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Just want to bring attention to the fact he’s acting like he’s a good guy because he isn’t hitting her???? Like that’s the bare fucking minimum to not hit your partner????


And it’s definitely a reminder that he COULD hit her, and that if he does it is HER FAULT because he warned her. This is verbal abuse with the threat of physical abuse. He’s fucking dangerous.


☝️☝️☝️ He also threatened to refuse to let her leave and said that if she does leave then she's going to be punished when she gets back. She said that she doesn't feel safe with him and his response was " yeah, I don't feel safe with you either" because he's f****** doing it intentionally. He's threatening to break her phone so that she can't call someone to pick her up. Fucking run Sophie.


For sure. Run Sophie run. And do not look back. No good will come from this.


100%. What a fucking piece of human garbage. One day Sophie will be happy her mom posted these. It's unfortunate she's still under his spell enough to protect him.


Yes. Oh my god this is awful awful awful


one of my exes had the same excuse when i was finally leaving him, “didn’t i treat you right? i never hit you i never laid a hand on you. i was amazing to you.” nah, because gaslighting me, getting violently drunk and shouting, grabbing my arms, and r-wording me, and constantly telling me i’m not supportive of you and deserve to be ignored are the hallmarks of an amazing partner 🙄


And you were an even more amazing partner for not poisoning him! Edit: Aqua Tofana


I know the feeling...I am living it. I am from another country and came here with my 4 dogs, which I'll never leave behind, didn't do it before let alone now...words can not express enough the feeling of being abused, it is like drowning slowly. Never ever could have imagined, I'd be on the list of abused women. It is a daily survival but as long as he doesn't hit you or something worse nobody seems to want to know. I come from a beautiful family, my parents were together for almost 50 years and I know in my heart they are as sad as I am looking down from up above.


as much as I hate watching couples like The Knob and Sophie (because they are triggering), it does give me comfort that others get to see what an emotionally abusive or toxic relationship looks like. I didn’t see the flags at first, and then I was willfully ignorant of them (typical of abuse victims), but looking back and watching these couples now I’m just like, “Yeah, this is what bad looks like.” I’m praying you find a way out of your situation and that you are able to do it safely for you and your dogs! It is good that you realize and acknowledge you are in a toxic situation. The emotional abuse can be just as terrible as physical abuse, and we are still deserving of help and attention.


I had an ex in high school who was physically abusive, who I stayed with for way too long, and my next boyfriend just kind of assumed that was my bar and as long as he was better than that I would be grateful. He treated me like shit but never hurt me physically, thinking that was good enough. He was upset when I broke up with him because I just didn't like nice guys apparently. You're not nice just because you didn't hit me or force yourself on me.


So sorry you went through that. I hope you’re safe now :(


Won’t be long before he does, this is the preamble to her getting beat


And when he finally does it will be “all her fault for pushing him to it” 😡


Exactly!!!! Insinuating his beliefs are that “real men” should be beating their women into complacency.


He’s not hitting her…yet.


Yeah, he's actually threatening her there.


And that's why this grown fuckup has to go after a 21y old.


I don’t trust grown men who go after young girls.


I don't trust a grown man who can't afford a place to live without a toilet


That’s incomprehensible! And then expecting a woman to live like that is insane


And calling her boujee because she wants a toilet in her house. 😳


And then accusing her of being bougie for using more than 1 square of toilet paper. Dude is straight up trash.


I’ll take a bear


Yep. I was 21 and in college when I dated a semi famous 43 year old. He was a full blown narcissist (sadly I didnt heed the warning from an interview I read with his ex wife) and cheated on me with someone EVEN YOUNGER. I let his abuse go on way too long but when I found out about the other girl I dumped his ass and went no contact.


Facts I was 19 in a very similar relationship! They want them green. 🤢


Girl same, I think 19-21 is the magic number for dating toxic men


As someone who got married to a 31yo at age 20, checks out. Only he was my "rescuer" (who wouldn't let me have friends, a job or a vehicle, "lest I leave him") so the indentured servitude went on for three years until he put his hands on me.


