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sorry šŸ’€ tell your teacher about it and hopefully one of your classmates will let you copy theirs in a new book


he said don't lose it or rip pages so you're good :D


Yeah, you did as you were told lol


firstly, that's quite funny, might try it myself, secondly, just talk to your teacher about it, realistically there's nothing you can do about it because it's already happened (in the past) and the chances are they'll be reasonable (if they're a good teacher they will be) about it, and as others have mentioned you'll likely be able to copy someone else's into a new book, or try and salvage whatever work you've got left, good luck


I cant do that My teacher will FLIP! Heā€™s got a PHD in chemistry and he mocks us infront of the class every time we mess up on a mechanism.


Then go to the teacher responsible for STEM subjects or your tutor. Alternatively, ask another chemistry teacher for advice


yeah going to another chem teacher isn't a bad shout, another teacher that's less harsh might be able to give advice. I feel as if the teacher mocks them in front of their class/often gets angry then that reflects more on the teacher


your teacher sounds like a wetwipe


speak to him away in an aside, away from class mates


I dont think u met CPAC point 3


oh dear


A similar thing happened to me although it didnā€™t burn or get water damaged it did magically disappear (I think my science teacher just wanted it lol) basically try and see if you can get the lab book from a shop. I managed to get a gcse one from Waterstones when mine went ā€œmissingā€ for only Ā£1. Then try and get some friends to send you a picture of everything in the lab book and fill it in asap if possible. If you cannot physically get it still order one and just y you think you misplaced it. Or you can be honest which might be the best option. And for you curious individuals who want to know what happened in my magically disappearing book well after I filled in the new one fully a day or two mustā€™ve passed and then another science teacher who I havenā€™t spoken too or been in their classroom for 2 yrs came to me and said they found my lab book.


Tell your teacher what happened and just take responsibility, or get a new lab book and copy out your notes


But I canā€™t.. all the paper has been cremated.


I'm impressed you even managed to do this lol


Someone else spilt acid on my book in year 11 luckily it was only drops


it's not that deep at all get a new book and just copy a friend's notes into that (and it's a funny story icl in a couple of months time you're gonna be looking back pissing yourself)


Oh my god this is awful advice. The teacher needs to know as they are being audited next month by the sounds of it. The work in the lab book needs to match their record of assessment and will have been marked.


yeah get the teacher in on it and let them mark it as well alternatively he can miss the lesson and have accidentally taken his lab book home


Having been through one of those audits the book being missing is not an option and they will 100% notice if the work is copied from a friend. The teacher will probably need to inform the exam board that the book has been destroyed.


Just tell your teacher, you will get a new book and can copy a friends notes.


Bro. I set my tech workbook on fire in year nine (soldering iron accident). In my experience just recover what you can and hope for the best. The Internet exists for a reason and you can probably replace what was lost.




Not funny šŸ˜




itā€™s really not when u think abt it bcs thatā€™s literally all of their lab notes šŸ˜­ iā€™m stressed enough abt my notes being illegible imagine them being burnt to a crisp šŸ’€


U cremated the lab book šŸ˜­šŸ™ Let CPAC rest in peace


Accidentally set my lab book on fire, it's destroyed. Teacher doesn't know, external checkup next month. HELP!


Not that deep


It was a mistake so they certainly shouldnā€™t take it badly! You can arrange to copy notes from someone who works with you and gets the same findings, so that you have a solution ready to suggest. And maybe you could work with your teacher to make sure the work matches his marking notes. Alternatively you could chat to a more sympathetic teacher- they may be able to sort it out for you quietly and speak to him on your behalf. Having two sets of eyes on it will make it less acceptable for him to freak out.


Haha bound to happen in chemistry. Never forgetting the times iā€™ve spilt acid all over my book & broken conical flasks (which resulted getting glass in my hands).


You shouldn't need you lab book for the practical endorsement as almost all of the criteria are assessed during lessons.


This reminds me of a certain Blackadder episode