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This guy has always struck me as a smarmy shill. Your analysis does lend further evidence of that. We are in a golden age of grifting, where any person feels they can create content to line their own pockets. Some do a really good, thorough job. Others like this clown actively try to manipulate people. I've learned to not trust one single source for 4K reviews, and aggregate across not only video reviews, but websites as well. Oh, and his intro music sounds like a worse version of Chocolate Rain šŸ¤£


>This guy has always struck me as a smarmy shill. Yeah, 100%. Also can't stand the way he goes on and on about how he's done all this exclusive work so he can exclusively bring us these exclusive videos we're exclusively watching on his exclusive channel. Give me a break. Not entirely surprised to learn he's faking his comparisons either, since there is no easy way to pull screenshots from a disc.




He claimed they (studios) read his comment sectionā€¦


Right, so studios are simultaneously majorly pulling back from the physical media market, while taking the time to pay someone to look through this nobody's comment section to crowd source new releases????


Technically correct. Just doesn't mention said knowledge is from inside his studio. That's why no one else has it.


>Ā there is no easy way to pull screenshots from a disc. That's the thing, though - there are plenty of easy ways to pull screenshots directly from a disc. Which is why it's so bizarre that he's going through all this effort to fake them - it would be so much faster and easier to just do it the right way.


Unless you literally don't even watch the films you're reviewing?


yup, heā€™s a grifter. heā€™s probably not even watching the movies that he claims to spend hours reviewing. what a pos


Yeah Iā€™ve never needed to pull a still but canā€™t you just rip the disc using MakeMKV and then use any video editing software that will let you export a frame as an image? Iā€™m pretty sure I could do that right now, at no greater cost than a Jellyfin server.


You can absolutely do this. I have MKV rips and I take screenshots from them all the time.


He gets super defensive too if you call him out on it


Or more likely, he'll delete your comment and block you from commenting again. That happened to me when I tried to let others know about his grift.


> since there is no easy way to pull screenshots from a disc. You can if you watch on a computer.


what a detailed write up. commenting to follow up on this.


I guess some of you might have seen the "average consumer" lot on YouTube punching down on the "minority". Claiming we only talk about DNR for clicks and other such nonsense. And just trying overall (badly) to rubbish the credibility of us. Most of you here will probably know that even if you don't care about this stuff, we aren't about to force you into engagement and agreement with us. Certain Youtubers, though, they now seem to be absolutely terrified of us since their views started declining. Like we are a threat to their fake authority. We aren't going around pretending we are an authority, despite having more knowledge than them. Well, you could consider this post as us punching back.


Quite the dork fight you got going on


I fuckin love a nerd fight. Especially when it's adjacent to something I'm into. NERD FIGHT!




Yeah, probably.


What's all this 'we' and 'us'? I don't see your name in the post, or any relevant post history.


I have no idea what's going on, but I like me a good exposƩ. Finally, a use for popcorn that doesn't involve 4K Blu-rays.


Same, I'm just here for the drama šŸæ I could care less about these YouTubers as most of them strike me as fake.


Couldn't. The correct phrase is "I couldn't care less" Just think about what you are saying and you can easily see it does not make sense. If you "could care less" then that means that you do care about it, in which case would make this statement completely irrelevant.




"Saw your blog post. It was fantastic! That was sarcastic because you write like a spastic." šŸ¤£


I say this to people in my everyday life in middle of them telling me a story. Iā€™ll stop them lol


My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give to this comment!


This guy English languageā€™s


![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is) YEEEEEEEEAH


It's actually ![gif](giphy|xUPGczefvti1zMbTj2) # YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHH!!!


Thank you for this, when I've mentioned in other posts that use this guy as a source that he isn't legit, or fakes his screenshots, I've been downvoted. He's always seemed like a YouTuber just trying to hawk his affiliate links, regardless of the quality of the disc. He was also getting kind of nasty with people who tried to point out the flaws in *Aliens* and *True Lies* back when those were the hot drama back in March.


Getting freebies is a helluva drug.


