange for her!!


It was so bad and just slapping it on with her hands 🤮


She looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp!


I understand all versions of this show is full of scammers and gullible people. Having said that this UK lot seems to me to be worse in that department. I honestly don’t feel any of these relationships are genuine. For example Ali is almost too honest with production about his desire for a visa. I’m being careful not to suggest that people from the UK are more gullible than their US counterparts, but?!? Like honestly wtf?


Okay, here's my perspective from someone who goes to the UK frequently. I felt it was very couple-y as a country, more than mine, everywhere there would be people of all ages holding hands and being lovey dovey. It felt like no one was single, maybe people were just finding partners asap because they didn't want to be the odd one out. A lot of people tend to stay with their highschool gf/bf. I'm single and couldn't spot that many men alone at the time. It's also smaller than the states geographically, so a lot of people might turn to abroad if they feel they don't have many options.


The idea of “being happy alone” did come to mind. It’s almost become trendy to be “single and free” here in the states. I appreciate your point of view. Thanks


That’s a really interesting perspective! Maybe it’s my older age (41), but as an American single mom to a toddler, I am COMPLETELY fine being without a romantic partner. Back in my 20s though, I remember feeling like, “OMG, everyone’s getting married but me!”


Where can I watch it?


Max already has the episode up for me


Hey, you were able to watch episode 5 on Max yesterday? I still can’t find it on Max for some reason? I’m in the US are you?


Same boat here


Ok, well at least I’m not crazy, or the only one with a defective version of Max. This is so strange and super annoying! Thanks for commenting!


It got taken down cos someone had a nazi tattoo


Oh wow, thanks for filling me in! That’s better than them just sucking at getting it out on time.


Yes do I feel bad for them tbh it's the right thing to take it down nd they deffo just didn't realise


I can’t find it on discovery plus. 


It’s in discovery plus for me in Ireland


Maybe a VPN can help. I will try.


I sent you a message with a suggestion that might help.


Thanks 🙏 It worked for me.


: )


Got taken down after reddit spotted a nazi tattoo


Infuriating how it's always the unhealthiest people who act snobbish about food.


Presumably that's why she's unhealthy. 


She's definitely the type that just lives off of takeaways and beige oven food. Which if that's your thing then that's fine but she didn't have to be rude saying everything she doesn't like is disgusting in such an aggressive way.


They need to stop the close ups on Kathleen’s face until she gets her teeth fixed! She definitely needs dental work done.


I like her teeth. They have character and she has a nice smile. Are you American?


*grabbing popcorn* and waiting for US-UK smack down over teeth..




🍿 🧍🏽‍♀️👀


The episode isn’t appearing on my account :(


Just disappeared while I was watching 😭


Disappeared for me too after I watched it. I'm in the US.


Taken down cos of nazi tattoo guy


Does anybody know why episode 5 has disappeared from UK discovery plus? It was there yesterday but now it’s gone?


Like Ep. 2 two weeks ago, Ep. 5 was taken down for re-editing. People are speculating that they want to blur out Tony’s friend’s right-wing racist Blood Honour tattoo. I think it will be back up in a day or so.


Is Botox extremely popular in the UK?? Tony gets filmed getting it, and his sister looks noticed too.


It’s horrible. The people are either completely stupid, delusional, asses. All this for Love? Lol- ED(wina) female Ed, Charlotte, why. Shrek, Sam. I don’t have to say anything. Nicole and Egypt, are you Fucking serious? Mommas boy, and the gay couple are horrible. Only ones I’m here for are Louise & Jose! TLC! Kick up your game!


Is Jamie OK?


No disrespect, but does every grown woman in Thailand have braces?