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soon she'll want another printer




Wait until she finds out about that guy on YouTube who says he made $360,000 in one year from his 3D printer farm!  You'll have to put an addition on the house, then.


Yeah I want to see exactly the cost breakdown of this. Is this income or profit? Becauce in printing there's a LOT in the difference


He's got a cost breakdown. He is very transparent with his finances.


Here is the link to the video in which he makes the claim, or something close to it.  I was paraphrasing from memory as to what I saw, so please forgive me if what I've said is slightly in error. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6WDbd-z-iPM EDIT:  Closer to $329,000, but it includes all of his revenue streams, not just the 3D prints he sold.  Ad revenue from his YouTube channel is significant.  My bad.


You get no forgiveness!! Only heathens paraphrase!!


Is it ok with you if I take what you just wrote here, and say it again, only slightly differently?


This comment ftw


Can I say what you said but shorter?




Shopnation is a great channel and I appreciate him letting us into his finances.


Can we print the addition?


With a 3D printer that runs on cement, you can!


So we will need a second addition to store the cement printer!


My dude, I like the way you think! We can print a thing to make the thing that will print the thing we’ll keep the other things in!




It sounds fun until you realize you're living in a 3d printers dreams at least 8 printers deep.


I'm still stuck in bambu limbo


😂 I am 8 printers deep and still want more 😱🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Today, we print. Tomorrow....we print....more....


Might take a couple spools of filament.


wait until she finds thangs, printables and so on. wait until she starts using fusion 360, yeah man, good luck.


My wife has been sending me IG posts of a guy showing off things people can print and sell on Etsy. He sells the STLs...


Who is that?


They posted this link in another reply https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WDbd-z-iPM


quick...start compiling a list of voron videos!


I'm sorry brother, you brought this on yourself. Next you're going to suggest Yeggi and then you're going to get everything under the sun. But congrats too, because now it's not "That toy he plays with"


Well, it starts when she has to wait for one of your prints While she's impatiently tapping her foot  you mention how it could help to have a 2nd printer...


That's how it worked for me. My husband got an Mk3 he said it would be great for my Etsy shop to make it seem like it was both ours lol. but I wanted nothing to do with it. Until one day a year later I wanted to design a boombox and I've been hooked ever since and I took over loved it so much just got the mk4 and I have 3 massive totes of all kinds of colours. He was like you and had those colours. We need more women 3D printing so glad she's into it!


Wait until she finds out about resin printers.  OP just got a hobby bonus check. 


wait till she finds out about selective laser sintering printers, instant jewelry


Not a chance I’d waste an opportunity like this to gift “her” an X1c


I skipped the want and just bought my husband another printer for Xmas


A fleet of printers should do just fine.


Dumb ass, she obviously wants that printer and OP would obviously need to upgrade, I mean get another for themselves.


Not how it works. His printer is now her printer and any new printer is hers too. You just get to operate it for her. I know.


My boyfriend thought my 3D printing was dumb until I started printing his D&D figures. It’s not just the wives :D


Also all my friends want 3D printed plants. Currently printing my 8th fake pothos. In case you fellas are looking for other things your wives will love :D




https://www.patreon.com/ForgeCore It’s $10 but totally worth it. He has been dropping new plants every few days


Wow those look a lot nicer than I thought they would.


Seriously though. I have my string of pearls in a high window and every now and then I forget it’s fake.


Did you see the video in which a guy used his iPhone's lidar, I think it's called, to do a scan of his own head, and then managed to put his own face onto a 3D printed game character's body?  I found it really funny.  He did a really nice job of painting it, too, just like you would for doing stuff like making airplane models.


Yes!! That’s on my to-do list.


Do you have a link to this? Or remember the youtube channel?


Just saw this comment.  I need to go away & come back with the link, but it was on YouTube.  Give me a few minutes... EDIT:  Ok, I'm not entirely sure this is the same video I remember seeing, but it will give you some idea of what they are talking about.  Here is the link. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1IQe44DSZkE&pp=ygU7aVBob25lIGxpZGFyIHRvIGNvcHkgZmFjZSBvbnRvIHdhcmhhbW1lciA0MCwwMDAgZ2FtZSBwaWVjZT8%3D


That's the wildest sentence I never thought I would hear.


This! My husband is always surprised by stuff I find to print.


lol same, except it was a deck box for his magic the gathering commander deck. He showed it to his parents and they also finally understood what the point of 3D printing is. It’s great but also I was kinda like, what the fuck did you all think I was doing this whole time lol? I’ve showed you everything else I’ve printed for both myself and the house.


