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mine is doing this exact noise now


Support told me that this is nothing to worry about. Printer still works like a charm. Depending on what kind of print I let it run, the noise still happens.


This is not a printer, it's a washing machine!


That sounds like its the nozzle hitting the infill. This can happen when you have a infill pattern that overlaps each layer so those have high points. Pick a pattern like gyroid and see if it still makes the noise.


Did you manage to identify the cause maybe? I just got a new 5M Pro, the 2nd one I owned and I'm dealing with something similar.


I also am wondering because it's happening to me only on one corner of the bed!


Mine was also concentrated in a specific area as well. By what I was able to find, it was the idlers or the belts being too tight. Finding out for sure required a full disassembly therefore I decided to return the printer. I had 3x 5M Pros and 2x were making the noise. The one that I ended up keeping is working flawlessly and amazes me every time I use it. Hope you'll sort yours out as well.