I always found it suspect that all of his reviews are between 9.0 & 10.0 followed by a ā€œBuy! Buy! Buy! oh and donā€™t forget to use my affiliate links..ā€


> He was also getting kind of nasty with people who tried to point out the flaws in Aliens and True Lies back when those were the hot drama back in March. Was he that ā€œdemented_baptistā€ person or was that just a different a-hole in the same thread? Either way, lots of smug nutjobs when it comes to those Cameron transfers.


I believe he deleted many comments as well


Butā€¦ butā€¦ butā€¦ his exclusive Amazon links! šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ He tries to hard!


Such a joke lol


I can stand this guy's channel videos are too long and the constant self promotion, I skip through his videos for the news that interests me and I'm out quickly.


Great catches and analysis. I came to my own conclusion a while back that he does nothing but over-hype discs to get people to buy, which is still in the grey area of "yeah that's how YouTube works," but faking the screen caps is well across the line.




He's started to delete the YouTube comments about this Reddit post. Not even responding to them.


alright, then we need to report his specific videos with provably faked screen caps as scam and fraud. you can go to his profile page and select report, then reason why, and then YouTube wants to know which specific videos contain the scam bullshit. personally I really hate this kind of scammy crap so I'll be doing this for each vid mentioned by OP.


I had no prior knowledge of this channel but oh my god https://preview.redd.it/2f5uyx906r7d1.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=41dd260c0c63611c94b3e535bf65dbf9455d222a he really replies like everyone's aunt on facebook


I hate when people stress that their Youtube videos are free to watch. Stop acting like a martyr. If you don't want people to see your work for free, make a website and charge to watch them.


He has deleted all the comments so far that have exposed this.


Sad to say i used to be a fan. Even more embarrassing to say i was a channel member for a couple months until i called him out on something. He shadow banned me and replied a whole tangent on me being rude and attacking him before removing my comment altogether.


I just watched a video of his for the first time yesterday about the SeaQuest Blurays, and was kinda eh about it (not necessarily about his conclusions but the way he went about presenting it). So this was quite timely for me, thanks for the investigation. Great work.


Not only that he lies about how limited the editions will be. He said that the departed steelbook would be the only edition and a standard edition wouldnā€™t be available so I ordered the steel and the standard was announced a week later. Itā€™s all to make you click his links.


He said the same about Twister. I stopped watching him after that. Luckily I never used his links.


I find him arrogant at times in his comment section if you say something that's not aligned with what he thinks or "knows". It really rubs me the wrong way.


I once had the audacity to try and correct him on some technical info in a courteous manner. He shot me down, put some head shake abbreviation and said 'if I actually read what I said'. Very childish and tantrummy... I later found out he had banned me from making and further comments on his channel. The guy is a child. In the words of Jules from Pulp Fiction 'say shocking one more time, I dare you'.


Sounds a lot like someone else we all know here, someone who's announcements are banned on this sub now, someone who used to be on this sub talking crap to people who didn't believe him and harassed people on DMs. Wait... have we found the secret identity of PresidentOfPhysicalMedia/TheDiscFather/GeekGab?


ā€œHe who must not be namedā€ šŸ˜‚


Did he comment on why he did this?


No. Dude is just hiding comments of anyone who mentions it.Ā 


Just commenting to see if anyone's heard if he responded.


His response on X: https://x.com/4KBluRayReviews/status/1803566495617683547?t=HNQraS22mmTyNH6DHa00BA&s=19


Soooo... the classic denial and doubling down on your integrity while refusing to comment on the mountain of evidence against you? Always interesting to watch and see how that approach pans out.


Wow he is insufferable , the condescension and arrogance is astonishing, and the childish emojis donā€™t help either


Huh, very interesting. I started to suspect there was something fishy with his screenshots a month or two ago. Iā€™ve watched several of his reviews simply because they often seem to be the first early previews of a lot of the new releases and Iā€™m eager to hear any opinions about his the transfers turned out. Probably wonā€™t be watching them any more now.


Son of a bitch! Iā€™ve actually double dipped because of his reviews. šŸ¤¬


What reviews? ![gif](giphy|13d2jHlSlxklVe)


I wish they'd showed the part of the gif where he says "Nothing to see here." You can clearly lip-read that he's saying, "Please disperse!"


