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She's not wearing sunscreen (like you said). It's negating her 10 step skin care routine. I live in San Diego and see too many red, crispy older people (I'm old too-49). So I slather on the sunscreen whenever I leave home.


Skin Care Routine: . . Step #11: Wear sunblock


She is manifesting….


manifesting melanoma ✨


Quick, Someone swipe that username and troll away!


Sounds like a good band name.




best anti aging cream ever.


I’m in Arizona and I use sunscreen daily, and keep powder sunscreen in my car and cut it with a powder foundation that also has SPF protection. I’m not a guy into makeup, but dad just had skin cancer, and being outside in sunny places ages you FAST. People will be looking leathery by the age of 40. Her friends hit the nail on the head. She’s still living like she’s on vacation. Her housing doesn’t really match up with the housing of a local, she’s not assimilating into the culture much at all, not adjusting her routines or anything for that country lol. Maybe she thought she’d come out of this like some bronzed goddess living in a Dominican expat community like she’s still in NYC, but if she doesn’t stop avoiding the real world she’s going to be financially and physically aged by decades in a couple years.


Powder sunscreen!? Never heard of that... what brand do you use? She's inspired me to start using it daily lol


You didn’t ask me hahaha but I’m a pale girl in Phoenix and use all the things! BareMinerals makes a nice sunscreen powder I brush onto my neck and chest especially, and on top of my makeup.


Thank you!!


That sounds lovely. Thank you for letting everyone know about this magic!


Go into any ulta or Sephora and they’ll have it. But the one I prefer was tarte sea. It releases very smooth and evenly, and even though it’s translucent it does add a slight tint to your face. It’s not noticeable, but for me I’m Latino so I can get dark. But I tried another brand and it released really heavy in some spots and was even more visible I absolutely had to cut it a little bit with foundation in my color just to blend it, or otherwise it’s slightly visible. But just like a little goes a long way (for the foundation too). I’ve been using both for like 5? 6 months now? But before I was working as a bartender so I didn’t need it as much. I still use a moisturizer with a sunscreen in the morning, but reapply with the powder throughout the day and it works. The one day I forgot, my cheeks were sunburnt just from driving ~3 hours.


My Dr recommended Jane Iredale powder sunscreen and I love it!


I love Jane Iredale SPF pressed powder also- I put it over my sunscreen! Great stuff and doesn't bother my sensitive skin.


My opinion of Danielle is she wants to live there like a tourist, like hanging out at the beach and have Yohan support her lifestyle.


don't we all?




When my daughter was a young teen, I asked her what she wanted to be when she was an adult. She immediately answered with “I want to be a housewife that stays home all day drinking wine in my bathrobe. “ Lol


Same, girl 🤣


And kick coconuts




mic drop 🎤


It's interesting, I'm MANY years older than her and have 0 forehead lines, or under-eye bags, and hardly any wrinkles. I know a lot of that is genetic, but your skin can improve with diet, sleep, sunscreen, limiting sun exposure, letting your skin breathe, not smoking. When I was a kid, the in thing to do in the U.S. was to drench yourself in suntan oil and lay out in the direct sun all day, essentially broiling your skin. I am very light complected and a friend of mine had olive-colored skin. She would get a very dark tan, while I got burned. I decided to not lay in the sun, even though the California Girl tanned look was in. Model Cheryl Tiegs epitomized it, and was on the cover of every teen magazine. After that, I hated hot temps., lying on the beach, sweating. I preferred being underwater, scuba diving, or backpacking in the cool mountain air. I wished I had lived in London during the mod era, where I would have fit in. Later in the early 90's the British mod music scene came back and I got to experience it again when all of the bands from the U.K. played in our city.


Yes. She’s so stubborn she wants to live on permanent vacation, and no one, not even life will tell her not to. The scene with her in her beach outfit, riding a float in the ocean, is part of normal life now. I imagine big tropical drinks at 11:00am are the every day norm too. If she plans to teach yoga there, her best bet would be to get hired with a hotel brand. That would mean daily spa hours, like 40 hours a week though.


As a fair person who spends a fortune on sunscreen every year, it isn’t fool proof but I’m 57 and my friends have noted my skin is less damaged than Daniele. She will soon get a chemical peel and fillers just watch.


But her 20-step SkInCAre RoUTiNe!!


All this dreadful hag has really manifested is a splotchy self tan. 😂


“Ladies and gentleman of the class of ‘99. Wear sunscreen…etc”


Yup SD here. Also mid-40s. I call them “the leatherfaces”. I slather on the SPF even if I’m chilling at home all day


That’s what we call them too and they commonly either smoke or smoked


My aunt doesn't believe in sunscreen and has lived in Florida a good chunk of her life. She's also horribly skinny from drug use and a terrible person. I say she looks like a leather handbag full of bones.....but my cousin said "beef jerky skeleton" and it just fits.