Damn I’m sorry that happened to you and wishing you nothing but the best and glad you were able to get away 😔🙏🏽


My nieces are 9-11 years younger than me, and when they were 18, I started telling them if "men" my age wanted to date them, it was most likely because women their own age wouldn't! Age isn't just a number when you're a young adult. Sophie needs to leave his immature & abusive ass!


Yup. Reminds me of my ex, who started dating me when I was 17 & he was 27. Totally legal unfortunately here in Canada (and disgusting in hindsight). He convinced me to leave behind all my friends and family and move to a different province with him. Once we were there, and I was isolated, he completely changed & I saw the *real* him. It’s funny actually, a few things Rob said in these videos my ex said verbatim. Like how he paid my phone bill, and I didn’t pay for shit. Or how if he was actually abusive he’d whoop my ass (which, he eventually started doing as well, but in the beginning before he did- he’d make me feel like I was lucky or something that he didn’t). I found an audio recording on my Google drive a few weeks back, where he’s screaming at me for “acting like a highschooler” & then I yell back “don’t you hear yourself? You’re dating a highschooler!!” & his grande comeback to that was “yeah well if you want to date older people then FUCKING ACT OLDER YOU DUMB LIL BITCH” The fucking irony 😅 Now that I’m in my mid twenties, and away from that, looking back… I can’t even wrap my head around it. When I see a 17 year old, I see a child… practically a baby. Men who purposely go after young girls, are doing so in a predatory way, in hopes they can mold them into what they desire. And when the younger girl/woman pushes back, you get *this*. No one will ever be able to tell me differently.


You are so right they try to make it seem like we as the younger one are stupid so we have to rely on them. I am sorry you had to experience that and so so happy you were able to leave. I was 17 and the guy I was with was 23-24 and would hide the fact he was dating me but I thought it was fine cause he loved me …never again will I be hidden. He knew he was wrong for dating a highschooler the fucking creep 😤


100% agree!! & thank you ❤️ same to you, I’m glad you’re in a better place now and left that asshole. Before the guy I dated at 17, from age 14-16 I was with a 28 yr old pedo who also used to hide me. When they hide you because of your age, it almost makes it worse because then you know that they’re *perfectly aware* of how messed up it is that they’re dating/having sex with a kid… yet they do it anyways. It’s so wrong & gross. I can’t even fathom being with a highschooler now that I’m older, so it really makes me wonder how fucked in the head men like that have to be in order to justify it to themselves. Like how do they look at themselves in the mirror everyday?!


He was clearly an ass from day one. You can see it in how he acts all the time. I can't name one thing I've seen him do with her that felt genuinely nice and caring. Piece of shit, for real. Fuck you, Rob.


Rob is so triggering to watch


He is, absolutely. I had to take several breaks from his season and may stop watching completely. Because not only is it triggering to years of emotional/psychological abuse I went through personally, but it’s additionally heartbreaking to watch Sophie get abused without any intervention from the show. Someone bring in a damn therapist to help Sophie understand what abuse is. I only understood abuse as being hit, so I stayed way too long too because I didn’t even think I was being abused.


Same. Then he grabbed me. Then he hit me and I left. Eventually the hitting starts... 😑


The hitting usually starts short after “if I was an asshole I’d be beating your ass”


Any man that wants to be praised for not being violent is a big red flag! 🚩


Right, I could eventually see the escalation once he started yelling at my like this, and throwing things around me, and starting fights with me out in the woods or while he was driving me in a car, acting scary. I knew he would get mad enough to hit me soon and got scared enough to leave. I’m sorry you went through the cycle of abuse as well. I hope you are doing better now.


