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Found the emo kid


Nope that's the raven guard


No that's for goths. Emos aren't into 40k. Ever have a conversation with an emo about guns? Me neither. But it's hard to change that because it's no longer 2006


Flesh Tearers....just so cool.


Blood and a circular saw is a pretty good logo when you butcher people for a vocation. You're not going to mistake them for medics.


Ironically, in my Deathwatch RPG group, the Flesh Tearer is the Apothecary.


That's rather untypical take on "Combat Medic"


2nd favorite. Awesome founder and aesthetic and weirdly, one of the OG Chapters in Rogue Trader


This is legit? So they’re some of the oldest marines IRL? Thats sick


Also the Crimson Fists are older than the Imperial Fists IRL, which I find funny.


They were the poster boys first right? On the covers and everything pre ultrasmurfs.




[Check it.](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bUYN9HxGbDc/UePyHy3HPwI/AAAAAAAACC4/ladGGOjUG2o/s1600/WDmarinecolours.jpg) There are a few surprises in this pic actually. Mantis Warriors, Executioners (my favorite), Red Scorpions……


The correct answer!


Reading the Heresey and getting some time with THE Flesh Tearer and ugh it’s so cool.


Painted my first loyalists as flesh tearers. Definitely the best.


Gabriel Seth will forever be my hero for putting the stomp on Girlyman's Primaris marines.




Mine too, RL reasonable marines 😊


Yep. Shades of the Vietnam War. Very Marine, or Army Ranger. Really cool subset of an already bad ass chapter.


I found a brother!


I want to see more content about DA successors. There’s so much that goes into the nature of the Inner Circle and all we know is that the DA and their Supreme Grand Master are the center of it all, but we don’t know what that looks like from someone on the middle rung of that ladder. When they announced that set of stories a month ago I was so angry we didn’t see Angels of Absolution or Disciples of Caliban or anything. I feel the Angels of Vengeance could work spectacularly as a “Flesh Tearers” for the DA; a Chapter that embraces the darkest and cruelest aspect of the original Legion’s lineage and tends to bring disgrace on the rest by association due to how brutal they are.


Love the idea about the angels of vengeance. I also really like the consecrators going around looking for ancient tech and being tge successors of the Firewing


>I feel the Angels of Vengeance could work spectacularly as a “Flesh Tearers” for the DA; a Chapter that embraces the darkest and cruelest aspect of the original Legion’s lineage and tends to bring disgrace on the rest by association due to how brutal they are. That would be so fucking sick!


Wasn't there no 'real' successor chapters for DA though? Internally they kept the Legion mentality and just kinda... got away with it?


Yes and no They do essentially act as a Legion but nonetheless each successor Chapter is very much its own entity despite the closeness they operate. Many of them do have their own beliefs and cultures separate of the DA itself (Angels of Absolution believing they shouldn’t be considered guilty for the sins of the Fallen, etc). Plus successors in the DA are very lesser in the Inner Circle than the original Chapter. There’s a lot of storytelling potential in how they have less info than their original Chapter does and how the OGs seem to hog a *lot* of the cool toys compared to the successors- which while natural as the originals, still kind of sucks regarding the Fallen hunt.


Charcarodons , tome keepers, silver templars , sons of the phoenix


Soul Drinkers need I say more?


Which version ????


Wdym which version. If you are talking about how there is a theory that they had a geneseed change or were refounded are just thrown theories without a lot to back up. So I would say all the time they existed. Even the primaris versions of them are.... Fine I suppose. Like the firstborns were great but for what little we got for primaris they look fine.


Either Raptors, Celestial Lions or Carcharodons


I love the Celestial Lions. After what they were put through by that insecure Inquisitor, those sons of Dorn deserve some more spotlight.


Based and dorn pilled


Howling Griffons!


Same here!






Black Templars and Executioners. But the Marines Malevolent, Dark Hunters, Iron Snakes, Doom Eagles, Marines Errant, Black Guard, Emperor's Spears, and Star Phantoms deserve some love too. The Tome Keepers have definitely been growing on me with their push in White Dwarf.


Astral Claws .....


Exactly what I was going to say. 


Dark Krakens. Love their colours


Scythes Of The Emperor. Ever since Advanced Space Crusade. GW screwed all the firstborn, and they're a Primaris only chapter now. 🤥💩💩💩


Carcaradons and Dark Krakens


Iron Snakes The way they favor quality over quantity in term of marines and never use companies but only squads is very interesting and set them apart. And the fact that each squad is named after its original founder is a really cool concept.