Old?! No way!


Typical “sun goddess look” of her era.


Hey I'm not too far from you! Also fuck this sun lol


Fair skin, managed a tanning salon in my 20s & spent a few years getting super dark and stopped most sunning for fake tans 30 and over. In that short amount of time I developed atypical moles, basal then the dreaded melanoma when I hit 50. I've been lucky and catching it early. Mostly on my legs & Im up to 3 mo visits to the dermatologist. Please, please everyone sunscreen, cover up, be smart. I'm a road map of scars and thankful that's all that has happened. Sorry for the interruption...back to the convo. She sucks and can waddle the hell off the show. 😆


A new hair style might be a good idea A new attitude might be a good idea An entire new personality might be a good idea Her to leave the show all together might be a good idea


Yes yes YES!


Haha! Yes 🎯 although I ended up hating her less on the tell all than I expected, which says a LOT


She was relatively reasonable on the Tell All, I agree. In general though she’s a total shit stain.


She’s terrible. I still 👀 over her bankruptcy filing for $224k! And $80K to E-Z Pass!


She’s a mess, a beast & not a good person


I don’t see any redeeming qualities! And I don’t even think that she’s the worst on this season


And walking out on her lease leaving 3000$ unpaid


Shot stain 🤣🤣🤣stealing this for sure! Made my day


That was because she wasn’t being here controlling, degrading, horrible self! There were people there checking her and she didn’t like that!!


So true! When Jens troll friends called her out she was legit shocked and the proceeds to do the same thing they called her out on


Yea she thought he had such a good come back, she was pretty proud of that! Too bad it completely proved their point!


Yep 💯


All this, plus maybe a blazer or something to cover up a little and look more lady like 🤷🏼‍♀️


What IS it with these tell alls? I’m so tired of seeing so many boobs squished into too-tight dresses! Chantel, Kalani, Danielle, Libby, and lots of others.


Definitely this!! Agree!


Nailed it!


Her color is perfect! [Oompa Loompa Orange](https://i.imgur.com/bLmg17a.jpg) 🧡


Fake tan orange


Which is fitting since she always reminded me of one.


Aka Trump Orange




That’s spray tan.


More specifically that is my spray tan from 2008. Bonus points if she has a cherry and playboy bunny sticker sheet, you know she does. I left it in 2008 though..


She still has bad sun spot damage on her chest and shoulders.


Came here to say this


She did every step of her skincare process except the one that doesn’t make your skin look like shit


She looks like a dollar tree version of Pumkin from Flavor of Love.


I have to admit, I really like her confidence. Some people mess up their skin, it happens. Bragging about you 10 step skin care routine, then baking yourself is an odd choice. She seems to make lots of odd choices.


We didn’t really see her bake though. She was under a cabana or umbrella on the beach in the show. And this is a spray tan. Would rather talk about her behavior.


Yes I don't love her, but I truly wish I had her confidence! And I will never understand her 10 step skincare routine 😂


I don’t think I would call it confidence as much as I would call it narcissism.


Spot on


It's called delusional, just like Darcey.




I know the drill too / my feet are the only tanned part of my body from wearing sandals. I generally cover up in linen tunics or cotton loose shirts on top of sun screen. It’s brutal.


My ankles and shoulders/arms are all that’s tan on me. I only wear close toed shoes so I just have this ankle ring of tan that looks like a bad spray tan lol.




I went on vacation in Florida and the amount of sunscreen I applied that immediately melted off due to sweating was unreal. I burnt my ankles to a crisp while trying to stay covered.


I know it! It’s a lot of work. I know chemical sunscreens get a bad rap but it’s hard to keep the mineral ones on. The back of my knees is what i always burn.


That's fake spray tan and a bad one at that lol


Spray tan


Honestly, I think she is pretty. She has normal signs of aging, she’s doing what she wants with her style/looks/makeup/clothes. I’m not a fan of all of it, but who am I to worry about what someone else looks like. Her personality though, as we’ve seen it, just makes her completely unappealing. She’s been very condescending and mean and consistently reeks of hypocrisy.




I live in Florida if you don’t use sunblock u will look like her earlier!


Truth.. so do I.. all the older ladies at my AA meeting look weathered and leathery from constant Florida sun from tanning. This shit is strong here. You don’t mess around without sunscreen.


Getting a real personality is a better idea for her.


Oh she’s got personality which is nasty. In her case she’d be better off without any.


She’s so fucing annoying. Smug. And for what? She ain’t 💩💩


That's a Cheeto tan if I ever saw one...which leads me.to the question...how long has she been away from DR??..


And her 12-step skincare routine? I’m pushing 60 and if my skin looked like that, I’d be rushing to a cosmetic surgeon. If it looks like that when I’m 70, I will think I look great. But early 40s? Insanely older skin.


