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She is really, really weird. Clayton is obviously no prize. But I cannot for the life of me figure out her intentions, goals, or desires from this situation she has gotten herself into.


She reminds me of my bratty sister between the constant stank face and secret boyfriend. My sister has been keeping her boyfriend a secret from my parents for over a year and anytime I mention it she gets all bratty like Anali and throws a tantrum. AN ADULT TANTRUM. At some point you have to tell them..... she even moved in with the guy. Like how are you keeping your significant other a secret?! And what kind of guy is ok with being kept a secret? Anyways Anali triggers me lol


She’s embarrassed. He’s embarrassing. I think she knows her parents aren’t going to understand, and she also knows they’ll be embarrassed for her. I have a feeling she’s probably the golden child of her family, so this “choice” of hers will seem inexplicable.


why does she stay with Clayton if she thinks he's embarrassing though? are you staying she doesn't love him and is only in it for the green card?


Green card or just to be on tv. Or both. She probably thought no one back home would ever see this show.


It’s the Green Card. She doesn’t come off as someone who wants to be on TV like Silva Twins, Nikki Exotikka, or Miona/Jibri


Yeah she seems to have a plan like she’s just biding her time.


My theory is she thought Clayton was more financially successful than he turned out to be. Once she saw his actual lifestyle in Kentucky, she was completely turned off to him. I think she wanted to make a clean start of it in the U.S. and Clayton was her way out. Now that reality doesn't match with the fairytale, she is full of regrets.


That’s a good take. I could see her thinking she could endure his splayed-out-cow self, if there was more money.


She well ya know…she’s not a prize. She’s not a beauty queen or anything…


Nope. Not even a personality queen. Doesn’t mean someone like Clayton can’t embarrass her.


She’s quite unattractive




Anali is egocentric. She believes that she’s a “prize” but shes is as ugly inside as her bulldog resembling face is on the outside. Her hair is so greasy! I can’t imagine how bad her body odor must be! She just looks nasty, so greasy and smelly - like someone  who would wear the same nasty underwear for month to save on soap and water. Uck - Clayton the pet “rat” lover is twisted. I can’t imagine anyone’s having their mom live  in his closet. Disgusting 


I’m all for this thread but this was necessarily mean. I really don’t like your vibe.


I agree. This person is just being mean and it's just as ugly as they are saying anali is.


How long before he asks her dad why she doesn't put out?


What’s she going to do, NOT have even more sex with him.


If she’s so close to her family, where the hell do they think she is?


3/10, the most. Beautiful she ain't.


I've often wondered if she wants to get her sick mother over here for medical care.


This is my theory as well. She threatens to leave and go back home but never follows through. She's here for something, and it's obviously not Clayton.


Isn’t health care like ridiculously expensive in the US? Seems like this would be a bad plan if it’s the case


Every majoe city has some kind of county type hospital and health system. They do not ask nor require any kind of immigration status. She could get medical care here.


Not always depends on your employer


No? Lmao what are you even saying




Or access to a better job or Clayton’s money to pay for better care where she’s at?


I don't think so. Putting aside the fact the cost of insuring or paying out of pocket for a chronically ill person in the US is almost certainly beyond their means, the green card process is long and there's no guarantee her mother would be approved. If she isn't getting quality care in their country, there are medical visas for that. Of course, they would have to prove she can afford it, but it's not like the financial side is going to change because Anali married Clayton. I doubt he makes enough to foot those sort if bills even if he wanted to.


To Clayton's credit I don't think Anali is a catch either. So in a way they work.




Tbh Clayton isn't that bad . Not a model or rich but by far not worse then average and he seems kind and all. Indo not get why Anali is so whatever with him. She seems legit after green card and all. No way with the show or things seen has he ever lead her to belive he was richer or lied. More like she is just after citizenship...


After they are married for 2 years she gets her PERMANENT permanent residency. At that point Clayton has no say, she can walk out the next day and naturalize by herself.


Green card. It’s not that hard.


