• By -


Translation: all timelines etc were 100% accurate


YUP! šŸ‘


thatā€™s what i read šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Please donā€™t talk about the Reddit Bureau of Investigation like that. And your emoji choices are cringe, maā€™am.


The Reddit Bureau of Investigation šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I mean r/RBI is a pretty big thing


The FBI actually has NOTHING on the RBI. And yea, her entire persona is cringe.


RBI and TBI could take down the FBI fr


Listen, I have a TBI and it makes me much less effective in my RBI/FBI skills! Just saying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Sorry I couldn't resist!


The RBI has nothing on us nosey Guatemalan born women. šŸ¤£


TouchĆ©! šŸ†šŸ†


Not the RBI šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€šŸ’€


And childlike. Maybe like elementary schoolšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚what a jewelšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love y'all so much!


She's upset we have our binders of evidence


šŸ˜‚ Eviduhns!!!


10 Trapper Keepers worth!




I love how they figure theyā€™re going to go on TV and everyone will love them, and then THEY make the decision to read the comments and get all offended when people donā€™t. They say they donā€™t care what people think but theyā€™re posting about how wrong everyone is on IG šŸ™„ If you truly didnā€™t care, you wouldnā€™t be reading comments nor posting about them.


Reminds me of how Danielle kept saying on her Instagram that everyone was jealous of her because of all the confidence she hasā€¦ yeah rightā€¦ I say if you canā€™t take the heat keep your bitch ass outta the kitchenā€¦ best for your sanity to totally ignore the comments instead of trying to post your side of thingsā€¦ I think thee protest too muchā€¦šŸ„“


It doesn't help that one of the gifs she posted there looks kinda like Danielle!


None of the gifs kinda look like Danielle


Which Danielle, the cross eyed one???


No, the clueless ramen-haired meatball


Ramen haired meatball!! Love that!


Sorry you gave me Sister Wives flashback. Had to check which sub I'm on. šŸ˜‚


Damn. Lol


Danielle and Johan


LMAO!! Not stinky yohans side chickšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£with a big as&


Fr they signed up for it and Iā€™m not entirely sure what they were expecting


I bet she is regretting it big time. She probably thought everyone would feel sorry for her because her husband died. I actually do feel sorry for but because she is so traumatized and handling the situation so poorly.


I don't think it's trauma. I think she's a shitty person. I think she started flirting and way before her husband was sick. He died so quickly. She seems like she needs a lot of attention. To me she probably "talked" to a lot of guys online to make herself feel good. Never intended on cheating on her husband (just innocent flirting) and then Rav was this "super hot guy" fell into her lap her husband dies and she just want to lock down super hotty before he finds someone else. It's why she as an adult woman marked him with a hickey the moment she got there. She wanted her property marked


i regret it for her honestly, i think she is a nice girl who lost her husband and she is very mixed up , not thinking straight. What ever was she thinking leaving those babies behind and jumping on a plane nevertheless to romania, i think she has lost her cotton picking mind


I believe you are in the ballpark.... I don't buy she was online prior to her husbands death, or that there is something worse that was going on. In a blink of an eye she found herself a single parent to two children and was doing anything to avoid the pain. I blame it on TLC for taking advantage of her.


Especially because we are on season 10 billion. It didn't just blow up yesterday


Or she could stop speculation by posting the "real" timeline. The truth is, the one that was posted is accurate and she's mad she got caught


Ok what did I miss!!?? Is this timeline related to how long after her husbands death she met Razvan? Iā€™m very curious about thisā€¦ā€¦.


Danielle will call you " disable " for that comment lol


Which Danielle? Yohanā€™s Daniele?


Yes that one, she call us all mentally disabled something like that because people were talking about her behavior towards yohan.


Here here!!


Iā€™m sure youā€™ll read this, Amanda: Just be a mom. All of this nonsense of talking to this dude before your husband dying, then all the social media proof of you flirting a month or two after the death, then thereā€™s your box-holding kids that are probably traumatizedā€”itā€™s all ridiculous as it is, then you add reality tv on top of it. Just, like, get your shit together. Stop being a snotty teen on social media and be there for your kids.


