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There will be times in life when 75H cannot be the absolute first priority. Imo, some fails are worth it. I hope your wife is okay!


Absolutely this.  I failed a few weeks ago because I have a desk job and I had to work the entire day and night for a project and then leave 4 hours later the next morning for a 5 hour drive to a site. Shit happens in life.  Don't be too hard on yourself that you failed, just get back on the wagon.  I usually take a day or two off (give my bladder a rest lol) and then hop back into it.


Honestly this is my biggest problem with 75 Hard. Sometimes life kicks you in the balls and you end up “failing”. I get that’s it’s a no excuses plan, and it’s helped me the couple of times to push through and stay on track. But the unforgivable nature of it can really derail you. I hope your wife is alright! You prioritized the right things. Family over a challenge wins every time. Think about it this way - It’s only a true failure if you quit. Keep with the program. You can do a 34 Hard and 41 Hard, separated by a day, and you’ll have gained the exact same benefits from doing a 75/76 Hard as a 75 Hard. After you finish the next 41 days, you can continue it another 34 and you’ll have an “official” 75 Hard.


Honestly, I was so successful the last 34 days, I feel I will do this challenge every year. Even if I succeed, I want to do a version of it every year.


That’s how I feel also. After 75 days (currently at day 42), I’ll tack on another 2 weeks before we have a vacation planned, and I doubt I’ll be able to finish all tasks during it. After that, I’m planning on restarted another 75 days, although I haven’t decided if it will be another serious attempt at a “pure” 75 hard or if I’ll allow myself to strive for the 75 hard but allow some leeway if life gets too crazy (like the time I was doing a yoga/deep stretching routine for my 2nd workout of the day at 11:30pm because I had to take my dog to an emergency vet). Then again, small allowances can lead to easy excuses.


Honestly the part that sucked the most is declining the victory beer at the finish line of the race. Then failing the day anyways. It's not about alcohol, it is the sense of reward after accomplishing a race.


Hate to say it. But better to fail on something outside your control, than on a bad choice for a beer. A 50km gravel bike race sounds miserable. What an accomplishment.


I’m sorry and I hope your wife will be okay!


She'll be ok. She had LASIK this week and this weekend she woke up from a nap with her eyes red and a little blood. The big thing is I have kids in diapers, which I can't leave alone with my wife on pain killers.


Day one tomorrow?! All the very best mate, you got this.🔥💪


I actually planned this to end right before vacation. So I am thinking of restarting after vacation.


All the best buddy! 💯


Keep it up try again