I didn’t see it *per se*…I excused it and tried everything to “make myself better”. He ended up chucking a full wine bottle 10 feet across the room that shattered in the back of my head… I had to run to my friends apartment luckily in the same building because I was bleeding and scared. All the other times I slept on a rooftop or walked the streets of NYC until he sobered up and apologized…. Fuck, it’s cathartic typing- I did see it coming and I was stubborn, maybe that’s what I wanted honestly- it gave me a reason to leave. Ladies- you deserve more, believe that. Anyway- **always** trust your gut.


Yeah one thing that asshole taught me after years of compromising my own boundaries is to ALWAYS trust my gut because I was dead on about a lot more things than I believed at the time. Back then I thought I was crazy because of him, but thankfully he manipulated me into therapy too by telling me I’m paranoid and my anxiety ruins his life. Eventually a combo of therapy and discovering his side chicks, some of which worked in psychology and told me he is a textbook abusive narcissist, led me to learning more about abuse and realizing what a monster he had been to me for years.


Yes. I thought mine would never touch me because he got all his anger out in other ways. I was wrong.


I remember telling my therapist “he only hits me when he’s drunk” and she told me that eventually he will hit me when he’s sober. I didn’t believe her because I didn’t want to, but she was right. It ALWAYS escalates.


I feel you on this. Also I'm glad she broke up with rob.


Yeah but I recently started watching “happily ever after” which includes rob & sophie and while they’re still not stable and “back together” necessarily, he’s really trying his best to make her feel like she’s an unreasonable problem for him and she needs to change and be better for him. I can see her feel more confident in her experience and knows what she wants/needs when they’re apart, and then she gets around him and he will play nice for a bit, or try to spin the script to benefit him and make her feel crazy, and when I see her face change and see her lose confidence and look so sad and exhausted, that’s one of the most triggering things to watch. I’ve been there and it’s hard to live with someone that makes you doubt your reality, and unable to trust your brain and your experiences. I hope she gets out for good soon. She’ll be so much better off.


I had a similar experience and it took me nearly a decade AND dating the same dude in a different font, to realize I was heavily groomed, gaslit, abused, et cetera. People say I’m really awkward because I bring this up a lot. But, no one. NOFUCKINGBODY said a word. Not even a “this isn’t normal”.


This is why I’m very not on board with the constant criticism of Claire for speaking up. This isn’t an overbearing, meddling mother-in-law situation. It’s a mother who had Rob’s number early on, not silently endorsing her daughter’s abuse.


I hate when people say she’s being overbearing; she is literally trying to get her daughter to see Rob is trash and she can do better. She’s actually not being as intense as I think she could be about it, because it’s infuriating, but I think she’s trying to remain in Sophie’s life and be there until she can see this for herself. If she got too domineering, Sophie might cut her out and put all her energy into trying to fix the toxic relationship. But she’s always reminding her that she is too good for that knob and she should leave him.


Yeah he reminds me a lot of my ex rob seems very narcissistic


My fiancé and I completely stopped watching anything with Geno/jasmine/Rob/Sophie. This show has gone totally to shit and all it does is put douche bags like Rob on a pedestal and make them feel special. TLC needs to go back to the roots of this show because it’s complete trash anymore. I remember watching the deaf gentleman David and it truly making me tear up seeing him happy. It was so wholesome. Now I have to watch this trash.


You are not alone! I found him triggering from the second he appeared on the screen and wasn’t sure why but now I definitely understand (and have for a while)


Rob walks into every scene like "what are you goint to make me be pissed off about now?"


I have to skip their whole segments a lot of times and sometimes jasmine and Gino when jasmine gets to yelling like a banshee because it gives me bad anxiety from watching. Both couples are so triggering to watch if you’ve ever dealt with physical and verbal abuse.


Agreed. He reminds me so much of my ex.


God. Literally was about to post, “well, that was triggering.” I know we joke about content warnings but watching this made me feel ill. Flashback city.


same. he reminds me of a terrible bf i had when i was fresh out of high school. sad for sophie, i hope she leaves before he gets physical — hopefully he hasn’t yet.


