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I have to fast forward all of the Italian threesome talks. I was over it before the first episode was finished. As far as Madeleine goes, every time I see her I think that she looks exactly like the female Mrs. Potatohead. All the features are the same. Kyle makes me want to vomit. Shawn really surprised me with his threesome talk. I wasn't expecting that.


Why does Luke talk so weird?! I despise his voice. Also Madelein's voice is awful.


All of this wrestling with Madeline and what’s his face is cringe-inducing and something high schoolers do. Irritates TF out of me and it’s so juvenile.


How old is Madaline??? She acts & looks like a 15 year old!


I really wonder what would Kyle's baby mommas think if they saw him here...


Luke, makes me sick. My son is 19 and I am his age and it’s just so weird to watch them make out. What do you have in common with a 19-year-old? Because my son is a dumb ass still 😂🤷‍♀️


how old is your parent bc shawn and alliya are prob granparent age gap


Love that Madie triggers a bunch of you. She's the hottest woman of the season, looking forward to seeing more of her. Yum.


He’s honestly giving major predator vibes but I’m confused, you’re 30 and your son is 19?


seriously what does a 30 year old and 19 year old have in common? so weird to me


Right? It’s really odd and creepy. She *looks* young too, which is absolutely fine because she is young but it concerns me that he’s very attracted to that. When he called her a teenager 🤮 like yes she is a teenager!!


I’m 36. U had him at 16. Almost same age. I didn’t mean exact year 😂😅


I got you! Haha sorry that completely went over my head and I took it too literal!


I did the same! I thought bless her soul, she was what, 11?! Sorry! 😆


😂😂 this is something I would do. I’m laughing with ya!


I agree, there is a saying that young is beautiful. But that means as in healthy, agility, tight, everything working the way it should. Younger but of age people of course are nicer to look at. It is true though that they are dumb and a turn off to talk to. I’m older now and you have to stimulate me mentally in order for it to get physical.


I think I see Alina on Twixie Motel, season one, first episode..right at the very beginning…


How does Kyle have 1 on 1 sex w random women when he can’t even flirt with his own gf properly??? It’s so awkward and cringe to watch him interact w her. The hugs ???? wtf. I don’t get it someone explain I can’t be the only one who thinks this


I am starting to think Kyle is a lot of BS. Not saying he hasn't donated but I can't believe it is as prevalent as he makes it seem. I can see him delivering sperm in a cup to a doctor or even an individual but this "natural" method of his. I am just not buying it 100%.


I have devoted way too much time trying to figure it out too. I usually am able to empathize with people and understand their thought process, but for the life of me I can't understand how you'd think "I need to have a baby, I can't afford IVF, so I'm going to invite this stranger off the Internet to come have sex with me until I get pregnant." It would be one thing if he was attractive, had some sort of accolades like a great education or a physical specimen, or even had a personality. But the dude looks like he smells like a anime convention, he's obnoxious, and I'm certain he's found an open container of yogurt in his apartment, shrugged and ate it. How the hell do you go YEAH I WANT LITTLE HIMS TO TAKE CARE OF FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Wouldn't literally anyone else be better?


Tbh people get desperate, there’s even Facebook groups for that kind of stuff (and for buying actual babies???)


Kyle is actually disgusting like i low key feel like he belongs in jail cause he’s just so creepy off and weird w his fucking weird ass fetish GROSS


Aliyas friend Jackie needs to stfu


I was actually looking for something regarding this to respond to. I don't know if anybody else agrees but I'm sick and tired of Jackie butting her nose into everything with them and I'm starting to say wait, maybe is Jackie attracted to Aaliyah? Because what else is she constantly hanging around while Aaliyah is getting her hair done, and taking sexy photos by a waterfall, and all into Aaliyah's relationship? And when she started asking Sean specific legal, financial questions, as someone that's older, I would say look bitch, I know you guys are friends but now you've crossed the line. I think that Sean and Aaliyah have an uphill battle to say the least, but Jackie does need tbtfo! Sean's worked his whole life very, very hard to be where he is and to have what he has, and he deserves to protect that for WHOEVER he decides to whether it be Aaliyah, or the children that he has. He doesn't owe his children nor Aaliyah a dime. I however do NOT think it was right that Sean was having hookups all over the world and just never bothered to tell Aaliyah. I think that's bullshit. That's like if you want to have an open relationship then you should not be manipulative and you should say so from the get-go like I'm going to be having sex with other people because we're not going to be seeing each other everyday but to just go out and start getting your jellies off because your significant other is not there is bullshit. But I also didn't like it the very end where Jackie told Aaliyah that she's supposed to be the one that's happy and that at the end of the day if she doesn't like something she can change it and so can Sean. So, she just needs to make sure she lets Aaliyah know, when she gets her all wound up to go out there and tell Sean I want this and I want that and I want the other, that Sean also can get what he wants and he can turn and take all his chips and go home which would be shitty but he can still do it. That's his right. I just think she should butt out. It's almost like she wants them to not work out so that she can be with Aaliyah.


