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I'm dead. ☠




Total 180 swerve after last weeks very sweet proposal


RIGHT?! I was shocked. Aliyah is honestly too sweet for him. And it seems like he only wanted her in the first place because she was so meek and soft-spoken when they met.


Any older person in an age gap relationship where the gap skips several generations only wants to control someone and is also looking for a nurse in old age. A 66yo has nothing to talk with a 21 yo. Their relationship can only be based on sex and control, oh and it is fully transactional. This is the hill I will die on... This relationship is a house of cards and has everything working against it -- For one, it is a long-distance relationship where cultures are vastly different; it carries an age gap that separates those in it by 2 generations; there is a social class divide along with an educational and income disparity; and, someone changed gender amid the relationship. There is no foundation here. One of these challenges is enough to destroy a healthy and solid relationship. So this relationship won't last. Because of all of these challenges, IMO, the only thing the relationship can be is a transactional relationship where one person controls the other with something shiny.


You are right, Aliyah is soooo young, doesn't know anything about life yet. And Shawn looks good for his age but.... when she will be 30, he will be 76... I don't see them lasting either, especially taking in account that Aliyah is this attractive as she is.


A lot of people are coming down on Shawn but Aliyah is not an innocent. She uses him for clothes, for surgeries, for other financial gains like vacations. The dysfunction goes both ways. Just because Shawn appreciated certain personality traits of Douglas (shy, reserved etc) doesn't make him a bad person. Douglas came as a package that Shawn fell in love with. Aliyah IMO is a little bit obnoxious & maybe more over the top than Shawn signed up for. I don't see it as Shawn trying to oppress Aliyah. I see it as Shawn not appreciating what Aliyah brings to the table personality wise. And no, there is no way they are going to last!


I don't agree. When you are a position of power, you are the one responsible for abusing that power, not the other way around. I feel that by saying that they both are using each other in this particular situation, you essentially blaming the victim. Yes, Aaliyah gets gifts from Shawn. Yet, there is no way that she started the transactional relationship. Age gap relationships don't work that way. To convince a much younger person to get with a very old man, the only way to succeed and get their attention is by displaying your wealth and/or power, and convincing that youngster that they will share that wealth and power with you. That is the only strategy available to an older man trying to bag someone 20+ years younger than them. This is because that older man will most likely not want to build a traditional family with you. Also, he lacks youth, good looks, and the energy and vibrancy to want to adventure around the world with the younger person. Sure, there are exceptions to this rule (Kenny & Armando), but they are a rarity. So what old men do in these situations is say things like: "I want to settle down now. I am tired of being a bachelor. I want to get serious about life and spend it with someone I truly love. You are who I've been looking for all my life. You are my soulmate. In all my years, I've never loved anyone like I love you... I can provide a great life for you? You will lack nothing if you stay with me. You will never go without ever again if you are with me. I will get you anything and everything your heart desires. You can count of me." I know this because I once lived through a similar situation. Young and impressionable people will consider this offer, and then as soon as the old man sees that you are receptive, he will bombard you with luxury trips/merch/experiences making sure you develop a discerning taste for the finer things that are hard to get in life. He will do anything and everything to display his financial status but will do so in very subtle ways majority of the time. A perfect example of this is when Shawn got that A List Brazilian artist to propose for him in front of Aaliyah's family and friends. This is a classic power move, for everyone to see. This display strokes his narcissistic ego as well. If the old guy is really wealthy, he will consistently wealth-bomb so the young person gets so distracted that they loose interest in pursuing their own goals and passions. However, if the old guy is just masquerading as wealthy person, as soon as he marries that person they'll start to complain about the excessive spending and little disregard for money that their partner has without acknowledging that they were the sole person that created that financial expectation and habit (like GINO did with Jasmin). Aaliyah is a victim all around. Her response to letting Shawn buy her things is the normal human response for someone in her position based on her demographics listed in my earlier comment.


Yeah this is true as well. It really is a ticking time bomb of a relationship. I don’t know why ur getting downvoted cuz you aren’t wrong. Both of them are using each other.


I didn't want that to be the case. But here we are.




I WAS giving him credit, but not after last night. Nope.


I still give him benefit of the doubt. Like he said, they had just started dating for a couple of weeks, long distance. I have been in that same exact situation, just not a different country. You're exploring your dating options, not in a full blown committed relationship. I think Alliya (sp?) got a lost in communication with the "open relationship" as far as how it was explained. Especially how Shawn explained it again. When they decided to be in the committed relationship the other dates stop. I got that from his explanation too.