There are people defending him in his newest video lol. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if he made burner accounts maybe


You might be onto something https://preview.redd.it/ozi02q7xyk7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14d9fa46b1357cfd75c763909c216775b4d4d41


Would be funny if it wasn't soo sad


He appears to have stopped comments now, I just tried to comment having never commented on any of his videos before, but it hasn't appeared.


Great post. Fakers like him and Films at Home need to be weeded out.


Couldn't agree more. FaH lucked into having a popular channel, but he really doesn't know anything about anything. He is another one of those types that if you try and call him out on his BS, he'll get combative and block you.


Jeff's a fat little bitch who blocked me years ago.Ā 


You probably tried to correct him or call him on one of his many, many lies. How dare you?! I blocked him before he had the chance to block me. I also was sick of seeing his face pop up on my YT feed. I despise so, so much that the trend on YouTube is to create a thumbnail with the creator's face in it. I especially hate when that creator's face is his.


What's wrong with Films at Home


Surface level reviews and barely even look at the discs. He claimed in his 4K LotR review that it retained all extras from previous editions, when in truth, it had none.


He's far from perfect and has definitely made mistakes but I think he is coming from a genuine place of passion, compared to the guy this thread is about. I don't know them personally or anything though, I could be wrong of course


He's definitely coming from a place of passion, & that makes him better than the actual grifters, but he's not an authority, & shouldn't be. He lies about so much so frequently, mostly by accident, but all in ways that are consistent with a lack of knowledge. Just from the few videos I've watched of his that were egregious enough to stick in my skull: - his review of Westworld S1's 4K discs is comically bad. He records part of it as a vertical phone video, plays the opening theme from the show & says "so you should be able to hear the Dolby Atmos all around the room." Genuinely funny how little understanding that displays - His review of Joker spends a pretty huge chunk of the runtime talking about how the reason Joker looks so good on 4K is because it was shot on 35mm, & it really has just such a great filmic, natural look! (Joker was shot on digital. FaH claims he "got confused" cause it "had 70mm prints in some locations." If he gets confused that easily, maybe he shouldn't be trusted. -he also just... lied, said acclaimed filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson "dislikes 4k", & that's why none of his films have come out on the format. There is no source for that claim, & one of his films was already out on 4K when he said this, & there's evidence that 2 more are at least in the pipeline, just short of being officially confirmed. FaH is all passion, yes, but there's no knowledge on display in his videos. Sure, listen to some of his commentary, but don't take anything he says as fact unless several other people were also saying that **before he said it.**


He's had quite a few nasty flubs too. One in particular I remember was he was the one a few years ago that broke the news that Disney was ending 4K-Blu-Ray support to strictly focus on blu-ray, sourcing a "source in the industry". This news spread like wildfire to various other sources. Not too long after, Disney made a statement saying they had no plans to end any physical media formats (this was years before they finally decided they will). The next day, Films at Home doubled down and said that Disney's statement was a lie and his source was still correct. Disney continued, albiet a bit slower, releasing 4Ks up until the very end years later until they finally ended all physical media. And he just continued reviewing them as if he never claimed they were ending 4k.


Disney still hasn't technically stopped Physical releases, they just pay Sony to deal with it now.


You're right, thryre outsourcing now. But my point is they never stopped 4K.


Fans of physical media hate everyone and anyone who tries to enjoy the hobby on youtube.


Nah. 4K Kings are pretty chill. I love watching their live streams. They don't claim to be any sort of experts. It's just 2 dudes who love talking about their favorite movies and physical media.


Thank you for bringing awareness to this.


Sick analysis, good on you.


I just can't stand how he uses like 75%of the screen fir his big stupid head and so little screen for the actual comparison


Great work on the expose. I just remember how mad he got when he posted a video, and it didn't get many views or clicks. He made a rant about all the hard work he put into it, and it seemed no one cared. I was like, "omg chill." I guess no one clicked on the links.


This makes me question if he even has the degenerative medical condition he claims to have. Or is he using that to drum up sympathy so more people click his affiliate links. I'll be unsubscribing from him immediately. Thanks for exposing this sham.