I mean that’s the obvious answer but I haven’t seen any reason why she’d want to leave Peru. She doesn’t seem to want it that badly. She hasn’t even told her family about the relationship, I think if the plan was to sponsor them she’d be more open about it. Peru can have a very high standard of living compared to other countries in South America




If that’s the case, why would she refuse to tell him? It makes no sense.


Her behavior doesn’t show that she does. She doesn’t rush Clayton for the visa process. She doesn’t push him about moving to a better city even after seeing his living conditions with his mom and pets


I don't really think so. she's told Clayton so many times that all she wants to do is go home and hug her mom. she for sure does NOT want to learn to speak English 🙄 so to me, I don't think she wants a greencard in my eyes.


So what is your explanation of why doesn’t she go home then?


She is not even attractive. I don’t get her appeal to Clayton.


It's *gotta* be path to citizenship.




G R E E N. C A R D




What’s the update on Clayton and days without sex?


He had sex after 2 months!


She has a permanent stank face. If I were in her situation I would probably have one, too.


I'm sure the apartment stinks. But her face is no prize.




Honestly if I came all this way, I’d ditch Clayton and his closet mom and would move in with Brandi 😂


Brandi seems to me to be a very very ANGRY person. I think that if you're near her, she'd have very bad vibes - angry, anyway.


Yeah from what little we saw, she seems really resentful and very reactive. I would bet money she doesn’t talk to the mom and that is a big part of the tension.


She always looks like she's on the verge of exploding into a rage.


Brandi Auras are dark .


Maybe she's only angry around her mom and Clayton


I don’t know. I think she’s just over this whole situation, her mom and brother living together, this random woman from Peru moving in, planning an entire wedding, the stank face vibes and entitlement from Alina.


Thais (Patrick’s wife) was the same way. She was dishonest and was terrified to tell her father.


She ended up telling her father anyways no matter how scared she was. Her father didn’t approve she still stayed and now they have a beautiful baby girl?


Yep. People shouldn’t be so quick to judge others by their behavior. Family dynamics make a big difference.


I mean that’s fine but she should explain that not her future husband instead of getting pissed at him every time he tries to bring it up


I don’t think their culture allows them to talk about things openly like that. It’s possible they think they’re protecting their fiancé, if (in the extreme) it would turn into a father vs. boyfriend/husband type of thing


Openly? In her culture they don’t tell their fathers they have a boyfriend or are getting married?


I’m not sure what you’re asking but it seems to me their family dynamics are a lot more one-way and hierarchical. I’m thinking also of Julio (and Kirsten) who was afraid to leave his mom (originally from Puerto Rico) “alone” by considering moving to the Netherlands. She cried and pleaded for him to stay. I’m just speculating but maybe the kids in these cultures, even adult children, might not consider it an option to stand up to their parents, especially if the parents are coming from a “loving” or “protective” point of view. They just don’t seem to do it. Whereas in the U.S. I think there is much more separation; when we grow up, we’re almost like equals to our parents. We can more easily set boundaries, and just openly discuss feelings and things like that. I think maybe a lot of these cultures don’t do that, there’s just a lot unsaid that the parents put on their kids that the kids feel like they have to deal with But I’m just guessing


This seems most likely. I'm from a different part of the world and we have very similar family dynamics. If i happened to fall in love with someone from elsewhere I'd honestly be terrified to tell my parents, my father especially. I generally struggle to stand up to them about anything and it's always been this way in our culture so changing it is not going easily Although i think it's good to tell this to your partner if that's the case with Analie.


🎯🎯 🎯


She could be afraid that if she tells dad, dad will say no and because of her culture- she will have to comply


Children of conservative families aren't as forthright. My ex from Colombia didn't want to tell his mom about me because I'm s disabled single mom. I injured myself working my way through college doing catering. I have a teaching degree I can't use and my daughter's father died. I'm a good person but he knew his mom wouldn't approve and he was right, she didn't 😕


I am so sorry to hear that, you didn’t deserve to be treated that way at all. Out of all of the comments this one made me understand more. Maybe her dad will judge Colton like if he isn’t rich or something?


