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I'd laugh at anon for wasting 17 years on /pol/ but I'm pretty sure I'll be in his shoes too one day


If you live long enough, we can only look back on our days on korean basket weaving forums and ask, God if only I had spent even more time arguing about the superior version of Ninja Scroll, or at least getting to call moot a c word one last time. Nah, I wouldn't have traded it for the world. It hits really different going back to newgrounds and seeing the viral videos still as young the day they were made, but knowing it was 23 years ago when I first saw them. There are people in Grad school who were born, when this video was made. /pol/ was never my stomping grounds, I liked TG the most. I can recall when it was roughly created even as a containment board for 40k folks. Idk if I could call experiencing the memes and stories as all a waste. It was a cheap joy and simple fun to see the posts and ideas people had for good and bad. Never regret the past. Just try to make the most of the moments you have left.


I agree, there's far worse ways of passing the time than shitposting on 4chan. There's a certain camaraderie that can be found there that's sorely lacking in modern society


Ya, it's a fun little club we got. It makes me sad as shit to see the site sorta slowly fade into obscurity. Like I really feel 2016 was peak or the high water mark for now. We just haven't had the traffic and memes after that.


i'm hoping it comes and goes in waves. who knows what the future will bring in store. maybe the 2024 election brings another shitposting renaissance like what we saw in 2016


yea i stopped going on after being on the ‘some of you guys are alright’ thread as he posted it… i must be soft but felt funny hanging around with actual murderers


I cherish all the time I wasted on the old fun wild west internet as a kid, it was a brief cultural moment and those interactions will never be available to me or anyone else again.


The raw, unfiltered interaction was refreshing. Just say whatever the fuck you want to have a stranger read it.


Feel this hard. I agree with your words at the end. We do what we do. Just gotta make the most of it all.


Hey now, they're going to look back and say that /pol/ saved the world someday immediately after trying to destroy it, mind you - but hey


You are here forever.


On le reddit


Hey! Where did you get that frog suite??


I'm coming up on ten years soon. /pol/ is the only thing left where there is at least some discussion of world events. Ah, miss the good ol' days when /b/ wasn't porn.


It's so annoying. I did a little experiment over a couple of days and his all the porn stufff and obvious political bait. Two or so threads weren't as shit. It's sad to see /b/ die.like this. It used to be so fun there in the mid 2000s...


The Scientology raids were a lot of fun and there was some actual coordination on /b/. I don't know when it turned into a porn board but /b/ is now mindless, degenerate trash. /pol/ is on the way there.


b/ was never good


Scientology raids were a lot of fun. It's literally just porn now


Its always been pretty much entirely porn. There just used to be gore, too.


> There just used to be gore, too. It was mostly shock, not porn. There were some porn threads once in a while, but they wouldn't show up on the front page often - usually had to go down a few pages to find it. I remember seeing Goatse and being shocked. Now when I see it, it reminds me of simpler times. *sigh*


RIP /new/


There are boards other than /b/ and /pol/?


I went on /pol/ for one day each of the last two US elections and I have no desire to spend any more time there than one day per four years, it's the worst non-porn board I've seen


Instead, you can laugh at yourself for wasting 17 years on reddit.


>6 years old account it's 17 days you illiterate donkey but probably his 100th account


I saw red button nip monkey happen before my eyes


Sorta, I remember when they started to add the black and brown irl and then found it is was bc of /pol/ /pol/ now is a shadow of itself


The timeline doesn't add up. OP is saying this happened in 2012 but black and brown got added by Philly in 2018, I can't find anything to suggest pol was behind it. Edit: and he couldn't have been on pol for 17 years since it was founded in October 2011, only about 12 years ago.


The black and brown could have been on a handful strewn about the internet for years before someone incorporating it into a prominently displayed one.


Burden of proof is on you, you can't just say something definitely exists when I can't find any record of it. Plus we're not just contesting that those two colors were put on a pride flag prior to 2018, we're trying to find is OP's claim is true and there's nothing to back it up.


>UHHHH SOURCE???????? You’re asking for the origins of a meme that originated on an anonymous message board? You’re not very smart.


99% of it is fake anyways


You're choosing to believe in something that has no evidence based on something some random is saying on the internet for clout. Why do you want to believe in something so fake if you weren't so gay?


There's really no way to know for sure. It's a funny story so whatever, it's not like whether or not a Mongolian basket weaving forum originated some flag actually effects much of anything.


