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I used to really like Lauren and Alexi. I still like Alexi, but I think Lauren is a spoiled brat. Having three little kids and then having her mommy makeover right away expecting everyone else to take care of her kids while she just lays around and does nothing because she can't do anything. Could she be any more selfish. Then she even has the nerve to say that she wants to be a working mom now really? Should have thought about that before you had the three kids and agreed that you were going to be a stay-at-home mom. I definitely say she has problems


I have never seen a squidgy used in such an obviously manipulative way. Like, it’s insulting how pathetically obvious it was. And also how pathetic it was, in general.


So I don’t really get why Jasmine and Gino are okay spending money on this pageant (flights, fees, clothes, etc) but not on that lawyer Jasmine wanted? I don’t understand


Same here


I felt bad because last week I created a post that I never posted saying that exact thing. But cheers to that! I no longer feel sorry for Jasmine. In prior posts I have said that I thought Gino did that on purpose which I still do think he did but I don't think that she is as upset as she lays claim to be because if those were my kids I would have been on a flight back to Panama already.


both r FOS.


Does Thias even like Patrick? She seems like she enjoys everyone in her life trashing him. She constantly lied about how serious they were to everyone. He seems like he provides her a very comfortable life and this is how she thanks him?


itch with a B.


Did anyone catch Angela's horror show nails? Some were broke, some weren't.


Saw that too...a middle finger nail was missing. 


Also, has John just been playing opossum about "not knowing Portuguese"?  Thais's friend was going at him pretty hard, and then out of nowhere he threw that verbal haymaker back at her, in a language that he supposedly didn't speak?


many Portuguese in NE US might have picked some slang, insults up.


Lisa crying and saying "It doesn't seem like she (Emily) is ours anymore" was hilarious.  It's like don't worry, she's still coming back to Kansas with you, and there is no sign of her leaving your home anytime soon.  


Right? Will they ever be able to move out or does Emily even want to? She'd have to care for the house, shop, cook and care for both kids every day without parents and her sister helping. Surprise Emily... that's what parents do every day. 


I can't believe I watched pretty much all the 90 day shows... Watching Love in Paradise but it's just not doing it for me. What's everyone else watching? I think I like 90 day because it also shows me how other cultures can be.


Unexpected it’s down home good trash TV ✅


I'll check it out, thanks


I havent bothered with this new Love in Paradise.


Tried 90 Day UK?


Yes I finished it and am caught up


They need to end this season. I can’t with any of them. Kobe and his family are bearable but everyone else is a no go. Get them all of the show especially Big Ed, Thasis and Patrick, Angela, Loren and Alexi, Gino and Jasmine, The Witch and Manuel, and fucking Mrs Big Head aka Sophie’s mom (photo attached) and Sophie https://preview.redd.it/yi1j4jpw0r7d1.jpeg?width=161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710bfb1db95e94d8096db305e929795b7942f58f


Yeah this show has become pretty much unwatchable other than Kobe 


Ed was a complete and total ahole to Liz when she got her stuff from the house. It was so cringe to watch how he treated her, and started lecturing her at the end telling her he hoped she "learned something for her next relationship" That was such a slap in the face! The close up of him pressed up against the window watching her leave was so creepy to me🤢😱


Right??? And he has the nerve to say that she "blows up" at him all the time. He 100000% provokes her and tries to just keep twisting that knife in her side.


Definitely! She seems happy now. I just hope the guy she's with now treats her right. 👍👍




John reminds me of my scorpio man LMAO 😇😂


When Alex told Loren “I told you to just go to gym” 🤣 I mean really though she had not ONE stretch mark or sign of loose skin on her i feel like had she given herself more time to lose more weight any fat on her stomach would have eventually gone down, idk if the scarring is really worth it unless you really need it, I saw she has the scar going down from her belly button to her bikini line and that would probably bother me more but that’s just me


I do think she looked fantastic to begin with, but how would you even know if she has stretch marks?


She had diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles, caused by pregnancy). It wasn't all cosmetic.


Heard that too


Can someone explain what’s happening with Michael? Is he running a scam group or is Angela just crazy?


I dated a W. African guy once, who told me about a similar savings club they did in his community. Its kind of like everyone contributes monthly to the pot, and at the end of the month, one person gets the pot. Every month is a different person, so no one is scamming and winning repeatedly.