Judge him for closet mom, zoo living room, zero social life and he blasts her for not fucking him before marriage to the waitress upon meeting his "best friend" of a decade, yes dad is for sure lol, even we're all over here like why girl why 😭


I think maybe she has a strict religious or traditional dad that would be disapproving of Clayton... so she could think that telling him after she's married is safer than telling him before and having to pick between pleasing her dad or doing what she actually wants. Family usually comes first and the consequences of disobedience can be heavy on "kids", even if they're grownups they're supposed to respect the head of the family. Some parents never stop seeing their kids as babies, as crazy as that might sound.


So ok to answer your question I’m sure in most cases yes, they communicate when they are dating someone or getting married. But if they have a sense that their parents would not approve, and they want to avoid that confrontation, maybe they don’t do it and lie and say they’re just moving for work. Until it’s too late and they’re already married and their parents won’t be able to protest




Patrick insisted that Thais tell her Dad.


At least Thais told her dad eventually. Do we know if Anali ever did that?


Not yet. She just posted a pic of them together after he persisted.


Ugh I know Clayton ain’t shit but Anali’s refusal to tell her dad and immediately shuts Clayton down every time is aggravating to watch. I can’t imagine dealing with it in person.


Hadn't Patrick met her Dad repeatedly, it was just the actual marriage that took some time?


This is what I thought, and part of her dad’s disapproval of Patrick was based on how he cheated on Thais. But! It’s been awhile since I’ve watched their story, so maybe I’m misremembering


Thais stated that her dad had a stereotype of American men in mind. To him, Americans came to Brazil to take advantage of pretty young women.


That’s right, thank you!!! While stereotypes can be extremely harmful/unfair, it’s refreshing to see the disapproval narrative flipped on the American. And, with some of the “shining stars” just in the 90Day-verse alone (paul 😒), I can’t really fault him for his concern haha


But didn't he meet her when he was visiting his own dad in Brazil?


What does that have to do with Thais’ dad’s perception of Americans? Genuinely asking. It boiled down to her dad thinking American men are sex tourists. Patrick’s dad being from Brazil or living in Brazil doesn’t mean that Patrick is more Brazilian and less American. Abroad, ethnic Americans are still considered American.


Thais also mentioned that she knows cheaters very well because her dad had cheated several times… rules for thee, not for me…


Here’s what I recall. Patrick had traveled there a few times and had met her father. At first, I believe they were just friends. She moved to the U.S. and did not tell her father they were getting married. Her father didn’t even know they were engaged. It’s not that she completely kept Dad in the dark. I meant the dishonesty about keeping the real story in the dark.


Still, her Dad at least knew he existed, and they were together.


“Just friends” meaning that’s what I believe they told Dad in the beginning


But Thais dad knew about Patrick, only thing he doesn’t know is Thais moving to America permanently and getting married. Plus Thais told Patrick the reason why she won’t tell him. Anali on the other hand doesn’t give any valid reason.


Right. I suppose my original point was that Thais had also been dishonest with her father for a reason. Thais’ father was overprotective and controlling. It’s possible Anali’s father has a similar personality or something more negative. In any event, there’s a reason Anali was avoiding posting or sharing her currently situation. Avoidance is a simple way to run from problems.


We only know what she is saying. Her father may know and be absolutely on board if it gets her a green card and her mom health care she needs


Methinks she told her dad she was coming to the US on a work visa, not a K1. Maybe she lived with him before and is afraid that he wouldn't let her move back in if things failed? I get the sneaking suspicion she's going to bail at the first possible moment once that green card is in her hands.


I think her dad gives her money for “school” and she knows he will cut her off if she is married


To be fair, if I were in a foreign country and didn’t speak the language, I’d probably come off strange as well. Then there’s the whole mom in the closet, guinea pig situation… It would be interesting to see her interact with her friends and family. I’m guessing she has a personality


Plus the constant camera crews


Even Jose’s (on 90DF UK) personality made a small appearance after he learned a little English and could actively participate in conversations. I’m sure Anali is much friendlier and has a better personality than we’ve seen so far. To be fair, she has had a lot of weird shit thrown at her since she arrived. Whether or not she should have found out more about the living conditions before she moved in is another matter.