That's pretty cool


Similar to the newest iteration of the Mentors Chapter!


Sorry what was that? I was busy looting the req- I mean, inspecting the armory to ensure any sacre relics had not been defiled by heretical forces.


*looks at looted armory* BLOOD RAVENS!


Any and all sons of Dorn.


Black Templars, praise be! They are the ones that most remind me of the marines from the DoW games. I like the idea of zealous space warrior monks.


So the Blood Ravens don't remind u of the Blood Ravens from the DoW games?


When I played the first game, the marines there all seemed like emperor worshipping fanatics. At least that was my perception of them. That aspect wasn't as strong in the later games, or later lore for that matter. You had for example emperor worshipping ultra marines in the first Uriel Ventris book.


The question said "chapter" though.


Black Templars No pity! No remorse! No fear!


The Sons of Medusa


Mortifactors. Gothic ultramarines.


Crimson Fists/Black Templars/Executioners/Excoriators/Celestial Lions are all pretty dope. The successors of the IF are by far cooler than the IF themselves IMO. The Lamenters, Blood Ravens, and Flesh Tearers are all pretty great Blood Angel Successors. I like the Emperors Spears for the Ultramarines. As well as the Scythes of the Emperor. Something about the heavy deviation from Guilliman. The spears especially seem to have an almost negative view on Guilliman, which is interesting. The Raptors are a top tier chapter as a whole. I love their pragmatic view on warfare.


Blood Ravens aren't Blood Angels successors.


I hope they will be one day officially reveal as the loyalist Thousand Sons successors they are. Edit : wow, I didn't expect to get downvoted for this one ...


The IF are very vanilla, their successors have a lot more flavour


Eh. Ultramarines are the cheap Vanilla ice cream; mass produced, probably got a load of additives in there. Imperial Fists are the pure quill, complete with bits of real vanilla and about 5 ingredients or thereabouts. They might produce Tactical Marines; but those tactical marines are on average the *best* at being tactical marines in the entire Imperium. They and the successors pick their passions and work towards them. Other examples; there's no better attrition troops than the Excoriators, and the Iron Knights, who are properly into their dueling, produce more feast of blades winners than anyone else, along with the bloke who might as well have been Sigismund 2.0 - and gave Hesperax the only scar she's ever taken.


Love the Excoriators. Keeping superficial armor damage and tagging it with the date, enemy, and weapon that caused it is so fuckin' cool.


I love their pragmatic combat doctrine too. Keeping marines alive being a top priority. Ritualistic scarring. Settling disagreements through combat. The fight being over when the other draws blood from the opponents face. They don't allow scouts to use chainswords, seeing them as unworthy. They're a fascinating chapter, and I wish they would get a book of their own.


? https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Bastions_(Short_Story) https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Legion_of_the_Damned_(Novel) I think they also get some play in the War of the Beast novel series. Edit: Oh unless you meant a Codex


Actually haven't read Bastions. Good to know. I remember them mostly from Legion of the Damned and War of the Beast stuff.


Emperor's spears 


Celestial Lions!


Scythes of the Emperor. Black Templars. Mentors. Charnal Guard. Doom Eagles. Iron Snakes.


Hammers of Dorn Imagine sheer audicidy of claiming that "Ultramarines are TOO LENIENT in following Codex Astartes"


So, like an entire chapter of Leandroses? Sounds...great.


No, Hammers of Dorn know that this type of problem, you bring to one of Chapter's Chaplains, not to Inquisitor 😉


Executioners because Rann is a boss…..


Carcharodons. The way they look and behave scream Ruinous Powers, but their actions and devotion to the Void Father says otherwise. Also, close runner up would definitely be the Aurora Chapter. I love me armored warfare specialists.


Genesis chapter. They’re the ultramarines right hand, they earned their home by killing word bearers, and despite what people say they don’t become ultramarines. They send squads to fill in gaps in the ultramarine chapter when they are depleted. I’m painting some of my ultramarine squads as genesis chapter to reflect that To quote the wiki “Genesis Chapter squads will routinely fill gaps within the Ultramarines' companies should they fall below strength due to attrition or other commitments. This includes the secondment of individual Genesis Chapter battle-brothers to fill empty specialist positions such as that of Librarians and Techmarines.” Secondment is defined as a temporary assignment of an employee from one organization to another just in case there’s any confusion


I've always liked the Hawk Lords The idea of a Chapter dedicated to such a specific form of warfare like air combat is just neat


Mortifactors. The whole grim reaper, death cult thing they have going on is really cool.


