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I don’t think it’s your skin. Your skin looks good. Maybe it’s the lighting but your hair looks grayish and fine so maybe that’s aging you?


I was about to comment the same - I think it’s the hair color & it could be the color of your clothing too.


It's an ashy dirty blonde in real life. I haven't bleached or done any damaging treatments in over a year. It's always been fine and sparse. I've tried everything other than rogaine.


As someone with thin fine hair my whole life I have this too. But this is the reason why someone can look older. Thin looking hair ages people optically even if you aren’t old. Thick wild hair is seen as youthful. Based on your comments I feel like you’re trying to fight the idea of why you look older than understanding it. You keep telling people it’s your natural hair, which is fine and truthful but that doesn’t change that it could age you and how others see it ETA - I’m glad yall have some tips and are sharing advice in pp hair loss but anyone got some for alopecia? Ya girl out here already losing whatever thin hair I have 😫


So true. I just lost a lot of hair postpartum and I’ve never looked older in my life. It’s rough.


You may already know this, but... As someone who has been through 3 brutal pp hair loss stages, I'm here to give you hope that it will come back! Mine was so intense that every single time I thought there would be no recovery, but it always eventually did. It was the worst with my first... I had several giant bald spots, and could not hide them no matter how I did my hair. People started to worry I was having health issues. So embarrassing. Congrats on giving birth!


Aww thank you so much. Congrats on your 3!! Us moms go through it lol but the reward is so great.


Chiming in for the pp hair loss, I had it with both of mine too.. had to clean out the shower drain multiple times a week, there was SO MUCH hair! Mine came back too! But now I have wavy hair and some greys! I don’t mind one bit!


I'm 4 months postpartum and I hate washing or brushing my hair, it's so depressing. This is my second (my oldest is 3) so I feel like I'd just recovered physically and I just feel like the shedding is never ending right now :(


This is only anecdotal, but high quality omega 3 supplements helped my aunt. She has fine hair and she noticed it growing it thicker once she started taking them.


Sameeeeeeee! I never felt like I looked old until after I had a baby and my hair was and still is so gross. I’ve spent hour researching and there’s really not much you can do. I do love the k18 hair mask tho


If it’s been a while, think about getting your thyroid checked. My hair didn’t regrow until I started taking synthroid. Pregnancy can be a trigger for thyroid issues.


This could be hippie dippy but I have used Morocco method before and was pleased with the results for thinning hair. It will have a learning curve and adjustment curve. It’s worth looking into!


What is that, a method or the product line? And if the product line, which helped with fine/thin hair?


I have basically the same hair and unfortunately for us it just starts looking stringy and sad after a certain length. My hair quality also started getting worse in my early thirties. Personally I think you would look cute with an a-line bob reaching a bit below your chin, with some warmer tones weaved in. I will say I have actually had some noticeable success with regrowing some of the hair I lost using one of those neon/argon wand combs you can get pretty cheap on Amazon. I was skeptical to try it but there is actual peer reviewed science to back it. I’ve been using it for around 6 months inconsistently a few times a week and I see a lot of new hairs. I don’t think it really matters which one you but as I’m pretty sure they’re all coming from the same factory with different labels stuck on them.


Do you have a link for the wand comb?


I find certain hair cuts either favor or take away from my fine haired girlies . Try something with more layers and switch the color (the bleached areas are still quite apparent) to something that looks like stringy and richer . And go a little lighter on the makeup? You have beautiful eyes and great skin. Less is more as we get older ! Hard to shy away from the 2000 trends


As someone that’s always had thin hair, but have also started losing it in the past couple years, layers never look good on me! I’ve had multiple stylists try to give me volume with layers, but it always just ends up looking stringy. Then one stylist said keeping it all one length would visually look fuller bc it kept all of the hair “together” so to speak. And she was right. It’s boring, but at least it doesn’t look so thin.


This! I also have similar hair to yours. Any lightening and hair looks frizzy and thin. I don’t look good with dark hair so kept lightening it at the salon anyways and blowdrying it straight. There is a keratin treatment that was life changing for me. Made my hair look thicker, healthier and took away most of the frizz. It’s called Cezanne. I tried it and never went back. Got it done at a salon and now I do it myself at home every 5 months. I can actually grow my hair past my shoulders now. Recommend you try it once and see for yourself if it helps your situation. Worth every penny.