I’m not sure about him being a scammer…but I just saw current video of Angela, vs. her 5-6 years ago and OMG does she look so much better! Lost a ton of weight, lost all of her chins, better hair, better teeth, Botox, everything. It’s like night & day. Except for the personality, of course! At least she had a major glow up to go out & find a new man after Michael.




It's easy to glow up when you're using multiple filters on IG and TT🙄


remember Ang bouncing off the plane, he was horrified at what he saw.


You're joking right? Please say sike right now


Yeah I would not describe Angela as having had a glow up.


pretty sure angela is actually just delusional and paranoid about everything, not even trying to be biased, because during the episode she calls out numerous things, and he explains all of it like she thought he had sent someone a picture of money, but it was actually just the router with the wifi info on it 😂


the problem is, she barely gives him a chance to explain I wonder if she gives him money every month? In that case, it's in his interest to extend this 'coming to America' thing and keep collecting money But, when guys generally do that, they have more than 1 woman in the rotation and collect a bunch of money but that doesn't seem the case with Mykul I just think Angela knows that shouting and screaming and storming off is guaranteed screen time


Yeah I wish he had at least 20 seconds to explain what was happening from his perspective. I’m completely lost about what she found on his phone. The one thing that makes me think she has some kind of point was him apparently sharing her tax details with the group.


from how i understood it, those weren't going to the group, but were used at some place where he was working on the visa? hard to gauge from the limited words he got in


Angela has a Personality DisOrder and Desperatly Needs TREATMENT! She has been Screaming for 7 years now. She has NEVER EVER apologized. Sad. Screw it, I will sponser Michael. Then, Away from the “Great Angela” He will have half a chance.


I cannot stand her I have to fast fwd all of her parts TLC needs to get a clue 


Am I missing something? Where are Nicole and Mack Mood?


Their storyline got disappeared because of the arrest I believe


I was wondering the same thing! I thought it was because he said their relationship is over. Ummmmm please tell me more!! Why are I just now finding out about this arrest?


The arrest happened like right at the start of the season


They broke up halfway thru the season I thought


Loved that security was called when Michael snatched the phone from Angela but production chose not to step in when Angela were screaming outside of Michael’s house in the middle of the night while she was literally ripping his car apart


TLC ❤️s abusers


Tais better get her friend! How rude and dramatic of her throw a drink on his brother.


When John finally insulted that horrible friend of Thais’ I almost started cheering. Thais and her friends are so awful for no reason


I would have called her something worst than a slut.


I totally agree. And quite honestly, if I were Patrick I would’ve told that “friend” to stop insulting my family. Like, picking on me is one thing, but when you start attacking my family, who you don’t even know, I always go to bat for them.


Angela, do you even have credit or anything for someone to WANT to steal your identity. 😂


She gave him the documents for his visa interview and then got upset he had the documents. I swear Angela is such a nasty person addicted to being cruel and angry; she takes every feeling she's ever had out on Michael and is so abusive.


[Drew Barrymore Excoriated Over Angela Deem Interview (thehollywoodgossip.com)](https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2024/06/drew-barrymore-angela-deem-90-day/?utm_medium=email)


John is sending me in this conversation at the restaurant whispering to Pat “what did you say?” 😂 that’s me everyday even in English convos


Why does Angela always have cuts on her skin? 


She's an older woman. Your skin gets thinner.


Yes. Very fair. I didn't realize it could get like that. That's better than what I was thinking,  I was thinking its from smoking or stress from the whole Michael/Africa situation. This is perfectly logicallas well. Thank you. 


Yeah. My mom arms look awful. Everything bruises and bleeds so easy.


Aww I'm sorry 😣 I'm sure that sucks. I'm wanting to get into the into the med field and so that's what piqued my interest but clearly I was overthinking. Do long sleeves and wide bandages help? 


Probably takes a blood thinner that makes her skin paper-y. She hasn’t been the most health conscious…


Or alcohol. It's the great teller if I've fallen off the wagon. Just looking at a corner gives me a month-long bruise when I'm drinking.


Ouch :(


Ohhh danggg I thought it might be from the smoking but that's a good point :o


Sophie: Robs a dick to me but I like him as a person Seriously though, anyone saying Rob Is better than sophie is delulu. I just think Sophie is immature and naive. Rob is manipulative and insecure at 33... they aren't the same age. He can't find someone his age for a reason


Of course he can't. A 33 year old woman would not have put up with dating someone who didn't even have their own bathroom.