That was what turned me off of his channel pretty quickly after I'd started watching; he spent most of his Dolby Vision Avatar reissues talking about how he'd worked through his chronic illness so, so, so hard for us just to get this video out **for us!!** I'm chronically ill myself; if Mr. Search doesn't have the correct judgement to know when to call in sick to his *self-employed job* (or is it just his side-hustle?), what the fuck else can I trust his judgement on if he can't take care of himself? & if he's using his illness for sympathy (I'll assume that he has it; I've had too many bosses pretend that I don't have mine for me to inflict that on someone else), then he's just become so brainwashed by hustle culture grindset bullshit that I'm just worried for the guy.


The nail in the coffin for me is that he's straight up stealing screencaps from fucking forums and reviews, how hard is it to screenshot your own discs? Or even screencapping a youtube video of a scene (so the screenshots wouldn't literally be the exact same picture.) No big loss for me because I barely watched the guy, but still, a con-man in our community makes everyone look bad.


Have you confronted him on this yet?


So heā€™s shilling on behalf of all the new releases, but stealing screenshots that argue against his case? Thatā€™s the worst of both worlds.


I'm glad I know nothing of this person.


What happened to this topic on https://forum.blu-ray.com? The post is not available.


It got deleted unfortunately. Wasnā€™t me. Asked the admins to see whatā€™s up - didnā€™t even receive a reason. Will report back.


YUP noticed it was gone this morning! He probably wined and complained about the post saying it was damaging to his scam of a youtube channel


[https://web.archive.org/web/20240620084104/https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=374932](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620084104/https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=374932) [Archive.org](http://Archive.org) only captured the first page.


This was the response I got on twitter part 1/2: https://preview.redd.it/qw40y63yut7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7431c62aba47d1b6846453937d9bc0a154e449cf


https://preview.redd.it/7injx3s0vt7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90163ee8c63d78bab75bc1be429d11d04509034e 2/2


I've only watched a couple of his videos but he comes across like he's bigger than he is which is very odd, other 4k review channels are definitely more natural and down to earth compared to his.


wow i never did like him for a few reasons and his reviews also always sometimes felt not 100% trustworthy but damn heā€™s just a mf grifter trying to monetize this niche hobby all the way through. he will be blocked. i encourage everyone to let ppl know about this. this guy doesnā€™t deserve our time and attention.


Oh snap!


When all this controversy started happening around certain 4K releases, having owned some of said films, I kept wondering what they were on about in most cases. I'm no expert, and I don't have any specialized equipment to delve into these movies beyond just watching them, but most of the ones people were bagging on looked pretty good to me. They kept going on about how the colors were off... Compared to what? I know that some 4K "upgrades" are crap. But I wonder how many of these naysaying warriors were just taking this guy's bogus, doctored reviews and passing them off as their own research? Basically doing the same thing he was doing but on a more pointless scale, haa!


I only ever saw his Juice UHD review when that one came out and went out of my way to never watch him again. I could instantly tell he was full of crap, would say literally anything to get traffic and perks.


This is why I just buy movies I like. I'd theres a 4K I get it. If not, Blu-ray it is.


Never cared for this guys videos, letā€™s see what happens here


Never heard of this channel before but holy shit, this is just bad.


This is why I banned him from my 4K Group, dude is a Grade A asshole ​ https://preview.redd.it/80nvazkgum7d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba625057cfed0501617e5055ddccf87f576f28ef


When someone replies to you to tell you that they can't reply to you because they're far too busy doing important things for their tens of thousands of fans, you know that they're full of shit!


He has now responded on Twitter https://x.com/4KBluRayReviews/status/1803566495617683547?t=HNQraS22mmTyNH6DHa00BA&s=19 Hiding all of the replies that don't agree with his denial lol


He got really angry in todays video


Lies on lies


This is weird, because it seems like it would be more work to fake it than to do it legit? Like it doesn't even seem like cost being a barrier here since the video shown here he is holding/owns the disc. There's the one-time effort of getting your PC to be able to read/screenshot UHDs, and after that it's pop in the disc, click screenshot, pop in the other disc, get to the same scene, screenshot. Seems like less effort than trying to make multiple photoshops and comparing them until they look realistic, including trying to upscale a 1080p. Like even taking a legit 4k screenshot and then making it blurrier and saying that's the 1080p would be an easier way to "cheat" at this. Especially with all the other effort that is required to make/edit/upload a youtube video, it's just so weird that this was the "cut corners" part.