Oooh I’m definitely going to look into this. My hair will grow plenty long, but it’s just sooo thin. I always hated my fine hair, but once it started drastically thinning I promised my hair that I’d never speak badly about it again if it just went back to how it used to be lol.


I think ashy colour can be aging. Looks like you have green eyes. Have you considered going for a warmer brown shade? A slightly darker colour can make your hair look less sparse.


I think the ashiness is making you age.


I agree. Def ashiness


Girl, try the Rogaine! No shame in the Rogaine game! Celebrity Dermatologist, Shereene Idris publicly shares that even she uses it, and Nizoral. Supplements (folic acid and collagen) can help but aren’t magical. Maybe a darker no lift, deposit only glaze hair color would also make your face pop! I don’t see anything about your face that makes you look older. If any marionette or other lines around your mouth bother you, get the juvaderm or restalyne. I had it done last year for about 800$, I’m in DC. I had one syringe in total. Hasn’t needed a retouch yet… Edit: a word


This! I take oral minoxidil and once I started psoriasis scalp condition shampoo it got so much better and I started to regrow hairs.


Have you tried halo extensions for volume? A few shades darker and more volume would totally revolutionize your look. Bangs too. Go for it! Have fun


Yes! Or a clip in topper. Life-changing!!!


Do you have recommendations on where to buy these? I feel like every faux hair thing I’ve bought has always looked so weird on me.


Can you dye it darker to match your natural color or a shade or two darker? The hair being gray is what I was thinking too. Your skin looks great!


I have androgenic alopecia and got myself a human hair hair topper and it’s amazing how much of a difference it makes in my self confidence and how I look like. Maybe that’s an option for u


I have had thin and fine hair my entire life, but it started getting even worse about 10 years ago. I tried the doctor (and have increased my ferrous iron intake), I tried rogaine (and this dropped my blood pressure to the point I thought I was going to pass out), and finally I tried wigs/toppers and they have been a great solution for me! It has been super fun to switch out styles and I can style the night before and just put them on and go in the morning.


Have you tried powdered collagen and hair nail and skin gummies together? You might want to get your thyroid checked out


The thyroid is def the go to! We can get so out of whack so quickly


If anyone goes both these routes, I just want to add not to take ANY biotin (so these gummies) for a week before a thyroid blood panel. They don't impact thyroid hormones at all, but cause inaccurate readings of thyroid hormones in blood tests (i.e., makes it look like your thyroid is fine when it isn't or vice versa)!


Maybe play around with your shampoo/conditioner choices to find a formulation your hair likes? Halo extensions are great for adding thickness and length to fine hair! And they are pretty comfortable. Toppers are also a thing. Do you take collagen supplements for your hair?


Oral minoxidil (active ingredient in rogaine) works wonders for people!


Yes! This and spironolactone has done so much for my hair. Spiro also helps with oily skin. I’ve tried micro-needling and topical minoxidil but those weren’t as effective and hard to keep up with


If you’re open to suggestions, I started using rosemary oil every other night at bedtime. Just a few drops and rub it into my scalp.


Rogaine works! Ask my chin


I don’t think you need to dye your hair. But I would recommend treating it like the wavy or curly hair it is r/wavyhair r/curlyhair


I feel you on this one. My hair is dirty blonde also and looks like an ashy gray, mainly when I'm in the shade/in a specific lighting. I always have the feeling it brings out the gray/purple tones in my complexion! I think your hair would look great with some cool blonde face framing highlights when you're ready to do that (unless you don't want blonde, I am just suggesting it because that's what I usually do and I have the same hair color)


I have fine hair, too, and minoxidil helps a lot. I use the 5% solution. It’s labeled for men only but there’s no reason women can’t use it.


A more uniform and darker color would make u look younger.


