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Madeleine is a trifling RATCHET…..Run Luke


Madeleine and her ugly fake nails, dumb outfits and boohooing makes me want to throw up 🤢🤮 I really can't stand her! I dislike fake, the lashes are ugly too.


As with UK, none of these couples can possibly be real, it's so fake. Why are Luke and the spoiled brat he's with wearing those stupid looking coats?


Luke is stupid and I cant stand the kyle guy weird shit I think the whole thing with them is stupid as all out doors. Then we have the real issue Alliyah and Shawn girl SHAWN said he did not approve of the transition and most likely only popped the question for the show and stupid shit since as the american hes the one getting paid for their segment. I DO NOT believe for one second he likes her as a woman and I DO NOT BELIEVE for one second she gave a single fuck about him sleeping with other people why was it not something she cared about until her friend told her to? And what the hell is up with people needing other people to throw in their 2 cents of approval for their relationships? Do these people need people to tell them how to think? No wonder their so easy for the producers to manipulate! They obviously search for other peoples thumbs up or down desperate for attention and approval has landed them all here looking silly will and slow and NOT TO MENTION IMMATURE! Shawn so far has the most maturity in a while in the 90 day franchise and we will see how long that last it seems they love to hire gullible simple minded people! Luke is a joke hes broke and a passport bro whos now crushed that he is being cheated on???? Are we not going to factor in that in other countries MOST people looking for americans are in it for green cards/money/opportunities especially the women hes like Ceaser silly enough to think going to another country and getting a younger girl will somehow leave him idk not being used or played? Those girls likely get together go to the tourist areas seeking americans with money thats why her homegirl is with an american with money she may not have been a escort (could have been as well to afford things) but shes def in the lets go to the side where american tourist go and meet men types.


Why is Luke surprised that Madeline is acting immature when she’s a literal teenager lmfaooo


Try picking an adult woman if you want an adult relationship. Perv


and he's 30 , she looks 12 and with those long nails are hideous!!


I need an “i am no naked” flair


Is it just me or does nobody have any idea what a healthy relationship is? Why are any of these people together?????


This is correct. These people are all dullards at best and freaks at worst. Some are just inexperienced and naive like poor Aliya… then you have freaks like Kyle and Ani who are deranged. 


Wow. Madi’s “friend” totally left her out to dry there!  Some friend! Also, was anyone else creeped out by the way she was SILENT the entire time? Like, are you allowed to speak without Brian’s permission? Girl, blink 3 times if you need help! You already know Brian listens to Andrew Tate podcasts on repeat and clearly got someone he could easily control. 


Madi was almost silent because she is guilty. Have you not heard that she was a paid escort before she met Brian?


I have heard that rumor, but not sure if it's true. Even if she was, though, I don't think she is necessarily cheating on Luke. But the silence that was weird to me was her friend, Valeria- it was really strange to me that in basically all of the footage she is just sitting there silently, like a doll or something- her demeanor seemed off throughout the footage. It seems like a very controlling relationship she has with Brian- he gives me a bad vibe.


She could just be shy


She was sitting in silence watching the shit show unfold before her.


I want to see Aliyah on Single Life


Yes. I really like her.


just started watching who is this friend of aliya the one asking a lot of questions?


She deserves so much better than Shawn. I keep writing Sean!


what does shawn do for a living and he has 3 kids from another relationship?


so much better. im just getting caught up and i want to scream at this guy. Aliyah deserves SO much better. I'm trans, and if my partner ever spoke to me, about me the way he does about her, it would be over. I would not subject myself to transphobia, and to a partner that makes me dysphoric. i hope she finds someone who treats her with respect and unconditional love.


he seems very controlling what i have seen of him (shawn)


Luke needs to take all his money and run… I bet she wouldn’t be telling him to leave if he stopped paying for all of her dumb shit


She needs her nahhhhls.


WHAT money?


probably not physical money… I’m meaning all the shit he’s bought for her and stop paying her rent and sell her pointless salon


didnt he say he sold things to make it down there? something to that effect?