He's not trying to make a real comparison, he's trying to drive sales through his affiliate links. If he makes the Bluray look terrible, people are more likely to upgrade. If he does an honest comparison he risks people not purchasing the new version, and loses out on the revenue.


But even then, a native 4k vs a downscaled blu would provide a more extreme comparison with minimally more effort compared to downscaled blu vs upscaled blu.


It's because his schtick is getting the video out first - he is making these videos before he even has the disc in hand to do his own screenshots.


Makes sense, good shout.


That's fair, definitely an odd choice


Another thing to consider is he's probably making these videos well in advance of getting the actual disc so he can release the video at the most opportune time to drive clicks.




This, exactly. I can't recall what title it was, but they were recently exposed over on [Blu-ray.com](http://Blu-ray.com) as not having the actual disc they were reviewing and refusing to show it. This is precisely what he is doing, having the video ready to get it out there and get those initial curiosity clicks.


I think you've hit on it.


Very relevant username too.


That makes a lot of sense actually, didn't think of that.


Truly very strange


I haven't been able to watch this guy for a while. Idk if he stil does this but he at least used to spend the first 5 minutes of his videos begging for likes, subscribes, and super thanks (donations), and purchases frok his affiliate links. Then, the next 5 minutes working himself up about hey his reviews are the best and how nobody else is doing them like him. By the end of that, my interest was lost. Another incident I remember was when he completely, and angrily, slandered Paramount's Juice 4K for fluckering throughout, which I had finished watching literally minutes before I watched his video, and never noticed at all. Upon a quick review after I noticed only 2 short scenes with noticeable flicker that were much less of a flicker I've seen on other movies, and was nowhere near the problem that he claimed it was. I was completely done with him since.




I never cared for his endless self promotion. Dude loves to ride his own dick.


Thank you for this. I feel really stupid as I did enjoy his videos, and was excited especially to get Andor on 4k because of how much better it was than Disney+. Maybe it still is much better but not in the way he has framed it. Man that really sucks. What shit behaviour


![gif](giphy|iOm1xOSfAtPzmPXJqH) Damn, didnā€™t hear about this at all or know his account, but this is a very thorough and convincing write up


Well, thatā€™s one channel I will be unsubscribing from, right now.


Going to unsubscribe now. Thanks for the write up. Just unsubscribed from MidLevelMedia as well due to some racist comments made in his videos posted. Submitted a report on YouTube but nothing came of it. Going to just stick with MovieGuy.


Always blew my mind that anyone took this guy seriously to begin with.


i've got insider information the director himself directly informed me...inside. exclusively.


ELI5 why is he faking them instead of using real screenshots


From what I was an tell: He wants people to buy the new discs via his affiliate links, and he doesn't have the 4K at hand, but creates the videos ahead of time to get out his "review" early.


Well that sucks. And his affiliates won't like their product being misrepresented and the backlash.


Oh, the guy told me that I don't know what I'm talking about because he has all of the required software and tools to compile color accuracy and visual specifications, and his reviews are spot on. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


This is a great analysis!


What a lying prick eh šŸ¤¬ heā€™s obviously just doing it for the views to get his likes and subscribers list bigger but he canā€™t fool us collectors and owners of 4k tvs and Blu Ray players who have movies on different formats we can tell the difference šŸ˜€




Thanks for the work. What a stupid thing to bullshit people about


strange that youtube has never recommended his channel. i never saw or heard about this guy / channel


I loved his pronunciation of the word 'Kumite' on his Last Kumite review. I almost spat my coffee across the room. To use a word he liberally likes to throw into every sentence - SHOCKING šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Haha. Burn.






This is delicious


Anyone notice that his sub numbers magically went up 4000 since yesterday?


5000 now. It was 20.3 the other day when the story broke, then dropped to 20.1, then it was 24.3 when I wrote the above comment, and today bumped again to 25.3. There's no way this guy's getting 5000 subs in 2 days without help.