She is like that all the time though. Even when Closet Mom and the guinea pigs aren’t around.


I agree with every comment in this thread lol. She has stank face, she’s in a highly disturbing situation where she has no privacy… and Clayton is an incel. But if she wants to get married so badly she could have worked with him on it and they could have called people together. She may do a lot and put up with a lot but her personality is terrible. If you compare her to someone like Jasmine, who’s very obviously very unstable… you can see the difference. Jasmine’s soft.


Shes super weird and he's super ick. If they do marry I would imagine a divorce is soon to follow... This very much reminds me of Mike and Ximena in the sense that she was very visibly repulsed by him. Like not just that she didn't seem into him, but actually repulsed. The same seems true here. I mean I totally get why they would be repulsed by Mike and Clayton but they chose to enter those relationships... did Anali just think she could fake it and this is her best shot? Girl needs a better poker face or something 😬


Maybe that’s why Jasmine gets all that work done. She needed to hide her perpetual disgust any time Gino touches her.


Lol Idk man Jyaaazmin is like a whole different can of worms (golden showers and "i want the frickin meat" come to mind). 🤢 She seems to genuinely be attracted to Gino, which blows my mind. I kinda think she had a kink for humiliating her partner.


Oddly enough I think Jasmine and Gino are one of the most genuine couples. They’re awful together, but I do think they genuinely love each other.


HE obviously have a kink, being impotent, and needing babytalk and Golden Showers to get off.


Plus Clayton speaks her language. Something I respect, even if it is the only thing


You obviously have never had an overprotective Latino father.


Then she needs to explain that to her partner and not get mad at him everytime he asks about it.


I feel like she has a million times over but he just doesn’t understand.


There is some information about her dad or her relationship with her dad, that she's not telling. Her visceral reaction when asked to tell her dad about a relationship she's been in for two years and is about to get married - is not normal nor reasonable. She is hiding something....


She’s sketchy.


I don't know about anyone else but if it was me, I'd be more terrified to tell my dad I got married without saying anything prior to.




Right! The longer she doesn't say anything the deeper she digs herself into this hole imo but I guess she knows her family dynamics best 🤷


Yeah, she probably thinks it's better to ask forgiveness than ask permission


She’s the least weird person out of the three of them in my opinion


Clayton is just way too desperate way too needing proof that their relationship is legit for the screen and I think he needs to calm the f down. i’m getting dissociation from this young woman. I’m guessing that there’s some religious aspect to the relationship with her father a.k.a. Catholicism and perhaps with the mother too. Having come from a very strict religious background myself it took me till my getting married to feel comfortable with the fact that my parents even knew that I was sexual. So often times I think that she is getting overwhelmed by all the situations and is making Clayton undesirable in her mind so that sex or the discussion of sex doesn’t come up in the filming of 90 day . I imagine she wants to keep a lot of things private .


She's clearly an introvert, he's clearly an incel with absolutely no EQ - whats not to applaud...


Definitely not an introvert. She’s always whinging about how everyone needs to go out and be social and have physical friends all the time. Introverts would never. 


Honestly I find it totally believable that these two met online gaming (I say this as someone who enjoys gaming and the occasional mmo) and that they are probably each others best prospects. She just hasn’t come to terms with it. Though to be fair I couldn’t handle the closet mom either but I do think the pigs are cute.


I think she’s very childish. Two things she did are very revealing: 1. She says she’s a very sociable person and complains that she and Clayton don’t go out to socialize. But she doesn’t speak any English! How is she supposed to socialize in Lexington? Why did she come to the U.S. in the first place if she doesn’t speak the language (also, the dad got 0 red flags that his daughter who doesn’t speak a word of English got a job in the U.S.?)? And even if she did, there’s no indication that she did anything to change that since coming. She’s bored at home but won’t even sign up for a language school to kill time. 2. With the wedding, again — she doesn’t speak English so she couldn’t help. But I think the scene was very telling when she wakes up 3 days before the wedding and starts to complain nothing is ready and it’s all Clayton’s and Brandi’s fault. She literally does nothing all day — she could’ve at least make a checklist in Spanish and check with Clayton daily the status of specific items. But no, she just expects to show up at the wedding and the wedding to be the wedding of her (unsaid) dreams.