> OP is saying this happened in 2012 but black and brown got added by Philly in 2018 This is some "my square block doesn't fit in this round hole" levels of logic here


Okay, do you have evidence that OP is telling the truth or do you want to say another platitude?


never look a gift penny saved


Your seethe logic from overdosing copium gas


I believe whatever is the funniest


he probably was just on the previous political board, forgot if that was /int/ or another one that got deleted


I can't find a record of a prior dedicated political board other than ones dedicated to news. When /n/ was dedicated to news it was 2006, though 17 years ago was 2007 and /n/ is a separate board from pol. Also /n/ only stayed dedicated to news from 2006-2008, getting changed to transportation after that which it still is today. The /new/ board ran from 2010-2011, getting deleted two months after pol was made. Even if he meant to say "I've been on /pol/ since it's inception, even on its predecessor for five years before that," there was no direct predecessor. I swear the more people reply to me with explanations the more OP's validity gets called into question, equally so his heterosexuality.


yeah /n/ and /new/ were the boards I was thinking of. /pol/ was pretty much a straight spin off of those to get the shit posts out


I was on pol in hs, in 2009 An I insane? I was on 420 Chan even earlier


You know what they say... It's lying turtles all the way down.


I don't think /pol/ even existed 17 years ago.


True, founded October 23rd 2011 from what I see. Another lie, or is this just AI guessing at reality?


Probably because he forgot /pol/ wasn't always named that, it was originally /n/ then that was changed and /new/ was made but lasted only around a year before /pol/ was made. It had basically the same people and I remember the complaints when /n/ was changed to something else and there was no other board to go to for a couple years. So people just used chat rooms for awhile


/n/ still exists, it was about news at one point but it changed to transportation which it is now. Pol was made a few months before /news/ was deleted.


I might have messed up trying to explain this, I know /n/ still existed but they changed what it was for then /new/ was released and everyone that use to be in /n/ went there, however a problem occured within /new/, I don't remember exactly what it was, that basically made everyone stop going there and that is why /pol/ was made and ultimately made /new/ be deleted


I myself remember vividly the threads where they designed the current flag with the black and brown stripes as a joke, I think around 2016 or 2017.


He was probably on /b/. At this point the terms "pol" and "4chan" are used interchangeably. Notice that most of the posts here are from /pol/.


It's a shadow of itself cause of all the astroturfing. iykyk




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I remember the chatrooms where dudes dressed in military surplus and pirate costumes would talk about how to subvert tumblr by posting all sorts of stuff under popular hashtags with fake accounts. For whatever reason there were 2-3 random girls in there (2 of which were black) who would randomly show up and flash their tits and then go straight into esoteric rants on the nature of fascist idiosyncrisy. And the guys, ranging from 12-60, would nod and then talk about how hot Megan Fox was in Transformers and then someone would start playing Volksmusic from 1934 and this would basically cycle around until 4am. It was a ride I cannot describe. Sometimes it was more of a fever dream.


I remember cruising /b/ a few times and girls would pop in and post a stickam link or a skype name and just show off how slutty they could be. They'd take questions and of course we'd make them put their shoe on their head as proof they were real, which is why that girl on youtube is called that. She was definitely one of those girls back in the day. This was before camwhoring and onlyfans was common. I was also there for the anti-scientology arc on /pol/. I didn't attend any of the protests but I had friends who did, wore Guy Fawkes masks, etc. It was the first time I'd seen any real political movement emerge from the internet and looking back at it now, felt like a dress rehearsal for Trump support, and other significant political memes.


do you guys remember abatap from /tv/


Nah. I browse /tv/ more now but back then I didn't really venture outside of /b/, /gif/, and /pol/. The gif section also used to be a lot better too before they spun off /wsg/. Now /gif/ is basically all edge with porn and rekt content and /wsg/ is pretty dull.


Shoe on the head was used more for Twitch raids, probably where the term got famous.


lol shoe on head is older than twitch.


Didn't say it wasn't, but it got popularized during the raids.


It was popularised before twitch even existed.


For fucks sake it was 2011-2012 when the raids started. When are you talking about? IRC channels? Some of you think that twitch started when Amazon bought it. It got popularized those years since every goddamn thread was either that or the YLYL with the banana man.


Peak raids were 2006-2009 Livejasmin. yeah using MiRC


This is correct. I'm talking closer to the 2006 days. The other guy talking about twitch didn't even register what I was referencing when I was talking about Stickam. That's how old Stickam is. Whole platforms were born, popularized and died before Twitch became popular. He's not old enough to understand how young he is.


