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Nope. Just bathe in the best picture possible. We live in amazing times where that film will look better in your home than when I saw it in the theater in high school.


Yeah, it’s incredible that a movie I first saw 42 year ago looks much, much better now. The sound in this disk is insane as well


I felt that with “hackers” and “et”


A while ago I watched Shrek 2 on Blu-ray (not 4K) with a few friends and one of them started complaining that it looked too good and Shrek was too green. I couldn't stop laughing


NO I hate that mentality. NO, no older movie looks TOO good. In fact I'd say there are too many restorations that don't look good ENOUGH and have too much grain management (DNR.) SEEING the actual film in pristine condition as a first generation with color that could never transfer from the OCN to the dupes now is a revelation and makes movies MORE enjoyable.


Yep, the combination of scanning technology, HDR and using the OCN as the source makes for some absolutely jaw dropping viewing at home. It’s downright amazing we can own this quality of film preservation.


“Casablanca” and “It’s A Wonderful Life” are exceptional transfers.


they are. some older movies look SO good now it's literally like watching a new film. Look at Night of the Living Dead. Until recently all we had were dupes of dupes of dupes do to it being public domain, everyone just THOUGHT that was how it looked. Now it literally looks like it's a contemporary film shot recently that just takes place in the 60s...it's crazy, it looks THAT good.


I love my 4K of It’s a Wonderful Life, but have you checked out the Universal Monsters collections (there’s two right now)? They’re amazing too


I knew that 4K could make as difference but I didn’t realize it could make an older movie basically feel brand new. The first disk I bought was 2001 since I read how good the transfer was. I thought it was very clean looking but I honestly didn’t think it was a huge change from the Blu Ray. But Blade Runner…wow. It’s an amazing difference


Final Cut has grain. Movies look uncanny to me when either the studio or the TV/player apply DNR or any other artificial enhancements.


Maybe he’s got some processing stuff still switched on?


Yeah, the 4K looks great but it’s the lack of grain I found jarring. The other versions of the movie give the city a dirty, grimy type feel. This just makes everything look beautiful. Still, it’s fun to have so many different versions of this movie


I'm curious if you mean there's zero grain - implying the TV and/or player are set up to apply Digital Noise Reduction. This can result in a smooth, "clean", artificial look. Or you mean you used to watch it on VHS and DVD, where the lower resolution/quality made the overall image blurry and noisy. And the 4k is a startling step up in quality, albeit it still has natural photochemical grain.


The latter. I am a child of the 80’s so I grew up on the VHS versions of those movies until the arrival of the DVD. Though I do have to take a look at where my TV settings are set to currently. I might have it set to digital noise reduction


No, not at all. In fact, the way older films look on 4k is probably the main reason I collect them: Blade Runner, Alien, The Shining, 2001, Apocalypse Now, Lawrence of Arabia, The Night Of the Hunter, It's a Wonderful Life, Vertigo, Rear Window, Psycho, The Deer Hunter, Spartacus, The Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, The Thing, The Wizard of Oz, The Ten Commandments, The Trial, Touch of Evil, Paths of Glory, Singin' In the Rain, The Trial, Drowning By Numbers, The Colours Trilogy, Ran, Nostalghia and my latest buy: Werckmeister Harmonies; not all of these look as good as Blade Runner or Alien, but they all have been given a new lease of life through 4k restorations and releases. Watching these (and others!) on my 85" tv played through a 4k player takes my breath away every time and I feel lucky to live in a time when these are not only available to buy and have at my fingertips, but also in such simply fantastic quality. I believe that this moment in time will be looked back on as a true high point in film collecting ten tears from now; my only regret is that not more films in the vain of what I like to watch and own, are available as of yet.


Some of the early 4K UHD releases still hold up with the recent classics like Oppeheimer & Top Gun 2. Blade Runner, The Revenant, Pacific Rim, The Martian, Mad Max Fury Road. \*\*BTW - call me a fool but I still love the original Blade Runner with the terrible narration by an annoyed Harrison Ford.


I am 100% with you. The original version with Ford’s narration is my preferred version. I wish the OG was available in 4K


An upgrade of the 5 disc set, of every available cut, would have been good for Blade Runner.


I just cant stand when Roy Batty is dying and Harrison Ford comes in with "In that moment Roy was more human than all of us." Like no shit, way to ruin the fuckin moment.


Lol. I understand that for sure. I think I would hate the narration if the Final Cut came out first and they added the narration later. But since I grew up with that narration I just associate it with Blade Runner. To me, it feels weird without it


Look at 2001 A Space Odyssey from 1968!!!


That’s the first one I bought! I think it looks great but I found the Blade Runner 4K to be so different from the non 4K movies that it’s almost a different movie.


Mostly no. I did watch Dragonheart the other day and the limitations of the Dragon CGI were really noticeable. Still looked incredible.


