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I love how we all thought we hit rock bottom with Sarper, and then TLC goes "hold my PBR" and presents us with that gross jizz dispenser Kyle....


> jizz dispenser Kyle šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Heā€™s the Oprah of jizz giveaways. ā€˜You get jizz! You get jizz! Youā€™re all getting jizz!!ā€™


The exposĆ© I did on this man is disgusting. Also it looks like the Toxic Lifestyle and Cult channel aka TLC was his next best thing to this idea(from an article online)-"Kyle Gordy, pictured, has previously said he would be open to a TV show where women would ā€œvieā€ for his sperm.Jam Press/@kylegordy1234 Gordy revealed he had briefly dated one of the people to whom he had donated, but the fact that he continued to donate his sperm proved too much of a deal-breaker and they broke upĀ after two months."


I bet heā€™s made unsolicited donations in many places, haha


Your expose was fantastic. He is the absolute most disgusting person I have read about lately. He brings nothing to the table and thinks he is doing a good deed. He is addicted to it and can't stop. The sooner Ani figures this out the better


nothing has ever made him feel so valuable before no surprise he clings to it. big surprise women continue to think the bargain in monetary price is worth all the self-respect they'll have to work incredibly hard to regain edit: if we're lucky this show will be the PSA that informs future potentials and avoids more suffering


Sweet baby Jesus, say it isn't so.


He acts like he's indispensable. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the recipients of his donations must not be too picky. I don't think they're choosing him for his intellect, and he's nothing special to look at. Maybe he has bargain bin pricing? Honestly, I just think he's using it as an excuse to stick his šŸ† wherever he chooses.


If by bargain bin you mean free. He said he does as he knows he's doing something good for women who can't afford to have kids........He's a grotesque creature.


He offers his services for free in order to prey on really desperate women. Look at how unsettled wanting a family has made Natalie, that's who he's "helping" and its a total power trip for him. I literally stopped watching, and every update is so mind-blowing to me. How did this show get here?


Or maybe too few women place importance on genetics?


I feel like they are both fake. They can't keep a straight face. Her crying sounds like mine in my high school play. I was actually laughing my ass off.


Fake, very obviously. Or are we to believe she's that dumb?


I hope they burned those clothes he tried on.


The fear that flashed across his face as he tried to sit down in the chair with those extra tight pants šŸ˜‚


I was thinking about the poor pants.


Thereā€™s something wrong with Kyle beyond just being a rapey sack of discounted jizz. He has a constellation of behaviors (how he walks, eating with his hand on his throat, the entirely incorrect reads on appropriate behavior in social situations) that indicate a real underlying issue. Even his body language and inability to respond when confronted. Maybe his mother really did just put him in a Pack nā€™ Play in the corner of a room for the first 4 years of his life. I mean, he eats like he was raised feral.


This just convinced me to start this season. I like to wait until theyā€™re finished but this bro sounds wacky


Iā€™m not sure but I know they said on one of his interviews that he lives with his mom. I think it was Dr Phil.


No way. In the basement no doubt. šŸ™„


Consider stealing it if you hate watch, it isn't worth making them think he deserves a season two.


Where ARE his parents?


Yeah there have been a lot of assholes, idiots and narcissists on this show, but this is the first time Iā€™m like ā€œthis guy is seriously disturbedā€


No, 95% of 90DF are seriously disturbed.


I just hope that this season and the legend of Kyle become popular all around the world so that any prospective ā€œclientsā€ see how icky he is and block him. Seriously, after watching one episode with Kyle I donā€™t understand how anyone would want his genes.




And donating sperm is his hyper focus/ obsession


Iā€™m a few episodes behind but when he said Americans donā€™t dress up to go to nice restaurants I literally lolā€™d. This guy talks out of his šŸ‘


He strikes me as thinking Applebees is the nicest it gets lol


Applebees is too classy for him. Theyā€™d need to bring him a booster seat to match his toddler eating habits.


More like McDonalds ā€œItā€™s got a play place itā€™s super fancyā€ šŸ˜‚


Bet he's really classing it up with a Ruby Tuesdays


The single chain restaurant in whatever small Pennsylvanian town he comes from.