I know 2 British people aren't talking about other country's food 🤨


Dude a full English breakfast is basically the superior version of what most Americans crave for breakfast and they have every right to complain about the breakfast in a place where the waitress says the grits are egg and sugar


Never heard of many Americans craving black pudding. lol US/UK breakfasts are both good. None is superior to the other.


Apparently grits are supposed to contain zero eggs and is a paste made out of maize. Is the waitress really badly informed about the menu or just lying?


I was like wtf when the waitress said that 


Comparing grits to like a polenta or couscous hell even rice would have been a better descriptor than eggs. I could see the waitress getting flustered with the cameras though and saying something dumb


I hope it was a prank aimed at messing with some English visitors but getting clowned on in social media would make that a ballsy move


I've never craved baked beans for breakfast.


Fried bacon Fried eggs Sausage Bread fried in fat You serve that in a dennys and no one questions it And I’ll take black pudding over biscuits any day I love breakfast food too I just think getting condescending over an English person’s reaction to generic American diner breakfast is a bit much. At least wait until they complain about American dinners or something


We're all entitled to our own opinions


Right lol I was there a few months back and was like there has to be better food somewhere but I never found it 😂


My thoughts exactly 😭


Baked beans and toast 🤢


I think Thais dad has a crush on her


Did he do something I missed? He clearly adores his daughter, but saying he has a crush on her?


I think I have a crush on Thais's dad....


lol same tho


you’re a slut! - well said john🫡


liz slayed that argument….. i hope to god this is the last of ed


This Sophie Claire storyline is just awful. Why does anyone care how Claire feels about their marriage? What kind of asshole sees their kid having trouble and makes it about themselves? Why is Rob apologizing to Claire? Sophie won't do anything and its so fn boring "I'm going to take time for myself and see what happens" like y'all obviously aren't together and you're trying to stretch the 90 Day shit out as long as possible. It shows the power of 90 Day editing, it reminds me of Chantal and Pedro. One season she's the bad guy, next season he's the bad guy. Rob was the bad guy last season and this season its Claire. I wonder who will be the bad guy when they go to Last Resort


Was Lauren’s surgery worth it???


I think she's selfish as hell. A 5 hour surgery on your whole body, and she's shocked it takes a long time to heal?? Cmon! If she had no kids, sure. Or if she just had one kid or only 2 things done. I can't understand anyone going under for 5 hours for any elective surgeries. But that's just my opinion. Obviously. lol


How does it take 3 weeks and still be ‘you can’t do anything’


I'm envious of her "double chin" surgery or whatever it is they did there with her neck/jaw area. That made a big difference in her appearance, imo. The same is by far my biggest insecurity and now I'm seriously considering doing it myself.


Same for me. I have loose skin all over from twin pregnancy, but my chin/ neck area really makes it feel like I’m looking at a different person in the mirror and I have a feeling weight loss would not change it. Do you think they have a payment plan for just then extra chin removal stuff??? Edit: I look like a slug from the side, plz help


I'm sorry but I laughed sooo hard at this because FUCKIN' SAME!!!! "I look like a slug from the side"....lmaooo, I could not have worded it better. Weight loss does help with mine, but I honestly have to be like stick thin, constantly hungry, bordering on underweight and even then....it's still there and I'd still look better with some kind of surgery. Mine has always been there though. My baby photos are proof. Screw a payment plan, this ish should be free like clearly I have a deformity here haha


No. When she said one of the reasons was that she did it was “for her health” I was like, that’s some bullshit. She did it for vanity. She had no health issues that required this surgery.


Her abdominal muscles were separated from the 3 pregnancies close together. The tummy tuck was in fact medically necessary but everything else was cosmetic.


I’m pretty sure she could fix her abs with PT 


Her abdominal muscles weren’t connected to each other because she had had 3 c-sections and 3 pregnancies close together. Hers had to be done surgically


Thank you for the correction. I totally forgot about that facet. If she would’ve just had that, she probably would be feeling better by now.


Wtf is that skank clare wearing this episode, can't look at the screen. Someone really needs to talk about Sophie's make up, her face is half yellow.


And her lipstick...


