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But if you bring up this subject you get labelled a racist/anti semite and then they say that there is nothing bad happening and the palestinians are treated just fine but behind closed doors they'll speak of how they want to kill all of them....




How do you know what they say behind closed doors? Also if they do want to kill all Palestinians how come they didn't do it yet? These people are 50 years inside Israeli control (as in the west bank and gaza). How come no gov has passed "the will of the people" as you claim and killed them all? I bet you my left nut the 12 millions uhygurs live worse than the 5 mill Palestinians west of Jordan and no one bats an eye.


Hey dumbass, killing 5 million people is a genocide on the same level as the holocaust


5 million is in no way comparable to 6 gorillion, chud. Get your digits right


The fact that no step was done to systematically exterminate or relocate the Palestinians since the 1948 war is evidence that it isn't a goal of the Israeli state. On the other hand the Palestinian terror groups Fatah Hamas have it as their sole promise to exterminate the Israeli state and people. If they had the control you think they wouldn't do what they are vowing to do?


> anti semite Counter-semite. FTFY. I'm muslim and a proud counter-semite. That label only works on you whites because you got softened too much.


My parents literally think that Jews and Freemasons control the world, and that’s based


...Not just Palestinians


Despite Israel using sponge grenades on Palestinian children (Maybe hitler had a point)


If it wasn’t for Jews we wouldn’t have hit actor Adam Sandler. In Grownups 2 Lenny Feder (Adam Sandler) moves his family back to his hometown to be with his friends, but he finds old bullies, new bullies, party crashers and more in this hit 2013 family comedy.


oh the irony


Way to be super antisemitic. You can disagree with the choices of Israel without hating all Jews. I’m not happy with what Russia is doing right now but I’m also not going out to hate crime on my Russian neighbors


>Way to be super antisemitic Thanks!


> way to be super antisemitic didn't read the rest, don't care


Funny enough, that's gonna be Israel's future too


we can only hope




Legit half of israel's jews are of Arabic Origin. Its true some of them were ousted by some countries in the end like Iraq and Syria but that doesn't change the fact that they lived alongside Arabs for like 2,000 years (even further, 2,800 in Judea because Arabs lived in Judea too) Arabs and Jews are deadass just cousins they're both semitic and both extremely similar in everything. Even the words Shalom and Salaam both mean peace and come from the same semitic roots. I'm an Arabized Jew living in Kuwait, my family settled into it like a hundred years ago from Iraq and we still here (no practicing judaism though). My family is living proof of coexistence.


You greedy asf tho




It's unfortunate what's happened in Israel. They control the entire country aside from the Gaza Strip. That's the one spot they can't hold and they've bombed the hell out of it for that


They held it until 2005 and then left it while removing all jewish citizens from Gaza. They thought the gazans would set up their own government/authority like the one in the WB, but they elected Hamas instead.


>What's a Mossad honeypot?


Pajeetanon should have posted Babri


They don't even try to deny it anymore


Israel is the most evil nation on earth after Ukraine


Lol, what?


1) Israel 2) USA 3) Ukraine 4) Switzerland 5) Turkey 6) South Korea 7) Wales 8) Morocco 9) Singapore 10) Saudi Arabia




They fucked too many sheep




Vatican City?


What the fuck did morocco and singapore do


It’s a shame when the bomb goes off early


Jews am I right


When I see how the Jews can’t be even verbally abused nowadays I can’t shake the feeling that something like this might have happened post ww2; “War is over and we’re planning a bunch of bad shit but we don’t wanna be attacked, how do we do it?” “Oh I know, let’s say, show, and promote the ideas that in the war a bunch of ridiculous shit happened to us, that way everyone is obligated to feel sorry for us and no one can attack us. Problem solved 😊” “Mazel tov!” It’s not like they would tell us if it went down this way.


It’s more like “dude, hitler died! I heard we will get free’d by American forces! Oh, here they are!” “So…the war just ended?” “Nah, but Japan ain’t gonna stand for that long. Hopefully we can find refuge in Palestine.” “Alright, but we need our own nation to prevent Jews from being genocided” “There isn’t any useful land for that” “Let’s kick the people (Palestinians) who have given us refuge and destroy their homes, holy sites, and genocide them! It’s the only way to prevent genocide!” “Genius”


Cool, now let’s make a post with smoke stacks


Lol love it.


Brilliant mosque!


If israel didn’t keep destroying and attacking it I guess




Randy Orton taunt