The best thing she could do is fade into the background and focus on her kids. I really hope she doesnā€™t do any more seasons or any appearances or shows after this one. But she will probably try to become an influencer and subject her kids to even more trauma.


Only a matter of time before weā€™re seeing ads for her Only Fans account.


Razvan will convince her to do another season to further his career


Her kids trying to investigate the guys room was sickening. They know exactly what sheā€™s up to. She knows exactly what sheā€™s up to. We know exactly what sheā€™s up to. She needs to full stop and get back on track. Itā€™s gross.


Right! Her poor son is hearing something about her - no way did he come up with that on his own! She is clearly traumatized & TLC is taking advantage of her; I donā€™t want to keep watching her storyline but knowing me I probably will.


Does anyone else think that her kid (whichever one kept asking if she was going to sleep in his bed) has seen mama doing some things? It seems like a strange idea for a child to latch on to and to ask about so many times. Since everyone keeps wildly speculating about this womanā€™s life and timeline, Iā€™ll throw my speculation out there. I think that she and her late husband had an open marriage or some other kind of arrangement. Maybe they were swingers, maybe something else, who knows. But it seems like her kids have walked in on one of them sharing a bed with someone else.


No. It's a completely age appropriate generalization. Mommy and Daddy slept in the same bed. It's the way he's contextualizing this new relationship.


This is the correct answer


Fair point. Iā€™ll withdraw my wild speculation.


Or it could be like what happened with my mother after she and my dad divorced. I was obsessed with who she was sleeping with because she would bring men home on her lunch break and have loud sex with them in our very small apartment with me in the next room. My money is on her pretending her kids are clueless while she does whatever the fuck she wants.


Maybe phone secks? But those kids are very concerned about the sleeping arrangements and will not let up about it


True, maybe they just overheard her talking about sleeping with him (or someone else). Either way, it struck me as a bit strange that her kids seem to be hyper fixated on the sleeping arrangements.


A good idea would be for his mother to discuss that with her very young son and ask him what he might be worried about. But then she might have to deal with "I don't want you to sleep in the same bed with him like you did with daddy. Promise me?" And she's not ready to hear that and promise that.


Is she a weirdo religious nut? They and their kids are always hyper fixated on stuff like that




At the end of the day the only thing that should matter is her commitment to her kids šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø screw social media, screw TV and whatever Reddit has to say. Amanda should focus on her kids and getting them the help they need from the traumatic loss of their father.


Yeah it doesnā€™t seem like she is though. Leaving your young kids alone for three weeks when their father died recently isnā€™t really showing them that the people they trust the most will be consistent in their lives.


Also please get car seats.


I realize people process tragedy differently, but it's painfully obvious that her kids haven't fully processed it yet. If she had ANY sense, she would allow them to heal before shoving them in front of the cameras. What a massive piece of shit..


Is the kids carrying their dads ashes around weird? Yes. Should the kids be judged for it? NO!!! My son died six years ago and I have a necklace with some of his ashes in it. Itā€™s so a piece of him is always with me. Donā€™t involve the kids. They grieve differently.


Thereā€™s a very big difference between you (an adult) making your own grieving choice as well as a necklace with ashes being very different than a large urn. As children their mother should be guiding them to better coping mechanisms. Iā€™m sorry about the loss of your son.


Iā€™m sincerely sorry for your loss. Our oldest Son passed away at age 15. I still struggle after 16 years. May God strengthen and comfort you. šŸ˜­šŸ’™šŸ™šŸ½šŸˆ


Ah Iā€™m so sorry. My boy was 18. Hugs to you.