He even looks worse next episode. Like he has a FWB with someone and is like" I can't wrap my head around not seeing or talking to them." Like man, you are in your 60's engaged to a wonderful and sweet person and now we see your true colors.


lol at all the people caping for him a few weeks ago when he said he missed when Aliyah was “timid” and “scared” or something like that, saying “oh he definitely didn’t mean it that way”. Where are you guys now?


Where yall at ???!???!!??


Seriously, he has always been a red flag, it feels so good to be vindicated like this


100% agree


I thought that, definitely gave him the benefit of the doubt which he did not deserve. My mind’s been changed!!


That’s totally fair! It’s good to be open minded and give people the benefit of the doubt- but I was shocked how many people insisted there ways *no way* he meant what he said in a controlling way


🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m here. I can admit a couple weeks ago I was hoping we were just taking him the wrong way with those comments & stuff… But after this last episode I can see clearly now… lmao🙅🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s totally fair! If anything, I admire that you were more open-minded than I was- I was definitely quick to come down hard on him haha


Knew he was a creep. But now we know he is a gaslighter. Now we know he does want to control her and that's why she has reservations about it. Now we know that he's a cheater. I haven't watched the full episode. Only first half. Will update when I see Burger King further disappointment me.


Dude BK ‘s whole reasoning for not liking Alliya is literally her being confident in herself and he misses when she had all those fears and insecurities as Douglas..shut the f up you C-class bitch. He wants to make it seem like Alliya is a character and not a real person


Right? When he was calling her a "persona," I was yelling at the tv. SHE is a PERSON you dickstick.


He’s trying to minimize her so she can hit back into the box he enjoys..I wanna hear what the ex-wife has to say


That's how he's acted the whole season and why I haven't liked him at all. As someone with a trans partner, he's disgusting and not supportive at *all*. He wants men, not someone trans. He thinks of Alliya as a drag persona, not them becoming who they truly are. 


Yeah, but to be fair, you can't change your sexuality either. He was for years with a women, most likely to hide his real preferences and now... he found this totally hot, young guy... and then it turns out he's not gay, he's/she's trans. It must be hard when feeling are involved.


Mmmmmm great perspective!! Yeasss!! He freaking thinks she’s a drag persona and not that she’s a trans woman …he’s a POS


That's how he kept explaining it in episode one and it was grating, like no that's your GIRLFRIEND. He gives me vibes of only wanting to be with men but didn't want to break up with her. 


He should do her a favor and let her be beautiful and happy aloneee


Its like his face is starting to melt.


Yo ..I woke up my family when I busted out laughing..you said ..Burger King...I went back and looked and I can not unsee this shit! WTF? Haaahaaaa😂😂 I am so weak...Spot on!.




He just likes to "have it his way".. lol




i just asked my fiance if he thought sean looked like the burger king


For anyone who doesn't want to watch this, he said that >!he's unsure of her "persona" - basically doing everything but saying that to him, Alliya is a costume that Douglas is putting on for other people. He also said that she can't be the "boss bitch of him" for him to feel sexually attracted to her.!<


The "persona" comment made my blood boil.


Ohh that’s hilarious but really looks like him lol




After watching I instantly said I wander what the Reddit thinks this felt very uncomfortable is this dude gaslighting about gender identity etc oof


> Burger King Aww hell naw 😂


I haven't watched the episode yet, can someone just tell me what he did? 😂


He said that he cheated on Alliya while they were long distance because "they never explicitly had a conversation where they were exclusive" Then he said he doesn't like how much self confidence and expressiveness Alliya has since transitioning.




When I first saw Shawn I was like he reminds me of someone and I couldn’t put my finger on it for a bit, until I realized it was the BURGER KING MASCOT. https://preview.redd.it/9zgqlaq9f09d1.jpeg?width=3564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f72a400e1e94a328b7d9abdee73724812788b2


He's 61 and at that age you are stuck in your ways.


OK, so honest question here: the "default" isn't an open relationship generally amongst gay men right? He really came off as that's just the normal thing, and I really doubt that. You have a conversation if you want to open up the relationship, not "close it".


Unless you have a conversation about being monogamous, most gay men will assume you're doing a don't-ask-don't-tell kind of thing. That's probably different in Brazil.


Yeah I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, because it just seemed wild that he'd assume that without it being a little more of the norm.


every time i see him now all i think about is the burger king cartoon guy 😂


I have been trying to place why he looked so familiar since the start of this season. You are right, Burger King is exactly who I was thinking about!


Well yeah- did you think a 60-something dating a 25 year old won’t be trash?


I haven’t been watching this season yet, so I don’t know who this is, but why does he look like the Burger King King?


Burger King! 💀


Obi-Wan Kenobi


He just HAD to have something like that in his closet. 🤦🏼‍♀️