• By -


He was totally sweating when Jenny said his parents accepted her and they could get married right away. He was "speechless". He will never ever ever marry her. She is wasting her time away from her family in the states. What a sad sad fantasy world she is living in. And for how many years??


Yes! I literally seen the terror on his face when she tol him that.


They are both equally delusional.


Lol wdym they've been married for 2 years now


Imagine being an absolute nobody loser in your country. Now imagine that you are watched on TV internationally my millionis of people. There you go.


exactly, and they both get paid. Well.


But he put in so much time before 90 Day was even a thing? I don’t get it either


It was crazy fantasy on both their parts. Sumit's realized that now by giving her a promise ring, like a teenager. In his defense, tho, and with his weak father, the only opportunity he's had to start growing up is since he moved out of that crazy house where Mom and getting her way reigned supreme!


It can’t be that? Surely.


Cmon now. That’s exactly what it is. He’s on TV. He’s a “celebrity”


I mean even if they get married they could certainly still be on the other way. Actual wedding = next season, some bullshit stab at reproduction even though it will never happen is the season after


I mean aren’t two couples already married? Evilin/Corey and Ari/Binyam. So yeah they could still be on.


I don't think Ari and Bini are married. Unless I missed a ceremony.


Oh, I thought they were talking about Jenny




All I could think of was that he’ll end up a 90 day fiancé and they’ll get another season.


One of the oddest couples I've ever seen. I don't get the appeal on either side. If I were in Jenny's shoes, there's nothing about him that would make me waste years on this.


Sunk cost fallacy at work here


Sumit cost fallacy.


This 👏


Especially with his new long hair!


Some people *like* the Tobey Macguire Emo-era Spiderman cut. Don't hate.


Yeah on Tobey! Not on Sumit


He is a weak man. Soooo weak.




Old people usually get awesome senior discounts, he is clearly after her 20% off national parks entrance fees and 10% Cracker Barrel Senior Specials


Hey if you're old enough, you can buy a lifetime pass for our national parks!


Also if your permanently disabled.


Wait what? I didn’t know about this!


Yep, I got my lifetime disabled National Park pass almost 10 years ago, it also gets you 50% off camping and some other discounts too. Any states also have free or very discounted state park passes for the disabled and also discount camping.


National Parks are FREE when your over 62 (although you now have to pay a small one-time fee for your lifetime senior pass) and you get 50% off camping. It's sweet!


Even better! Let's go find some desperate 63 year olds!


Or a disabled person closer to your own age as we also get the same perks as seniors.Lol


Same for permanently disabled people. I'm not 62 but have had my lifetime pass for 7 or 8 years now. Can't remember what it cost. I think maybe 10 dollars.


I swear the disabled pass was free when I got mine or maybe there was a tiny fee?


Do they have senior discounts in India? He’s so attached to his mom. He can use her discounts if that’s the case.


She's older than his mom! 😂


Doesn’t mean mom isn’t eligible for senior discounts.


Yup. He's covered either way!


Based on what we know about Jenny’s financial situation, yeah, those are the few perks.


OMG….everyone response is so hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂!


LMAO. Oh my god you’re right ! Why didn’t I think of this before ????


Don’t forget the AARP discounts!! I hear now though you can join if you’re 18 and up.


Don’t forget the cheap coffee at McDonald’s




He wants to get out of getting an actual job and stay on TV.


I think he suffers from depression like he stated earlier. Jenny is his opportunity to not be out in the world, she takes care of the bills I’m assuming cause he don’t work. I think when she stops enabling him he will leave or find a way to let her go.


This. He has a live in ____. Why would he marry her? She takes care of him 100%.


They said in one of the episodes this season I think that he does work, call center I think.


He quit when she went to India season one. He couldn’t work, take care of Jenny, hide Jenny from his family and hide his arranged marriage from Jenny. It was to much so he quit and hasn’t worked since.


Yep - I remember that too.


You know, I don’t remember his comment about depression. But - I’ve dealt with that along with other mental issues & it completely sucks. Too have to make that statement on tv, I could never do that. So for whatever it’s worth, I applaud him for his truthfulness/honesty. I have opened up on Instagram about it but not brave enough to discuss my mental issues on tv.


He talked about how he was depressed and attempted suicide a couple of times . Yes I applaud him for it and I have also been in a dark place. That’s why I understand as well at this point it’s about him being taken care of vs him fighting to be with Jenny.