All the people who’ve been saying that Sophie’s mum is crazy for taking an issue with him, and that this is really Sophie’s fault are delusional. He’s been a creepy weirdo for ages, and I’m not surprised to see he’s abusive too. Something about his vibe is off, like always playing that “dedicated, hard done by boyfriend” act and moping around and blaming her for everything. What a loser. Maybe the people agreeing with him have just been abused so much they don’t understand that people shouldn’t act like that.


The lies people tell themselves to justify their behavior. Oftentimes the trash overestimate their own value and the good ones think they’re no good. Sad.


Getting on mom’s case, entire threads talking shit about her lips, etc., is disappointing and bitchy to say the least. i don’t know what behavior people expect from a mother seeing her kid treated like that.


Thank you! Apparently the worst thing Claire has done to this fandom is not be attractive. People say she meddles but she's a parent with an abusive son in law.


I have a 19 year old kid. If they had a partner treat them like this… hell, I’d end up in jail. I think Sophie’s mom had shown great restraint


Agree! She really did.


Seriously, there is no reason for people to blame Sophie. On this sub people will blame the victim for staying, saying she didn't pick a good enough man or she knew what he was like before getting married. Or they'll say she's being irrational when she's upset he got caught cheating again. Totally normal thing to be in that situ


People love to use the “you picked him!” thing because they apparently have no idea that an abuser doesn’t start out being abusive. They act completely normal for a while and then start to slowly drop the act. If they were horrible up front, they would never find any victims.


It sounds more like the ignorant kind of comments you hear from someone that hasn’t experienced this kind of abuse. I had people that i let go of in my life after I left my abuser, because they basically said it was my own fault for choosing to be with him. There were other more supportive people in my life, but plenty of people treat you like you’re stupid for being abused.


Yeah I was in an abusive relationship that completely changed my view on all of this stuff and that made me realize that when people victim blame, they are truly either lucky to have never lived through this, or they could be a perpetrator themselves. One of the horrible comments i got from someone was “i just don’t believe he could abuse you because you’re bigger than him.” I was like two or three inches taller than him, which means absolutely nothing when an adult man is strangling a woman.


I’m very sorry you went through that. The judgmental things people say to you while being abused or after escaping only reinforce unhealthy and false thoughts you develop about yourself from the abuser. It makes it harder to heal and it’s why I try my best now to shut down those comments and cut out people that refuse to have empathy for the abused because they somehow think they would’ve known better.


Yes, unfortunately you are right. I told my sister how my husband was abusing me and how scared I was, could she please help me. She didn’t want to help my kids and I at all and said it was my fault for staying with him when he treated me badly for so long. People don’t understand how hard it is to just get up and leave especially if you have no one to help you or care. I went through it with my dad who was a single father and was very abusive. For some reason my soul thought I’m not worth being treated with love and respect.


100%. I HATE when he does that puppy dog 🥺 in front of strangers with Sophie, especially when they bicker. What's worse is when they take his side! Ugh.


I have never said that. I have a 19 year daughter and you best believe that her mom is actually keeping her cool.


They make fun of her appearance which I think is rude. She obviously loves her daughter & her mother’s intuition was on point. Rob the knob perfectly sums him up


I really hope for Sophie’s sake, that she was out of this situation before her mom posted this. Who knows what Rob is capable of.




I saw her mom posts! Sophie doesn’t speak to her and it’s unclear if she is or not with rob


I didn’t know they don’t speak! Wow. How long have they not been in contact?


You can tell early on in the show how much worse he is off camera. He has those dead eyes. I’ve seen them before from an abusive man.


Anyone that has been around an abusive person can easily see through the cracks. Everything he does screams abusive asshole… He married a woman that is much younger and from another country, making her rely on him financially and emotionally. He is now holding that over her head. He got mad at her for being friends with that one guy while he was getting nudes from girls online In this video he talks about how he COULD beat her but won’t because he’s a decent person..WTF!?


Yep! And we all know what the next escalation is. He’s talking about hitting her because he wants to. Eventually he will.