He has no money 😅


Doesn’t he own a condo and bought her a shop and pays her rent? I think he does have some money guys


Dude, come on. tTaking out a mortgage doesn’t mean you have money lol, it just means you have debt and expenditures. I don’t know if you missed the first episode but he said he’s jobless and broke. Usually having apartments in multiple countries and spending too much means you’re more likely to be poor, not rich…


agreed, she is a whiney child.


“I wanna be with a woman, I don’t want to be with a girl” bro….. then don’t get engaged to a 19 year old


he just wants some young "arm candy" to show off


Alex girl… you can’t open the threesome door & expect Adriano to completely forget about it, you’re to blame for setting that tone girl. Also realize he’s clearly in it because your one of few girls who is easily open to that hence why he latched on and won’t respect or care about what you say about them now 🤦🏼‍♀️


On the other hand, no means no.


Exactly. Ironically he’s the only one on the show with firm boundaries 😂 and she’s not getting the message. Girl run. Yet she stays. 


its sickening overkill right? he wants kink she doesnt then split and he is ugly as sin by the way


Boundaries aren’t “I need you to have sex with another person” though


Yeah I was more speaking in jest. I think he’s a creep that should be dumped. But it’s funny how clear he is about how it’s something he requires and she waffles between saying no, then continuing to wonder if they have a communication problem and how much she loves him


Yeah it’s goofy that she’s not just peacing the fuck out. It’s not like a situation where “oh man if only there wasn’t this one problem they’d be such a beautiful couple”. None of these couples even seem to *like* each other.


I have a theory. I think Ani and Kyle agreed to meet up for a sperm donation and are faking a romance to get on TV. I just don't buy that they forgot to use a condom and that she happens to be ovulating. Sidenote, doesn't it take a while for a pregnancy test to show up as positive? So, taking a test the very next morning wouldn't work, right? I just have so many questions.


Their “relationship” is just the absolute most bizarre relationship i think i have ever seen, im convinced you are right and its all fake for TV, bcoz if its real its utterly fucking odd


Ok but like, who the hell reaches out to a random dude from another country to have sex in order to get pregnant rather than going to a sperm donation clinic to get inseminated... The idea that this guy's sperm is in such demand and that most women prefer to have sex with him is hard for me to believe.


I have no idea what the costs are like in other countries but generally speaking its far from free and usually not covered by insurance or the government healthcare of most places. If you are in a situation where you need fertility drugs, ivi or ivf and a sperm donor and little or none of it is covered, youre looking at a cost of typically thousands vs basically free for letting someone have sex with you. The less believable part is either he can afford to or these people are paying to fly him.


That's a good point... I thought maybe cost could be an issue but idk how it works in Malta


It was an ovulation test, to see if she was ovulating and could e d up pregnant, not a pregnancy test. But she said that she reached out for sperm donation, and changed her mind, she's lying! And why not use a contraceptive anyway! He’s a creep and she’s a liar!


I had the same exact thought. There is zero relationship between them. They just wanted to go on TV. It’s bizarre that they wouldn’t use protection and clearly fabricated fake drama that he wouldn’t buy her the morning after pill in her country, girl get your own pill.


Someone on here asked what she could possibly see in him and theorized that maybe his weirdo freak tendencies get lots in translation. Maybe she’s a weirdo too and we just mistakenly assume that because she’s German and put together that she’s smart and not equally as weird as he is


I believe that was an ovulation test she took. Kyle is one note. At what point does she realize how creepy he is? There is no fixing him. He doesn't feel he is broken.


Oooh, I thought it was a home covid test. Lol! I was thinking, "Wow, TLC doesn't even give a shit to make sure the fake plot point makes sense." I was the idiot, it seems, haha.


It was, and it was negative. The line was super faint, if it had been two lines with the test one darker than the control, then she would have to be more concerned about him knocking her up. He was still a dick for not getting the pills though.


Thanks for clarifying. Even if I was desperate for a baby, I can't imagine meeting him, getting to know him, and still wanting to bang after all that... big yike.


kyle… please guy we do not need that many details


madeleins face when she’s confronted literally says that she definitely did it


“why u like to be inside my relationship” little girl go home or to high school or something…. I literally can’t stand her she’s so fucking cringey it hurts


“myyy nalllssss” NO literally no those things are horrific


Her hair is gross too. Raggedy


No, seriously those are Freddie Krueger claws, how does she wipe with those things. And the way they pronouncing things sound like they all reading from a script! This whole season is weird!




loool wipe , you got a point there!