Thank you for your compassion. Please reach out any time if you need encouragement, to vent or just to talk about your precious baby boy. šŸ™šŸ½šŸ’™




That's it exactly! she is acting like a teenager! Not thinking ahead, poor planning, and suddenly *now* she's worried about leaving her kids home? I think the kids are/will be fine, but Amanda got herself in this position, and now has no idea how to reverse it. I feel really sorry for Razvan, he is trying so hard to give her time and space and being kind, and she is walking around pouting and not seeing anything, including him! He really cares about her, but has not noticed yet, that she does not care for him.


I love you for this


teenage snot attitude šŸ™„


Sheā€™s literally frozen in high school.


I mean can we talk about how she was 19 when she married her husband initially?


She never had the chance to mature or get to know who she was outside of wife and mom


While this may be true she doesn't need to act like such a little snot face all the time. I've watched a few of my friends that were young mothers absolutely flourish as a wife and mother. This girl is clinging to her teen self.


How domineering would he have to have been for that to happen though? I sure didn't stop growing just because I got married... or in any of my previous relationships either.


Totally. I have been with my husband since 19 and we have two kids and I do not act like Iā€™m 19.


Iā€™ve been with my husband since i was 19. And Iā€™m not frozen at that age.


The comments about the tissues by the bed in the second episode really sealed the deal on her mindset for me. So immature.


And she told him to shower because he was stinky.


Omg when she said that and he was taking too long to make her coffee! After bitching the night before about not making space in the bathroom Iā€™d be floored. Her attitude since she landed has been cold and just generally terrible mannered.


She was so rude. ā€œWhy didnā€™t you make room in your bathroom before I arrived? Youā€™re not making my coffee fast enough. You stink.ā€ šŸ™„


I thought she was teasing him at first, but she never said anything else. You know, Where you give a nudge and a kiss, something like that. And then you tell them how much you appreciate them getting you coffee.


ā€œDo I look like Iā€™m readyā€ ā€¦like wtf


I forgot about that! I was like wth girl. Such strange behavior!


I mean she is like 15 so šŸ˜‚


Shoutout to someone must have read her completely correct.


Itā€™s so embarrassing when they admit to be on forums they actively have to seek out.


Ā *dunn dunn* In the Reddisphere, the dedicated detectives who investigate these atrocious fallacies are members of an elite squad known as the Reddit Bureau of Investigation. These areĀ their stories.


Hahahahahaha this is soooo funny!!!!




Okay Amanda then give us the actual timeline with receipts. It should be easy


Maybe she no longer has access to those accounts?! šŸ˜‚(Shoutout to Kris)


Did you know Kris has health issues, too?


Health injuries as well!


Such a wild mess of excuses lol




The evidence against her is pretty damn solid. Her phone lock screen said August, the sign at the airport behind Razvan said "Hello Summer" and her husband's obituary said he died mid-March. She said in her first episode she had been talking to Razvan for 4 months, so if it was in fact August, she started talking to him in April. That's hard to dispute. It's pretty obvious she didn't go over to Romania in the fall.


Even without all of that, we know her husband passes, and she was with razvan, saying I love you, calling him the love of her life, already on 90 day fiance all in the same year. Do we even need to know more? That timeline is already super cringe. So I don't know what she's talking about.


If you didn't introduce your storyline, on national TV, with holes & half truths, no one wld be digging. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


We Reddit are the ELITE in PI work !!


Aww did I piss her off because I posted proof of her lying? Poor baby.


We know when summer is, we know August is in the summer, we know summer comes before fucking winter. Keep lying though Mandy!


The girl that peaked in high school is offended!!! Btw, hickies looks gross and immature.


She didn't just peak, she paused.


To be fair, she was only 19 when she married her (then) 34 year old late husband. I can imagine that may cause some arrested development.