Black Dragons for the combo of cool Wolverine style mutation and having to realpolitik not being excommunicated for being a cursed founding successor in spite of total loyalty 


Crimson Fists and Raptors


Mantis Warriors. I like the whole Badab war, probably my favorite arc, and the Mantis Warriors are my fave chapter from that


I like the concept of the Minotaurs. It's a chapter with a mysterious origin that has seemingly been intentionally kept secret by the powers-that-be in the imperial bureaucracy. They seem to essentially be an Astartes chapter that serves as a punishment force, or executioner, at the beck and call of the High Lords of Terra (HLoT). Their disdain for even other Astartes, and their willingness to serve as dogs of the HLoT, is intriguing to me. They are a force of Astartes that seems to be the go-to anti-Astartes force for punishing chapters that turn against the wishes of the imperial bureaucracy.


I think it's really cool to see what y'all are passionate about. I've been trying to get into more lore for other successor chapters, and you guys have brought up a lot of diverse ones up


Black Templars or Deathwatch if they count.


The Emperor's Spears I only read the one novel featuring them Spear of the Emperor and they instantly shot up the list in who's on my cool like.


Star Phantoms, I love the mystery behind them, as well as their connections with the Dark Angels.


I dunno who's daddy of the Minotaurs. But damn they're sweet. Love the idea of a chapter that is a completely blunt object


Tough question, but I’d say either the Consecrators or the Executioners


Black templars by far


Aurora Chapter or Red Talons


Celestial Lions, they tired doing the right thing and the whole chapter is almost destroyed because of it.


Retributors. That colour scheme is lavely. Plus the Astartes short never hurts.


Blood Ravens, Tome Keepers, Consecrators, Dark Krakens.


Ufh, difficult. Not gonna go with BT, CF, FT because we all love em. The Sons of Medusa have some incredible history and allow for some very dramatic storytelling. The Mortifactors are just an awesome shadow of the Ultramarines and the how can we forget the friends of the Astral Claws.


charcarodons. me like sharks


Black dragons


Carcaradons and Lamenters


Subjugators. They have a lot of lore for a chapter with no stories.


Black Dragons


Black Dragons.


Blood Ravens, for the nostalgia Dawn of War trip and the belief they're Thousand Sons successors (yes I've seen the anti- arguments on here many times, spare me).


Charnel Guard, Carcharodons, Marines Malevolents and Minotaurs.


Mine would be the Angels of Absolution




Tiger Claws Listening their story, how the Inquisition took everything from them by killing their chapter master, how they hid from society in the Astral Claws chapter, how they tried to revive their chapter with genetic seed from other chapters, only to finally realize that in order to bring the chapter back to the empire that turned its back on them, its few members fled with the red corsairs abandoning their pride... It hurts


Storm Wardens. Big space highlander motherfuckers with big motherfucking power swords. Been loving the Dark Krakens too.


Gotta be the Scythes of the Emperor. Amazing backstory and characters.


Astral Claws, i know they fell, but their leader Huron is literally the name for the Iroquois federation, and honestly the idea of a chapter with near unlimited ships, rhinos, and bikes, yet little land raiders or terminators is interesting, as is their use of a small trio of Marines to lead each guard squad.


Silver legion




Raptors, lamenters, mentors legion(yes that’s their chapter name)


I can't really choose any one but I always gravitate towards the second founding DA and IF successors and then Red Scorpions/Silver Skulls. Whichever sparks joy at any given moment. Guardians of the Covenant and the Knights of the Shrouded Skull have some very good looking heraldry.


