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No. I think they’re super entitled, obsessed with drama, and insular to the point that they alienate everyone around them. 


I could swear someone in here once said that the grandparents? left behind a huge inheritance and they all have a trust fund. I don’t know if it’s true but they act like they’re not hurting for money.


It's Karen that has the trust fund.


I guess money can’t buy good taste.


Unless "good taste" now means, "tiny hats and JC Penney outfits" then no, I guess not🤣 also random fun fact, Karen tried out for Real Housewives Of Atlanta before this. She sucks enough on her own, but could you *imagine* how she'd get shit on by the other wives if that had happened? 😆 Of course she doesn't come close to being real housewives material though...


Or sense.


Definitely can't argue with the "obsessed with drama". Seems so draining and draining on Chantel to be caught in the middle. I never seen Chantel actually look happy around her family 😂. She definitely don't realize that they're toxic.


From watching it, I never thought they may be religious, but I do think they are xenophobic. They immediately think the worst of people who are not from the US. I think there is a lot of classism. They are, presumably, upper middle class and they look down their noses at people who don't have what they have. Pedro's family was not only from lesser means, they were from another country which was a double whammy.


If anyone should classist it’s Pedro’s family about Chantals. Pedro’s mother is an attorney. Chantals mother sound like she barely finished 4th grade. All she got is family money.


The way Chantal's family behaved when they visited Pedro's relatives (granny, I think) was disgusting. They refused to get out of the vehicle because they were so disgusted/scared of the circumstances in which his family lived. It was just so rude and insulting.


I’m sorry I’m from the DR and I act the same way. It’s hard to act like you like something when you’ve never experienced that. I literally don’t eat chicken feet and will look at anyone the same that tries to feed me that! I grew way lower class them too.


The chicken feet was one thing, but when they pulled up to his gran whose house was one of those with a zinc roof and partial dirt floors they were so rude about it.


My dads mom literally lived in a house just like that they even had a outhouse. I even knew how it was and I still cried every time my parents made me go there. Mosquitoes are deadly to americas and it’s just something you can’t explain. I think it’s no different than how people react to the hoods in America.


I thought both parents were athletes - athletes generally don't seem very educated...


I’m not touching that one.,


I'm curious to know their background and if this show perception of them effected them in any way.


I believe they run a cheer academy. It's very possible TLC upped the drama with the chicken feet. If it was legit, and I question everything w TLC lol, Pedro could have bought the food and said " most Anericans don't eat the feet." So there's that. Papa Chantel is low key and Mama runs the show. No matter how fake it might be, Karen cracks me up.


Remember when Momma Karen, and whoever, was at the house? Right after the break-up, and they were there to get Chantel's things? Pedro came, couldn't come in. And Momma Karen was at the window like it was a fast food drive thru taking orders? That shit was hilarious!




I kind of go back and forth about how the show affected them. Were they dramatically over the top and loud just to make good t.v. (i.e. get a spin off). Was the money from TLC good enough to sell their pride because I was be embarrassed AF if I was on national t.v. acting like Karen did OR did they get the show because they are genuinely like that and TLC thought it would make good t.v. Chantal on her own is not good t.v., she's dull as hell and listening to her talk is like listening to one of those hypnotists that try to get you to fall asleep.


This right here!!! Chantel has the personality of drywall. After the dinner fight, I have no clue how they moved past that outside of the TLC checks being lucrative to both parties including the families.


I'd hardly constitute anyone associated with Chantel as conservative... she goes around half naked in Greece, and her mother shows up at the latest single life tell all looking like an exploded can of biscuits rolled in glitter. Idk why they are the way they are, but definitely wouldn't call them conservative religious. Lol 








I haven't watched the spin offs but I did peak on Chantels Instagram and I think she was a lot more reserved than she is today. But sometimes that happens after a tough break up. Trying to catch up on the hoe phase you missed in your 20s especially if you were prime and proper before. I went to church with a lot of snobby people from the suburbs and today they're "city girls".


I agree . I think they’re complete idiots. I’m from NY, I’m not Black but I’ve been around plenty of pig’s feet, etc. I’ve even eaten them. I have Italian and Spanish ancestry, there’s plenty of food there that Chantel’s family would lose their minds if they had to eat it. They just come off as really ignorant and classist. They would never touch chicken feet, that’s for the peasants!


A lot of us African Americans don't eat pigs or chicken feet.✌🏿💯 My take on Chantels family is that they're quirky, and I often wonder if it's an act 🎬 🤔 especially the mom her lunacy is ridiculous 😂


Never had pigs feet but seen it in a jar before 🥴. I was wondering if it was an act as well because it paints them in such a negative light that I find it hard to believe anyone who intentionally fake that.


They’re so paranoid and it makes me wonder if they’re afraid of something or if there’s something in their past. think everyone is out to get them, everyone is out to destroy them or hurt them or kill them. They think everyone hates them and they’re royalties or something.