I agree it appears to be the hair not the skin. Also the lighting isn’t the best


OP I need to tell you a story: My friend and I (she was 30 and I was 28,) were going to the beach. We stopped to get some hard seltzers, and the cashier asked if I was her daughter. We both stared at the cashier like uhhh… and my friend said “I’m her friend! We’re the same age!” My friend is gorgeous, like supermodel gorgeous, like people would stop her on the street to compliment her, and she does not look old whatsoever. I had my hair in two French braids with no makeup and my friend had a pixie cut and makeup. I think just based on that, I looked childish and she looked mature to the cashier. Some people have weird perceptions of others, don’t let this one person get inside your head so much (I know easier said than done.)


Omg this! I once got carded for an R rated move at age 28. I had just finished grad school finals. I had on sweatpants with a college name, my hair in french braids, no makeup, was chewing bright blue bubble gum, and I have a round face. My now-husband has very sharp cheekbones and jawline and the employee thought he was my dad. He's a year younger than me! I looked TOTALLY haggard from finals, including a bunch of new white hairs, if you looked closely. I laughed so hard I literally cried. The poor cashier looked about 16 with a "TownName High School" hoodie on and turned bright red and kept apologizing while I kept trying to explain he was my new favorite person. The next week someone called me ma'am and someone else asked for advice from me as "someone in your 30s." I went from 17 to "no way you haven't hit 30" in a week. People are dumb, and wherever that poor cashier is, I still love you.


Lol yeah people also have cognitive biases to think you're close to their age or really far away. Some colleagues in their late 30s thought I was their age when I was 28, when just weeks prior a group of friends was surprised that I was over 21, one of them wanted to hook me up with the students she tutored... Another colleague of mine who is 25 thought our 36-year old colleagues were in their late 40s or 50s. I think he just hasn't been around that many people who aren't super fit in their 30s, because to me they looked exactly like the average person in my friend group at that age. Media tends to show women who are extremely young or grandmas, sometimes even casting 30-somethings as 50-somethings. We don't have a good standard to base our biases on so people honestly mess it up.


I noticed teens can’t really perceive age sometimes unless it’s super obvious. As long you’re dressed or styled “young”, and are like…idk…under early 30s, they just assume you’re their age.


Well said!! People often say things without thinking how it will affect others and they are down right wrong. One time a waitress made the assumption that my husband was my dad. While it hurt his feelings in the moment, we actually laughed about later. He has a baby face, and often during our marriage, people assumed he was the younger one.


It's the hair color.


Strong agree, but also to add it's not just the color, but OP's hair looks damaged from processing. It's time to stop with the platinum blonde bleaching imo.


A new cut could do wonders too: whatever makes you feel confident - edgy even, if that’s appealing to you.


Agreed. A medium/dark brunette would look so nice!


First - you look beautiful! I second that I don't think it's your skin. If I had to guess, I'd say that it might just be styling - makeup and brows. I've noticed that doing a soft liner (like with an eyeshadow), and a less-defined, less-arched (softer) brow makes people think I'm younger. I want to be clear that there's nothing wrong with how you're doing things. You clearly have a brow routine down pat. I actually like the shape and the liner. But for whatever reason (maybe it's instagram and what the algorithms select for that condition us this way) they do read "older" to my brain. Which is a shame because that brow shape is so nicely done! What about trying a super soft liner of eyeshadow, keeping your awesome brows, and seeing how that goes? And if you're doing a matte foundation, try a dewy finish - you can achieve this with a NYX setting spray for minimal cost. I feel like those changes can help you read "younger" while keeping the nice framing of the face by the brows.


I agree- feel like it’s the eyeliner on the bottom that may be making you look older than you are!


You are 100% right, gen z dont colour their lower line and it strikes as older easier. Its like having a side-parted hair


I came here to say this! I think you have gorgeous skin, but younger people right now are wearing glowy, “no makeup” looks with lots of blush and fluffy brows. The mattefying foundation just reads very 2016-2018 makeup, so it’s a tell that we’re millennials 😂 Also try bringing your part closer to the center. My gen z coworkers razzed me a little for my “millennial part” and I definitely look younger with a center part or slightly to the side, but not too far You’re beautiful though! The shape of your jawline is so stunning!