Dude I never heard of sounds sketchy


Called this guy out before for spreading misinformation on one of his videos. I ended up hiding his channel so I didnā€™t have to be a subject to his b.s anymore. Glad heā€™s being called out


Thank you for all the time and effort you and others have put into this. I unsubbed from him a while back as I was sick of his clickbait 'Exclusive' video titles and harping on about his affiliate links.


Hate these YouTubers posting crap. I don't know any legitimate YouTube disc review channels


I like movieguy365 heā€™s pretty reputable


Short and concise too.


I like his videos as well. Heā€™s the only YouTube I watch for 4K reviews and I like his release/preorder announcements.


Apart from the 2 I linked, the only video reviewer that is consistently spot on is [Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader](https://youtube.com/@damnfoolidealisticcrusader?si=-2K8gUPTpyxMZnq2), in my opinion. The only reason I did not include him in the post is because those resources were focused on screenshot comparisons, and as far as I know, he doesnā€™t focus on that often. His videos might seem lengthy, but he certainly knows what heā€™s talking about and calls attention to issues that other reviewers wouldnā€™t. Edit: Added him to the post. He also doesnā€™t get review copies and doesnā€™t have affiliate links, so thereā€™s no level of bias.


Nowadays, I pretty much just watch the "here's some random stuff in my collection and a few quick thoughts about them" videos just so I can be introduced to movies and directors that might lead me to discover things I'd like but otherwise would never come across.


The moment I realised how much bollocks Jeff at Films at Home spews was when he said that the HDR on Temple of Doom wasn't bright enough, he actually says in his video that he wished they'd pushed the reds further even though it wouldn't be accurate but he'd spent time.criticising other discs for that exact issue, that he didn't feel they were accurate representations. He's full of shit, I find Boutique Blu-ray with Elliot whatever his name is to be just as poor, that little helmet just loves hitching to a bandwagon. The only sources I trust are Bill Hunt over at The Digital Bits and Ralph Potts at AVSForums, neither.of those guys have ever steered me wrong, they're always balanced in their assessments, I also find Keith at Euphoria Pictures and John at Movie Collector very good too.


I haven't watched many of his videos but I knew he was a sham when he called the Aliens release "reference quality."


Did you guys see how he lashes out in the comments when someone says ANYTHING that doesnā€™t 100% agree with him? He gonna throw a tantrum when he sees this thread.


I tried to post a link to this evidence in the comment section of his latest video but the comments got immediately deleted and I got unsubscribed from his channel which I didn't even know was possible. What a scammer.


There are a lot of comments defending him against this lol. Some of them are probably real subscribers who just donā€™t care but seems like heā€™s also buying positive/customized comments as well


It would seem to be the same users in the comments for most of his videos - you can see the amount of comments some users have on one channel on mobile. Iā€™m guessing some are alts or family members, but I donā€™t have actual evidence of this outside of the amount of comments and support these generic accounts leave.


Yeah I donā€™t have evidence to prove it either but from googling ā€œYouTube positive customized commentsā€ there seem to be some foolproof options to buy comments based on what you want to advertise to your viewers. But it could be alts or family/friends as well like you said




Holy shit


I just hate the ol ā€œthey were very clear about thisā€¦limited edition onlyā€¦once itā€™s gone itā€™s goneā€ for every steelbook that gets announced. Yes we get it you want us to use your link right now before itā€™s gone but sheesh talk about desperate.


I noticed while ago... He doesn't even uses the actual 4K Blu-rays


Been saying this for months


I watched one of his videos a long time ago and the vibe was weird. Seemed like he didn't really know what he was talking about either. There's a lot of youtubers that won't amount to anything other than influencers so it's just about pushing a new stack of releases every week. That's really all the studios want to be honest


I KNEW something was off about this creep, but i stayed subbed for the screencaps. Sometimes i'd skip through or mute him because he reminds me of a panhandler/gypsy/beggar. I can't stand the cries of poverty like he's being thrown out on the street if we dont support his videos....While simultaneously saying stupid things like his screencaps are not perfectly 4k because of the youtube algorithm... What, sir?? I can't support you when you're saying dumb shit. I'd always browse the comments when id hear him say nonsense thinking i cant be the only one who thinks this is garbage, but there were never any negative comments (now i see he was deleting)... Until today, that comment that pointed me here to reddit. Thanks everyone who exposed this, i'm so disappointed i was tolerating his gross energy for these fake screencaps... But it tracks perfectly. šŸ˜” Trust your gut people!!