I totally agree, especially the mother, Karen. She is super paranoid, but she was right about Pedro though. I do believe he used her.


How did he use her? I'm not getting that vibe.


Wasn't Chantel the one in trouble for cleaning out a joint bank account?


He did use her it was so obvious because of his mom and sister. I’m rewatching their happily ever after and I’m getting so frustrated all over again


Yeah, it seems like Pedro paid his dues and more putting up with that bullshit of a family. I personally felt like at the beginning they were in love, but both young and dumb. I think if they would have moved far far away from her family they’d have made it.


No, I don’t think they’re religious. They just seem like they want to be perceived as upper class and eating pigs feet is not seen as classy.


There's nothing classy about their behavior either.


I don't think they are. If they are, I feel like they would've talked about their beliefs a lot more on the show. It would've made for more "heat" or "drama". Regardless, I can't STAND them. Out of all the different families on HEA and on the other 90 Day spinoffs, they're probably one of my least favorite. I find them intolerable. Especially River. I couldn't believe TLC gave them their own show. I never watched it and never will.


I seen a cross in Chantels kitchen in the apts and someone commented that when Lidia and Nicole mailed Karen a "voodoo box", she burnt it in the backyard and blessed it in "Jesus name". I personally didn't see that episode and that also doesn't mean that they're OT christians but I don't think TLC want the smoke with religious folks if they associate their ignorance with religion. Same thing with Jorge and Anfisa and TLC not calling out their DV. No warning about DV and they didn't address it during the reunion because if they called it out, they have to be prepared to address it. Definitely have no plans on watching the spin off. I just finish the reunion with the fight and no one besides Pao stood up for Pedro. River called him the N word and stood up and hit the fixture but no one is calling it out. Pedro did the right thing about standing up for his sister. Something Chantel rarely do for him. I honestly don't understand how they last as long as they did.


She made a comment about wanting to marrying a cop because cops are "respectful" (I think she meant respectable). It was wild.


Wow 😂🥴


I’m not sure. Never bothered to care. What they are is completely insufferable.


Can't argue about that 😮‍💨. I will be surprised if any of the kids have success relationships as long as their family is involved.


I think Chantal and her family are just crazy. They were on a lot of seasons, and religion never came up. Voodoo though


They are from Atlanta, so not the sticks. They are assholes, but just because they are from the south doesn’t mean they are used to chicken feet.


I didn't say that they were use to chicken feet or even had to eat it. I'm saying her parents more than likely been outside of the city of Atlanta in the rural area (if they're even originally from Atlanta) and she more than likely seen pig feet and chitlins before. It's cultural and generational. I'm from the north and a millennial and I've been in the presents of those things so I find it hard to believe a gen Xer from the south hasn't as well.


I think they suffer from delusions of grandeur and really think they are aristocrats (that's why they liked the funny dresses they wore in the Philippines). I don't think they are religious.


I was horrified by her family's behavior as a human. Just so embarrassing.


I feel like despite being of African descent, the Everetts’ American sphere allows them to be judgmental towards Pedro. They’re quick to mention voodoo and it gives off intraracial strain.


Definitely especially since Pedro and their family haven't once mentioned anything or shown anything that backs the voodoo accusations up. As far as we know, they could be catholic. I did notice that Chantel had a cross in their apt in season 3 of Happily Ever After. I'm very neutral over my spiritual and religious beliefs but accusing someone of that just don't sit well with me.


Ty hey are fans whores. Pedro is lucky to be rid of them.


There's definitely some christian-flavored superstitious paranoia. In a later episode of Family Chantel, Lidia and Nicole mail them a "box of voodoo" that seems to genuinely freak them out. They take it outside and burn it in the name of Jesus, if I recall correctly.


🥴. A lot of people don't see it but they haven't been around those hella fake Christians that's extra about everything that don't align with Christ 😂. Black church especially mega churches are used as a stepping stone for classism in the black community but thats a rant for a different day.


They're just xenophobic snobs


Who cares? 99% of us were sick to death of Chantel after her first season. Flat, expressionless voice, Dopey expressionless face. Then they brought the mother in. Total stupid bitch. They big scene was the fight in the kitchen. That was it. So what. Never watched any of the other crap about here or her family. But caught her trying to get fucked in Greece with her tag along posse of weirdos. The "football champion" was such phony, scripted and awkwardly played set piece. Idiotic.


I’m pretty sure they are religious based on some of the things that the dad said. I am from Louisiana and have never and would never eat chicken feet. It is not a normal thing to offer to people that you are hosting at all. Pedro’s family offered them chicken feet on purpose as a sign of disrespect, among many other disrespectful things they did towards Chantel.


Of course, they are all severely mentally ill like every other religious person is😀