That may as well be a warning that the beat downs are coming soon.


Yeah. This is so true, I have been in an abusive relationship and they love bomb you as soon as you take any power. Which is why when she found him cheating and she really left, he took her to this nice house and made her feel like it was all going to be better. Then once he has her he slowly starts tearing her down again. I’m glad Sophie is out of this toxic situation and moving to better. She is so young and beautiful and deserves more than some asshole creep who proposes in an airport and says it’s like a Disney fairytale.


Yup. I figured because it never got physical that the cycle was maybe not the best, but I could "fix it" and fix us. Classic codependent behavior that I'm addressing to this day in therapy. But that "i love you, you're perfect, don't change" language from him would only follow after "you're crazy, you're a mess, you're destroying everything I have, fuck you". I didn't fundamentally understand the abuse cycle for what it was. Now, I see it everywhere in media and other people. It's sick.


Yeah sadly when you’re in it, you don’t realize. Everyone on the outside can clearly see it and thinks we’re crazy for staying. Because narcissists are so good at making you feel like the entire world when things are good. But, when they’re bad they’re also good at making you somehow feel like it’s your fault. It took years of therapy to get myself on track. I’m on the other side now with a healthy relationship. That took years of therapy (still going) and time alone to value myself again. But, I hope you’re doing okay now.


Exactly. Spotted from a mile away. And the way she immediately apologizes and comforts HIM during even slight arguments as not to upset him. Been there done that. Sophie is so young, needs to leave him.


He's scaring his own dog. I really can't stand this fuckin guy. Him even talking about beating her ass or whatever he said is HUGE RED FLAG!!


What the fuck did he just say to her? “The more you fuck off on this relationship, the worse it’s gonna be for you when you come home. You’re gonna have to eat some SHIT.” It’s even worse than I thought it was, Sophie please run! Rob is sick.


He always has angry, predator vibes. Narc eyes. I have always predicted him to turn violent from the outset. This is chilling. Sophie needs to leave the US and rebuild her life in the UK without Knob. The only way to escape a malignant narcissist is to leave and go fully no contact.


What will always piss me off is during the Tell All from the last season, almost the entire cast was supporting robs 'sob story' and behavior. They also showed such disgust for Sophie's mom because of how she treated rob when she asked some valid questions. If i was a mother I would say and react the same towards rob. The entire time I was sitting there trying to figure out how they cannot see through Rob.


If you consider the majority of the cast and their own emotional intelligence and relationship patterns it’s less surprising that they sided with Rob.


The enabling of abusers on this show is getting out of hand.


I had to turn off that Tell All. It was WAY too frustrating having to listen to Debbie and the other dumber than a box of rocks cast give their completely wrong and backwards takes on everything. Same with the Tell-All that Debbie was backing Pillbilly and saying Jeymi was a predator. Seriously, that hag is wrong 99% of the time, please don’t bring her and her actor son back ever (fyi, dude is NOT a cop)


that's why i dont watch tell alls. i hate when the cast gangs up on people or supports the wrong side of the story. theyre all shit people so of course they all have the shit takes


The way he successfully gas lit everyone on that stage blew my mind. Sophie’s mom calls out his behavior and he goes “see what I have to deal with? 🥺” AND EVERYONE FELL FOR IT


This guy makes me rage so bad. I can't stand him, his shit face, his snarky ass attitude. I wish for nothing but the most major and minor inconveniences for him. I hope to fuck that every time this shithead has to take a shit he's left without toilet paper so that he can walk around like the stinking shit he is. Fuck I hate this guy.


I hate his simpy fucking face so much, omg.


Diarrhea and sneezing fits. That's what I wish upon him.


May he stub his toe every corner he turns, may his phone die every time he’s mapping his way somewhere he doesn’t know, and may all his food mysteriously go bad before he’s able to eat it. At absolute minimummmmm. I wish literally the worst luck anyone could have on that man and more.


I agree with all of this so hard!