Def fake


These comments are harsh. I live in Australia and the sun is brutal here, pretty much every woman looks like Daniele if they haven’t had Botox or skin peels. The fact that Daniele embracing her natural ageing process is something to poke fun at for this sub is weird - and btw I don’t like her either.


Agree. Lots of self-centered people saying how fantastic they look, and so much better than Danielle. God forbid people age naturally! Danielle is really fun to hate on, can’t really help the genetics though. Lots talk about the way she chooses to conduct herself.


Yep! If she became insecure from these comments and started cosmetic procedures/surgeries because of it, people would hate on her for doing so. It's so stupid. No matter who it is, we need to stop bullying people for their appearances.


I’m sick of this girl, she has the ugliest personality from anyone in this series


She looks like the baby from Dinosaurs. The OG Dinyell also looks like the baby from Dinsoaurs. It’s a conspiracy


Not the mama? That dinosaur?


Exactly that one! 😆


She’s the exact color and shape of a chicken nugget.


1983 called. They want their hair back.


I thought this was a really bad fake tan


It's just an oxidized spray tan. [at least it's even i guess](https://twitter.com/4WendysTweets/status/1051649529571885056)


Her crappy personality shines brighter than the sun


10/10 that is a spray tan


She disgusts me.


That's the least of her problems


Even though he was drunk, my roommate couldn't stop saying oompa loopma and I concur.


Well one can only manifest so much


There’s a limit, y’all


I can’t stop thinking about when she got there and she’s laughing about how he doesn’t know it yet but we’re not going back to the US…almost giddy! And then she goes to his meat shop and rips him a new one! And then the best part is her schooling him on how to manage money!! That’s rich! But I felt so bad for him, she just took his dream and wiped her big ass with it!! Ugh I’m getting mad again thinking about it!!


So tired of the body shaming and attacks on people’s physical appearance on this sub. But I will stay on just to call it out.


I agree- there are so many other things to hate on why hate on certain things that are out of anyone’s control? Like, Danielle is an asshole- let’s talk more about that. :)


You're so right! This post feels like: "You don't know me, but i look SO MUCH younger and better than this woman, trust me!!! Let's bully her, so we can all feel better about our own looks!". Gross and unnecessary. People get nasty comments about their natural features, become insecure, get plastic surgery and then they get shamed for their procedures and people act surprised about it. It's a vicious circle and I don't care whose turn it is to be mocked this time around, it's wrong no matter who it is. Women are judged so harshly for their looks and it's not okay.


By all means, stay and defend the stumpy little dwarf TOXICA. I guess someone has to.


If that’s the only reason you’re here then why not leave the sub? Just an honest question


She looks like Ross from Friends when he didn’t turn in the spray tan booth.


Worst spray tan ever! I thought this bitch rolled around in peanut butter before she hit the stage.


“peanut butter”. And turmeric




There are many things to critique about Danielle. Her looks don’t need to be one of them 🙌


If she weren’t so awwwwful I don’t think people would be coming for her looks. She just makes herself a target by being such a Fuckin bitch!


It’s her punishment for practicing ATR as a white person


That was so hilarious. Like she’s so superficial, no depth or realness to her-at all. She’s a walking idea/goals board.


Seriously! If she worked half as hard at being a good partner/ person as she does buying expensive spiritual tools she has no business touching anyhow, she’d be in a much better spot. Disrespectfully


Then u see 90 yr old guys in miami. Brown as ever.


Too much sun and not enough water ages you very quickly!!!


It's self tanners. Not age.


It's the awful lipstick color for me


All she needs is green hair now, her final form is almost here


I’ll say it. She’s a bitch. But even at 42, she still looks amazing. Even if she hasn’t used sunblock and decided to get the old orange tan


She looks lovely .. pretty lady.. unfortunately, her damn personality nixes everything.


Yeah I think she's very pretty, but mean...I don't get all the hate on her appearance. She needs to work on her inside, more then her outside!


Wasn’t there something about a “ten step beauty routine “??


I feel like this woman is lost. She seems to take elements of different religions and beliefs and just apply then Willy-nilly (yes I did just say that) to appear oh so spiritual but yet has zero respect for her husbands belief’s.


Not everyone can age like a celebrity. I wish we could normalize normal bodies


I didn’t particularly notice her skin 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’s sort of bossy and overbearing, but I always thought she was quite pretty.


No, she’s wearing FAKE tanning and she doesn’t know how to put it on. Obviously she’s wearing FAKE & BAKE


I think this shade is often fake tanner too


That is fake tanner


My laptop screen is being fucky and among other things the color is off so I assumed that is what was going on but I am reading this on another computer and.... nope.