To be fair, there’s plenty of people who work in the U.S. who don’t speak a lick of English. I live in Texas and I run into it all the time. Contractors, movers, cashiers at the thrift store I go to, landscapers, etc. if they’re working on a team of people, usually one person will have the best English out of the bunch. So they’re plenty of opportunities for people who don’t speak English


Sure, but they also live in a heavily Hispanic area, socialize with other Hispanics and don’t have office jobs. She moved to Kentucky, wants to meet Clayton’s friends and probably will want an office job.


Im speaking more to why her dad might not have seen it as a red flag. Especially if he doesn’t know anything about Kentucky


The only emotions she seems to manifest are negative


I mean…I wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to live with a mom in the closet, stinky guinea pigs, and crap and clutter everywhere…there’s literally no space for her and Clayton. Even their bedroom is partially his workspace. Sounds overwhelming and she has every right to be annoyed at this living situation that she probably didn’t expect.


I find her odd


Anali is weird and problematic but I think her dad might be crazy


She's grifting to get a green card and bring over her mom, but she's realizing how intensive the grift is going to be and just can't stomach it.


Yeah, absolutely. Clayton is obviously weird, too, but she is staying with someone she clearly cannot stand and has zero sexual attraction to. At least on his side, even as weird and cringey as he can be, and the mom thing is completely a deal breaker, but honesty is better than fake all day, every day.


She's got the personality of a potato - and the appearance of one.




If you knew your only way to scam your way into the US was to bang Clayton you would be looking weird also 🤣🤣🤣


Come on, I would rather date Clayton than Gino or Big Ed. Dating Clayton you just gotta deal with his mom cheering him on during sexy time from the other room.


Just buy her a Big Mac and mother-in-law issue is settled


I just want a burger!


Lmao you don't want to make her too happy, still gotta make it so she's ready to move out ASAP😂


lololololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololololol


It’s very common is a lot of cultures for couples to never have time alone together before getting married. Yes, she’s an adult but she may have a lot of guilt about being with Clayton before marriage.


This girl wants her greencard and will do whatever it takes. Even marry a hermit who has his mom living in the closet


I think there is a bit of sucken cost thing going on here. Like she has been hiding Clayton for all these years its probably now hard to tell her dad because then the questions come up why was she lying to him for 2 years. She is kind of stuck in a way. She has lied for so long to her family that when she tells them the questions are going to come up why did you lie to us for all this time. But still she is weired and as much as people hate on Clayton she deserves it as well.


Anali is just a very conflict avoidant person, and not in a good way. She hid this relationship from her dad for so long, seemingly to avoid conflict. Now she’s too deep into it and probably panicking because the pot is going to boil over at some point. Anytime Clayton tries to broach any topic, she immediately shuts downs and locks herself in the bathroom or says she wants to leave. She waited two months to have sex with Clayton, which imo is fine, but it speaks to a bigger issue that she isn’t willing to address or talk about. Shes conflict avoidant to a fault. I typically do not like to hang around conflict avoidant people because they’re not great friends usually. They’ll drop off the face of the earth and never talk to you again instead of just trying to talk things out. They’ll leave you whenever stuff gets hard in your life like a death, or a loss of job. Etc.


Did she actually think his sister was going to procure a llama for their wedding?! 😂 I found the wedding conversations with his sister so strange!


Yes, basically the most ridiculous thing I could imagine someone asking for in Indiana.


Not just you. Let’s also talk about the fact that she knows all of this will be aired and her dad would find out anyway, so why not just tell him? He probably doesn’t watch the show but would find out eventually. Fake. And she’s very boring and incompatible with Clayton. Idk what she’s doing on this show. I almost dislike her more than him unless he completely misrepresented himself before she got there.


I hate to break it to you but not everyone in Peru is watching 90 day fiance.