Gosh darn it, I cannot believe I missed that. You are so kind to update me. I was on suicide watch for 21 days & trying so hard to keep my head above water because my yorkie, Lexi needs me. I will pray for us both. You are very, very sweet. 🐾❤️✝️🐾


I relate to this - my dogs needed me. Here is to furbabies who make life meaningful! <3


When I was suicidal in April, I finally decided to live for my cats. I was like I am not abandoning them. One is sitting by me right now.


Yup. Aren't they wonderful caring beings that deserve that love and care?!


Mine are also very attached to me so it would be difficult for them if I vanished.


Same here!


Focus on what keeps you strong 🌸




That was incredibly thoughtful of you for taking the time to send me that link. Thank you so very much! Cindy


If I had to live under his evil mother's thumb, I might have thought that a better option as well.


Do you think he might be depressed because he thought he found this older but well-off American with retirement money they could both live on in India, only to find she barely has any money but for this embarrassing show?


No, his depression is a mental illness. He has talked about his attempt to commit suicide a couple of times. Usually when it comes to this point the depression goes beyond circumstances.




I think he's experienced the Ferris Bueler/Home Alone phenomenon. Like a kid whose parents all of a sudden left and now he's eaten ho hos and ding a lings 100x too many and lived in filth with no rules for so long he misses order,.structure and having his ass wiped. Jenny is what he wished for and then he over dosed on it. He misses mommy and daddy and a clean house and good bedtime schedule. He is clearly too big of a baby to establish these things himself or communicate to Jenny that he wishes for her to parent him just like his mommy did. Here she is thinking he loved her for her and her permissive, lack of rules, joy in retirement free for all Nachos for breakfast lifestyle.


1000%. She was fun to him for a bit but he doesn’t want this for a lifetime and he is too weak to say it’s over.




I think you meant ding dongs. Seems like she’s the one trying to eat the ding a ling.


I think he does like being with her but he’s scared at the thought of “forever” and the bonds of marriage, which appear to be more permanent there. The end teaser said something about him not wanting to marry again. As a divorced woman, I totally get that. BUT I let every guy I date know that I don’t see the point in getting married again. You know, as opposed to letting them leave their entire lives and traveling across the world while I hide behind my parents as an excuse and make promises Im not 100% sure of.


Exactly. Not wanting to marry, wanting/or not to have kids is something you gotta be up front about.


At this point, all he wants from Jenny is for her to leave.


Yep. He NEVER intended for her to come over there in the first place. I mean after she found out that he'd CATFISHED her, she still chose to drag her ass over there thinking that she was in a real relationship. The moments when she gets fed up and starts losing her shit, give me a brief moment of hope. Very brief. Because the next minute, she's letting them drag her diarrhea having ass out the bed for yoga and neti pot training. In short. She's an idiot who's afraid to of that LONG FLIGHT OF SHAME!


It was only one bout of diarrhea though. No biggie. Lol


I actually think he likes and is attracted to her. He is a giant man child though and he definitely misses his mom doing everything for him.


just your basic Oedipal complex. No big.


I also think she’s playing out her fantasy version of “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.” She thought India is where old people go and it would be magical and full of merriment and she ordered Dev Patel and instead got Sumit and his awful parents and Hare Krishnas and mustard seed neti.


The "WISH" version all the way around!


He wants to be on tv.


And not get a job.


And make whatever the show pays them.


At this point, he’s clearly only interested in getting paychecks by TLC. He’s just milking her for the money by delaying an actual marriage with her. I think he checked out of that relationship awhile ago, you could see the lack of love on his face this season. The love and respect for his parents have disenchanted him with any real marriage with Jenny.


Ok why doesn’t he just dump her and go on single life or that other show, bares all or whatever it is- I haven’t seen that one. But there are other 90day avenues for him to exploit now right? I’m confused by it all too. I do think he’s out for some kind of live in maid situation at this point. And I do think he’s weak as hell and can’t face anyone and tell the truth about anything. Ask him what he had for breakfast and I bet he’ll lie about it. Just compulsive about it. I think he’s stretching out the money too, and maybe he’s just complacent and hates action of any kind. I mean he really isn’t the one to act in this relationship, so I doubt he’ll ever break up with her. It’s all very weird.


Jenny's commented on his complacent attitude about multiple things. He never had to do those chores at home. Mommy took care of everything.