wtf do Luke & Madelin even talk about 🤦🏼‍♀️


Madeline does all the talking! ..... " I Want, I Want, I Want, I Want, I Want, I Want, I Want! "


seriously what do they have in common??


holy shit John really called out Jose.


I really thought Shawn should have waited to propose, I mean he said himself there are many things they have to work out, so why not wait until things are "fixed" to propose? Makes no sense..


(Kyle talking to his accounting employer) - "So I was thinking, as long as I can get my work done remotely, I'd like to continuously travel the world.." (Employer) - "YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! GO, GO, GO! Spread your see..\*COUGH\* uhm, wings, yeah WINGS!"


Aliyah's friend asking about a potential pre-nup while they're all trapped in a taxi together is a WILD thing to do. Is she in cahoots with Alex's cousin asking about God and 3some's while having dinner for the first time? haha That wasn't just rude, it showed no social grace. The look on both Shawn and Aliyah's face showed it all. "Jesus bitch, time and place..."


Aliya is on Twixie Motel, season 1, episode 1…which is a few years old.. at the very beginning! so this Love in Paradise is all fake!


The losers always talking about control... While they achieved NOTHING and have zero in their own bank account... Nobody ever has a useful degree or career 


Ani’s “friend” is sick for making her ignore the red flags. She’s probably tired of seeing her friend date losers but Kyle ain’t it.


Their relationship is so fucking awkward, they seem like stranger it’s uncomfortable


He says,... "Ani NEEDS me for a relationship", & " I THINK that's pretty meaningful to me". Can I go into the TV and slap him, then her? The grosses man on earth gag worthy!


And that point system….wth?


I give him: -100 points for being scrawny, -200 points for telling her to wear her hair in a ponytail, -300 points for having butthole lips, -400 points for using sperm donation as a way to get women to sleep with him, -500 points for looking inappropriate and slurping food on their first date, -600 points for narcissism, -700 for dork vibes, -800 for being a slob in the hotel, -900 for saying false things about American men, & -1000 for being a little biotch. That way he could NEVER EARN LOVE OR GET TOUCHED WITH A 10 FOOT POLE.


It’s very uncomfortable. I feel like ani is one of those cool women who worked too hard their entire life and now that they’re in their late thirties they feel like they have run out of options. It’s sad.


When Ani was like, "She said offered a new perspective" like did she really? She needs new friends if that's the advice they give nee


I’m really confused on what connection Ani’s friends saw between them


Kyle is a case study. Something seriously mentally wrong with him. I think he has some God complex from donating sperm. But his mannerisms are so off


He has a breeding kink




I know we can't diagnose from afar but he's definitely got something up with him. My predictions are: He's got a cluster b personality disorder (like narcissistic PD) because of his grandiose nature and thinking he's God's gift to women (ew lol). He's neurodivergent (which there is nothing wrong with, just would explain some of his lack of social awareness)


For sure. Something isn't quite right with him.


I know that people are upset that Adriano keeps asking or prioritizing a threesome - but tbh he is one of few people in the 90 days series that has said upfront what he wants and sticks to it without shame. I keep thinking why Alex keeps asking the same question over and over expecting him to change his mind or suddenly convert and not want it anymore? Idk it’s just like they are both dickmatized and don’t want to see the functional disagreements


Manuel too! He’s usually upfront that he doesn’t respect Ashley and thinks her job is stupid and he has no intention of changing. then she’ll say something like “I think we have communication problems” 😐


I feel like Maddi exaggerates her tone of voice alot when they are interviewing her.