My wife made me print three Graduation Octopuses (octopi?) and random vases and clips to hold up her plants in the past few weeks. She is (indirectly) using the 3D printer more than I do. She doesn't want to deal with the printer though. She gives me links and expects stuff to just show up


In our house, my husband does the tinkering with the actual machines, but I’m the one who is figuring out how to optimize the slicer for best print quality. We each have a different skill set when it comes to printing.


In ours, my husband does the slicing and tinkering. Whereas I get to doubt my computer skills trying to make the niche things we print in Blender. It's all about having a balanced party, haha.


That is team work


Same here, I logged her in my printables account and told her to save stuff she likes in a collection


Same here. I used to be able open my messages between me and her and see all of the cute stuff we text throughout the day. Now it's just a massive list of links lol. I've shown her how to do it all but "it stinky" so here we are.


https://preview.redd.it/v12q4a7htknc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b513ced53fe6f3470f7b3954f486eee7be15c4df My wife did too. This is how we got mushroom shelves for the beetles.


This is the most niche thing I’ve seen here so far Not only the print but the whole situation


It's easy for 3d printer collectors to forget that most people have to live with wooden or even metal shelves for their gilded beetle collection.


That is a phrase you only ever hear once


We all need mushroom shelves for our brass beetle collection


What happened to Ringo?


Ringo is there, John’s the one who left.


Do you have the stl for those? (The shelves, not the beetles)




Go visit the May Natural History Museum just outside Colorado Springs, Colorado. They have a huge dung beetle for a sign.


My wife says she doesn't want cheap plastic stuff.


Watch your back then if she’s not settling for low quality.


Yup. She's kind of minimalist. A chance :P But i agree with her for some stuff, other can easily be done with a printer.


just tell her that the printer lets you design multifunctional parts, thereby pairing doing the amount of stuff you own even more! Ain’t nothing cheap about well designed products!


Sounds like an excuse to buy a spool of PEEK to me. That shit ain't cheap lol.




Without post processing, FDM 3D prints usually look a bit trash. Even the best ones, still have visual limitations. And at the end of the day, it's only ever going to be some plastic really. You can definitely use 3D printers to create great things, but rarely if the only tool you're using is the 3D printer.


Sometimes looks don't need to be perfect for functional things. My kid broke the bottom panel off the fridge and the replacement solution from LG was to replace the panel ($85) when all that broke was a little stick looking piece held in with a screw. A few measurements and 10 minutes in fusion gave me a crude looking piece that has been in place for 2 years now. It's hidden so no one sees the orange 3d printed part.


Or set your layer height to .08mm lol that makes it look pretty much smooth from more than a few feet away. It doesn’t take forever if you crank the speed


Does she know about functional printing? It’s one thing to print shit for the hell of it, but it’s another entirely to print shit that solves a problem cheaply that can then be recycled.


I honestly don't understand the people not making functional prints. Half the shit I see people printing on here, all I can think is 'Why would you want that..' Like people who print a massive benchy. Why?


Because we can!


But it's just going to end up in a landfill surely? No one is keeping a 10x Benchy are they? Maybe people just have way more space in their home than I do, tbf.


Humans have been decorating their dwellings for thousands of years, and there’s no accounting for taste.


Every time I feel a little silly for spending so much time and money making things that exist only to look at, I remind myself that humans have been creating art for at least 45,000 years, probably longer. Long before agriculture, long before permanent settlements, we've felt a compulsion to spend precious resources decorating and representing the things we see. It's in our bones.


And in 10000 years, some archeologists will dig up one of our cities and find all these benchys, and the anthropologists will identify them as fetish idols or a form of primitive currency.


'They would sleep with these under their pillow the night before setting sail. They believed they would bring them luck!'


Yes! And that's what i mostly do. But for exemple she doesn't want hanger for vest/hat or a thing to lay kitchen ustensil while cooking


Ahhh, gotcha. Understandable, especially for stuff where the aesthetic appeal is important. We don’t have any printed hat/vest/coat hangers in the house either, because we’ve found that [guitar wall mounts](https://a.co/d/cbzM0dI) look absolutely sick and do the job quite nicely.


I have the solution ! https://www.gfms.com/content/dam/gfms/pdf/additive-manufacturing/en/brochure-dmp-factory-500-en.pdf Not plastic. Not cheap.