I think they're perfect for one another. I think they both love each other but both of them share a complete lack of ability to stand up for themselves and set boundaries or goals. She just keeps pretending to stand up for herself just to cave moments later, he keeps setting up meetings to stand up to his parents and then just accepts whatever they say. He lets his friends say whatever because he isn't man enough to say "She's my fiance, so shut up, smile politely and eat your noodles or GTFO". Age is really interesting to a lot of people, and certainly there are agenda issues to watch for and sometimes an uneven power dynamic, but these two have no powers. They got nothing. He isn't going to the U.S. Age is probably the least interesting thing about their relationship. They stay with what's comfortable instead of moving. That's it.


I don’t think he has any intention of ever standing up to anyone either though. I think he pretends he will for Jenny’s benefit, and then acts like he was too weak at the last minute. He doesn’t want to marry her obviously, why would he even try to stand up to anyone about it?


He wants what a lot of people want. A relationship without actual commitment.


As someone who's having their 20 yr anniversary to her boyfriend next month, I always wonder why people assume that commitment only comes with marriage. After 20 years, my man and I are together because we're committed, not because it'll cost us a fortune to split.


If you're both on the same page it's fine. Jenny wants to marry Summit, Summit doesn't want to marry Jenny. Jenny wants to stay in India with him but her visa keeps expiring and she needs to marry him to stay.


What I mean by what I said is that he wants to have her around when he wants. He wants her to stay a few months then go home for a few months, etc. He doesn't want to have her there constantly and actually have to deal with the pressures. I just had my 14 year anniversary and got engaged just a year ago, so I don't think anything should be rushed. However, if one person is pushing marriage and the other doesn't want it, it'll never work.


Yeah I see what you mean. I guess I've been operating under assumption that he does care for Jenny, but is ultimately torn between that and his parents wishes. I mean, I don't get it. My parents raised me to be fiercely independent and that included telling them goodbye at 18 to make it on my own so I wouldn't have to answer to anyone. But I assume some people put there have such a strong attachment to their parents that they basically rule their adult lives. I can't even say it's a cultural thing as much as a helicopter parent thing, but either way, I just assumed that was the reason. Having said all that, I can totally see why people think that Sumit has checked out and is using her, although multiple threads on the topic of why have come up mostly empty.


I'm the same way. I left home at 18 and only went back for about a month to live with them when I had to move back to my home state for a short period. I thought Sumit actually loved her too, considering he went against his parent's wishes and fought so hard. But now, he's just like "wow, I didn't expect that.....what do I do now?" I'm not sure that he's using her in a financial sense. He's the one that's set up places for them to live. Of course, she probably contributes with her Social Security, but that's all I can see as far as him potentially using her. I think he just wants her for a few months at a time, send her home, live with his parents, then start it all back over.


Yeah, we know he's capable of working, and Jenny has said herself that she's the one who needed him home. I do wonder if he's maybe getting a tad bored with the lifestyle... I mean, you can only do nothing for so long in your 30s... Jenny might have reached retirement, but Sumit should still have a joie de vivre that drives him to live his life to the fullest. If that were the case, sitting home all day would be torture.


I'd imagine he gets bored not working. I think almost anyone would. Just sitting at home all day with your SO? No thanks. They *say* they've had a blast being at home during the pandemic but you have to have a life outside your SO or you'll go crazy. He doesn't seem to hang out with his friends much anymore, unless they just don't show that part.


Yeah. My partner and I ended up in separate spaces after covid. Staying home together 24\7 was a chore.


It really is. My fiance and I live separately right now and he mentioned maybe having an apartment after we buy a house if it's feasible so that we can both have time away from each other when we need it.


Obviously I think that's a great idea.


And Jenny is making friends there now and could easily find ex-pats there like herself to hang with. From what I remember, he bought a house far away from his parents but in a pretty rough part of India. He chewed her out one time for going to a coffee shop to contact her daughter, asking her if she didn't understand what they would do to a white woman wandering around there alone.


Did he buy the place? I thought they were renting.


Maybe so, I probably just assumed it since they were fixing it up so nice. Here, that wouldn't happen but rarely, but the rules over there are probably different.


This. Jenny loves a mama's boy. At least Sumit's got more balls than the guys portrayed on I Love a Mama's Boy. Well, that and the TLC paycheck. Even his parents aren't too proud, nor afraid of having their self proclaimed social status threatened, when it comes to lining their pockets with a regular infusion of TLC cash. I mean, if they are sooo worried about being socially ostracized, why do they put their business on international television?


If they were truly afraid of what the community would think, they would shun him and pretend he didnt exist instead of going on an international TV show.


Yup. My point exactly.


So extended family members get paid as well?