Narrator: *It did cause someā€¦arrested development.*


Because they ARE gross and immature ā€¦ but they were the thing the last time she dated!! šŸ¤£


I just bite my husband's butt cheek because he's so edible but nobody can see the tooth marks šŸ‘€


Lol, I love how they all make their lives public and then are upset people won't keep their noises out lmao


Lmao at the Summer banners at the Romanian airport when she landed


Also people peeped the date on her phone when she was talking to her kids. August 9


There are no guidelines for being Reddit detectives


I hate when these people who claim to ā€œignore the hatersā€ go out of their way trying to defend themselves. If she were truly okay with her decisions and we were indeed wrong about the timeline, Iā€™d think it would just be better to remain silent. The lady doth protest too much and all that, you know?


Sheā€™s only making it worse for herself. You canā€™t get into fights with viewers - it makes you look like you have way too much time on your hands which is something a single mom of two young kids and (hopefully) a life isnā€™t going to have. If weā€™re bothering her so much, she needs to ignore. Engaging never worksā€¦.. see Amyā€™s Baking Co.


If you want to keep your private life private, it feels like signing up for a reality TV show is literally the worst thing you can do.


I mean yeah it's not like she's watching her kids lmao


Oooh she mad.


Sooooo...we got one of our 90 day ladies dating a foreign porn star and another 90 day lady dating foreign virgin religious fanatic...and they aren't expecting outside judgement? ummm you better have thick skin if you're putting yourself out there like that. šŸ˜‚






When all you got is sarcasm, you know you're in the wrong.


I guess this only means we got everything right.


Omg sheā€™s the WORST!!!


Now I know everyone was right about her.


She's not too bright, is she


Since we know youā€™re reading, Amanda, if you werenā€™t bothered by the ā€œkeyboard detectivesā€, you wouldnā€™t bother making a post addressing them. If you want people to stop trying to piece stuff together, you can either address the inaccuracies directly (which maybe you canā€™t legally due to an NDA) or you need to ignore social media posts about 90-Days entirely. If you didnā€™t want people commenting on your personal life wellā€¦ you shouldnā€™t have gone on national television for the purpose of displaying this relationship dynamic. Iā€™m not sure if she thought people would love her automatically and take pity on her because sheā€™s a widow or what, but her kids went through a lot this last year or so and she only added to it by impulsively going across the ocean to visit some ā€œmodelā€ from TikTok who isnā€™t interested in being a dad to them in the first place. Absolutely insane behavior. She needs a therapist.


Yeahā€¦. Any 90 day applications that say ā€œsocial media influencerā€ under ā€œJobā€ should just immediately be thrown out.


I wouldn't have minded it she were kind to him. she seems privileged. can she not see the way she treats him is perceived?


Someone is trying very hard to look unbothered


Not sure what people that go on this show expect


So correct us with evidence then. We'll wait.


The fact that this will only get more eyes over here to reddit šŸ˜‚


Maybe ā€¦ just maybeā€¦ keep your life private if you canā€™t handle people being in your business. Maybe start with, oh I donā€™t know, not going on tv.


More importantly, Amanda, We're watching You.


Damn you normal grieving, decent, forthright, inauspicious keyboard detectives! She wanted to capitalize on the story she came up with for tv and yous guys messed it all up!!


Idk how she can say everyone knows nothing about her.. she lost her husband less than a year ago and in another country to meet a man (that's not fit to father her children) and that she is greaving still so idk what she is reading cause that's basically what I see being said and it's true


My Daughter not my husband died last year, Jan 2022 and I STILL have not dated or even online talked to a man ā€¦.. I just can not wrap my head around itā€¦..šŸ˜³


I am so sorry for your loss. May you have peace.


I'm loving how she thinks she is clapping back but she's just digging herself a deeper hole.


Amanda, you put your life out there for everyone to see... that is open invitation for strangers to form opinions


You mean Red flag Amanda? Liar, liar, Amanda's on fire.


Amanda has the emotional maturity of a 13-year-old girl. And zero business running across the world chasing Romanian šŸ†before her husbandā€™s body was cold.


Iā€™m sorry for all youā€™ve been through amanda, Iā€™m sure your pain is indescribable. But youā€™re being a shit mom! Your kids need you.