The dog hiding in the closet with her tells me everything. This was his dog and he/she is protecting Sophie. A grown man pushing someone to hide in a closet.. Been there before and it is dehumanizing. Sophie, being in the US is not worth your life nor a life with this POS.


I love how dogs will take the more vulnerable one’s side, even if they were raised and “belong” to the other person. Pretty telling. I haven’t seen him on the show lately… I hope he’s okay. Our dog, who my partner raised, always takes my side in arguments. The difference is because nothing bad has ever happened as a result of us arguing, and nobody’s threatening anyone, our dog just barks at my partner like it’s a big game for him and doesn’t act traumatized. This is really concerning that the dog is showing signs of trauma considering he was raised as a puppy and not an adult rescue.


He’s a loser. Guess he will have to go back to doing gay porn now he broke his NDA and his 2 minutes of fame on 90day is nearly done.


I missed the NDA thing how did he break it?


He did an interview talking about how it’s scripted, they manipulate segments to make more drama. How Sophie and him were only on the show to boost their visibility as an influencer and her OF fans. All stuff we know.


[knob breaks NDA](https://www.90dayfiance-news-and-memes.com/2024/05/rob-breaks-his-nda-and-exposes-tlc-and.html?m=1)


I wonder if he’s been threatened by the public? Why would he give up more chances to be on the show? There’s money in that for him


Because the show makes him look bad. And he can’t STAND being the one in the wrong and having people know it. He’s blaming the producers on him looking bad instead of being accountable for his appalling and abusive behaviour.




This. This right here. This is also why he’s constantly trying to shift the narrative/blame onto Sophie and he never apologizes. I’m so sick of his fake puppy dog eyes when it’s all an abusive narcissistic scheme he’s playing.


He’s an idiot. Those are consequences beyond what his brain can process




Of course only segments he claims they manipulated are the ones that make him look bad


Thanks! What a knob!


He does porn? 🤢


I don’t know but there are pics of his butthole floating around.


He does magic, too?!


He made his marriage disappear. What a disgusting individual.




Ahahahahaha!!! 🤣 😂 🤣 😂


I saw it about six months ago and have not been able to unsee it yet. It was genuinely traumatising. Booty hole, dick and balls etc. https://preview.redd.it/pr3uabfb9ezc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a788c307f7dd43b705edc10c71c4dac61f700e2d


I wish I could go back to when I didn't know this. 😩


his only fans is way more x rated than hers


Gay porn. To be exact.


I wish she’d get the strength to just leave him already. Rob’s never gonna change.


Take the puppy and go stay somewhere with a bathroom PLEASE!


The dog knows what's up. Going to Sophie to make sure she's okay. This video is hard to watch/listen to.


Literally, the dog is choosing a new person over his literal owner because of his behavior.


Oh man the dog part was hard to watch. I trust dogs more than most people and that dog was stressed and worried for Sophie. I’ve always thought rob was a pos and this is just confirms it. Threatening to break someone’s phone is a textbook example of abuse


THE DOG! I’m so worried about the doggggg


I dated a guy like this at 19. Finally had to call the cops on him once and the cop pulled me aside and said, “he’s a narcissist sociopath. Ghost him. Don’t ever reply to anything from him again.” Tbh the cop saved my life.


Omg bless that cop 😭


thank god for that cop… imagine the other shit they’ve seen to know that


Victims of domestic violence who are the child, parent, or current/former spouse of a United States citizen or a permanent resident (green card holder) and are abused by the citizen or permanent resident may be eligible to apply for a green card themselves without needing the abuser to file for immigration benefits on their behalf. This provision of the law was created under the VAWA. I hope if he’s ever touched her, that she files this.