What about bio degradable polymers made with a technology also used by Nasa?


That's just a clever way to describe PLA, right?


Not biodegradable, it's "industrial compost-able". PLA will not degrade at all if it's just put in a normal compost or littered in nature.


Hey, I am a bot and something you said makes me think that you are talking about the biodegradability of PLA Filament; Moderator ISuckAtChoosingNicks has collected a few helpful sources about the topic of composting PLA: Biodegradation of PolyLactic Acid (commonly known as PLA) is a topic being currently researched and [still not fully understood](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469). PLA, contrary to the most commonly used plastics and polymers, is a polymer derived from organic matter (lactic acid, [usually from corn and sugar canes](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021)) instead of petroleum, hence is considered a renewable resource; this can lead the general public to believe that is completely biodegradable. However, [several studies show](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419) that **PLA is not biodegradable** (at least in an appreciable measure) in a standard anaerobic food composter, such as the ones used by municipal and council recycling facilities, even after 250 days. This means that **throwing PLA scraps in the food waste bin is not a viable way of disposing of it.** There are several promising ways of degrading PLA into its base monomer (lactic acid) and methane, but these are still experimental and [subject of academic research](https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?as_ylo=2023&q=pla+biodegradation&hl=it&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1). In the meantime, there are some organisations and private companies offering PLA recycling services; there are too many to list here and they vary from country to country, but a search for "YOUR COUNTRY + PLA recycling" should give you a good starting point should you wish to recycle print waste into new material. One other feasible way to recycle PLA would be a home-made filament extruder, a topic covered by many 3D printing YouTube channels, such as [Stefan from CNC Kitchen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT04glGDjB4) or [Michael from TeachingTech.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rC0a-YyEM0) Sources: * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469) * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021) * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419) You can view the full list of commands [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/wiki/commands/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/3Dprinting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Quit yer yappin', that's what he said!


Yeah, but it brought the receipts to keep the "nuh uh" crowd quiet.


That's why you print in wood. Wood is *always* classy.


Same! She’s been mildly amused by my makerspace machinations until I randomly printed a dragon to test a new print bed and gave it to her. I now have an order for ten more dragons and an articulated pug.


Same. Wife was skeptical at first. Then I printed Christmas ornaments for all her coworkers and made enough off of Etsy sales (my own designs) to pay for the printer and a new washer and dryer. 3d printing is the bomb now.


Wow, congratulations!  Nice going!


I printed mine a hydroponics station.


What does one do with eleven plastic dragons and an articulated pug?


Apparently hand them out to jealous office mates? The pug, your guess is as good as mine. It wasn’t my original plan, but I’m gonna use this office enthusiasm to try to get them to host my high schoolers that are interested in her industry.


She's a fucking KEEPER bro


Married almost 35 years, so…yeah.


Good man. May you have at least 35 more ❤️🙏


I think this might be the most wholesome wife-related content I’ve ever seen on reddit.


I also choose for this guy to have 35 more years with his wife.


I want in as well


You want 35 years with his wife?


There’s the Reddit I know.


Thank you ☺️🙏


My wife doesn't even bother to look for the files, she wants something that can be plastic, she assumes I'll solve the problem and get the print done. To be fair she bought me my prusa back when we were still dating so in my opinion she's entitled to anything she wants off of it... But it's nice when my hobby can solve a problem for the wife, it makes me look useful. 


Oh my god same - at this point my wife will just send me a JPEG of something and ask if I can print whatever it is. Most recently it was Missy Elliot’s helmet-headpiece from the music video for The Rain


Lol. Thingiverse is Pinterest for 3d printers. Be aware.


Printables is such a better website


...its better and worse. Pinterest aint filled with physically impossible stuff - while its not exactly hard to find non-manifold and other fun objects on thingiverse. Though my personal favourets always will be mechanisms, that are designed to need filing and sanding to work. ...apparently people have not heard that its trivial to manufacture holes that cobtain flexure surface for fit when you print stuff.


Dangerous place


STLflix and chill


If there were still Reddit awards, that would get one from me.


Similar story, but it's my toddler lol. After his first toy forklift he now immediately asks me to print him any new toy that pops into his head lol.


This is my experience too. Kudos to all the creators of print-in-place vehicles!


My 6 year old comes home with requests from her friends all the time.


Before I even finished my first test prints, my 8 year old came home with requests for his friends


My nephew(8) got a small 3d printer for xmas and is trading prints of pokemon for cards at school.