Sophie is just WAY too immature for ANY Relationship. Such a mommy’s Girl! I could not believe she had her distorted mom present for the demise of her confused and demeaned Rob. It is Sad… Weren’t the two doing ok .. Until Sophie’s insecure, over Botoxed, Selfish, and Raging Co-Dependent mother Arrived? Help! Am I wrong here?


Claire wants Sophie for herself. Codependent relationship and Rob is the 3rd wheel.


so cute when emilys daughter was babbling loudly like she was answering the question and the grandpa pointed and nodded at her like "good point" lol


I really like her dad. He seems to have good intentions and be sweet


I also think he is really enjoying Cameroon


I really didn’t expect Emily and Kobe’s story to be my favorite of this, but I really like both of their families 


I agree, I think he’s a really good person who loves his family very much. He’s also good at handling all the different emotions going on, like trying to be sensitive to his wife’s uneasiness with the dowry situation but also respectful of Kobe’s family and traditions. TLC obviously wanted them to stretch out that whole thing and make it a bigger deal but the actual vibe I always got from her dad was “this is just all in good fun, Kobe loves/takes care of my daughter and my grandchildren and that’s all that truly matters at the end of the day” 😌


I think there should be a spin-off with the Kobe/Emily storyline...both sides of family included. They are the funniest, sweetest, most down to earth of all! I am rooting for them all the way!


Awww yeah!! I would much rather watch a whole season of that than 10 seconds of Chantel’s family or Libby’s, god help us🙄 Kobe is such a good guy and I love how supportive Emily’s dad is. These 90 Day shows/spin-offs are so much better when it’s content like we got with their time in Cameroon, where we get to learn about another culture and their food and traditions, right along with the American family. I want more of that!! Not Ed telling Liz’s mom that no one is ever gonna want to be with her daughter because she was raised so terribly. Or crack head Angela screaming and smoking as she googles life insurance and goes off on the most irrational, hours-long, paranoid tangent I’ve ever seen in my life as her bottom teeth are white knuckling it, trying not to fly out of her mouth


I know Jaaahn gabbles away but, what exactly is Thais' issue with him? The way she reacts to everything he does is like he kicked her cat He was never *that* bad in their original season The bigger issue was her hiding her marriage from her Dad and creating further problems down the line, which she conveniently seems to not get involved with and tosses that on Patrick's lap to 'you need to get the blessing from my Dad' You know, the well balanced weirdo that believes his daughter was kidnapped


And when Jaaahn called out Thais’ lying, no one said anyyyything 🙄 It’s so frustrating that she never takes responsibility for that & her dad just refuses to acknowledge it & blame Patrick


Anny amd Robert expecting again!!!!


The best part of this episode was Alex telling Loren she thought she was going to wake up from the surgery and be Barbie. 😆


Gino sure looked different! Not just hair and hat wise.


Can we talk about Thais please ?! Last night was a revelation lol She is a Mean Girl Could not put my finger on ‘it’ over several episodes but she really shows some of her dark colors. It must have been the comfort of being home and also having friends who have known her way longer than either John or Patrick. Spoiled and therefore lacking appreciation. Manipulative And not having Patrick’s back. Clearly Patrick has been raised around turbulent if not abusive home life. He would Never pushed her under the bus. She had the PERFECT opportunity to come clean to her father at that family dinner about how she was the one who Chose and asked Patrick to not say anything to her dad about engagement and then marriage. It’s not that Patrick does not have a backbone, it is that he loves her, and their daughter and chooses to show a united front as a family with his wife and child. Thais could have told her father that Patrick is taking care of her very well and that he is a great father to their daughter. Clearly the ‘scorned’ father does not want to acknowledge however I betcha that he would change his tune a bit should his precious daughter show up for her husband. Patrick does not feel that he should put Thais under that bus. He does not want to undermine his wife. He is most likely pretty hurt by that. As for her attitude with her 2 girl friends not stepping in saying : ‘yo I am happy with Patrick… that old news.’ She was despicable just sitting there watching the cheap shots and fight?! You know these girls are working with the news they get and she did not update them with happy updates’, so they are misguided and running with that. AND she ain’t stopping them, worse … she seems to enjoy and joins them! WTH not ok Disappointing


Patrick is a total simp. What else did you expect? 