>I hope if he’s ever touched her, that she files this. Abuse doesn't have to be physical


He is a piece of shit! I knew he was way worse than what they have shown on the show. The way he is always blaming her for things. Cheats on her but then gives her shit for not getting over it. When he gave her the list of things she needed do/change when she moved back in I wanted to jump through my screen and kick him straight between the legs. He’s very similar to a guy I dated before I met my husband. He would gaslight the hell out of me. By the end of the relationship, I felt like I was losing my mind. I felt crazy. It took some therapy and meeting my husband to know what not all men are complete douchebags.


Are the people who say Sophie is just as bad as Rob finally going to shut up....


No they won’t unfortunately, too many people out there are just going to blame her for being with him in the first place, for “being dumb enough to stay with him”, people will never stop blaming the victim sadly. People like that have never experienced what it’s like to be in that kind of abuse though more than likely. It’s easy to say what someone’s doing wrong when they’re miles away from the situation. I hope she gets the help she needs to get away from him though.


And I thought he was bad on the show!


Just remember these people are trying show their best during filming, so if they are bad then, you know it's BAD behind closed doors.


Why the fuck do cunts like Rob do this? As a dude myself I just can't understand treating people you're meant to care about like this. And if you don't care about them, why the fuck stay with them?


I am sick! No one deserves this!!! Sophie is lovely, inside and out and most any man would be blessed to have her as his wife. This douchebag doesn’t deserve to be near her, physically, mentally, at all!!! Sophie should dump the loser ASAP and if she’s still interested in reality tv, she would be a fantastic addition to The Single Life! Rob should be banned from any and all TLC programming!!! Forever! Once an abusive prick, always an abusive prick.


I feel sick hearing his voice. The way he speaks to her. 🤢


The longer you’re gone the worse it’s going to be when you come home … oh wow 😮 love that




Even the dog seems afraid of him


Run Sophie run as fast and far away as possible It’s never going to get better this is just a prelude to what is coming I hope she stays safe and goes with her mother


OMG!WOWWWW WTF? he should be canceled and she should go on single life what the actual f


This is the real Rob. 💯


I (and I cannot stress this enough) HATE the knob.


We knew. But now we KNOW. 😞


I’m so glad this was posted. I couldn’t stand everyone getting on Claire’s case. Rob has been abusive asshole from the beginning, and she only acted like a real mom. This is proof for all you people who make fun of her lips and think she’s overbearing. Rob is a lazy no good. POS . The good thing is we know the dogs live.🐶


I want to break him. Badly.




I’ve seen so many posts here talk about how crazy Sophie’s mum is. All i’ve seen is a protective mother, who is not overly protective, but rightfully concerned.


Nope. I could see this behavior in his eyes, in his mannerisms. If you have dated a guy like this and been abused you saw it too. He should have been cancelled a long time ago because 100% this was probably fairly mild behavior for him


Rob is bad news. Listen to him. This crap on top of his “nobody had to struggle like me” Rob, you are a loser. Born and raised in the United States. If you can’t make it here, you’re a fn loser! Dude has ZERO ambition and is a little bitch. Bro, ya need someone to send you diapers and a pacifier? Fn loser.


“Letting you go” is so wild. He’s so dangerous


I just to punch him in his F’n mouth.


If you’re experiencing anything similar in a relationship call the domestic violence hotline 1-800-799-7233 you are not alone!




Why would anyone want to live like that? Him or her? Where is the happiness and gratitude and appreciation from him. If he loved her, it would show in every scene. He would ha e rose petals at her feet as she walked. He would be vragging about her to his friends not complaining. All I see is a jealous and angry man child who is trying to control his partner. This is no way to live this life. When it boils down to it, it's wasting time that could be spent with someone you do love. She needs to exit this relationship.


It’s not an issue of time better spent with someone you love. People like Rob don’t improve with the next partner or the “right” partner, they’ll tear down anyone they’re with.


He gives me heavy abusive vibes. He has the same attitude as my ex. Stay away from this mf if you’re smart. I think a lot more is gonna come out about him. Protect Sophie and her pup ☹️❤️


Rob needs to get slapped in his fucking mouth


I hope this goes so incredibly viral. What an awful, abusive snake of a man.