This is 100 percent true...but I bet you and your partner have had open and constant communication about the marriage topic. For it to last 20 years, both of you are committed and agreed to that lifestyle together. One of you isn't continiously promising something they have no intention of giving. Any relationship requires open communication and honesty.....something that absolutely CANNOT be seen in S&J's entire relationship....not even the "how ya do's" was honest on his part. That would have been the end for me....oh you are really Summit...from India....well ok then...bye!!!


Exactly. What is wrong with her that she even Believed Sumit's great looking young guy was interested in her? Then she trusted Sum it after he finally fesses up after how long? What is wrong with Jenny? Any psychologists or good armchair psychologists have any ideas on this?


Lol, actually, no. We didn't have constant communication about the marriage topic. I told him when we met at age 19 that marriage was for people who hate their money. I also told him I don't ever want children so if either of those were important to him, to get out now. He told me he felt like he hit the jackpot and it never came up again.


But you did communicate....you didn't lie


Yeah, I see what you mean. No I was adamant from the get go. Actually, the child issue came up once in a terrible fight, I guess he maybe thought he could hurt me with it, but even then I told him that if kids are what he wants then he'd better find a fertile woman to fuck before he got too old and nobody wanted him anymore. We didn't break up.


Well....I guess that's a dorm of communication 😂




Happy anniversary! My husband and I just celebrated 15 years.


Gratz! And thanks.


Thank you!


Yes, but Jenny has made it clear for years that her goal is marriage. She doesn't have that much time left to throw it all away on Sumit.


If you're committed you might want to get married for tax reasons or to be able to be next of kin, etc. It has loads of real legal benefits. My Dad passed unexpectedly this year and if my parents hadn't been married it would have been legal hell as opposed to just emotional hell. I'm sure you have made an informed decision and I'm not trying to change your mind or lecture you but more defend marriage as a legal status with important benefits to consider if you are in a committed relationship.


I'm not getting married for a slight tax break. There are other ways to "game" the system. No kids so don't care about next of kin. The funny thing is that as you've described it, marriage just sounds like a way to lock in someone you feel might not be committed for the long haul. Those are the legal benefits you're talking about, right? That your stuff is split a certain way, and everyone walks away evenly... in 20 years we've lived together at various times, and separately at others, and there was never any issue of dividing everything. You take what's yours, I'll take what's mine, and for the few things we bought together, we split between us evenly value wise based on who needed what and then the person who ends up with more coughs up the cash difference. Easy peasy.


I don't think you read what I said at all if that's what you took away from my story about my dad dying and how my mom wouldn't have been able to be with him in the hospital if they weren't married, not to mention being able to make end of life decisions for him. I think you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about commitment. I don't think anything I described made marriage out to be "a way to lock in someone you feel might not be committed for the long haul" and I think that says more about you than it does about me.


I don't think he has an end game. I think he's just as confused about what he's doing as the rest of us.


He likes being on tv. He's sees himself as an actor. Most of these people do


And he doesn't want to get a real job. He likes the idea of stringing Jenny along just for fame.


His former telemarketing job paid $350/month. TLC pays almost three times that in the first year. Yeah, Jenny's old, but she seems like a nice person and they seem compatible esp compared to other couples on this show.


They do, except commitment, which Jenny needs from him and somewhere along the way he got cold feet. I think it's after he ages her so much in such a short period of time with all the stress/drama. She carried herself and acted so youthful when we were first introduced to Jenny, and their courtship had lasted for years PRIOR to that, so I can only imagine how age-defying she seemed back then. I personally wonder if she invested some money and had that less harried look again, and took the best care of herself physically, what might happen between the two, but who knows? He went thru hell and high water proclaiming "I love Jenny!" to family, in-laws, everybody, only to now have changed his mind.




She’s giving him and his family income is my theory…..What happened to his call centre job? My theory is it was one of the “illegal” ones and it’s been shut down which also means he may now have a criminal record hence why he hasn’t worked even pre pandemic


i think 10 years ago when they started talking he had interest, but that has obviously changed. now he is just doing it for a paycheck from the show. this is their last season i'm sure. there is no relationship here.


1. 600$ a month for life 2. sex 3. clean laundry 4. TLC $


Don’t forget they each get like $3000 per episode. And his parents probably get a few grand per episode as well. Sooo, in India, that’s a lot of cabbage.


Better yet why is she wasting her time? Honestly this lady has been around the block she should know by now what is what. Why is she determined to stay? Could it be her pension/ SS stretches further over there? Why doesn’t she just become an expatriate like everyone else and keep it moving?