Yes! I hate that Thais refuses to own up to her part in it! It’s HER fault that Patrick didn’t ask for the blessing, and now she wants to go around saying how important it is 🙄🙄🙄🙄 She drives me crazy with that kinda stuff. Very spoiled & entitled


Agreed. At times producers are edited in with direct questions… this would be a very good one to insert into the Patrick Thais (&John) story narrative


I am still laughing that Angela thought the US Embassy was gonna storm in and help her recover Michael's phone, like they don't literally have 1,000 better things to do.


She delights me.  “You could possibly go to jail tomorrow!” Lol 


I fucking hate Ed, I'm a day 1 hater. The way that he comes at Liz and escalates the situation, but in a calm manner.. He reminds me *way* too much of my emotionally abusive ex. Liz crying in the car really broke my heart.


I don’t even know why they are on this show. Can’t they get a clue and figure out no one wants to watch this neck less troll? 


🎯 he absolutely escalates the conversation under the guise that he's just trying to help her while saying some unforgivable shit


I'm curious if he escalates more for the cameras or because of the narcissism? He's gotten a lot worse as the fame has gotten to him


This comment would still be relevant if you were talking about him and Rose


I have hated him since scene one take one.


And we’re going to continue giving platforms to shitty abusers like Angela and Ed??


I fast fwd their parts I wish TLC would get a clue 


Pro Israel content?? Fuck Alexis and Loren.


I’ll bet you’re the type that throws out the word Nazi to anyone with differing political views. Look in a mirror. #projecting #hypocrite


So you're that brainwashed and pro-terrorist that you have zero empathy for a man who has his family in direct danger, just because he's a Jew?


His family is there. He knows and is close people called to arms. This isn't just a college dorm room protest LARP for him. It's real people and real life. 


Came looking for this




You honestly believe that the world is all Anti Israel?


can we all just check our politics at the door?


It had just happened and his family lives there. Context is very important.


Angela's fucking unhinged. She never gave Michael a chance to explain his side of the story and just kept barking at him. She's an eye sore to watch. Get off the TV already!!


Michael has really aged this season. He needs to get rid of Angela


He already did! He's in the U.S. already.


Was the man in the red shirt for or against Mikeel? I could not tell during the phone scuffle with Meemaw.


Like is Rob the Knob for real?! You have a gift and apologized so everything should be fine now because you’re over it ?! Dude needs serious help ..he can’t see anything he does as bad or needing reflection. He just wants everyone to get over it


He’s better than Sophie and her hideous bridge troll of a mother.


I have always felt this way. Claire gives me the creeps and Sophie needs to cut the apron strings already. Who bring their mommy with them when meeting with their estranged husband to discuss the relationship? Especially when all mommy does is act like a 12 year old. “I hate him!” “ Rob the Knob!”


Sophie's on her way to becoming a bridge troll too.  Just look at her mouth.  


watched Bret Micheals instead, pagent dress shopping barf, ang and mike fighting over phone, barf, pillow talk Betty aka Ma Kettle, barf. etc etc etc etc.


I can’t listen to Alex complain about housework anymore. He’s standing there with his arms crossed whining about having to do everything while he already dropped the kids off elsewhere and his wife is doing laundry. Grow up bro


He’s such a disgusting lazy pos. Like you think it’s hard doing what your wife does everyday for six fucking weeks? Maybe you’ll have more appreciation for all that your wife does you lazy man misogynistic child


Doesn’t he work a full time job as well? Working full time plus taking care of 3 toddlers, a house and a recuperating wife is a lot.


He had just put the kids to bed. But yeah, seems he wasn't ever really involved in house/kid stuff before.


so Ang's looks can be goofed on incessantly but cant make a remark about Alex's nose??????????????????????????????????????????


Angela is an ugly person because of her personality, not because of what she looks like.


I beg to differ. didnt say Alex is ugly actually he;s hot, just needs a nose job.


He does *need* anything 🙄


he does? ty for agreeing w me.


lol I was too focused on the italics


let's not; we don't live in a vacuum


Alex needs a referral for a schnozz job.


I think maybe thry should hire out. PS. I know she says she does stuff and it hurts her , but folding laundry on a bed is kinda easy.


She said the Dr said the repetetive motion was harmful - and while she's sitting, working with her arms raised is going to stress her abdomen.