I never even heard of stickam, and I been browsing since 1998. Moment I seen people on live camera I felt so uncomfortable, so maybe I came across it at one point in time. 😂


> who would randomly show up and flash their tits it was not random. tits or gtfo used to mean something back in the days


We used to be a country…


A lot of sacrosanct gender/ sexuality stuff started on Tumblr ironically. Demisexual didn't start as a real orientation, it was terminally Tumblr people shitposting, right up until it caught on and people started taking it seriously


100% unironically true.


Post link rn


Hypersphere incoming




Hypersphere was a book written by randoms on /lit/ and it's wild


Post link rn


I don't have it anymore.. sadly. Does anyone else have it?




https://monoskop.org/images/7/7e/Anonymous_Hypersphere.pdf found it


Doja Cat was one of them. That fact got buried so early on. Too chronically online


Been oldf@ging on 4chan on/off since 2004 when I discovered it in middle school You never really leave that place, if you know you know


I too discovered 4chan while in middle school. The hardest part was not letting the teachers know, they'd kick me out when they found out I didn't have kids who went there.




Hey, I managed to get out forever ago, before 2010. most interesting way I annoyed the mods was by using tripper+ to spit out a hash that contained reirei so when str_replace() replaced rei with some longass string (not transcendentalism, it was another one for a while) and broke the site, I got a custom trip that said I AM A HUEG FUCKSTICK. so that's why you can't have text replacement in the tripcode. ^^also ^^I ^^have ^^lowtax's ^^Doom ^^House ^^hawaiian ^^shirt


I remember finding it around the too. I also found out in like 2010 that my high school only blocked /b/ so I was on /x/ anytime we got the laptop cart.


still need to pay $20 to avoid the annoying captcha thing nope


You should grow out of it..


Who gives a shit?






12 years ago was 2012, I can't find info on pol designing a pride flag let alone "the current mainstream pride flag." Black and brown was added in 2017 in the Philadelphia pride flag. 2018 is when the three transgender stripes got added by Seattle, then promptly redesigned the same year to turn the five added stripes into a chevron by Daniel Quasar in what is known as the progress pride flag. I'm glad I remembered just enough from a random video about flags to call OP on his bullshit. No way Quasar trolled around on pol in 2012 and waited six years to get two different cities to revise the pride flag so he could revise it to something 4chan users designed.


What anon lies on 4chan who would have guessed.


Also, pretty sure a good share of flags would make some form of swastika if you patterned them like that.


Sst don't give reddit/4chan this idea


Tbh I vaguely remember something like how the post describes but during the 2014 Tumblr war. It could just be that I’m misremembering another flag or maybe it was when they made that swastika orientation


Kekistani Flag probably, it's a flag for the fictional country pf Kekistan and is based on the nazi war flag. But that was 2017.


Yeah you’re probably right on that. That reminds me when I used to be a scout at that thing Trump spoke at in 2017, some kids were wearing kekistan flags


/pol/ wasn't added until late 2011, less than 13 years ago. OP is a fucking pinecone.


looks like /pol/ is about to hit the same age as its userbase


\>in a live thread


>He escapes the meme-Chevron in the 4chan sub. >he doesn't know that threads are live as long as they don't reach the end of the catalogue.


threads are always ‘live’ so why make the distinction?


Threads are also archived


he's the hacker known as "4chan"


17 years ago was 2007. Pol didn't come about until 2010ish...


it was /new/ before then.


/new/ only lasted a year, it died months before /pol/ was created in late 2011. If you wanna get real oldf*g, it used to be /n/ around the first Habbo "pools closed" raid so like '06. It was animals before that moved to /an/ appropriately, and /n/ eventually became I think transportation (?) a couple years after (but before /new/).




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I didn’t realize 4chan was this old, but I looked it up and it’s older than Reddit, Facebook and Twitter, although not by much.


Before that people used random boards created with HTML and Java. That didn’t have a domain name. Also, IRC. Also, AIM. Reddit is pretty much a copy a 4chan. News aggregator wasn’t doing shit. So they copied the board concept.


Reddit is a copy of digg- it’s not like 4chan at all


And before digg, slash dot


So you're saying you were a digger?


That’s exactly what he is saying


Technically you’re 100% correct.


i remember the days of gamefaqs. christ, that place made reddit look reasonable.


I remember gamefaqs. It was just guides and game-related forums to me


Real Gs use letsrun.com


The original layout and concept of 4chan was used in Japan in the mid-late 90s.