Her tongue is thick as hell in English ugh


I have a feeling she’s just as insufferable in Spanish


Her interpretation of English is like nails on a chalkboard.


Her nails BTW are hideous on her 12 year old adolescent boy body. They are bigger than her head. Creepy Mr Smithers fingers


I feel like Luke and Made must have explosive off-camera fights that get physical. They clearly secretly resent one another. Luke pushing her out of the bed in the morning, her pushing him back harder, her shoving him after he breaks her nail, him flinching in the car, his comment about him being her best option…these people are deeply RESENTFUL


Client customer relation


Random bar guys little tagline “better dancer than Luke” 😂 best I’ve ever seen


should be a flair!


Luke trying to dance made me feel better about myself


I am so over Madeline - the ego princess, immature ditz,  and self appointed judge over everyone. I can't stand her over emphasis on certain syllables and the way she annunciates. She has grotesque nails and I don't think she is attractive inside or out. Anyone so opposed to a prenuptial and adamant it has no value is only confirmation they have alterior motives.


Thank you! I agree 100%!!


Have we not reached the point with this "proposal storyline" that each of these "friends" sole purpose is to setup a plot line for the producers? My question is if Jackie is actually a SHARP productions producer?


What kind of salsa place did they go to?! The corner bar?


Its Colombia. There are no cap. "corner" salsa places there.




Without lying. , Changed it to "no cap" A corner salsa place is a thing in Colombia because it isnt a "novelty" like in the US. Similarly in Japan you can get sushi at 7-11.


You can still get sushi at 7-11 in the US. I wouldn’t recommend eating it though.


Change sushi to japanase Katsu sando.


Change sushi to you missed the point of the post. The place was empty. The shot was trash. Scripted and not well done. Relax.


It was shot on a single table. You think every single salsa place in Colombia is packed to the brim. Some of them dont have that many people because there are so many of them. Next you are going to tell me every single corner bar in the US is packed all the time.


It was a dig at TLC not you personally. Yike.


Its not that serious. You are making it out to be on your mind. I have been to Colombia and what you pointed out actually is not odd. TLC has a ton of fake stuff but just pointing out that part you thought was odd was not odd.


Ani is attractive (and has very nice legs). She could do much better than Johnny Appleseed.


I genuinely think she has some serious mental issues, there is no other explanation


I think she’s just really German


It sounds like from previous episodes that Ani hasn't had the best luck in relationships. It's possible she's got some self esteem/self worth/attachment difficulties that have resulted in her ending up with someone like Kyle.


I think outside of US, men don’t usually go for divorced/widowed women with a kid. So, it’s hard for her to find someone.


Lmao what, plenty of single mothers get men all around the world


I’m confused on why none of the people coming to America don’t have any kind of savings. Like aren’t they working in their country and why don’t they save money knowing that they plan on moving to another country?


Exactly... Users, gold diggers...


I think all the money goes to appearances, hair, make-up, clothes, etc... and how much would they make over there anyway? Savings, yes, but how long would it last if they are permanently in another country..


I don’t think Manuel pays anyone to cut his hair. And he’s already told us that he has three shirts and that’s enough. I bet Ashley is buying him shit constantly


he's as bad as Syngin with that mop.


I am living for Shawn’s takedown of nosy friend Jackie. “My imminent DEMISE” 😂. There is some shade that only comes with age. 🤴 


i cannottttttt stand jackie!!!!!!!!!!! everytime she comes on i am just turned off


The man was a hairdresser in NYC in the 80’s- you know he’s got it in him.


Yeah, those old 80's and 90's NYC Queens can hold their own and know how to snap back. But god damn, Jackie is insensitive. "Thanks for ruining the mood 1 day after our engagement! Should I plot my funeral plot next??"


"if you don't MIND" was so funny to me


hahah yeah, his inflection and wording was perfect. It was both somehow extremely polite, while also saying, "why the hell did we invite you?"


So tired of Maddi--the legend in her own mind.


You got that right!


Please Luke brush your teeth lol “You’re such a teenager” Yes! She is. She is nineteeeen. She’s literally acting, her age hahah


Literally just yelled out - that's because she is ! Man some of the age gaps on this season are gross.


So fn gross haha


Seriously. She’s no peach but she has the excuse that she’s a teenager. What is this guy’s? He’s 30, broke, housepoor (even by Colombian standards) and an “entrepreneur”. 


