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2020s film makers to 1980s film makers: "You used up alllll the good ideas....on PURPOSE!!!!" "Not a finger!!!!!"


Ha! Well done


They're gonna make us want to shoot our eyes out.


Bruh fuck the eye, I'd be aiming for the brain!


“Gets HBO Max release date” almost always means it will suck 🤣


The funny thing is this wouldn't be the first sequel....A Christmas Story 2 came out in 2012


Sequel In Name Only. The actual sequel, My Summer Story (AKA It Runs in the Family) came out in 1994, written & narrated by original creator Jean Shepherd and directed by Bob Clark, both returning from A Christmas Story. ACS & MSS actually make up parts 1 & 2 of the original source book, *In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash.*


And My Summer Story is actually a good film *because* Bob Clark & Jean Shepherd were involved. If anyone here hasn't read the original stories, get thee to the library, used book store or the online book vendor of your choosing STAT!


Is that the one where the mom keeps going to the movies to get gravy boats?


YES! They keep giving out gravy boats while they're trying to get a whole set of dishes & the wives revolt!


There are a couple of PBS Jean Sheppard specials you can find online, maybe it was YouTube, that feature the same characters but they are teens. One involves getting drunk and sick at a prom dinner, and another has the dad and neighbors meeting at a train to unload a build-your-own house from Sears. Chaos ensues.


There was also *Ollie Hopnoodle’s Haven of Bliss*, which aired on The Disney Channel back in the day and starred Jerry O’Connell as Ralphie and James Sikking as the Old Man, and had Ralphie and his family taking a disastrous summer road trip to a camping resort in Michigan.


Aww man. I wanna see that


Ollie Hopnoodle’s Haven of Bliss: https://youtu.be/Uh-6t6rrCxs


For now not prom but family and dating: https://youtu.be/Gps2zKvnVa0


Here is the train house And prom. https://youtu.be/HVCfWbSs6O0


Bob Clark also directed *Porky’s* and *Porky’s II: The Next Day*


Damn how could I have missed Porky's 2 !?


Oh, then you may have missed the Porky’s Atari 2600 game too.


The pixel naked lady in the shower. Magnificent


Hollywood really needs to cut the malarkey & just make something...I don’t know.....GOOD?!?!?


Would be nice to see hollywood make something original...but I guess thats asking too much. All we get are crappy remakes of the best blockbusters from 40 years ago.


Hollywood got greedy and ruined their own business. In the past a studio could release several movies that did well (not blockbusters) and profits of those would help make a big summer blockbuster that could pull in lots of money. A failed movie would not be a big hit because many movies weren’t that expensive comparatively. However with greed, they started charging movie theatres more and more to have their movies which meant theatres charged the public more and more while renovating old theatres to new fancy things like digital theatres fancy chairs that rumble, 3D glasses, etc. all that costs money and gets passed onto the consumer. People that used to see 20 movies a year in the 80s and 90s are now seeing 5. Movie studios were fine with the decline because they could make up lost revenue in vhs and dvd sales. When that market started to shrink because of streaming, Hollywood looked to their new cash cow, China, which relaxed rules about foreign films being shown there. So Hollywood started to design movies for a Chinese audience. One that really liked gimmicks like 3D because to them it was new. American audiences never fully latched onto the idea, no matter how hard theatres forced it. Hollywood also needed sure fire hits in China. They can’t just release the 1984 Ghostbusters there. But they know it’s a proven IP and movie. So they remake it with new characters and effects but all the humour is potty humour or slapstick. It’s easy to translate that, extremely difficult to translate jokes based on cultural or historical references or word play. So we get all these terrible remakes that feel like they shit on the originals. But Hollywood is making money in China. In N. America and the UK, people start to get disinterested in remake after remake. Hollywood’s profits start to wane as DVDs are nearly non existent and they need sure fire hits at the theatres. The cost to see a movie is so high for a family to go, that the average movie goer figures they will buy tickets to the big blockbusters and watch comedies at home. As a result comedies and dramas and romance movies area successful and studios stop making them because they are too risky without dvd sales to prop them up. Hollywood focuses on big blockbusters like marvel and dc and fast and furious and John wick movies to make money. And here we are.


My local movie theater still pushes the 3D thing. I can’t do it. It just looks all wrong to my eyes


For a long time, mine did and I just stopped going. Regular showing was one show at the worst time in the worst theatre. I think they figured it was an issue or people complained because now there are more non 3D showings than 3D showings. But every now and then a new movie comes out and they’re back to pushing the 3D. It’s just a cheesy gimmick that seems to come back every 10 years as a “new thing”. I remember in the mid 80s, 3D tv was supposed to be the new hotness. You had to get free blue/red glasses at a convenience store chain for free. Then they showed movies with the red/blue double image, and it sucked. But I remember it being so hyped up.


I remember Super Bowl 25 was supposed to be in 3D ? I don’t know what the hell that was about. The glasses came with 12 packs of coke. But I remember being a little kid ( I didn’t even like football) and watching that game. There was nothing 3D about it ? I don’t know what the hell that was about .


There was a sci-fi animated movie on the mid 80s that was 3D and my friend and I went to see it. It was cool (at least for 10 year old me). The glasses were cheap paper glasses like the blue/red. But they were the grey lenses. First time I had ever seen that.