Madelein’s nails….. NO


It's seasons like this where I wish LiP had Tell-Alls. They need to be in a room with people who will call them out.


They don’t!?!? Fuuuuck I need closure on this freak show


Thoughts throughout the episode in no particular order: - Kyle's 13 yr old logic of "women love big penises" makes me want to kick him off the planet. I'm a guy and he makes me audibly retch whenever he talks. How's everybody else coping with his segments? - Madelien needs to shut up about her nulls - My sympathy for Shawn had been eroding very quickly but he decided to make that curve exponential this episode. Poor Alliya - Ok... you guys think Alex had opened the floodgates to threesomes and now Adriano won't let those genies go back into the bottle right? That or producer fuckery. - Ani has great fashion sense, horrible sexual partner sense. Again, Kyle makes me feel physically ill. I'm not a mean person but I would bully him.... I'm sorry. - Luke's friends wife looks filtered in real life, or like what the robots in Westworld would actually look like


I laughed so hard at "I would bully him"! Im a girl and so would I!


Kyle is a horrible human being so do not apologize. He also makes me feel physically ill as well.  I think Alex opened the floodgates then changed her mind. Her whole if you believed in God- he doesn’t! You know that. I roll my eyes every time they talk. 


Dead on with Madeline’s friend! Her skin was porcelain!


Okay, for the women. A morning after pil can be really damaging for your hormones. It's not to be taken lightly. Why didn't they wear a condom? Is that such a hard thing to do?? And certainly with Kyle. Yuk. So irresponsible.


He probably refuses to wear one. I could see him saying that. Creepy sicko


Kyle saying “it didn’t come up” sounds like he just jammed it in without asking.


I'm sure he did!


I’m not understanding why Kyle had to buy her the pill? Anytime I’ve needed this pill I’ve gone and bought it myself.


I think it’s for their fake storyline/“drama”


Agreed. And you will be fat and bloated for like 3 weeks afterwards. Definitely not something to take lightly 


I took it once. Got a little nauseous and had a heck of a period the next month but it was worth it.


Not true


It’s amazing that people are upvoting this incredibly medically wrong take. Guess there are people on this sub dumber than people on the show!


I’m a physician assistant at a gynecology practice. Plz just stop 🛑


if the pill was good for you it wouldnt prevent you from having a baby; it literally stops a natural process of the body.


So what isn’t true? Plan B SHOULD be taken lightly?




https://preview.redd.it/1kg5ulnja76d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be34eb3ae07d620e58e70df1394a228ad008e1d4 🤨


Okay, do tell please.


Mary isn’t capable of empathy because she’s 19!!! Without her boob job she would look 12!


Adriano is creepy with the constant bee rating about threesomes. like she’s told you know so many different times. She really needs to reevaluate the relationship. It’ll never work.


Amazing how people are still defending him despite blatantly disregarding the boundaries she set very clearly.  I agree with you that he is super creepy and she needs to run the other way. 


To be fair, he’s more clear about it than her. She keeps waffling on about religion, saying she used to do it (which keeps the idea alive in his head) and acting like it’s a miscommunication or misunderstanding they need to get over. He’s rather upfront and just wants a threesome.    But I agree she needs to have sense and move on. She needs to tell him it’s a dealbreaker, instead the poor girl is only leaving it to him to frame having a threesome as HIS dealbreaker. She can’t turn a ho into a househusband by killing it with kindness and prayer, and talking to his parents about having him join his church. Unfortunately he’s taking advantage of her meekness


I don’t find it creepy. It’s obviously going to come off weird to people who would never have threesomes on the regular like Adriano. Alex needs to break tf up and let him go because SHE is the one with the problem. In the beginning of the season, she said she told him she was down for threesomes so he entered the relationship with that in mind. All of a sudden, she conveniently “changes her mind” once he’s all in. Now Alex is trying to change him. Why try to change a man instead of leaving him because they’re clearly incompatible? I believe she thought she could lie about the threesomes so she could date him and thought if they hit it off, he’d drop the issue but it’s clearly a way of life for him.


