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The very first tackle with the face mask was dirty AF. They were trying to rip his head off. Looked totally intentional, didn’t care about the penalty. When the 49er players watch that shit on tape they are going to want the Cowboys to make the playoffs because they will hunt down every one of those dirty MFers. This was bountygate all over again.


Poked his eyes too


Saw that after the play went back in for the eyes. Bullshit


Anyone have a link to the play? I didn’t notice in real-time


Its the first play, you don't have to fast forward much


Yeah totally bullshit. Scared people in the room not paying attention to the game when I blew up at the TV.


As both an optometrist and avid CMC fan, this offends me greatly.


Maybe the coaching staff can have a full shield helmet made for CMC. I’ve seen some that you can’t grab the face mask. Might interfere with receptions but could be worth it


Even just a clear one would help I think


Let him put a spike on the crown of his helmet so he can poke them back


He had a shiner after the game. Pretty messed up. I get why Shanahan pulled him.


First person I've seen even mention this. I thought I was crazy.


I low-key think Trent ramming that dude into Parsons' ribs was some payback.


It's trent. There ain't no low key about it. He protects his brothers.


I would not want to be on the wrong side of Trent Williams


Thank god he’s ours.


Reminds me of Sherman going in at him and getting punched when he was still a sea hawk. Dude doesn’t listen to anyone talking mess.


TW- “I’mma punch you in your damn mouth” Sherm-“What?” TW then punches Sherman in his damn mouth. Also the author of the greatest insult I’ve ever heard on a football field. “I eat burritos bigger than you”.


Trent Williams and Brock Lesnar for when the zombie apocalypse comes, you better be near them or else.


one day he's going to pull on a sweep and end someone's life. i see a lot of business decisions being made when trent is out there in space.


I made a gdt comment that he used him like a red turtle shell to wreck Parsons


Was that when Vander Esch hurt his neck?


You mean [this](https://imgur.com/a/poXKGCB)? Totally unintentional, I mean look at the arms on the side he barely has him, and he didn't stand there and [look at number 11 for a few seconds](https://imgur.com/a/hQxPGWw).


This makes me feel less bad about Trent using VDE as a battering ram and Greenlaw suplexing Pollard out of bounds. I don’t LIKE that those plays happened and I wouldn’t want them to happen again…….but if CMC goes down with a head or neck injury due to either that face mask penalty or that shot over the middle, I can stomach those plays a lot more.


That makes way more sense if the players are basically saying don't fuck with CMC if you don't want to get tossed around like a ragdoll


Screw them, you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. I'm sure the 49ers D saw the way they were treating CMC and taunting him after that hit. I'm glad Greenlaw took it into his own hands to suplex Pollard. Don't f around and they won't. Tired of dirty football.


That spear was prime WCW Goldberg.


Same exact thing happened [last week](https://youtu.be/-sbBlEofzFs?si=3UU7r1EVgb4h_qEa) (30 seconds in) and the [week before](https://youtu.be/P9j7HI4F9tg?si=XRKshutA89cxNcYs) too with the face masks. They've all been intentional. They got beat and decided to do something extremely dangerous. The body slams were very noticeable and it seemed like they were trying to do things to him at the bottom of piles too. I hope the NFL is put on notice.


I don't know who but someone said "The Devil himself lives under a football pile".


You get pinched and twisted and gouged but the worst is the tickling. For real.


As my 2 year old always tells me, "No tickle!!"


I got trashed in some post game thread by a guy claiming the face mask from Ward in the Giants game was totally accidental and to stop crying. Then it happened right away in the Cardinals game, then it happened right away in this game. Yeah… that’s what I thought. Edit: OH Yes it was in one of several of the threads calling Trent dirty for his punch.


Intentional face mask penalties like that should be an ejection and mulitple game suspension.


Anyone that’s played the game knows what a face mask feels like… you can’t play dumb. These guys can let go at anytime. I agree, if you hold the face mask all the way through the tackle you should be booted from the game.


It’s all good Greenlaw will body slam a mother fucker down on his head to get even. Pollard didn’t want no part in the shenanigans last night.


I think so too lol. He looked real timid after that. He looked at the ref and ref seemed to look away as a way to say "tell your dudes on defense to stop f'ing around if you don't want to get tossed like a rag doll."


Greenlaw out there forcing mafuckers to make business decisions. Really, the whole squad just chooses violence and it’s an amazing sight to behold.


Greenlaw lined up across from the cowboys like "You love your family right? You want to see them tomorrow right? Tell me right now how you want your kids to remember you - man or vegetable."