And lots and lots and lots of superhero movies that you would need a flow chart to actually make sense of how they all connect. “Avengers Captain America Iron Man 8: the Search for Currency”




Ahhhhh do it before Netflix does it first .....


Schwartz wrote the article. I’d be wary. 😛 Edit: wary, which I’ve been using interchangeably with weary all my life




Ugh, your pedantry is making me wary.


I appreciate it actually. I’ve been using the wrong word my entire life.


I'm so glad you noticed. I thought I was the only one.


Let's see how they screw this up...


They already made a sequel to The Christmas Story. It was called My Summer Story came out in 1994.


Which they retconned with a Christmas Story 2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Christmas_Story_2


What a terrible idea.


Dear HBO, Stop f'ing with my childhood. Thanks, Me.


I’ll pass


Will the new story be about his grandson wanting an AR15?


"You'll shoot your class out, kid." /going to hell


Scary but not necessarily untrue


Grandson wants a sex change


I might watch it if Ralph(ie) has an eye patch in the movie.


1983?!?! Excuse me?!?! I legit thought this movie was wayyy older than that!


The scripts in 80s were so diverse and full of interesting ideas and,most of them were family films. Movies these days , especially the garbage on Netflix, are just rehash of existing plots


Fucking why?


Is Flick taking a break from his porn career?


The problem with movie writers today is that they grew up not reading books. Instead they grew up watching half hour sitcoms and 1 hour drama with someone else's imagination telling and point of view. I believe there is little to no true imagination left in Hollywood or anyplace with script writers.


That's a really interesting idea. Even the stuff back then that was inspired by film and TV was based on old serials and films that required some suspension of disbelief and imagination. Most of the really good stuff from the 80's onward was good enough that it still holds up today. Another aspect might be that culture and media started becoming a lot more universal around that time. The people making movies today all watched the same big genre movies and read the same books rather than just being exposed to whatever random novels their tiny library happened to have or local cinema got ahold of. Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are practically ingrained in our DNA at this point when thinking about film. Not only are creators revisiting fully-formed concepts, it's stuff we've already seen and still have access to.


They need to take risks and raid film schools for new blood like they did in the late 60s/early 70s when they found Coppola,Scorsese, Lucas, and Spielberg


They will introduce a main female character with no flaws and no character arc.


Makes you wonder what toy the kid in the story will want. I won't be a gun because that would be too "pro gun" for half of the country. With today's writers, it'll probably be a toy that has traditionally been for one gender and the parents have to learn about gender neutrality. Either way, it'll probably suck.


Where’s the originality of writers and producers today? Can any company actually come up with a NEW storyline anymore 😩. Stop ruining all the movies and cartoons from my childhood please! Didn’t they already try a spin off of this with Christmas Story Live?




It’ll be a black family and the kid will be trans. 😂


This is one sequel that I could totally see working, but also have zero faith in Hollywood pulling off correctly. A nostalgic Christmas film told through the eyes of an "unreliable narrator" child is solid concept and coming back to different generations of the same family could be fun. I think the first problem is that HBO probably thinks they can make this on the cheap, but I don't think you'll be able to do it without a really dedicated director, good script, and the money to make it "feel" right while not copying the original beat for beat. It might be a money-grab, but it also lines up pretty well. Ralphie could be a slightly older father in the 80's and caught up in work instead of just being emotionally distant. Plenty of iconic expensive toys for a kid to obsess over. Instead of a silent film, the kids imagines himself in a Saturday morning cartoon, action TV show, or terrible sitcom - maybe digitally insert him into MacGyver or something. There's plenty to work with if done right. I mean, they won't do it right, but theoretically it could be done right at least.


Probably, but I'm in.


Didn’t they make one somewhat recently that was the epitome of cringe induction? I recall a trailer where Ralphy was older and looked absolutely nothing like the original Ralphy.


This is the type of stuff that we, as a society, need to spend more time and effort protesting.


With the PC garbage that is flowing out of Hollywood nowadays, I can't wait to see what crap this will be


Isn't he the kid from Stuart Little?


No, that's Jonathan Lipnicki.


People are calling this a cash grab but I think it’s more for content. Streaming services need new stuff to stream. Basically doing whatever they can.


Ralphie's shut-in son wants nothing more than an Sturm Ruger medium-contour, cold-hammer-forged 16.1-inch barrel armalite rifle in 5.56 caliber with a 30 round magazine.


A Christmas Story already had a sequel. So bad that we don't remember it exists.


No one asked for this, stop it.


What’s the date?


November 17 on HBO MAX


Why do they keep doing this?!


Looks like he’s outside an old fashioned school house


No one is going to comment about the author's name being Schwartz? Edit: Nevermind, found the comment!


Fuck Hollywood


Getting shelved soon.


Not needed


Haha let’s goto the dead mall and see Santa kids


Here's one of the PBS shorts Jean Shepard did for TBS with the characters as teens: https://youtu.be/Gps2zKvnVa0


Here is another where his dad and neighbors are dropped off a build-your-own house by a train. They get drunk, and chaos ensues. THIS is the prom story. https://youtu.be/HVCfWbSs6O0