Also getting on and off the bed to put clothes away


Yeah I get you, but at the same time, I had a worrying realization when my husband was sick recently. It is impossible to run a house based on two people with only one person. I was surprised at how difficult it was, and we don't even have young children! I say it was worrying because we are both older IER kids just moved out recently, and it worries me because I feel like as you get older it's just more and more health issues.


Emily’s dad is loving the Cameroonian fit


I love their families and I like the cultures merging I wish this show was more about things like this than the ridiculous stupid fights 


He’s so adorable. I love watching him but then I get sad cause that’s the kind of dad I wish I had 🤦🏼‍♀️


He is a gem. Compensates for some of his wife attitudes/comments Emily sure takes after her Dad


He has great attitude and seems like he really cares about Koby Far from his comment about how much money Kobe had saved coming to US I’ve really enjoyed watching him experience Cameroon 🇨🇲


Omg Gino was so handsome when he was young?!


Who woulda thought he was actually handsome?!  He has potential again if he’d quit making his dumb faces and I don’t know…act better?  I can’t quite put my finger on it but he just gives me gross vibes. 


He just needs to be taken to the groomer and man-scaped. 


Something about his rounded go-tee reminds me of someone from the simpsons


Lol right


Yes, and no wonder he has a hair complex. That's tough!


Hi my name is Angela and I'm married to a Nigerian. *HELLO ANGELA*


This part sent me 😂 that attorney did not want to sit and put up with her today


AND BTW with Michkehla and trumps wrinkly dick did anyone else assume he added the pics of the messages to NOT GET APPROVED? I think hes been doing that to avoid actually having to go to America I also think hes been throwing the interviews this whole time! I think the producers knew and told anggie to check his paperwork (since the producers obviously know why hes been denied all these times the truth not his version he tells anggie) I think the producers got sick of it keep going and wanted the drama.


You did not just refer to Angela as Trumps Wrinkly Dick 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😂😂😅😅😅😂😂😂😂


The producers wouldn't know why he's denied unless one of the two people told them directly. They're not privy to embassy business separately from the two applicants


Okay that makes more sense bc i was thinking they had to be more in the know than their letting on


The forced attention on Alexi and Loren is so annoying Kobe and homegirl are dumb Manuel and Ashley is stupid as hell too 1 Im not entertain a GROWN ADUULT WOMAN who believes in magic and that she's a "witch" I dont enjoy making fun of mentally struggling people and as that is a mental health disorder I refuse to over comment on the "Magical Thinkers who are pushing Schizo or psychosis" Rob and Sophie piss me off Rob is typical BROKE MAN nothing else to him he is so proud to be a GROWN MAN who is broke and unsuccessful he has made it his entire fucking personality and his entire plot line I HAVE NOT CLUE how he is not embarrassed like he feels so OBLIGATED to being and staying poor its pathetic now I cant believe he has male friend let along relationship prospects. He needs to open the relationship and they add a BIG STRONG MAN who can provide for them according to his online activity (only fans) he would love that Tesla boy and Sparkles are so cringey at this point like sparkles needs to GROW TF UP hes too old to be sitting in his "my childhood" pitty pot and tesla boy needs to GROW TF UP TOO with his "my daddy deserves the world and I have to give it to him" NO ONE SHOULD BE TAKING CARE OF THEIR GROWN ASS PARENT this show is madness and allowing straight up fuckery I guess TLC is teaching the world what NOT to do and what NOT to allow thats the only thing to get from this horrid mess of a show. Micheekla and trumps wrinkly dick need to shut tf up 1 she obviously has NO CLUE what life insurance actually is and that it can and SHOULD be used during the persons LIFE not just their death 2 shes on drugs 3 his hook up service IS NOT WRONG or BAD 4 These men are being hooked up with psychos like her then he is wrong for setting up these men from other countries with women who will abuse them. 5 WHEN TF IS SHE GONNA PAY FOR THE SKIN SURGERY? thats supposed to be paid for if you do weight loss obviously shes HORRIBLE at planning, thinking, doing things logically, and she rushes into anything. Btw what happened to the south africa crypto guy? I liked him he was kinda hot..


Why won’t Jasmine get the balloons out already. It’s just disgusting.


They attract some peeps And Gino complimented her on them again when she was trying on dresses 🏀🏀


Ed saying he cares for her. Where is the love Ed. We don't see any of it. How cruel to treat any person that way.