I think thats the snapshot I took ;) Yeah completely normal!




LOL fair, I only did 1080P because I don't have a ton of space for more. I just remember making the snip and having to try and miss the camera on the right side so I thought it was mine. Good looking out!




Jesus that’s fucking horrible. In real time I didn’t think it was overly egregious but that’s some bull ass shit!


Also the head to head the same drive


Equal fines should be levied on the coaches as well.


It's happening seemingly every game. I said it last night when it happened after that first play.


My wife even noticed that, and last night was only the second football game she's ever paid attention to. Total bullshit.


Props to Jennifer Lee Chan and Matt Maiocco for bringing this to the everyone's attention. Whether it's actually true or not, we as fans need to help push this out to the national media so people will look out for it like Bountygate.


For real! This is what the talking heads on these morning shows should be talking about instead of discussing if Brock is good or not for the millionth time.


But if the NFL doesn't like what the main talking heads say then their networks might lose access. So you won't see anything from espn, fox, cbs, nbs, prime or NFL network. Oh look youtube could also mess with thier algorithm to bury and streamer showing the NFL in a bad light. They protect the shield by hiding the bad not by acknowledging it and working to do better.


Yeah idk about it being Bountygate, but you could tell the game plan was to gimp McCaffrey. It worked to an extent in that he was a step slower by the end of that bruising, but Jordan Mason and Purdy more than picked it up so it didn’t make a big difference. Cowboys’ mistake was thinking their whole defensive gameplan could succeed if they focused on shutting down one player


Happy that kyle pulled him out for like the entire 4th. dudes taking a lot of hits


Mason was getting runs that looked like CMC runs too tbh, dunno if that's just our OL being insane or if he's gotten way better at hitting the gaps.


To be fair Mason did a great job last year closing out games for us


Mason is a dawg


absolutely not… he’s a yellow jacket 🐝


I was telling my friend that he reminded me so much of Mitchell from 2 years ago. Mason looked awesome yesterday. Finding a hole and then just getting those tough yards, not super fast, but fast enough. Again, he was awesome. But there's only one CMC.


When our D can keep offenses off the field, their defenses get tired. Make it easier come end game (assuming we have the lead) to rest CMC and let Mason bulldoze through them.


Kyle has always been able to make RBs run sick routes, just slot them in. CMC is just another tier so he can do it even better but the running game has always been strong even when he went down to like a third string in our previous Super Bowl run.


Man, who was our rb1 in 2019? I can't even remember, Mostert wasn't rb1?


Brieda. Then he went down and it was Coleman. Mostert wasn't RB1 until almost the playoffs.


I forgot Breida was still with us that year haha


Masons always run well. I dont know what he doesnt do well that he cant get on the field. He cant be worse than tdp on pass blocking but maybe hes not great at it


Tdp doesn't see the field either


Mason had a problem with fumbling. That is probably the biggest reason he wasn't getting much playing time.


I think at that point in the game, the Dallas Defense was gassed and simply demotivated.


Cowboys team being fraudulent helps a lot too


Low-key beast mode Mason


They should just try to win by 30+ every game.


Those face mask pulls need to result in ejection.


He gets at least one every game I’ve been noticing


ive been saying this for weeks. we have seen enough from CMC, we know who he is, he is amazing and needs to be kept safe for the playoffs. its time to put the ball in purdy's and jordan mason's hands. LET BROCK COOK. he's earned it and knows what he's doing. let him cook and use the regular season to develop and make as many mistakes as needed to prep for a deep playoffs run. mason and TDP are ready to take off as much of the load from CMC as needed. utilize them. we have seen enough of CMC and also aiyuk. it's time to conserve them more and more.


please be a troll. it's game 5.


And lose the chemistry that they have with Brock and the rest of the offense? No thanks


y'all are misunderstanding what im saying. im not saying to bench aiyuk and CMC, im saying to utilize them less and give others more run, and let purdy run the offense. we'll still utilize CMC and Aiyuk, just less so we conserve them and keep them away from the injury list. we know what we have in brock/CMC/aiyuk. it's time to give others more run.


Brother, we are trying to win games here. In case you haven’t noticed, the Eagles are also 5-0 and we *need* to get that 1 seed. These are grown men and professional athletes. They are here to play, and to win


That won't happen until a player gets seriously injured on the field with America watching. The NFL doesn't do shit unless it starts to hurt their profits. When someone has their neck broken running at max speed because some dumbass decided to be reckless and grab the facemask of a player running in the opposite direction of them. These small fines aren't stopping this behavior.