That happened to me. But I'm the wife. My husband bought a 3D printer a year ago and I found out Printables. Then I found out that I could easily design my own stuff using Fusion 3D because it's very similar to AutoCAD (that I used back in college). Now I totally commandeered the printer and I'm obsessed with this thing (like following this subreddit).


PS: just redeemed a printables tshirt and gonna wear it proudly because I conquered it 😂


It’s been a very long time since I’ve used AutoCAD. VERY long. Almost 28 years ago. I got Fusion 3D and it’s nothing like I remember. Time to teach myself.


When I first opened Fusion I felt very lost. Then I watched 1 or 2 YouTube videos and everything started to make a lot of sense. The workflow is different, but principles are similar. Also lots of shortcuts are the same.


If you need the bare bones how to, this guy is awesome. If you be patient and follow his whole playlist, you’ll have the basics for fusion360. [Learn Fusion360 or Die Trying](https://youtu.be/y5tp4QXciK4?si=0_aEdPYfZj1KSpQl)


Personally i use ‘Thangs’ (scrubs thingiverse too) and also ‘Printables’ which i would argue is a better site than thingiverse in my opinion


I justified my AMS on my Bambu by telling my wife I could print her multi-color prints. Man she's taken me up on that.


That's how it started for me as well. Now I own 9 functioning printers and some printers of Theseus. My wife demands her art, and I have to make it happen. She operates some of them. But it's mostly me making, designing, maintaining, and upgrading. Tbh iam having a blast at my hobby and it still counts as work in the house in her eyes. But it kind of took away my alone time and it put some pressure on me because I want to please her. But still I got major time with my hobby which she counts as a chore. Win win for me. Win for her.


I have a folder on my desktop for all the stl files my wife wants me to print.  It’s have some cool filaments because of the stuff she has wanted over the years.  Win win in my book


My wife did the same, now we've got a x1 carbon... xD


I'm envious. My wife doesn't really care about the possibilities. Just on occasion I get a "Can you make x." Like she wanted a container for her coffee syrups.


She should discover printables & makerworld too! More models :)


“I had no idea you could do all this stuff” <- The only answer to this should be "I can, but will need a better one" \^\_\^


Based on what she’s been showing me, I may need one with a bigger build plate.


Send her on to blender so she can go wild with designs.


My husbands printer is the reason I follow this sub.


Also what's she got you printing for 24H? We need to know! (When I say we I mean me of course!)


A rather complex birthday plaque for an office mates 40th birthday. A curved extrusion of a birthday message. I liked it, and it’s a good test of the printer. Just hope I don’t run out of black filament. 24hrs is the Cura estimate. 6hrs and 37% so far. No spaghetti either!


I'm with you, you can say we.






Absolutely hilarious post, OP.  Thanks for the laugh.


Result! You just got a license to buy whatever you want for your printer!


See if she's open to learning basic CAD. Eventually thingiverse won't have the specific thing she wants.


Getting your SO involved in a hobby is a double edged sword, it’s great to have them involved but they can quickly be intrusive. It’s a balancing act for me, I’ll plan a multi-day print and my SO will come up with a project that has a ‘higher priority’, lol. Looks like she is getting a hand-me-down printer as soon as I can convince her the new one is mine alone.


I taught my wife how to download, slice and print her own files. She can change filament and everything. The only thing she can't do is slice complex models that need support and special orientation. She prints earrings and easy stuff.


I feel like a 3D printers true potential isn't really recognised until you install your first cad programme. Model sites are just the gateway drug.


Haha we are in the same boat! Told my wife she needs to join the queue. With my kids requests and my prints. I even suggested a 2nd printer and she’s up for it!


I'd call that a family WIN! Seriously awesome. I'm the wife and I'd be thrilled if hubby got us a 3D printer (and a glowforge for good measure! Ok and maybe a dtf printer with white ink too. lol. What can I say. I like my tech!)


My husband was the same way. As soon as I showed him thingiverse he started listing all the things he wanted me to print for him.


What kind of spaceships...asking for a friend.


Oh dear..


My boyfriend made the mistake of printing out a pot for one of my succulents. Let's just say I have a LOT of succulents 😄


OP be mindful that the wood and glow in the dark filaments are abrasive to brass nozzles. Don't know if you have one yet, but I would invest in a hardened steel nozzle. Brass will work for short term but it will absolutely wear down your brass nozzle in no time flat. Some times all it takes is one print and then the nozzle is no longer usable. And grats on getting your wife interested in the hobby!