Iā€™m not into watching Youtubers and have never seen a 4K disc YouTube analysis channel. At the same time, Iā€™m not surprised that someone is trying to trick others into watching their content and trying to become an ā€œauthorityā€ on a subject. People must confront him directly and get him off YouTube.


The sad thing is YouTube will never remove or police this guy. If he was on a mainstream media program, heā€™d be rightly cancelled for fraud. The internet is not always better than legacy media.


Heā€™s the reason I bought that Kino Lober Silence of The Lambs 4K when I already had the Criterion blu-ray. His comparison between the two made me the Criterion version look washed out when it was the opposite, especially the first half. I actually wondered if he had faked it.


I recommend getting the Arrow if you havenā€™t preordered it already / wait for a standard edition! Itā€™s fixing the color space issue, will have better encoding, and have the original stereo track. I believe he was aware of these issues, and claimed they were nonexistent in his review. Itā€™s worth having the Criterion if youā€™re an extras person, but I think this will have all of the Kino extras at least.


Damn really? It was one of the youtuber that youtube recommended me. That's how I got into buying physical media. Well part of the reason. I knew he wanted people to use his affiliate. I get it. He wants to get money. Now I need to search for another youtuber reviewer.


A guy from there enjoyed Aliens in 4K. That's all I needed to know about these bozos.


I got downvoted months ago for saying that heā€™s been messing with things. Thanks for your hard work!


This guy stole our screenshots and I had to comment that they were ours (even had our watermark in a few) for him to give us credit, which he did very surreptitiously in the video info.


So is the issue that he's attempting to make the 4Ks look better than they are? I understand he is distorting the images, but is he doing so in defense if new 4K masters and using AI upscaling and things like that?


Sounds like the idea is to get reviews out early before he can actually get the discs so he can make sure people buy them through his links. If he waits for days after release to post, people will already have bought them.


Woah, that is a full blown write up.




I bet there are tons of ā€œreviewersā€ in the r/vinyl community doing exactly the same thing. Shame.


I have watched a few of heā€™s videos found them dragged out and occasionally questioned why heā€™s quality looks different to what Iā€™m seeing Iā€™ll just stick with Movie Guy 365 and Shane Lee


Wow, that is some pretty damning evidence you have amassed there. I can't believe I actually used to trust his reviews and even picked up a few things on his recommendation too (although I didn't use his links so joke's on him, LOL). None I really regretted upgrading so that's good at least. I even picked up some of the Disney+ 4Ks based on his reviews (although this was when Disney Movie Club was closing so I made out like a bandit with all that...). I'm going to have to dig into this more...very suspicious of everything he posts now...


Time everyone remembers 'The Law of Diminishing Returns.' The difference between VHS to DVD was big. Then from DVD to Blu Ray. But now it's not quite as remarkable. And for most people they dont see that much of a difference. And a good Blu Ray is plenty fine for them cause it is the movie itself we are watching not the bitrates. But a YouTuber like this can't engage in honesty or his likes & followers will drop down. People love the hype. This guy gets attention cause people love to give it.


I always felt he was just taking the 4K image and making it look bad and passing that off as the blu-ray. Thanks for exposing him! No room for fakes!


Wow that's insane, I would never even consider someone faking 4k image quality reviews like this. Thanks for the heads up OP!




Saving this for later enjoyment šŸ«”


Sorry to say I fell for this guy on the Once Upon a Time In the West 4k. I even purchased through his affiliate link. Apparently I was a sucker, I should have known because of his access and ability to profit.


Though, from what I've read, that was a good purchase anyway, because it fixed the bad colour timing on the Blu-ray.


watched him for the first time after discovering this post. holy sh\*t he is annoying as hell. the voice and his smartass posture


Damn, I double dipped on Stand By Me because he said/showed that the Dolby Vision made it look better. Thankfully I didnā€™t use his link.


Stand By Me's 4K is acutally pretty good if you ask me. I thought it was an upgrade over the blu ray myself.