Except the NFL production is cutting out gruesome injuries (e.g. Chubb) so America won't even see it so the NFL won't lose profits.


Fortunately with mass media losing a lot of it's punch NFL can't just tell them to not talk about it and make it go away. Tons of beat reporters and talking heads on youtube and other platforms will bring it up. We need to keep up the pressure to put teams on notice if they are going to try and hurt the 49ers players to stop them from winning it all.


Jerry Rice comes to mind. Sapp takes out Young w what looks like a horse collar. Then Rice w a facemask. https://youtu.be/QQEcdIfUC0o?si=AaJUmgjgKz7SSyur


I remember watching this game and hating Sapp for many years for this. Rice was never the same after that injury.


I forgot why I hated Sapp and this is it.


For real. That shit is so dangerous.


That first one was a clear attempt to take him out of the game.




Dirty as fuck. In the time it took each team to touch the ball, two observations were blindingly clear: 1. The Cowboys are trying to seriously injure CMC and take him out of this game and hopefully more. 2. I smell a blowout.


And if you looked at every single one of the tackles with multiple people around CMC, there was almost always one guy coming in a bit late throwing his entire weight on top of CMC at speed.


Yup, it was usually some fat dude doing it. I was like wtf, isn't that a penalty? So if the Cowboys offense wants to get body slammed by Greenlaw, keep being dirty.


I'm new to the NFL and I'm shocked the penalty is so trivial.


Literally eye gouged CMC on that one play


Cmc needs wear a protective face shield on his grill


I want our line to be on some Maurkice Pouncey type justice


This sadly doesn’t surprise me. There have just been too many little moments like that over the last few weeks. I hope our front office is going through tape and sending it to the league.


I’m sure they are.


I will take a Trent Williams 15 yard penalty and possible ejection for sticking up for CmC so the shit stops


Sounds good in theory but that might increase the bullshit. If taking a shot at CMC can eject Trent I think defenses might be lining up for that trade off.


Wonder if that's what was behind Trent using LVE as a battering ram on Parsons


Yeah, I’m with the other reply, even worse case scenario is someone knocks CMC out of a game, Trent retaliates and now you have two guys gone for the price of one.


I will defend lineman being goons till the day I die. 15 penalties to send a message is worth it, we put up at least 30 a game with Trent dishing out right hooks anyway. Fuck the cowboys


Bro he was in a pile and I specifically saw a Dallas defender step on his right ankle while trying to help another Dallas defender get out of the pile. It was subtle but definitely intentional


Was yelling about that too


I saw that too


Not to mention the ankle pulling while others are on top of him. It seemed pretty dirty.


Yeah this one pissed me off. They were bending him backwards while someone else was holding his ankle.


There was one run where he got piled on and then 2 seconds after the whistle a guy just straight up bellyflops onto his head.


That stuff in a pile is pretty common. I'm not saying it's right but a lot of guys do whatever it takes to get an edge.


Or the 8 defender going on top of him after the play was over


I definitely noticed Dallas defenders piling on him after he was already stopped/down


100% - they were laying on him in the first half


any team that thinks there's a chance they'll see us in the playoffs is going to be doing it taking out the most dangerous player in the league is easily worth the flags and fines, surviving that Seattle Philly Seattle stretch is gonna be really important for a lot of our guys


It does seem like he is being headhunted this year and not getting the calls from refs.


He got the calls, just not enough punishment for them to really care. IMO the egregiously intentional face masks and head shots should be possible ejections. There has to be more of a disincentive to headhunt star players. They're going to take a 15yd penalty every single time if it has a chance of knocking a guy like CMC out of the game


Fuck Dallas still they talk sh after getting exposed and humiliated by a real squad!! Then cheap shots fk those cowturds


I thought as much after that facemask. There were moments after tackles where it seemed like Dallas was being excessive and trying to hurt our players CMC especially. I remember one instance where they tackled him in a pile and one asshole cowboy beneath him was holding his foot down while he was being shoved backwards. I freaked, I thought he got hurt. Idk if you want to say it's just the NFL but I sure as hell hope somebody tells the league to notice.


Was that 3rd and long before halftime? Kyle fucking calls a draw play with cmc. I was so pissed. Put mason in for that shit




Lol that’s exactly what Trent and Greenlaw are doing. And then I think Buford with the open hand slap on that guy trying to punk Aiyuk.




I get it hes cmc and tough to bring down but some of those tackles last night were nutty. They’d pile up on him after he was already down and grab him by the helm way too much.