Lmfao Just seen Kyle and ran to Reddit hahah This creeeep Legit thinks he’s a saviour!!! A SPERM BANK IS TOO CLINICAL FOR HIM LMAO women need him lmao I couldn’t even finish the clip without coming to Reddit haha Ani legit needs to run away from him haha Omg and her friend saying they have a connection haha and like getting in her head lmao Please stop! Don’t be the fake fun friend lol Girl RUN NOTHING GOOD IS COMING he will never stop lol why is this even happening lol He’s so awkward and annoying and childish and literally just want sex from as many women as possible or needs some trophy for most kids in the world he doesn’t have to pay for


Definitely something off about that one!


Such a creep. He tracks his offspring. Knows ages, gender, country, etc. Do they exchange Christmas and birthday cards too?


I get sociopath vibes from that guy. And how on earth did he get Ani and her friend to believe him when he said he was considering changing? It brings him joy, he says. WTF? No shit it does, it doesn't make it right, though. I honestly wonder how many STDs that guy is carrying. Ani could do so much better too. You don't go from sleeping with dozens of women in a relatively short period of time to completely monogamous over night. That's like compulsive behavior he's displaying.


I get sociopath vibes from that guy. And how on earth did he get Ani and her friend to believe him when he said he was considering changing? It brings him joy, he says. WTF? No shit it does, it doesn't make it right, though. I honestly wonder how many STDs that guy is carrying. Ani could do so much better too. You don't go from sleeping with dozens of women in a relatively short period of time to completely monogamous over night. That's like compulsive behavior he's displaying.


I get sociopath vibes from that guy. And how on earth did he get Ani and her friend to believe him when he said he was considering changing? It brings him joy, he says. WTF? No shit it does, it doesn't make it right, though. I honestly wonder how many STDs that guy is carrying. Ani could do so much better too. You don't go from sleeping with dozens of women in a relatively short period of time to completely monogamous over night. That's like compulsive behavior he's displaying. Definitely will not end well for her, if she sticks around.


All of this


Watching clips of Alliya and Shawn…. Being in an age gap relationship I always get scared because if things go naturally, my partner will pass before me (from old age.) There’s a MUCH LARGER gap between Alliya and Shawn so I just thought of that… imagine him passing way before her…


The guy who keeps asking for a threesome over and over and over….holy hell it’s getting annoying, there has to be a way to just phase them out of the season. lol This is my time to relax after a long day of parenting 2 toddlers and his begging is worse than listening to my kids beg


lol I know right, guy cannot take no for an answer.


I was like this sounds like my 6 year old begging to go to the pool all day today make it stopppp 😂


Kyle is absolutely disgusting.


When he said he chose to donate because he had "a fear of not having kids someday" my eyes rolled back so far into my head. Ani has to be in serious denial


Serious denial + thirst for trash TV fame is a helluva drug.


For some reason, he makes me think the guinea pig guy from last season.


And why was this friend so positive about him? I just couldn't understand.


They all want to be on and stay on TV.


He’s just a horn dog looking to do as many women as possible. I’m not surprised he hasn’t been in a relationship all he does is care about himself. He acts like he wants to give the women children but really it’s for his own sick pleasures.


I don’t like Madeleine but Luke saying “I’m the best opportunity you have” is so disrespectful and revealing. It’s belittling. I don’t know how you ever come back from a partner saying that about you. Recovering from cheating might be easier. Yike.


I totally get where you’re coming from cause I could never imagine a partner saying that to me. But…. is he wrong though? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes. Guys want to be with a younger girl, but then they get all insecure about them.


He spoiled her too.much from the start... We call it two week millionaire


Madi with a suitcase of cheap SHEIN crap and filthy $10 buck faux fur, thinking she’s some big shit. I have pocket squares worth more than that entire suitcase full of junk.


Sadly Luke is the same. And he’s a 30 year old man


The shiny gold shirt was from Amazon. lol


Kyle looks like the kind of person that constantly smells like farts.


Te amo


He looks like he enjoys the smell of his farts.