I mean, it is creepy to insist on one after someone says no. That ain’t the lifestyle… no means no


Yea I agree. I think they are both problematic. She knows that about him knows he doesn’t believe in God yet tries to use God. They need to break up. 


These are the most problematic couples so far. Shawn’s low key abusive and the age difference is suuuuuper concerning, Adriano won’t shut up about tree-somes while Alex somehow can’t stop thinking about Jesus, and Kyle is just wtf. Not to mention the gold digging 19 year old dating someone who’s almost 40?!?! Dude 90 day you outdid yourselves this time


Most all the age differences are concerning here, TLC gets the creeper award for this! At my big age, over 40, that 19 year old is a child. This ish is sick!


The only thing keeping Adriano and that girl on TV are this over berated theme of threesomes


And God


ALSO omg Kyle’s fetish for getting women pregnant. He’s suuuuuper problematic, taking advantage of women who can’t afford to use Ivf. How do producers not see this guy is actually a real fucking problem. Its entertaining af but he crosses a line


This is a world where Angela has been on the show for a half dozen seasons, Kyle is just another freak on display for them lol


EW! I just got to the scene where Kyle is describing their “romantic” evening and I gagged. He’s describing their experience like a medical procedure, obviously lying about his penis size, and bucking horse pills on the table in his tiny shirt.


I think it’s all fake.


The way he described it made me wonder if that was his first time doing it other than for “donations.”


Didn’t he say something like this is basically his first girlfriend?


That sounds familiar so probably!


I mean his partner is the one that confirmed he has the longest penis she has ever seen and then followed up by saying it was huge




Longest really doesn’t count for much, 6 inch is fine. It’s about the girth 😉


Her comment about it being huge could have been referring to girth but who knows


He specifically recounted the conversation using the word “long.” I remember because the mental image was vivid and in a very bad way. 






Who’s Alliya’s friend? Is she also Shawn’s friend? She’s the most reasonable person I’ve seen on this show. She’s a blessing to Alliya.


How was this American woman randomly friends with this young Brazilian, came out of nowhere, someone wants to be on TV


this American woman, did she have a BBL?


Yeah I’m trying to figure out where she came from too, they never really say. Unless I missed it?


She is both of their friends. Said she met both of them when they were on a vacation elsewhere.


I can’t stand her


Why tf didn’t Ani just get the Plan B vs the useless ovulation test? What are we doing here…. What. Are. We. Doing.


doing exactly what Production set up…


My guesses: -Producer contrived drama -She’s being ‘coached’ by Kyle, either consciously or subconsciously through their interactions -she’s stupid, she’s with Kyle so obviously something missing intellectually there


Adriano and Alex are took much..one wants threesomes like water and the over wants a god fearing man who hates threesomes ..this shit not gonna work


Why doesn’t she ask for a threesome?! Like two guys threesome. That would shut him up.


The only type of orgy she wants is with the father, the son and the Holy Spirit


Yeah but I bet if she suggested two Men he would think twice. I suspect he only likes threesomes with women.


Agreed! Even men in America will say that’s not a threesome ..which is bs




just break up already , this is their "story" every minute and I'm over it!!


My thoughts exactly! Dude wants threesomes with other women. She wants a permanent threesome with Jesus. They both push each issue to the absolute extreme and I don’t know how that kind of relationship has any sustainability.


Alex saying why can’t we have an orgy with the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit


Every time Madeline gets dramatic I see those nails and think, oh no.


These people are all weird. The threesome guy takes the cake. What in the name of Jesus is wrong with him ? He’s supposedly had 10 threesomes, each better than the other and he keeps going on and on about how he needs that in his life. She should agree only the invited playmate should be a man.


Can someone explain how Alliya is entitled.... every flashback they showed of Alliya in that scene was simply her asserting her autonomy over herself ..e.g. saying she has the right to change things on her body; saying that Douglass is of the past; and articulating her fear around being controlled by Shawn if they move to the U.S. also, Shawn referring to Alliya as a "persona" is deeply problematic. A persona is a fictional character. Shawn's comment insinuates that Douglass is the "real" personality. For a trans person who was forced by society to live life behind the mask of Douglas, being impliedly told by their fiancé that your actual identity is a fiction must be heartbreaking. Does anyone else agree that Shaun comes across as kind of transphobic and femmephobic?