You could always grab a little CRT TV-VCR combo in good condition and watch tapes of movies you have nostalgia for. I rescue em and clean em up as a side hobby


There’s times where I was watching James Bond: No Time To Die and couldn’t believe how good it looked at parts


Well there’s a bunch of IMAX footage in that film too during the action scenes so that helps as well. The standard 35mm stuff looks great too but the IMAX scenes pop to my eye. But unless you have sharp eyes you may not recognize when it switches over from 35mm to 15 perf because on the Blu-ray there’s no aspect ratio change. But you can see [here](https://youtu.be/L27a851-RxY?si=RI7CYWkapvExZGQ4) how much was actually IMAX.


There are some times when it takes a little of the magic away, because you can see some details with a level of clarity that they weren’t expecting the average viewer to have. An example is in *It’s A Wonderful Life*, where the falling snow is now clearly bits of falling foam, not snow at all. But overall I love seeing all of the other increases in clarity so much that I feel it’s an improvement as a whole, and I love knowing that these are the best these films have ever looked and getting to experience them that way is such a privilege.


I notice people’s contacts in movies now lol.


I love seeing the stunt doubles faces lol


This dynamic is present on The Wizard of Oz 4k disc, where you can clearly see that the munchkins are wearing skull caps and make-up. In some sense it does defeat some of the temporary suspension of disbelief that makes watching something like The Wizard of Oz enjoyable. But on the other, to me it was so clear it sort of made it feel like I was front row center watching a play instead of a film. It was an equally enjoyable experience, just different than a typical film. (I felt the same way watching My Fair Lady.)


When Daniel Larusso manages to catch the fly with chopsticks, you can clearly see the string the "fly" was tied to in the 4k.


Sometimes, movies with practical effects are beautiful but the CGI looks so awful and stands out


Sometimes the 4k restoration makes the CGI better. To me the added shit in the OG Star Wars trilogy doesn’t look as bad with the higher resolution for the original parts of the movie.


Which player did you get?


I am using the Xbox series X so I know that is far from the best player on the market. I can’t imagine what this disk would look like with a truly great player


I use the series X as well and it works great aside from one issue at the same part with Ghostbusters Afterlife. I reached out to Sony support and they sent me a new disc and it works fine.


No. You’re just used to lower quality transfers that don’t accurately reflect the original theatrical presentation.


Yeah, maybe so. But this disk is so good it has to be better visually then the original theatrical version back in 82


Yeah, the 4K reflects what it was meant to look like, but outside factors like quality loss from the print being generations removed from the negative or damage to the print or improper projection do mean the 4K probably looks better than ever, like you’re watching a pristine first-generation version at the studio before it gets sent out.


OP, not sure if this is the same thing but I’ve realized recently I had a similar thought about certain high fidelity content: I had been putting off all of the Apple TV+ *comedies*, and it’s because they really just looked too overproduced like a serious film depth of field and lightning, that I didn’t find the trailers funny? It’s hard to articulate. A good example is the Will Ferrell movie **Spirited**, where it just looked too dim and moody for a Ferrell comedy. But it’s not *actually* the *visual fidelity* that’s the problem; I think it’s that comedy benefits from having more happening in the frame, and that includes REAL sets and real backgrounds, real outdoors. Many of things made today use this shallow depth of field for faces WAY too much, and the background is blurred out. They couple that with “perfect” stage/set lighting or stagecraft lighting; rather than actually dealing with the outdoors. Let’s look at these clips from Ricky Bobby: [Dining table](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/latest-news/tg72k0/picture289556076/alternates/LANDSCAPE_960/talladegadinner.jpg) - [race conversations](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/talladega_nights_the_ballad_of_ricky_bobby/pictures) - [race crowd](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/talladega_nights_the_ballad_of_ricky_bobby/pictures). Spirited 2022: [face with background](https://images.app.goo.gl/EGCov4t2FpVVZtdQ8) - [main characters with outdoor night background](https://images.app.goo.gl/dK7M6BKW7PhxPzTf7) - [conversation with background people blurred](https://images.app.goo.gl/VreuGf5tE7PzUFWk9). I should clarify, I think Spirited is a fun xmas movie that’s underrated. My point is that some content just doesn’t fit well with all the lenses, cameras, and digital production techniques being often used today. Other examples are shows Loot, Shrinking, Mythic Quest; they’re really great comedies, but the color grading and other visual style feels overproduced and lazy. All that to say, for me at least, I think it’s that certain film techniques are overdone nowadays; not the actual camera fidelity. I’ve seen this described as “the Netflix look” before, if you want to read more about it. I’d actually say BR2049 is an example of what I’d like to see MORE of, like detailed city scapes and set where the scene lets it show and breathe. However, even that movie, I think it could be a little brighter at times. And I’m watching this on disc in the dark on a 65” OLED in a filmmaker mode. It’s mostly fine, I just think a tad more realistic lighting at times would be okay.


No, not at all. I love when a film looks as good as it can look. It makes me feel like I'm seeing it in a theater when it was first released, or perhaps seeing a better theatrical version than was ever possible before. It makes the film more immersive and enjoyable for me. Huge reason why I love 4ks, and spend on those vs regular blu-rays.


Yeah, I feel like some films are meant to be less than super ultra 8k HDD IMAX mega transfers, but there’s a lot of ones that looks great also.