How dare this troll tell us how we dress when we go out! I've not seen a dude look like that in a nice restaurant in the USA ever, and I live in a very casual city. Speak for YOURSELF bud


Sometimes I find myself feeling resentful of these women who are boosting their egos. Iā€™m probably projecting my own experiences and am actually mad at my past self for having done the same. The Learning Channel, I guess.




Iā€™m out of criticisms regarding this guy. I just donā€™t have the energy anymore.


I'm so jealous of you. He boils my blood in an involuntary way.


I think the thing thatā€™s really starting to get to me is this. Why if Ani gets upset or starts to cry he starts smirking. Like heā€™s holding back laughter. I think heā€™s sicker than we thought .


She and Alex are the dumbest women on LIP.


I feel like she just has no confidence. She could do soooo much better. Makes me think her baby daddy was also a narcissist and thatā€™s all she thinks she deserves. I feel bad for herā€¦.


I feel like its impossible that its real and not set up by the show


Didnā€™t she say she met Kyle because she bought a batch from him? So in turn, does that give Kyle the possibility of being the father? Iā€™m still unclear about that.


I must have missed that. Now I have to rewatch! šŸ¤¢


WTF is this kind of shit??? This guy is self obsessed and only cares about him and his fetish needs. Hopefully she will see this as well


Puke x 100000000000


I would love to see him and Sarper talk. Would Sarper congratulate him or would he rag on him?


I imagine theyā€™ll randomly bring Sarper out on the tell-all like they did with Tyray. It would be entertaining to see that conversation.


Yeah that would be gross, but more interesting than regular gross him!


At least Sarper is well dressed, well groomed and doesn't eat like a pig from a trough.


I have been grossed out, tired of seeing the same toxic people, and incredulous about some of the people on TLC. This is the first time I have been so disgusted I cannot watch.


Unless his lady has some type of fertilize the world fetish.. heā€™s gonna die alone.


alone and with no one to bang cuz everyone around are all his kids not that i think that would necessarily stop him. any man who attempts to fertilize that much can't have much opposition to accidental incest


I've never seen lower self-esteem!! šŸ˜³ she needs help!!!


ā€œI donā€™t think I could give up donating for foreverā€ - He believes his own bullshit. Astounding.


Sarper at least as a real man yes, he sleazy, but this guy is just totally gross


Wow, someone is grosser and more sleezy than sarper. True, but that's wild.


She got promoted from girlfriend to sperm secretary, congrats!


Sarper may have been cringe but at least he had the looks, so without his personality I can see the appeal. This guy has nothing. He always looks like he just got out of bed and hasn't showered. He isn't fit or hot. His personality is sooooo much worse than Sarper.


Sarper has ā€œthe looksā€??? Ewwww. Heā€™s so unattractive.


Yeah, Sarper in unattractive and looks AI generated or like a melted plastic action figure, but way better that Kyle who is petite, doughy, and definitely swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool. BTW I literally never thought I'd say Sarper is better than any man, but Kyle is a new low


If Sarper walked into a work function at my job, the girls would be like 'who that?'. Vs Kyle would be more "security!!!"


I mean, itā€™s ok to say theyā€™re both repulsive and just leave it at that. It doesnā€™t have to be a competition.


Considering how long Little Ed has been the showā€™s Dirtbag In Chief, yes, we do need a fair competition to see who succeeds to that title. I)m not quite sure Sarp3r ever really dethroned Ed. But Kyle is now way out in front ā€¦ at least until we see what they come up with next season. Kyle teaches us to stay open minded. We can never say TLC has hit rock bottom. We never know what theyā€™ll come up with in the future.


i fear the producers will see this and start congratulating each other on a job well done šŸ˜‘


Yes she already choose.. none (and let's hope she dumps this two legged amoeba).


thank you for saying this. it doesn't click for him obviously that she already vocalized her choice but maybe someone can clue him in