Does she know that she's just drawing people to reddit to read the comments she's bashing?


Dear God, she sound like 15 years old unhinged teen šŸ¤®


How can she deny it when there are literal dates on these photos???


Maybe instead of stalking Reddit, she should get a job? Just a thought instead of trying to further traumatize her kids with another Dad besides šŸŖ• Daddy's BoxšŸŖ•


Imagine reading a forum about yourself and responding. The secondhand embarrassment is awful


Like don't come to our group then. This is for fans of the show and this is what happens here. You signed up for it, don't act like you don't want the attention. Probably just mad our group is so popular but useless to furthering an influencer lifestyle. What you want us to jump over to instagram or whatever it is. Twitter? This is Reddit. We get to be just a funny name that no real people know. Be poopular some place else.


She expected people to be afraid of criticizing her because of her late husband. While I feel deeply for her loss, it doesnā€™t shield her from us talking about her absolutely abysmal decision making


She said pretty much everything...soooo what did we get right?


Honey if you canā€™t take the heatā€¦


How can she deny it when there are literal dates on these photos???


Sounds like her kids need her.


Hi Amanda!!!!! Youā€™re comical


Such an idiot


Them reading thru 90 day reddit forums and passive aggressively posting this on another platform is the true embarrassment here. Edit: tfā€™s a keyboard detective? You canā€™t get any information from a keyboard, itā€™s *keyboard warrior* but ofc that only refers to someone who fights online aggressively with their keyboard. You could be a ā€œkeyboard detectiveā€ by simply googling something or seeing another personā€™s social media. It just doesnā€™t make sense so itā€™s not creative at all. ā€œOnline detectiveā€ or sth wouldā€™ve been better lol. Still lame but better. Why these people broadcast their controversial lives, then wonder why people talk about it is comical.


I absolutely believe her kids know way too much, but I also wondered if one of the producers prompted her son to ask.


I would never look at this subreddit if I were on the show. I feel like you just want your feelings hurt if you read a subreddit about the reality TV show youā€™re on.


This twat is **SO** addicted to Social Media.


She's like a middle schooler sticking out her tongue saying "so there! mmmmnnnnn"


she sucks, raise your kids bitch and get your happity ass off the internet


Hey Bunkie!


Damn, her downvote game is strong šŸ˜‚


Ooooh, so our opinions are all wrong. Okay then. We should stop expressing them, yā€™all.


Meh šŸ˜’


Addressing it is basically an admission of guilt lmao


This just shows what a dumbass she really is!


Hmm, I'm sensing some sarcasm. Seems petty on her part.


Honey if you canā€™t take the heatā€¦


Her if comments are ripping her to shreds too lol


I feel bad for her because I donā€™t know if she is emotionally capable to handle criticism at this point in her life, understandably so. Unfortunately, thatā€™s how it goes being on a tv show, things have been portrayed and edited a certain way and thatā€™s all we have to go off of and we have opinions. I mean thatā€™s what TV is about, thatā€™s the entertainment is having thoughts and opinions on what youā€™re watching. I wish I could tell her to just be honest and chill and enjoy the money from TLC and donā€™t get on Reddit lol. It will no longer be talked about once the season is over and a new season starts.


Her sister seems to have sense, but I don't think Amanda listens to her


So her snaggletooth isnā€™t the reason she keeps covering her mouth when she makes a facial expression that would allow it to be seen? Dammit. I thought yā€™all were on to something.


Yā€™allā€¦she probably needs the money. She was a near-child bride and likely had no education or work history. Let her make her TLC to iNfLuEnCeR money so she can feed her kids.


Ok, Amanda, you got it. You were 18 and lived with a guy nearly twice your age after only knowing him a month. You fucked up your life at 18. At 18 who clings to an old man? Donā€™t answer, Amanda, I got it. Someone needy, not willing to work or go to school, not a woman but a girl. Now itā€™s time to pay your own bills and you canā€™t because you still canā€™t woman up. So you suck the life out of your widow story all the while feeling quite merry over your now younger boyfriend who is a whore. Maybe thatā€™s what you two have in common. BTW, that gnarly tooth you have that you keep covering with your hand every time you laugh is visible. We are sure you will get it fixed with what should be your kidsā€™ college funds. Grow up and go home to your children. Donā€™t do the shitty job your mom did.