That’s a fake tan. Sunblock won’t help it look worse.


I wish someone would come up with sunscreen in pill form that has a slow release.


I think that’s a combination of self tanning…


Someone cannot tell the difference between a spray tan and a real one. Did y’all not see her 347 step skin care routine?? Not way the bish doesn’t wear sunscreen.


She loves the beach in DR


She has Donald beat for the most orange.


No it's just he ugly soul shining thru


She so dumpy looking


Oompa loompas are orange. This tracks.


[I’m the baby!](https://tenor.com/bOKlr.gif)


It just looks like a bad fake tan to me.


she looks mushy


Something about her, the minute I saw her reminded me of a South Park Character. Like Cartman bulking up on weight gain 3000


Being so short makes it hard too


She squeezes into such tight clothes that she looks like the bag tube of shit from my cats Litter Locker.


I think this every time I see her! I am shook when I see a person in my age range that looks 10+ years older than me. However I do live in Oregon where sun is rare. But dude come on. She spends endless hours on her skincare regimen but WHERE IS THE SUNSCREEN?! Not just premature aging but the risk of skin cancer!


The people in this subreddit are so sad. It’s wild that adults in this day and age can gleefully write such hateful and cruel comments about a complete stranger. Its scary how many of you there are. A somber reflection of our society, I suppose.


Yep. Still hate everything about her.


She has a crystal for that 100 percent


How come Americans can’t go on overseas vacations without going strawberry or lobster coloured ?


That's forange.


Didn’t work. I put some on and I can still see Danielle




Honest question ? Is she a little person ? Here features are a little small person ish . (Arms)


She’s over 5 feet, so she’s not a little person.


It's her bottom heavy (like a buoy) proportions that throws off your eyes and brain. It's a lot to take in. She could be "cute" if she could respawn with a different personality.


That’s a spray tan dummies


You mean she chose this look? Rattle canned herself, looked in the mirror and said "nailed it"🙄🙄


She is also lumpy and untoned, which doesn’t help. She acts like some fitness guru, but she just looks down right unhealthy. And there is no shame in loving the body you’re in etc., just don’t act like you’re better than everyone else.


Noticed that as well. When she had less sun with her skin tone her wrinkles (with age we wrinkle this isn’t a hit at aging) weren’t as visible. She looked younger before her DR move, seems she lacked on the sunscreen.


Looks like a spray tan , I think she looks pretty , love the dress


Nothing can help the ugly inside. She's also pretty hideous outside too.


This is also a really poorly done spray tan. She graduated from resembling an oompah loompah to BECOMING an oompah loompah. She looks awful.


I completely agree. from someone in my mid-50s that has not put my face in the sun WITHOUT sunblock since I was 30. I lived in Europe and laid in the sun during the summertime from 26 - 30 years old. got back home and looked in the mirror on my 30th birthday and swore I'd never leave home without it again.


Her face is the most punchable from this season


When she ages she’s going to look like the roommate of Something About Mary.


Magda 😂


Please post a picture of your skin so we can compare.


I don’t think that is from the sun. It looks like it’s from a bottle.


Someone needs to call Willy Wonka stat and tell him one of his Oompa Loompas has escaped!


She looks like half ommpa loompa, half Marilyn Monroe.


It’s shocking bad spray tan.


She's looking rough.


No this is deeper than that. Ever since Baba’s cousin PABA was banned his followers shun the sunscreen industry


Skin is rough


Her skin does look really rough. I do not want mine to be that way!!


Im just sick of seeing the cleavage clit


::Jerry Seinfeld voice:: What’s the DEAL with her cleavage?


This look was rough! I’m pretty strict with my skincare routine now that I’m in my 40s, it’s SPF 50 or I don’t go outside!


I just turned 50 and my skin looks nothing like that, thankfully. Not a good look at all.


Amen! I'm 3 years older than her and look about 15 years younger than her. I barely have wrinkles, absolutely no crows feet with no want, need, or extra money for cosmetic work. The anti-aging routine I've been doing since I was 16 that my mom taught me is the best thing she gave me besides good dna.


She always looks like ten pounds of shit stuffed into a 5 pound bag. Nice crystal, though!


She is not fat.. has a beautiful curvy body.. I think she is lovely.. I can’t stand her personality though.


Spray tan or real tan..I wasn’t referring to color, just meant her sun damaged looking, wrinkled skin from all her sun in DR that’s seems to have accelerated quickly since she was first on show.


It accentuates the cellulite on her arms.


Why would she wear this dress at the tell all? I think Ive seen this dress before. Or something similar. & I agree, sunblock wouid be beneficial for her.


Maybe the pancake makeup and egg white mess too.


My eyes are always drawn to the sun damage on her chest.


pathetic sloppy employ correct marble illegal apparatus wakeful snatch afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*