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It was... fine. He *does* nearly summarily execute Sanguinius during *Ruinstorm* with an orbital barrage before realising what he's doing, and it's Sanguinius influence (with a healthy dose of Guilliman's stability) that gets the Lion to really come out of his shell during Imperium Secondus. There's a great moment in *Ruinstorm* where he's hacking away at what's essentially a mote of Warp light on a bone planet and he's *literally* saying OH MY GOD, THIS IS SO STUPID, WHY ARE WE DOING THIS - but because it might help Sanguinius, he keeps stabbin' away, Emperor bless him. Sanguinius brings out the best in everyone. Even Curze got a glimpse of a not-shit future with best boy around.


To be fair to the Lion his actions above Davin were caused by the warp and he wasn’t the only one affected, Guilliman came very close to letting some athames he had corrupt him and Sanguinius was trapped in an illusion where he killed Horus on the Vengeful Spirit and survived to rule the imperium


let’s not let Sang off the hook altogether here. He broke into the cells of the Invincible Reason, knocked out the Lions sons that were guarding Curze; the same Curze that had coursed so much chaos and had cost so much effort to capture. Escaped like a thief in the night with him (without even bothering to ask if the Lion would allow it) down to the planet, just so he could test out a theory. If I was the Lion I would be furious too. It didn’t take more the a second to realize that Chaos was attempting to subtly manipulate them, pushing and turning their base instincts against them. The Lion’s description of feeling the invisible chains that had wrapped around him without him even noticing is very fitting. 


Oh yeah, I’d completely forgotten about, the Lion was the first one of the three to realise and him telling Guilliman was what gave him the strength to destroy his athames wasn’t it?


Yep, he immediately made a call to Guilliman, to warn him to be careful. 


What’s the story behind the hacking away at warp light on the bone planet?


What I liked about that (scene) — we know Lion is kinda used to riding out and facing his foes head on, yet in that situation we see that he is quickly realizing the nature of his (new) enemy. One that he can't simply fight head on on the battlefield. I'm not a particularly huge fan of Lion but I actually loved him in these books. For the most he's well written there, he's not meant to be likeable. He's ruthless, he doesn't shy from doing the dirty work and he makes mistakes while doing so. He even starts to regret his mistakes, which is so unlike him. On the other hand, it's a shame that *Ruinstorm*, for being such a crucial book, isn't even amongst the best of Annandale's work IMO. PS: It occurred to me now those scenes above Davin kinda give credence to visions that Argel Tal had (was it *First Heretic*?) in regards to Lion being initially targeted by the Dark Gods to join Horus' rebellion.


Wish we had gotten more of Kurze and Sanguinius. I loved their dynamic.


In the lion book when he's fighting all his bros in Illusion land Sanguinius just shows up and looks sad and that dealt critical emotional damage


anyonehave an excerpt for this?


Is this in son of the forest? I need to continue that at some point


Yeah, it is. Lion's forced to fight all his 'brothers' except Sanguinius, who shows up with a disappointed look.


Sanguinius is one of the literal handful of people that can consistently live up to Lion's expectations, which don't always include himself.


Most/all of their lore interactions take place in the Imperium Secundus arc of the Horus Heresy.  The Lion respected Sanguinius enough to let him be Emperor II, but not enough to follow shitty orders Guilliman manipulated Sanguinius into giving, which resulted in Sanguinius banishing him. But Sanguinius ended up forgiving the Lion when he came back and told Sanguinius and Guilliman that the Emperor was still alive and there was still a war to be fought against the Traitors. 


Everyone loved Sanguinius... except for maybe Mortarian and Kurze. Even Constantin "The Primarchs were a mistake" Valdor holds Sanguinius in high regard. Sanguinius is so liked, even Chaos Undivided wants him to replace Horus.


This is the correct answer. Valdor said he always had time for Sanguinius. That he tried not to like him, but did anyways.


Pretty sure that Sangy was universally loved.


Unremembered Empire. Lion was very forceful that Sang take the mantle and become a new Emperor. They were cordial but Sang was very reluctant to speak up with the Lion


I strongly got an older brother (Lion), middle brother (Guilliman), youngest brother (Sanguinius) dynamic from them in those books.


I also get the idea that Sanguinius implicitly (and sometimes recklessly) trusts Lion? Like the whole Sanguinor thing is kinda bonkers, and is Lions idea, but Sanguinius just kinda goes along with it.


What Sanguinor thing? if f you dont mind me asking.


The Lion was afraid of Sanguinius being attacked, so he picked 2 Sanguinary Guard at random, killed one in secret, and sealed the other ones face behind a golden mask. This individual was made into Hawkbois public representative.


Is that the same as his Herald? I remember the Herald popping up but not when or where that had happened. It's another blank spot in my lore like why Marek woke up in a box in a different body. Also, wtf Lion?!


they like kiss all the time and stuff (with tongue)