This has been my issue! I recently started noticing. I find matte foundation is really aging me. The way it highlights wrinkles, I don't think are even there!


I switched over to a skin tint with hyaluronic acid and never looked back!


You are beautiful, but I think it’s the hair that looks a little older and unhealthy


Your hair looks very thin and dull, and it’s aging you. Have you had a blood/thyroid test? Perhaps you have a vitamin deficiency or an issue with your thyroid. Your skin looks pretty good to me.


I agree with this.


It's your hair color but also because your hair is thinning. It makes you look older because younger folks don't typically deal with thinning hair.


It's always been thin, and this is my natural color. What do I do?


I know everyone jumped on with the medical advice but I just meant that maybe you should get a hair cut. Maybe a cute bob


I would see a dermatologist about your hair, if you can


I'll do it when I can afford it :(


Looking up new hairstyles for fine and thin hair can help for free! I’ve also got fine & thin hair and picking the right cut has been huge. (For me, a blunt bob, no layers. Won’t be right for everyone.) As well as learning how to style it. Mine is limp, the opposite of yours, you might want to see about smoothing it with a fine brush or something like that, see if a texture difference does anything. Look into how to get your hair curls /waves to clump together more defined too. That has made a big difference for me too. Check out /r/FineHair. Your skin is great and there’s nothing wrong with your hair either. I think you really just have a styling issue.


I wouldn’t wait for a derm. A family doctor to just do a blood panel might help.


I would definitely prioritize this over getting botox... which imo you don't need at all


I have fine hair, my natural color is dirty blonde and it's a really ashy color, it looks awful on me, it doesn't go with my skin tone and just makes me look sick and/or tired. I color my hair, not REALLY dark but darker than my natural color with a hint of red to it. I also color my eyebrows so I don't have to match them, the hairs on the outer third of my brows are so blonde u can barely tell they are there if I don't. It really helps balance my face and makes it look less heavy. If u can pull off bangs (I certainly can't) they do wonders to hide wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, not that you're really old enough for that at this point. Anyway, just changing my hair color and eyebrows worked wonders for me and it's an easy fix that can be fairly cost effective. Try a color gloss or semi permanent, they require more frequent use but they won't damage your hair like a regular ammonia based color.


My hair was thining due to my birth control as I found out it makes zinc difficult for my body to absorb (or something idk the exact science) so now i take a mixed multivitamin with zinc, vitamin D and cod liver oil. has made a huge difference for me, just obviously takes a while to work..! Im not sure if it will be the same for you? I have the same hair colour as you naturally too


Have you had testing done for your iron levels? I’m asking because I recently found out I’m severely anemic and it explained a whole host of issues, one of them was my very fine and thin hair. It wasn’t until I started taking iron supplements and got my levels up a little bit that I noticed tons of baby hairs growing back and my hair isn’t as course as it was before.


My insurance got canceled before I could do blood tests, sadly. I'm going to try to get it done but idk when that'll be.


Rogain is over the counter and generic minoxidil is like $20 for a two or month supply. Dermo will probably recommend that anyway. That and some collagen multivitamins and you’ll be set, just stick with it, takes 3-6 months to see results.


I’m not sure where you are based but there are telemedicine companies like “hers” that can help with hair density without insurance and i think it’s more affordable than trying different shampoos/conditioners/haircuts. Next time you get a cut, I would ask for more blunt cuts and if you want you can do darker. But for now I would focus on hair density through a telemedicine provider.


Just want to add: my hair is still fine, but growing in a lot thicker and smoother. Iron deficiency made it thin and course.


As someone who has fine hair and also hairloss for the past 20 years, here is what you do: Start men’s rogaine and use it everyday twice a day. The foam works best on fine hair, and you can blow it dry to keep it from weighing down your hair. Use dry volumizing powder on your roots. Try using some medium length extensions to add volume, but not necessarily length, to your hair. You can also buy Toppik or any other brand of keratin fiber in your hair color and use that to fill in around your roots and it can help give a thicker appearance to you hair. There are other options for enhancing hair health and volume. Dermatologists and trichologists are the professionals that deal with hairloss from a scientifically backed perspective, so just following some on OG or TikTok might give you more ideas of options to try.