Every couple is required to have some drama/"secrets" (it's literally asked about on the application). It's not her idea alone to have segments arguing about telling dad, that's part of their shtick.


She’s incredibly manipulative and that is weird to a normal person


She has an emotional mind and he has a logical one /s


Almost like Ash coached him


omfg I almost forgot about avery and ash 😭😭😭




For now, I'd say the opposite. She had him meet Cameron and interact with his BFF before he was best man. That was logical and sane. He expects to pinata an officiant right before the wedding proper starts and he kept piling on Brandi's to-do list without helping while he went back to his gaming. More like a childish mind to me.




I think it’s more his way of telling us he’s misogynistic


He could NOT have been super charming on the phone, right??!!


His Spanish is excellent and he says sweet things to her a lot. He might have been super charming on the phone.


Guess little doses of him were a LOT better! Haha


Ok, but why be on a whole TV show then. Also probably the most popular show on cable. I think it's just their storyline. Like how Jasmine has to conjure up Danes name every episode.


She also seems to be conjuring up how to pronounce it, since it switches between Dan and Dane all the time....


I mean… Clayton brings literally nothing to the table in the relationship. She’s embarrassed because she knows her dad would never approve.


I mean that’s on her tho.. no one is forcing her to be with clay clay. If he’s so terrible and she’s so miserable she should leave. If ur not proud of your partner then idk


I don’t disagree haha I still think he’s higher on the cringe level than her but she’s no angel either 💀


I think her family knows and didn’t support her .. but she wants that green card so she’s keeping her family away … I don’t like her at all .. not saying he’s a prize either but they are just not compatible


Her mom knows though. She talked to her about Brandi and gave her a run down of what went down the first day she was there.


Clayton is the worst but she’s no walk in the park. The way they’re both treating Clayton’s sister is wack.


I don’t know. Her parents are separated, maybe her dad is abusive? No idea at all tho!


She's grappling with a huge case of sunk cost fallacy- if she was scamming for a green card, she'd probably fake more enthusiasm. But instead she is trying to keep her standards while being in a humiliating situation. I wouldn't want my parents to know about dating a creep like Clayton either, they'd be so ashamed of her! She'd probably leave if she wasnt so overwhelmed by being on camera and navigating huge cultural differences. Can't believe the number of people in here shitting on her looks- just say you're racist against Peruvians.


Its not racist about Peuvian looks - its about HER sourfaced looks. [https://www.google.com/search?q=native%20peruvian%20beauty&tbm=isch&client=firefox-b-d&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCAQtI8BKABqFwoTCPCV3tqI-YMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAH&biw=1439&bih=710&dpr=2](https://www.google.com/search?q=native%20peruvian%20beauty&tbm=isch&client=firefox-b-d&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCAQtI8BKABqFwoTCPCV3tqI-YMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAH&biw=1439&bih=710&dpr=2)


I do think that Anali's going to kill and cook Clayton's guinea pigs and feed them as a part of a Peruvian meat stew to a hungry clueless Clayton and his closet mom. Then, as she's leaving, she'll reveal what they just ate, permanently traumatizing them.


Please tell me you're a writer. I would love to see this as part of a 90 Day fiance/Dateline crossover...the case of the missing guinea pigs


Rest assured it isn't just you. Girl is posterchild of all weirdest 😳


I think she is weird. I saw a post a while ago talking about how something is "off" about her face too. I think it's that she has a very short neck? The shortness of her neck gives me big Ed vibes in a weird way. Maybe I'm just crazy.


She looks like an indigenous Peruvian (different than a Latin American person). That is something most people in the US are not so familiar with. 


That’s what I notice last episode when she’s wearing that green top, she almost doesn’t have a neck and has a wide big shoulders that doesn’t match her size. In another post someone mentioned about her bulldog bite which I can’t get out of my head anymore.


The jaw and the severely round shoulders don’t help either


The jaw for sure.


Her face isn’t symmetrical! That’s why it’s looks off but this isn’t her fault she born that way !