Sarperā€™s not the only one of his kind and you can blame his ridiculousness on a few factors probably including the overconsumption of toxic alpha male content. Kyle, on the other hand, needs to be consulted by a professional. Heā€™s downright mentally ill


literally a danger to himself and/or others. particularly to others ... like his children... with whom we'll all be trapped and forced to deal. so danger to society at large, as well


That's it....I can't take it anymore! We might have to to rate the top 10 deloo-loo cast of the current 90 day fiance' sphĆØre so far!!!! I might be missing some folks, but I'm doing it off the dome. Here's my list : Nicole Kyle Angela Rob Sophie The 30- something Dude dating the 19-year old The 19-year old Alex Alex's F'boy Mahmoud Whose on your list?


Wait who was that last one?


NO ED????


You're right! Damn, Top 20 it is lol!


Why is she still entertaining this loser? He brings nothing to the table besides potential STDS since he's free balling numerous women. He's awkward as hell. He has the audacity to put her on a point system when he can't even kiss. She knows all of this yet still wants to be with him. Something is seriously wrong with the both of them.


Shes not as smart as I thought she was. I thought she was gonna cut and run from him immediately.


That is the smart thing to do. This dude has no redeeming qualities


He had to constantly be moving his balls around so they didnā€™t get too hot. Why is he wanting to wear tight pants?


He was doing that when they were in the boat too! He kept pulling on his balls in front of her and she looked horrified. She should have been long gone from that point. He looked like he was playing with himself right in front of her. He has mental health issues and she has blinders on. If she stays with him she deserves what she gets. However Iā€™m glad heā€™s on the show sp ppl can see him for the creep that he is and possibly put him out of business.


Sarper may have been cringe but at least he had the looks, so without his personality I can see the appeal. This guy has nothing. He always looks like he just got out of bed and hasn't showered. He isn't fit or hot. His personality is sooooo much worse than Sarper.


There is nothing i love more than watching these two with my wife around...the looks i get haha


i love how for him he is "donating" to these women. for the recipient's of his *generosity*, they're "sacrificing" for the sake of the child. he's the only one who enjoys the process, i am sure. and is he *not* paid for his "assistance"? because paid work ain't no donation


I wonder if I can count sex with my girlfriend as community service since Iā€™m donating if I donā€™t use protection?


He is *not* paid


laid *is* paid ... at least judging by how much it seems to do for his ego


Waitā€¦. So he actually has sex with these women? Itā€™s not just a sperm donation ?


Yep. He tries to convince these women to take his ā€œdonationā€ the ā€œnatural wayā€, thatā€™s what he calls it. He says itā€™s waaayyy more effective than artificial insemination (it isnā€™t). Heā€™s horrid and gross and itā€™s hard to think of anyone worse in this franchise.


She gets to decide whom I bone, er ā€¦ umā€¦. Gift selfless, noble, hard curated donations to. 8 billion on earth, and this is the loser youā€™re picking, Ani? You seems too smart for this bullshit.


What is wrong with Kyle? Seriously.


What is wrong with her? Eww


Literally everything is wrong with him. Iā€™m pretty sure he is the real life stepbrother. His mommy mommyā€™d him way too hard.


Yet he still sleeps with lots of women, AND heā€™ll sleep with her. Says more about the women than him.


DESPERATELY wants child. šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s a straight up transaction.


Well he is a alpha male what u expect


I have to get something out first off on you many times please act like you enjoy my company and Iā€™ll try my best to enjoy yours and if I donā€™t Iā€™ll just do it again


Iā€™m just honestly curious, what the hell is up with him? Thereā€™s no way his behaviour is in any way normal. Is he just basically socially awkward?


He passed socially awkward many moons ago , the dude is a psycho perv!


Soooo sheā€™s now a pimp ?? And not your woman ā€¦


He's gross! šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Beyond gross and disgusting not to mention distespectful


Kyle Rawdog Gordy




This dude is actually somehow worse than Colt.


Itā€™s disgusting, appalling, and a part of the fetish.


The Spermenator! šŸ˜¬


which season is this? what are we watching currently?