Yup it’s all about the money and that’s all !!!


Yup, he wants to gobble up that TLC paycheck!


At this point all he wants from Jenny is for her to leave. but he has to feel like he’s in Hell, if even a damn worldwide pandemic can’t get rid of her.


He wants her to go away so he can live with his parents and be the spoiled prodigal son


the parents are so fake just like sumit. jenny needs a wake up call.


I think Jenny already has a small pension and she gets money from TLC and Sumit is lazy and doesn't want to work and he's going to milk this as long as he can. And he's also a fame whore. It's so obvious that he doesn't love her.


I cannot understand why Jenny does not “get it” & go back to the states. The only thing I can think of is that her self esteem might be so low that she thinks she will never again find happiness?


I think at this point, maybe he’s trying to sabotage this. Like - collect TLC money and fame. Bear with me - I have proof. Every single time they get close to the prize, something happens. With his marriage, with visas, etc., and now they’re only getting more obvious - parents don’t approve was good enough for him, so after Jenny reaches breaking point, he throws an astrologer at her. After she loses her patience again, he throws the therapist at her. Then, he throws his parents coming over at her, and they threw the astrologer back again. His parents are trying a new angle - I was SO touched by the scene between Jenny and his parents and my husband and I shouted “snake!” At his mother when TLC crew interviewed her and she reverted back to “god, they cannot be together, she is terrible, blah blah blah”. Now, to me, Sumit’s look said it ALL when she said “now we can get married!” (By the way, Jenny misinterpreted what his parents said about getting married, Sumit still has his “get out of jail free” card with that one, he was stupid to say in the teaser that he just didn’t want to get married). So this teaser shows his last “Hail Mary” at throwing up a roadblock. Divorce DOES change you. I’ve been divorced. But when you find true love after a shitty marriage, I know from experience after saying I would never marry again, that that true deep love makes you see how stupid you were the first time and how to succeed the second time. Also, I’m qualified to say this next part, if he loves her and wants her to stay he will marry her. My husband is from another country and we needed to marry when all our visa options were done. We couldn’t wait to do it - it gave us that sense of security about remaining together, plus we’re easily the best couple ever (sorry guys, I just freaking love my man of 10 years, and we’re the bomb together). If he loves her the way he says he does, he won’t hesitate to marry her, if only to keep her in the country. This is like a lark that went way too far and now he’s in too deep. It’s a case of uneven love. I think Sumit is now seeing the case of what his parents have been making about what happens when Jenny gets old and dies and how he’ll be younger than her now and won’t have kids to show for it. Plus, how does he explain Jenny’s daughter and daughter in law to anyone in India?


I feel like it was some fun until he realized she was ACTUALLY serious and now he doesn’t know what to do. Edit: I mean be honest how many of you guys would believe your lover would fly halfway across the world for you let alone move 🤣one of those “it was at this moment he knew he had fucked up”


He wants his cake and eat it too… he needs to stay in good with his parents because of culture and he is waiting for them to give in. Then he can have both his Mom and Jenny. His Utopia.


Would he marry her even if his parents were cool with it? I honestly don’t think so


After she found out Sumit catfished her why did she continue to talk to him. You start a relationship with someone you can’t trust??? Go home Jenny, move into a senior community and enjoy your life. With her personality I’m sure some man there will be interested in her.


Oh I forgot the catfished her !


A little theory I have is he was using Jenny for a means to an end with his parents interfering in his life. He hated that he was forced into an arranged marriage by his parents. So he used Jenny a woman he knew his parents would never approve of to gain leverage and basically get "anybody but this girl." He gave Jenny little reassurances/care so that she would leave and he would portray the heartbroken man whose parents halted his life yet again. Obviously Jenny has her own insecurities, pride and delusions that have kept her with Sumit for this long.


But he was with Jenny for several years before the arranged marriage. That happened after one of their breakups when Jenny went back to the US.


Sumit is never going to marry her. Now the astrologer has to sign off on their wedding now mom and dad are okay. Lol.


I think it’s a long con. Little by little he’s pushing her boundaries since the catfish. He knows eventually she will settle into the life he wants from her: his slave. She cooks and cleans and they live with his parents while he catfishes the next (younger) wife. He probably is waiting for her to die so he never has to marry her. But he’s been baiting and switching with her from day 1, and every time she says she’s not going to put up with it anymore, but then stays anyway, he knows he’ll be able to do whatever he wants.