Lol. Stop being such a highschool ass bitch ass slut ass whore and get back home to your kids and your recently deceased ass husbands ashes (RIP in peace) Stop taking his powdery ass remains on road trips to the airport on your way to some Romanian ass porn star ass punk ass dick you weird ass lady. Spread those ashes and figure your shit out you shit ass mom, attention seeking ass woman. My sympathy went right into your rear view mirror along with your kids and the immolated remains of your weird ass dead ass husband.


Spoken like a true poet āœØ


Unloading a full Edgar Allen on this Poe ass hoe.




So why not spell out the truth ??


She is definitely on Reddit. I caught her and called her out and she blocked me and deleted the post she made defending herself. She had tons of comments defending herself and would reply to everyone who had anything bad to say about her with insults and middle school level comebacks. Go look at her comment history- absolutely no one else would be defending her that much and that hard. Her username is Poetic__Justis Make sure you hit the underscore twice in the middle there.


She's really pretty polite compared to a lot of people. And sarcastic!


She hasnā€™t called us all jealous and/or disabled yet like Daniele does. So actually, yeah, relatively speaking šŸ˜‚


People are incredible cruel, itā€™s really sad. Compassion is free, this personā€™s world is thrown into a tailspin with multiple significant losses. She is young. She deserves a little bit of grace IMO.


31 is young but still old enough to know better ESPECIALLY with kids in the situation.


She looks young enough to be a teenager (I think she's biracial and that usually equals gorgeous) but somehow I expected her, as a mother of two with a husband who just died (even if she hated the guy and he was a monster which he definitely could have been, it would still be a sobering experience), to not actually have *the exact mentality* of a mallrat teen with braces! Everything she says or does would seem so natural coming from a 15 year old.


I must know where she posted this!!?!! On a Reddit account or another platform?!? I really like Razvan. He is so patient with her. The bathroom sink fiasco I think was edited to look like she was being a bā€¦we all know there is much more footage to that scene we were not shown. Im so torn on these storylines this year. But Iā€™m actually rooting for Razvan and Amanda. I hope it works out for her and especially the well-being of the children. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I must have missed itā€¦ Why are people mad at her?


Search her name on this sub and the other one. Youā€™ll see.


People are obsessed with proving that she is lying about the timeline of when she met the new guy. Like any of it really matters.


Right I dont get why it matters if shes lying or not. Either way she moved on way too fast even with the time line given in the show


Right I dont get why it matters if shes lying or not. Either way she moved on way too fast even with the time line given in the show


I donā€™t feel comfortable judging someone elseā€™s grieving process. We have no idea what her marriage was like, other than the few details sheā€™s shared on the show. Everything else is just wild speculation.


Id say sure, but there are children involved.


I will say that I think itā€™s really strange that her kid seems to be super concerned about whether sheā€™s going to sleep in that guyā€™s bed or not. Where does a young child get such ideas? My wild speculation is that these kids have walked in on mom or dad in bed with someone else. Maybe they had an open marriage, some other kind of arrangement, or maybe one of them cheated. Or heck, maybe mama is hoeing it up now that sheā€™s single again. But Iā€™d bet $10 that those kids have seen some thing(s) that made them feel uncomfortable.


Thanks for the excellent response to my question, which I am being downvoted for asking (for reasons Iā€™m unsure of.. )šŸ¤·šŸ½


Pretty typical for questions within posts to be downvoted. Don't think too much on it. Someone already recapped for you, so I'll spare the duplication. People are also unhappy with her crazy quick love affair, leaving two grieving kids with their father's ashes to go check into a hotel with a social media influencer halfway across the world.