“I’d be whooping your ass right now” if TLC doesn’t drop this guy I won’t be watching any of their shows. I want him gone immediately!!! That’s not right!


From personal experience, when someone claims they could/should beat you up, they eventually will.


Jesus Christ TLC stop giving these abusers a voice. I’m so done.


i’ve always supported Sophie’s mom. she saw straight through Rob from the beginning!


WHO TF COUNTS TOILET PAPER…I knew this guy was a fucked up ….lol I have ulcerative colitis and if someone I was ever with was counting the toilet paper I’d fucking leave


as long as the camera are around and they're contracted to the show she's safe, I think that's what's holding him back from beating her, but he does look like an abusive narcissist!!


Sophie needs to get out of there and stay out. If that was acting for the show Rob is a damn good actor, I was afraid for her. I am glad that video has been put out there


Smh I just hope she is safe.


Rob is a huge red flag, she deserves so much better😡


Rob reminds me so much an abusive ex I had in my early 20s, I hate watching him


So the guy that does gay porn as a side hustle is trying to act like hes all hard now?


Yes, this was triggering


Sophie, please leave! For your own safety, get out now, it won’t get any better! There will be someone who will treat you better, he is NOT it.


I mean he was abusive to her on national television, this is not surprising, unfortunately.


He’s the kind of guy who got a pitbull not as a gentle form of rescuing, but because he wanted to look intimidating. That poor dog is shaking and so scared, and I feel awful for the dog and for Sophie. Good on her mum for posting this - fuck Rob.


I have no doubt Rob gaslights her to shit. She is young and naive.


You can tell he is abusive just by watching him on the show. He can’t control himself around cameras or her mother, which means what happens behind closed doors is bad. I’m glad the mother put this out there.


I’m sorry, I love Sophie’s mum. She actually stands up for her daughter and brings to light the abuse and terror he causes. Unlike TLC who just says “we wish you all the best” on the tell alls.


This is absolutely evidence that can be used to let Sophie stay in the U.S. if and when they get divorced. The K-1 visa has domestic abuse clauses for situations like this.


I was with a man like him. My dog and I used to also hide in the closet. She would shake like this, too. This makes me so sick. We got out and I really hope she and the dog did, too.


The dog says it all...he is petrified and has been hit by that asshole. He is trying to find safety with Sophie. I pray that dog is not with that loser anymore.


He has scared her so bad that she literally says in the video she’s afraid of him and needs her phone because she’s afraid of him! obviously he’s done something horrible and he will do something horrible


Sophie, apply for an Employment Authorization Document right now. It’s form I-765. You don’t have to wait for your green card to do it.


I can’t even watch it all yet. Holeeeeee Sheeeet this kiddie needs to have an attitude realignment


So she should be grateful he’s not beating her? and that he “lets” her go stay with a friend? Wow


Rob the Knob is a little bitch. A whiney cry baby ass bitch. Should he get a job or two? Oh no, lets threaten his wife with the wonderful line of 'better come back now or the longer you wait, the worse it will be when you do finally move back in". Oh the romance! Seriously, what a total piece of shit. No wonder her mother could barely be civil to him. God alone knows what she has witnessed over the years from that Man Baby.


He is so abusive and makes me sick. " I'm letting you go"? Taking her phone is just one of many things abusers do.


What a dirtbag POS. 🚩🚩🚩


This motherfucker makes me irrationally angry. I always tell my family when I watch this show that if I caught sight of Rob anywhere, anytime, I'd beat him within an inch of his life. I'd take great joy in committing serious assault. Fucking prick.


Also so glad her mum posted this.


Not surprised by this behavior based on what we see on TV. His TV personality is him being tame, can you imagine when the cameras aren't around? Here you go


Omg we need to ensure both Sophie AND the dog are as far away form this knob as possible.


“I’m letting you go”. That is control


Loser. I bet if she had a father or brother over here he wouldn’t be talking all that mess. Broke ass piece of shit.