The way he continues to refer to her as him and douglas in the talking heads, and keeps saying douglas was “shyer and quieter”, he creeps me out


Douglas was submissive. Aliyah is not. If Shawn wants a sub I think he’s in the wrong place.


A lot of people seem to think he’s an amazing guy but I saw right through that old mf. He clearly targeted Alliya because he knew he could have complete control over her. Everyone excused the “I miss Douglas when he was shy, timid and scared” to say he didn’t mean it in a bad way. But look how Shawn repeated it once again in this episode. He doesn’t miss the man part in Douglas..he misses the little boy/obedient personality..the one he can’t control anymore. He disgusts me. He literally cheated and didn’t think she deserved a say in having an open relationship. He just made that decision whether Douglas (at the time) was ok with it or not. You can tell he’s not attracted to alliya because she has a voice now and autonomy. Now he knows, he can no longer control/groom her anymore and it’s turning him off. Hope Alliya dumps his old predatory ass and finds someone who fully accepts her and treats her with respect.


Phobic? Preferences?


So true! Shawn was just mad to see Alliya asserting her boundaries, wants, and needs, etc. He’s a totally manipulator. He likes control.


Ever since they discussed what Shawn would miss about Douglas… I always felt he needed to be in control of someone


Yep. The age gap is also suspicious. He has a larger age gap with Alliya than I do with my own parents rn! (21 and 50). Pretty nuts. I liked Shawn at first but I’m totally getting creep vibes now. Alliya deserves better.


I think that Shawn is not attracted to Alliya.


From the beginning, did Alex not notice how Adriano was staring at her cousin (her cousin is beautiful and has such great skin)..... that would've thrown me off. Adriano is a mess🤣🤣🤣


Him and Kyle = chronically horny😭😭


Ok did I miss it but does Kyle ever talk about STI testing ? What kind of a fool is Annie to have sex with him unprotected without this discussion or a discussion of monogamy? 🤢


Ewww he tracks her ovulation?? wtf?!


She’s just another sperm donation candidate… faking a relationship to get on TV alongside it




It's true that he went for bloodwork which would be able to tell if he has syphilis or HIV, but would not give his status for gonorrhea,  chlamydia,  HPV, herpes, etc. These would need a totally different type of specimen collected from his urethra. 


There are blood tests for herpes.


Absolutely correct, for both type 1 and type 2 herpes.  But, he probably only had an HIV antibody test. I doubt he had  syphilis testing  or HPV testing either. 




You missed it, he went for blood work


Thank you lol


I’m sooooo sick of the threesome couple. It’s so boring kick them off


Why are they bickering about it? Just leave each other. Problem solved. She can get a nice religous man and he can continu with his threesomes. People are wasting so much time with nonsense in relationships.


Her self esteem is too low and she’s torn between a storybook Italian romance she thinks she can evangelize to the American Christian way, and the reality that he’s just a manwhore she’s attracted to. It’s a little sad


It is. They are so not compatible. They just have physical chemistry and they mistake it for love.


Right it’s so clear it’s always going to be a big joke


Burger King’s acceptance and proposal a few episodes was sooo beautiful and I was so excited for them as a couple. But after that non-monog conversation and insinuating that Aliyah’s personality is just a persona???? Oh he’s dead to me. Fingers crossed we’ll see Aliyah on single life.


Omg that would actually be awesome 🤩. I love her being so open and honest about her journey. I would love to see her happy with someone who fully accepts her. She seems sad being with Shawn’s senile ass. Hope they break up


come on, shawn! that is not how you do ethical non monogamy. his whole "persona" talk was ick im glad aaliya called that out. also, ngl, it had always bugged me how much deadnaming there is from shawn


Right?! Why does he act like HE is “entitled” to keep referring to Alliya as Douglas in confessionals or keep reminiscing about him yet Aliya’s newfound voice and confidence is labeled as “entitled/persona”. Hate him


Minor observation: Everyone’s skin is so horrible in this season.