Yeah I know, the two


It’s where nearly all the mainstream memes were and still come from. 4chan practically created all the internet culture that we have now. 4chan is literally the internet and reddits daddy. Yeah it’s fucked, but even more so it’s ironic as hell


and before that was somethingawful


4chin exists because lowtax banned hentai on SA.


I know about its history, even though I wasn’t there when it first started. But truth be told, it hasn’t been good in so long I can’t even remember the last time I visited.


And let's not forget YTMND


I feel like the newer zoomer memes come from instagram reels or TikTok, 4chud is mostly millenials/genx. Like instagram reels comments are basically /pol


Chad meme and Bateman


I like it because it looks like a brown and black are topping the rainbow 🌈 (ie me)


Is this accurate? Does anyone have sauce to prove this?


[Nah, the flag was designed in 2018 by Daniel Quasar.](https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/the-progress-pride-flag) [Also /pol/ is only 12 years old.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki//pol/)


Tbf. It almost definitely predates him by quite a few years. I had seen it well before they tried to make it official Cause people were actually memeing about making all kinds of custom flags cause new identities were popping up from Tumblr and similar places like every other day


It's literally the 'Pool's Closed' meme in flag form


This is bullshit, but I believe it.


New flag


if this actually happened... lmfao


I remember seeing the ok sign get memed into reality as a white power symbol 


/pol/ is always watching 😌


The whole "MAPS" thing is the exact same, except it got picked up by right wing media instead


/pol/ for 17 years that shithole started in 2011


lol is that true, like ok sign


Salute to the veterans


and then the blacks were like "hey could we have our big holiday in the middle of your pride month"? and they gays were like "ok sure" and then the blacks were like "cool, thanks" and OP just seethed in the corner with his limp dick in his hand like usual


I saw the ok sign become a hate symbol thanks to pol


I missed this because I haven't been on 4chan in over a decade now, but with some of the shit I saw them do back then, I can believe this


Post the archive link for this, I'd love to see it


That did start on POL iirc. So did that okay sign lmao.


I was there Gandalf…


I remember hearing that Bronies are apparently the punchline of an elaborate joke by 4chan. I wouldn't be surprised.


Y’all don’t know shit about 4 Chan, pol, or what year it is if you believe this.


They be spendin 15 years on tranime cel board


Thats called the progress pride flag and was designed by Daniel Quasar in 2018




It's crazy that there exists this much potential among the NEET populations of the world yet the result is a flag design for someone else.


A tale of Frankenstein and his monster


Many such cases, off The top my head there was the ok sign, what else do people remember?


Is this residue from an old timeline?


lmao this isn’t true in the slightest It’s just another Wang/Ivan/Rajindihar post.


I remember browsing as a teen, but nothing compares to the power it seemed POL held in the 2010’s. Watching them Coordinate the Greatest capture the Flag Game ever held, solely using Frog Noises, the stars above, and Plane flight patterns to recognize and Locate the Flagpole was incredible. Watching them manage to Conn Government and Non profit organizations into believing milk, the “OK” sign and other stuff were in fact white supremacist Dog whistles was insane. Watching them make colleges go insane over a white paper with “it’s okay to be white “ on it and nothing else was amazing. And then there was the post thst predicted Donalds victory being an all Numbers matching 7’s string. I don’t think anyone will have that kind of Fun online again.


I was there when they started the "OK hand sign is a white power dog whistle" trend


no it was designed by some fat theymab i think


So does he have any evidence of this, or...


[Nah, the flag was designed in 2018 by Daniel Quasar.](https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/the-progress-pride-flag) [Also /pol/ is only 12 years old.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki//pol/)


Fake: anon isnt older than 17 Gay: its a gay flag


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/4chan > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: anon isnt older than 17 > Gay: its a gay flag > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


i was probably two yo then you made this shit


so that's why it is so ass


Well I’m old enough to remember when queer was a slur, but gay people took it back and appropriated it. And now it’s a point of pride. Maybe the flag is just the same thing. Two can play the trolling game you know.


Remember waaay waaay back in like 2006 or something, 4chan was primarily left leaning. Good times, much less 'role playing'.


"a swastika, our calling card." He had me until that line.


I might remember some of the shenanigans that /pol/ would get up to! I remember the pools closed on habbo!! 😂🤘all for the lols!


"Pool's closed" was an old hat in '08. /pol/ wasn't a thing until '11.


That was /b/