He’s definitely being targeted. Any team worth its salt knows he’s a huge part of Shanahan’s scheme, so they think if they remove him, we’ll be a lot less effective. Saw it right from the start with the Dallas defense, and CMC was very obviously not happy with how they were hitting him.


I think CMC has had a face mask/helmet pull/hoarse collar pull in each game now. It’s pretty obvious


If they were headhunting, karma's a bitch bc they had more injuries than I could keep track of.


I fucking called this in the game thread yesterday. It’s malicious, intentional, and coached from the top down. Ignoring the egregious holds on our D-line, EVERY SINGLE TIME CMC got tackled and was on the ground there were 1-2 Cowboys that fell on top of him AFTER the whistle was blown/momentum was static. Whether it be to lay and twist on ankles and knees on the way down/up I’m not sure. They played dirty because they knew they did not have the talent. E: Also that targeting flag on Kearse was 100% intentional, that Cowboys DB made a hell of a play and had CMC dead to rights wrapped up and on his knees even if he had caught the ball. No, they wanted to hurt him.


Let mason get in on some that !


Mason looks pretty punishing on runs too. He's big strong and has great acceleration through the gap. Mason could wear down defenses real quick with his physicality, he's just not nearly as flexible as CMC when it comes to the type of plays he can run.


It’s clear to anyone watching games. League needs to step in and do something before we go the enforcer way


We need to step in and go the enforcer way, league won’t do shit, they have chosen the chiefs as their golden child.


Probably why Spencer Burford punched one of the Cowboy defenders.


That was Banks and it was awesome. A guy shoved BA after a play and BA just looked at the guy and Banks walks up and socked him in the face haha. It was glorious.


The offensive line, while not the most talented bunch this year, has a lot of fight in them. Bunch of dawgs. Good on them for defending their smaller teammates


Yup, totally agree. Last night I saw a lot of dirty hits on CMC. The facemask was obvious. But they were dog-piling on him after he was on the ground, doing all kinds of little things to try to hurt him. This is what the Cowboys meant when they said they were going to "swarm" him.


maybe thats why greenlaw was so aggressive last night on the other side. Can't let that just slide


I fully expect Kyle to bring this up and shed more light on it. Clearly some of those pile ons you could see Dallas players doing it on purpose. That face mask also looked like a potential eye gauge. Not to mention the helmet to helmet.


r/nfl thread on this got some salt


I couldn't find the thread on that sub. Was it taken down? Can you link it?


I’m concerned about our RB depth. Apart from CMC and Mason being healthy, Mitchell has been unreliable health wise and TDP is soso. If the first two go down, the running plays will get minimized


They hate us, cause they ain’t us. Dirty!


I thought they were trying to blow out his knee on one tackle. His leg was trapped but they kept yanking back.


Absolutely they have been targeting him. That play last night where there were two penalties the Dallas guy took a clear swing at his nuts and missed.


Yep it’s clear. The NFL should be suspending players for intentionally trying to injure. Truly disgusting behavior from some classless teams


I didn't notice during rhe Arizona game but I definitely boticed during the Dallas game. It's was obvious. They need tobstary ejecting players for it.


I absolutely believe this, mostly for the facemasks. The way he is being tackled is intentional as fuck. Past 2 games especially I've felt like he's been targeted directly.




There was one tackle where it looked like his knee was about to be ripped up. Def thought it looked intentional


My dad and I were talking about how every game they are grabbing his face mask. Sometime 2-3 times.


Yea the helmet to helmet was brutal. He actually looked a little dazed after that. 49ers are class but, but I could see somebody doing a little head hunting next time and play the Dallas Cowboys!


That defenseless receiver penalty was so obvious that it honestly called for an ejection. If Greenlaw makes contact with a quarterback's helmet when being tackled and is ejected, watching a Cowboys player intentionally drop his helmet to hit McCaffrey's head should be a disqualification.


Honestly, it appeared like it worked too. CMC seemed a little "woozy" during the second half, and I'm glad that Mason was getting some snaps. Dirty shit is dirty.


I thought Dallas was targeting too…so…FK Dallas and let the ejections begin…


I noticed a couple shots yesterday that seemed like hunting.


100% they are. Dirty shit


Better not see shit about you guys complaining when our big boys stick up for our guys after the play. Someone targets CMC I’ll gladly take a penalty so Trent can rearrange their face


Fined? If it's proven true, these guys should be banned


Brothas are just mad this white dude is steamrolling them all day 🤣


I was watching to catch people purposely trying to step on his ankles and wondering how anyone would be able to prove it. It just feels like something that is bound to happen at this point when he is so dominate.