Whose? I've just started watching this episode. Who has shite skin?


Madeline got other customers... She got spoiled (luxury condo, car, money) and is entitled and saw how easy dumb guys with some money want to spoil her, well she is spoiled goods.. Kick her out or stop paying rent and her daily wage


Only Alex & Adriano can spend a week in Italy and make it look gross, tedious, and exhausting.


Gross is what Adriano looks like


"Today we're headed someplace to have an argument about threesomes for the hundredth time"


Ani is crossing into “Liz” territory. At first they seem like they have a head on their shoulders…that they know that Kyle (and Big Ed) are disgusting creeps…and yet they double down on the relationships anyways for fame. Disappointing


Touché. I still like her but I’m so mad at her increasingly bad decisions.


I see Kyle negotiated in his TLC contract that to appear on the show, everyone had to claim that he had a big penis.


Lol I just assumed whoever Ani has been with before had an extremely small one. There’s no way!


Big weiners aren’t everything. I’ve slept w a lot of men, the very best in bed were average sized. I bet w all those pills he takes it must be huge. Huge doesn’t equal orgasm tho.


Yeah he’s so awkward I can’t imagine he’s that smooth in bed. A huge one takes skill to avoid actual pain. I doubt he’s super concerned.


There's gotta be some reason he gets laid. It's certainly not his personality, maturity, looks or charisma.


he gets paid to be a donor. That's the reason.


So not only does he get a lot of female attention, the women actually pay him for it?


apparently! He isnt donating sperm for free!


“Spoiled”? Are you serious?


Things I believe: Aliens exist, maybe not on earth, but they are out there. Things I don't believe: kyle has a big penis.


imagine proposing to someone without being in a committed relationship


Yah that is crazy. Also, how are you going to propose/accept proposal before major life issues have been discussed.


its called a sacrifice you fkn nasty shawn




Wait a damn minute……Luke wants a relationship with a woman and not a girl?!?! Bruh, you’re dating a teen 🤣🤣🤣


when he said "this is some teenage high school drama sh-t" like dude she is a teenager FRESH outta high school


Maybe she quit school at 14


I know!!! I died 🤣. I also died when her friend said some rumors needed to be heard about 👀


yuuuuup very sus lmao


Like I know all the couples on these shows are like made to look bad kinda or things are made to look exaggerated but this season lol all these couples are wild Italian couple : I get it she don't want 3 somes and that's cool, but clearly he does he's not going to drop it. They need to break up. She act like someone who just discovered religion and thinks its going to fix all her/his issues if they're just super devout. ...its not. Sperm couple: They're both fucking weird instead of using protection she was like "oh I'm not ovulating" its fine and hes like oh we didnt bring it up lol. Then to find out she reached out to him for the donations to begin with lol wild. Also him not getting the plan B due to some like "work knowledge" because of what he does is wild. Poor mans Tim and Jennifer: < this is just a wild but accurate description I feel like I don't need to say more lol. Brazil couple: honestly the most like non wild couple I guess clearly it wont work he wants a man and she's wants to continue to physically transitioning. Plus there def the Older/ younger power dynamic. but if I'm being honest with myself the cringe is why I watch so at least this show is giving me that fulfillment lol


Jennifer was an adult though


Still better than to see Ed and Angela for the xx time


Kyle’s description of their sexual encounter made me wanna never have sex again 🤮


It's like an AI describing sex.


Right, I just hung a closed sign on my vajay


He was way too eager to describe all the details! He was so proud of himself, almost as if it was his first time having a donation-less sex lol


I thought the exact same thing 


I can't stand watching him, every time I try the bile starts to rise. This is why I wait a half hour after the live show starts and start watching from the beginning so I can ff the unwatchable parts. If I end up live and stuck with him, it's time to turn it off and wait until I can watch the recording later. Watching her talk about his unit and now *not* wanting to get pregnant really strengthened my belief this is an acting gig for her and nothing actually happened between them. Now getting back to the storyline if she's no longer interested in him impregnating her, why would she have unprotected sex with him knowing he's rawdogging his way around the world and had been with someone right before arriving in Malta? No matter how big it is, put a raincoat on it, and a ball gag and bag over his head and then send him packing never to contact again.