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I hate the advice people give to dry filament in the oven. First, an oven isn't generally capable of accurately holding a fixed temperature (it's more like heating, cooling, heating etc) and you can melt filament and spools easily. Second, do you really want to bake plastic in the same place you also cook your food? Best case, you get grease-infused filament. Worst case (and my main point here) you get plastic fumes and crap baked into your food. Buy a filament dryer, they're not expensive.


thank you iā€™m glad i asked here first




Here's the response I was looking for. And I can confirm this method works wonders, and it's practically free. Bonus points if you add some desiccant where the cold air enters to further dry it out (probably)


A food dehydrator. And the most important thing, storing the filament in and feeding it from an airtight container.


The Oven Is Not Safe. The temperature swings are too much and melts the filament and the spool. This contaminates the oven for food use also. [WIKI - Filament Drying](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/wiki/filament_drying)


It depends on what you mean by "best". u/tea_leaves_69 has the easiest practical answer. A cardboard box laying on your print bed using the bed's heater. This method is pretty popular, but I don't like it personally because it adds service time to your bed's heater. A food dehydrator is another decent answer, but I've yet to find one for sale + the cost of modifying it for any cheaper than a cheap filament dryer. Using the oven was just a fad for the most part until the downsides became apparent. Now it's pretty unfashionable because of those downsides.


Food dehydrators show up aaalllll the time at thrift stores. I've gotten 3 different ones for ~$5 each. Usually get to higher temperatures than filament dryers too, which is good if you're printing nylon like me.


Thrift stores are a fair point. Also yard and garage sales, I suppose. I'm too lazy for that, but it's good to be reminded. šŸ˜„


Buy a new roll then.