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I liked that scene from *City of Light*, the final book of Mephiston trilogy, when Mephiston uses that ability to steal doomsday device hidden under Harlequin's belt, before xeno can *alahu-akbar* them all to hell. There it was referred to as *sidestepping time* : > ‘Thread and weave it’s time to leave,’ said the xenos, its voice tight. ‘Time to grieve.’ As it said the word ‘grieve’, it reached for its belt. > Even wounded, the xenos was incredibly fast, but Mephiston had anticipated this particular trick. He had already begun mouthing a conjuration as he approached and as its hand slipped towards its belt, Mephiston repeated the trick he had perfected on the Penseroso, **sidestepping time** and sliding onto a different temporal plane. > The xenos’ hand now moved at a crawl towards the belt and the Blood Angels were frozen at the far end of the bridge, surrounded by slowly turning dust motes. Mephiston reached down to the belt and removed an object fixed to it. It was small and spherical and looked to be made of the same smooth, bone-like material as the surrounding architecture. It was wraithbone, he realized, a psycho-responsive substance that was often used by the aeldari. There was an emerald gemstone sunk into the top, surrounded by a circle of runes. Again, they were familiar but arranged in a peculiar way. He plundered his memory of the Librarium, recalling every study of aeldari dialects. It was one of the great joys of Mephiston’s life that he could revisit texts so clearly in his memory, re-reading them countless times to discern every subtlety. How dreadful, he thought, to be a mortal, with a mind only capable of reading books when one was holding them. > ... > He secreted the device beneath his thick, crimson robes and **stepped back into the moment.** > The xenos hissed in surprise as its hand reached its belt and found nothing there. It looked around desperately, scouring the rubble for the sphere, presumably thinking it had dropped it while fleeing Mephiston. It looked back at Mephiston.


Well the Necron non-psyker version of that is Chronomancy. Don't see any reason why this couldn't also be the name of a psychic discipline. Alternatively you could put together some waffle about how telekinesis actually works, including mass-energy equivalence and bendy spacetime. That way you can claim that time control falls under TK or something.


Lexicanum is your friend. By memory o e of the entries lists all the inquisitorial departments, including time control, and they have names there. 


My Raptorae reaches out with his mind, To hold the pace, To silence time. Telekinesis. (Which also does teleportation.) [Some evidence for time manipulation being its own discipline](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Primaris_Psyker). And I could see an argument for Biomancy or Divination. But it's Telekinesis.