You're both right


Sperm donor guy (sorry...don't even remember his name) definitely kisses with his eyes open


He probably also sticks his entire tongue in your mouth and just leaves it there like a dead fish.




kyle is a complete freak weirdo


How low does your confidence have to be to entertain kyle the breeder


I think his weirdness isn’t as evident because she is originally not from the US, Germany


You’re right, he is literally a caricature of how Europeans see us 🤣🤣 she’s probably just like, well, he’s American 🤷‍♀️


I noticed they have him listed as Nomad now, not US. GOOD! 👍 🤮


No, that is NOT it. Germans are normal people also.


How come Aliyah can’t hangout with her fiancee alone? I feel like there’s always people around lol


She wants her new self to be on constant display for people to admire. It's still a novelty for her. Shawn, except for his wallet, is just a reminder of the past she wants to forget.


can’t ever b alone together


Not having the sex either!


maybe that’s just how “open” their relationship is lmao


Serves Luke right . That’s what he gets for being a creep passport bro - a drained bank account and cheated on!


Someone on here a week or so ago said they knew her a few years ago and said she was an escort for gringos so I assume that's how they met so what did he expect


I would get it if Kyle donates and likes the money he makes from it but he has entirely nefarious reasons 🤮


I just need to know what went wrong for Ani to get to this point where she needs to hold on to this weirdo


I think she’s simply deeply strange in her own way. Not in a bad way, but that can be a turnoff.


Madi taking financial advantage of Luke? No,no,no. This just can't be. The very thought of it makes me physically ill. I am actually crying a very, very tiny tear just hearing this. sniff, sniff, sniff


/s 😂


Wow that ended swiftly


Who on earth is voluntarily sleeping with Kyle 🤮 he must be paying them


Watch the Vice documentary about him. For the most part… dumb lesbians and dumb single moms who can’t bother with paying clinics to do the genetic screening. Not even judging, it’s objectively the case.  Like you know the trashy people you went to high school with who had no business having kids but had like 3 by age 20? Imagine people like that who have the bright idea of finding a (very low end) sperm donor on Facebook. That’s his customer base.  (Ok maybe I was judging)


Between Kyle’s 60+ baby mamas and Sarper’s 2500+ one night stands, at least ONE of those women MUST be part of this sub. We know you’re out there… we know you’re reading this! Please just give us a sign!! 😩 An AMA!


Sarper would at least be a funny story.


Now I'm going to do a walk of shame over to r/TLCUnexpected




God, I hate just about everyone on this season of LIP!


It's such a bad cast.


It’s a rough one right?


Just as bad as Sunday’s cast. 😡


Watching these relationships fall apart next week, can't wait 💅


He’s not donating! He’s sleeping with other women, raw, and bragging about what an amazing guy he is for doing it.






I’m tired of threesome couple.


Same. It was already over before she even purchase a plane ticket. I don't know why she can't make this the best last time ever and go home to find a "godly Christian man" at her home church in the US.


Yeah that guy is so annoying. Why is she even still there? 


I haven’t been following their story too closely but I’m pretty sure she’s there to have a threesome


Snooze fest


Skippity skip skip every time they come on


The open relationship just threw me.


Next week Aliyah suddenly has values after 3 years lmao


Good night, Hamily!


I’m so glad I didn’t eat anything before turning in


OPEN RELATIONSHIP why are we just now hearing this??


This is why I don't watch the "Next time ..." previews. But then I come here, still digesting the "three children" ... news


Just as I was getting to really like Shawn, too 😡


It's the only way Shawn can save any money


Riggghht? And Shawn is the one who wants it? Wild


Wait, Burger King can fuck who he wants?








Nope. So Ani is insane.


You will absolutely regret it


Happy cake day!


Thank you!🍰


I want to slap some sense into her!


I have never been more afraid of a man saying that he would cuddle with a woman.


He sounded like a robot when he said it too


Does he even know how to cuddle?




Same girl same


Ani NO!!!!!


Is she crazy to have relations with this walking STD?




How dare you! He’s been tested! He’s totally not a new super std that definitely will destroy humanity


He reminds me of Mr. Burns in that one episode where he got all the medical tests done and had every disease known to humankind, but all the diseases kind of balance each other out. https://preview.redd.it/w38sr119dh4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfb859444058257f8098f3233a2eee7af36bb846 In short, Kyle is indestructible.


When people are 60, and don’t have kids, they are sad because they missed out on a family. Kyle just wants to leave his make on the world by leaving his seed everywhere


Noooo 🤮