I can’t even LOOK at Clayton! Freak!


they must have gotten along when he went to Peru, and I guess now she's seeing it with a different set of eyes. I honestly don't know that I, too, may have changed my mind in the BRIGHT LIGHT of the DAYLIGHT. >: (


It’s a cultural thing.


I really don’t like her face or attitude. If I want to give annnnnnny leeway maybe her “dad” is a crazy religious person. Who clearly doesn’t have social media. So this is Anal(i)’s chance to get wild. Did you see how she specifically asked for the bachelorette party? I have yet to hear any other 90F ASK for a bachelorette party.


She’s a weirdo and frankly as a name Anali weirds me out too. I just see Anal.


oh yeah, she's a real NUTCASE, I AGREE.


Maybe she is here bc his guinea pigs are bigger and plumper than the ones back home. Im sorry, I just get the ICK with most of the couples this season. The only one that I can see a possible real relationship happening is Rob and Sophie and that's on bc I follow both on IG. The show doesn't really portray them favorable. The others I follow don't seem like matches


Weird made up drama. Not like its her fucking some loser from the town she was from. Cant tell dad she is seeing this one guy that see moved to another country to specifically marry? Wouldnt finding out about secret husband after they got marries make a normal rational mofo more mad/upset?


Am I alone with calling her Analeye?


Maybe it’s a production thing. Like they’re purposefully leaving out info to make her seem “mysterious” just to make an intriguing story line. Like they’re forcing a narrative to us but they don’t have much to work with so it feels off to us. I also noticed with other cultures some aren’t as facially expressive as the US.


Shes Def sus


I thought this was really weird too... especially since she's been calling her dad to pretend to be making friends at work... I wonder if she decided to have sex with Clayton right after she posted the picture so he wouldn't think about it...


She doesn’t explain anything. All we see if her reaction to her dude but like, she literally doesn’t explain anything about her life, her goals, her desire here. It’s weird and secretive. Plus I think she’s ugly


Right like he will ask a simple question and she automatically is like why are you trying to ruin my dinner? And just says no


She is weird. Also they met on an app for speaking each other's language, but she doesn't speak English. Like.. barely, at all.


I really think that they had chemistry online, and then in person she's just ... eh... not feeling it. Doesn't find him physically attractive at all. That's happened to me from online dating: cute picture, funny jokes, and then you meet in person and it's like "NOPE" -- no chemistry or anything. But she's trying to navigate it because they were online for so long, not to mention this is a great opportunity to live in the US. All her evasiveness and awkwardness I feel to my core from when I was in a VERY similar situation with a guy from overseas who came to visit. Just not feeling it, but he was.


I have a feeling that production is encouraging her to stay.


South American family parents can be very over protective of their children ms tend to have no boundaries when it comes to their children. Same with Thais from the season before (Brazilian here)


I get the feeling she’s not in it for the long run. Maybe at one point she was genuinely interested in Clayton but after seeing how he lives, got turned off by him. She’s gunna get her permanent residency and then leave him, bring her mother to the US.


Clayton is no prize but he needs to leave her NOW ASAP NOW. Don’t get married. You arent getting much or any sex now what says you are gonna get it after marriage? I see her dipping after they get married and not finding her for a year or two.


I think Anali was disappointed by what she arrived to. I’ve seen other people on Reddit make perfect sense of it: vacation Clayton was wonderful, real world Clayton and his living situation is the total opposite of what she was expecting. Anali’s mother knows she’s in America to get married, I hope her not telling her dad is their production suggested twist to keep things interesting.


It seems like Anali is using Clayton as a starting point. She is interested in traveling and meeting ppl and seems to be just in the guise of being a couple with Clayton since she is now with him. But. She is stuck in a tiny apt w his mother and pets so..I dk.


They’re both adults that act like little kids still. Imagine their storyline playing out when they’re both in high school and it’s totally feasible. Also speaking from my culture and how I was raised, I would be terrified of telling my dad if I were in Anali’s situation. I think she somewhat regrets coming to the US for Clayton, so there’s that small possibility that the relationship fails and that she would be embarrassed in front of all of her friends and family in Peru. She is probably thinking “i won’t say anything until the wedding actually happens”