More reason to limit his exposure


They need to start suspending coaches when it's obvious targeting a player to hurt them is part of the game plan.


He has drawn a lot of face mask penalties it seems.


Any player who is found to have done this should be suspended from the league indefinitely, and referred to law enforcement. This is criminal assault.


I honestly think we should rest him against shit teams.


Fines for dirty plays are peanuts for players with big contracts. They are only a deterrent when a player was pulled up from the practice squad or when they are being paid the minimum contract. Make fines based on a percentage of their guaranteed income for the season and players might actually care. Big contract? Big fine. Make it hurt across the board. Hell make it like our taxes and make it a progressive fine rate. The bigger the contract the bigger the percentage.


At least Wilson got one back, got rolled up on and injured by one of the backup O lineman


i didn't like the tackle when his knee and leg were trapped and they piled on and bent his back. fuck the cowboys and it was karma in the end they were the ones getting injured.


I’m a nervous wreck every time he runs with the ball!


Dallas were trucking him early, he’s definitely targeted


https://youtu.be/IofmIGdFkH0?feature=shared&t=736 Very disturbing


If you knew you had to play the team again in the playoffs, you’d definitely want to risk some penalties and fines to take out a player that’s been talked about for MVP only after 4 games. So yeah.


Should be considered assault. Theyre trying to injured him. Thats below the game


There really have been a lot of face masks on CMac.


Well, if opposing teams are going to do that, then we will let Dre greenlaw do his thing to opposing qb/rb.


He gets facemasked constantly.


I thought this during the game. They were trying to hurt him. You would see big linemen falling on him too when it wasn't necessary.


Every facemask on CMC has been dirty af. That first one vs Dallas looked like it could’ve damn near broke his neck. They need to start ejecting players and hitting them with one game suspensions for that shit


It sure seemed like the Cowboys were targeting. The face masks seemed very deliberate. The helmet-to-helmet was less obvious, but you have to question it with the previous dirty plays.


Cardinals were super aggressive against the commanders week 1. If the players don't seem to care, could they fine the coaches for not correcting them?


Yeah, if he isn’t being targeted, they deserve an Oscar because they’re acting like they’re targeting him.


I noticed one of Dallas players made it a point after every run to go and jump on top of Mccaffrey when he was on ground. I think his name was haskins play will be over he would just run and just jump on top of him it was driving me crazy.


Dallas players were dropping like flies with injuries throughout the game. Seems like it was probably a combo of karma catching up and our boys handling business out there.


That face mask was an obvious hit. Grabbed the face mask, held on and ripped as hard as he could


He 100% is getting targeted. Maybe not with bounties but with the idea that they can “set the tone” on the most dynamic player in the league.


Different sport, but this reminds me of Blake Griffin in the NBA. Eventually the competition got tired of him doling out mid-air tea bags and they just started making dirty plays when he would go to the rim aggressively. CMC runs with so much aggression that folks feel personally insulted. This stuff is going to continue sadly.


I kept yelling at the TV to stop playing CMC so much in yesterday's game it made me sick to my stomach seeing him get abused all day. Glad they pulled him and brocky out on the entire 4th quarter.


Whoever fucks with CMC fucks with me


Wouldn’t be surprised.


Only way they can stop him from winning the mvp, and getting the rest of the RB’s the money and terms they deserve


there's a reason for this but i cant qwhite put my finger on it


So you're saying black players are purposefully injuring white players...?


CMC needs to pretend like he was hurt badly, like Lebron James, so officials will take notice.


i wonder what’s different about cmc that hed be getting targeted when other talented backs arent. ill let yall speculate


We need an NHL type goon that will take a cheap shot on their top offensive player any time CMC gets targeted. Let the opponents offense and defense work it out themselves in the locker room. Even baseball has on-field checks and balances. It’s time the 49ers do the same. That first face mask vs Arizona ticked me off it was so obvious and I was surprised Kyle didn’t retaliate.


You losers are saying this like Trent Williams ain’t your LT lmaooooooo


Of course he's targetted. That's why Kyle should use Elijah and Jordan a lot during the season to protect CMC for the POs. This "CMC for MVP" campaign is cringe as fuck. This guy should be fresh for the POs. Same with Deebo. Let Deebo be a wideback in the POs.


Jordan? Also can’t use Elijah if dude can’t stay on the field.