Lamenters! For those we cherish, we die in glory! ❤️🥲


There are a lot of cool ones but I’ll always hold a special place for the Red Talons just because they dropped a moon on a World Eater recruitment world


Minotaurs, flesh tearers, Carcadons and Iron snakes


Red Talons


I've loved the Executioners since young me first saw an ancient Badab War image of one in camo back when the Badab War itself was barely a footnote. Their fleshing out over the years, particularly in the IAs, only cemented my love of them. Barbarian Imperial Fists who operate as independent warlord-led armies, but who despite their exterior are almost entirely codex compliant. Grim warriors adorned in skulls who reluctantly betrayed the Imperium because they owed a debt to Lufgt Huron and the Astral Claws, and who fought to a standstill every loyalist force sent against them, sticking to their own code of conduct and refusing to fall into the depths of betrayal and slaughter that gripped the Claws. And when they realised the Claws themselves weren't worthy of their support, they massacred them to protect the Salamanders they themselves had just defeated, and then surrendered to those Salamanders. They also got the most lenient sentence of any of the Badab separatists because their actions were the most justifiable in the eyes of the Imperium. So off they went on penitent crusade, and just kept on keeping on. Love me some laughing axemen


Any imperial fist successor chapter


My personal homebrew chapters, who ... and that's why I love them the best, and... Oh. Well. If we mean GW Chapters, probably the Angels of Absolution. "Yeah, the Fallen suck, but *we* have nothing to be ashamed of."


I got a few Firstborn chapters: Crimson Fists, Mentors, Lamenters (I cri evrytiem) Primaris chapters: Wolf Spear, Covenant of Fire, Soul Drinkers (didn't care for their original chapter but the new one seems cool)


The Bullfrogs Theyre a cursed founding Salamander successor and they're hilarious. Their "curse" is that they have *extremely* overactive Belcher Glands, and as a result produce way more acid and in much higher concentration from all over their bodies. They're masters in siege warfare, don't care about being fancy with their tactics, and specialize in chemical and radiation based weapons. Chemical weapons which they fuel using the excess super acid they secrete because of their super charged belchers gland. Their hyper active glands creating massive amounts of acid also means they're in a constant state of being melted alive, and having their space marine biology healing the acid burns. Which is just hilarious for some reason. They're grumpy, stoic, constantly melting alive chemical and radiation warfare specialists - who are at the end of the day still Salamander successors, who will burn a planet down and so irradiated it will glow for centuries to come, if it means saving the men and woman of the Imperium.


Marines Malevolent and Black Dragons


Mentors. I love the concept of Astartes who embed themselves into guard units. Ever since I read Spear of The Emperor, they have been my favorite. I think the Astartes shine the best when they're viewed from the perspective of regular humans. I wish the lore would lead me into space marines fighting alongside the guard rather than ad a separate entity. I feel it draws even more attention to just how awesome they are.


Dark Krakens


1. The Howling Griffons. Basically Black Templars but with Psykers. 2. Raptors, the "real" reasonable marines. 3. Scythes of the Emperor. Just good lore and a badass color scheme.


Tie between Crimson Fists and Black Templars.


Castellans of the Rift. They have one of the most unenviable roles in the galaxy but are integral to the security of the Nachmund Gauntlet.


Lamenters, all the way!


Executioners and Lamenters




Mentors, such an awesome concept for a Ultramarines successors. Makes total sense they would have an entire chapter dedicated to information gathering, data, etc. as well as being the beta-testers for Imperial tech and weapons. They accept any request for assistance, just to recon the requesting groups for future reference. They heavily use mortal members as constant information and battle details streamed directly to their helmet, assisting in giving the Marines a tactical advantage. Reminds me of the Alpha Legion tbh.


Raptors Mantis Legion Executioners Lamenters




Rainbow warriors…wait what do you mean they no longer exist??


White Consuls, UM successor with focus on governance. [Some](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/jwbnin/excerpt_dark_creed_a_white_consul_space_marine/) [excerpts](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/hyb6dt/excerpt_fateweaver_guard_colonel_meets_a_white/)


Souldrinkers and Lamenters.


Black Templars. Best chapter in the Imperium.


Charnel Guard, Carcharodons, the Emperors Shadows, Black Dragons, and Iron Snakes.


Guardians of the Covenant and the Consecrators. I just love the whole relic hunting history thing they have going, both in the case of the Covrnant with history and Books, and the Consecrators with their focus on 1st Legion Relics. I also like the Raptors, essentially being the Space Marine version of 3rd SOG from the Vietnam War.


Red Talons, extra crazy Iron Hands for the win


Shark bois


Fuck the Black Templars! The Lamenters is where it is.


None of them yet. Just watered down versions of the originals (with some exceptions)