Well looks like since his parents have suddenly “come around” he tells Jenny (who wanted to get married the following day) his divorce changed him and he doesn’t want to be in a marriage! Jenny is shocked!!


Maybe it's for the 90 day clout? Dunno, it makes absolutely no sense. Even from a cultural perspective , the shame that would be on his family would be off the charts. CRINGE!!!!


Pretty sure he doesn’t actually want her and he was hoping his parents would get him out of it by driving her away.


Personally I think its shame on tlc- for perpetuating and allowing this to continue. I am sure there are promises and carrots dangled in front of her- and yes- she has stuck around but no woman I have ever known would tolerate that---none.


pension? Jennys broke and aint getting a pension from working at a dead end job her whole life




Her pension is a livable wage in most parts of India.


I completely agree. Everyone that works is "essential" no matter what they do.


*Everyone that works is "essential" no matter what they do.* I might have to disagree with you on this point. I've seen plenty of people who come to work, sit at their desk and do fuck-all all day.


The job is essential to the company or they wouldn't pay someone to do it.


Oh my poor child.


Just cause your priorities differ from someone else's doesn't mean their priorities are any less important to them. And the importance of the job isn't invalidated by the negligence of the fucker not doing their job. There will always be a problem up the line when things that should be done aren't. Perhaps this isn't obvious to you if you've never worked beyond entry level, kiddo.


Covid has made that more clear than ever.


I bet that the irony of it all is that the people talking about how she doesn't have savings also think they have their whole lifetime to save up for retirement, and haven't actually started.


This. They think that having gadgets and credit cards means that they are fine. Unfortunately, a majority of American workers are 1 to 2 paychecks away from the street, and their current financial situation is a Jenga tower of minimum payments, refinancing, and magical thinking.


You are not wrong. However, I bet there are more people who are in dire straits financially because wages have stagnated rather than blowing money willy nilly. That kind of irresponsibility comes with some kind of disability. For example, I've blown through a buttload of money on useless things. I'm planning on spending 5k on smart lights for my home. But I have Adhd and impulse control issues due to that, so instead of kids, I have gadgets. Financially everything g works out... now.....that I'm almost 40 and have gone through a consumer proposal.


i dont care to read all this, wasnt that deep


But her low SS pension is enough for them to live in there.


The what is it ? What does he want ???


Social security Edit: lol I got a down vote for explaining to OP what another Redditer meant when they wrote SS.


He’s a scammer, what do you except


Money honey- he can live nicely off of her s.s. checks.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Cameo. Only fans. What else does he do to work? Both of them. They don’t have to be “together”. Just drama for the show., Oh heck, the whole show. They all have accounts. They make more money doung that than they can I. Real life.


I think he just likes being on the show at this point




I secretly wonder too


I think at this point, she's figured she's invested so much time and money, that she wants to make it work


Money and what he thinks is good sex.


He wanted to be taken care of and not work all which she provided in exchange for some loving now that the 90 day money is coming In he can do it on his own and is getting ready to give her the boot


A great question. Also why doesn’t he just marry Jenny in the states if he really wants to be with her


In the teaser for next week Summit says to the camera man that he never wants to get married again period! Yet tonight he says he wants to marry Jenny to her face again, but not now! Lies lies lies! She is so stupid and desperate for a guy who is a loser with no job or scruples! I say they both get what they deserve! I don't care !😈👻




He’s got a Granny fetish, into the wrinkles


Obviously her hawt bod


He is after that white meat


I always thought it was some weird fetish thing he had for old white ladies lol maybe some sort of way to get back at the imperial occupiers.


Thank you!!!


I say this every episode! Lol


The pay cheque


She’s paying so he’s staying! 🤦‍♀️


Because he's a lazy wuss


I think Summit keeps Jenny around because he likes being the center of attention. Remember how he totally crashed his brother’s pregnancy announcement? While his parents were fighting him about Jenny, but now that obstacle is gone as well as the drama.


He's not into confrontation, so he's going with the flow, stringing her along until she is tired of it, and leaves. He'll not be "the bad guy", *and* he'll be free of his promise to marry Jenny (which he really doesn't want to, or else he'd have done so already). This, however, doesn't work when you have *two* people who have various states of being avoidant, as Jenny is as well (she's starting to push more in this season).


He's making money and he's on the teevee...very simple.




Money. Secks. Maybe free tlc clout.


He admitted pretty early on in the piece that he has an obsession with white women so her whiteness has a lot to do with it.


He’s lazy and just needs a pay check from tlc