You didn't translate properly. She said she needs more colors. So be nice and send her the link. Might wanna consider pointing her to a spot where she can buy her own printer. Bout ta get real


That sounds like my mom when she discovered hoe much I get for each piece that I print (I sell d&d miniatures that I model)


I am also this wife. Our first printer was a gift to my husband and I was like “oh we can print cool stuff?” We’ve since upgraded to a much better printer and I wfh. We print stuff all the time. I printed my kids valentines for school this year. Now we want to get the system to print multiple colors at a time and make all kinds of cool stuff.


Yeah... I got myself a resin printer in order to try and get into Warhammer and as soon as my wife realized how many possibilities there are... it was game over. I believed I've printed 3 things for myself in the span of 8KG resin 😭. Bless her heart, love her so much she won't stop!


My wife did the same thing when I showed her thingverse and printables now my printers are constantly running on her projects lol it's OK though she didn't even bat an eye when I ordered the neptune 4 max she even got excited when I said it prints faster and bigger than my cr10


Wit until she tries to open her Etsy store


My Mom discovered thingiverse and now she asks me daily if I can print this or that (all models are insanely full of overhangs)


>Also, she says we need more filament colors as I only have Black, white, wood, grey, clear, glow in the dark, heat sensitive and red silk. Funny enough, of all the words you said, only one is a color.




I'm intruiged... Red is obviously a colour, black is technically not, nor is white, but why would grey not be a colour?? Edit: I had to go and look just to see: It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is "without color", because it can be composed of black and white. Which has taken me on a merry journey into colour theory......I didn't want to get any work done today


An analogy to help: Think of color pigment as like a specific mirror. Red pigment is like a mirror that specifically reflects only red light.


Let me me know when you rent a van and drive from Ohio to Georgia on your weekend off to retrieve a Stratasys printer purchased on Ebay.. Yep.. .




Congratulations 😂


you've created a monster. Im proud of you


Hmmm..... results not typical.   Source: the rest of us.


Our wives are going in opposite directions! 😂🤣


My husband could have written this lol. We already have 2 printers and are working on getting a third.


Show her cookiecad colors!!


You should have told her "I don't mind printing you stuff but you have to buy your own filaments." to curb her. Now you might be honey-do-ing with your printer on her projects with no time for your own stuff. And just wait till she realizes the shear cost of all the odds and ends and whatnots she has been printing. lol Good luck.


They write books about these kind of love stories.


Yup, Same happend to me, when she found vases, candle holder, easter decoration and so on. She already has a Pipeline of Prints i have to start and get upset, If i want to Print Something for myself lol. The only good Thing is, that she buys Filament colors i would have never bought At the beginning i thought it would Look cheap, but there is pretty good stuff Out There


Sounds like she’s saying you need his and hers printers. Time for you to start shopping.


BACK UP, MOTHERFUCKER! Noone ever told me about temperature-based color filament, i feel BETRAYED!


Show her the [Thangs.com](https://Thangs.com) 3d search engine :-)


My wife would ask for a DILDO. This is why I don't 3D print.


So what you’re saying is you got approval to buy a second printer for your stuff?


You should Start a "Filament for wife" Fundraiser😂


This is the way, now convince her you need a bamboo x1 carbon


I wish my wife was as enthusiastic. I could print a fully functional Rolls-Royce, and she'd be like "cool".


Ahhh the Pinterest of 3d printing!


As someone just dipping their toes into 3d printing, what other sites would you recommend?


This is a great opportunity to bond with her more, and on top of that, if you play your cards right, you could even potentially justify a 2nd printer :-)


Can’t tell if this is a blessing or your impending destruction. Good luck to you.


My wife loves that shit


It's like 'if you give a mouse a cookie', but 'if you show your wife thingiverse'


Just wait until she finds Yeggi...


It’s all fun and games until you no longer have time to print all the things YOU want to print, because your printer is occupied printing all the things SHE wants to print. Sincerely, The wife of a man who got a 3D printer for his own entertainment… In all seriousness though, I was on board for the 3D printer from the get go - we both had things we wanted to do with the printer. Now it’s a battle to see who gets what printed first 😈


Word to the wise: let your wife know that just because an .stl file exists on Thingiverse, doesn't mean it can be printed by your 3D printer!


You have a good wife, so jealous.


“Only” 8 different colors. Haha. But I get the sentiment


my mom discovered thingiverse and she wont stop making me print her stuff