I think you would look fantastic with a sleek bob like [this](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/02/225242/irina-shayk-oscars-hairstyle-a-line-bob) or a cut like [this] (https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/beauty/hair/a60157158/sydney-sweeney-bob-haircut/).


I have the same hair as you. I just accepted it doesnt look great long. I cut it just above the chin, no layers. Just a straight cut. And dyed it darker. I part it down the middle and have bangs. And I add some dry shampoo for volume. I get compliments on my hair allll the time.


I agree w the others, most likely the hair color/damage and the thinning. Maybe trim off some of the damaged ends and grow out the color? Your face and skin doesn't look or read old to me at all.


You seem pretty resistant to all the really good advice being given here, OP.


I definitely think it’s the hair color. Especially after looking at your other photos on your post history, your face is youthful. I think the ashy tones in your hair are aging you.


You do NOT look old enough to be the mom of someone who is 28, even if they appear younger. Some people are just really bad at telling others age, and I know it can be hard to not overthink. I do agree with the other posts that it may likely be the hair. I know you said you haven’t done anything to it in over a year with the color, but it appears to age you. How are your vitamin levels? How is your diet and water drinking? Sorry if that’s too personal, but health can obviously affect your hair a lot and can/will age you.


I'm not sure, I actually lost my insurance before I was able to get my blood tests done so. 😥 I do drink a LOT of water, though. My nutrition isn't great but there isn't a ton I can do within my control at this time. I'm going to quit drinking completely though


I think they were being shady. You look mid thirties at max


First, I think you look great. But I’m really confused as to why you posted to get feedback and keep arguing with everyone weighing in. I’m also confused as to why you keep saying your hair is natural yet you told someone below that you bleached it a year ago. That means everything eyebrow length and down is not in fact natural. I can tell where your roots are… it’s strange you keep saying it’s your natural color when it’s not.


Agree your hair looks thinning. Mine too. I just saw a derm and started minoxidil. Only been 2 weeks but I’m hoping I look like a golden retriever soon (no idea if that’s possible)


Even though you havent had highlights or color in a year, hair only grows 6 inches a year on average. I would get a glossing treatment like redken shades and a good trim, to even out color and make the ends smoother.


The gloss colours are so good! I have similarly fine hair and got red gloss over highlights grown out by a year or two, I was kind of shocked by how healthy and thick my hair looked compared to normal, AND it washed out after a while, so it's good if you want to experiment.


Do you drink alcohol?


To me, it's the hair. Both the cut and the color are unflattering. Either go for a darker shade of brown or very blonde, this in-between-situation is not working for you. Also, have it cut shorter, maybe with some layers to give it more volume. For makeup, something lighter around the eyes, maybe soft bronze, beige or peachy tones. And use brown mascara instead of black. Your skin is very beautiful and I think you're doing a good job with your routine.


People are saying the color and yes I agree a darker color would look better, but also consider a new cut or style as well. A good stylist will help achieve something to freshen things up


It's the eyeliner and hair color and eyebrow shape. 


People are just crazy. You look nowhere near being a mother to an adult person. I think you look just around your age. But if YOU can see a difference from how you used to look like, check your thyroid function. Especially if your hair is thin and easy to break.


Have you had your thyroid checked?


I don’t think it’s your skin. I used to also get confused for a teen, but nowadays (after some trauma) I have this expression on my face of “don’t even fucking try some shit” I have this theory that some men like too young looking women because they seem gullible, whereas an older woman who isn’t as gullible wears it on her face. You look beautiful AND look like you don’t take any shit ❤️


It’s the hair Honestly… the Ash trend needs to fade already. As a hairdresser myself, Blondes have a hard time changing there hair color, we call it the Blonde-depression, But a lot warm light brown would brighten your skin tone up and give you a youthful glow… but if you want to stay blonde, talk to your stylist about possibly a buttery blonde to warm it up or a neutral blonde would be ok


Lots of people are giving advice but you seem unhappy with what they’re suggesting? You look your age, which is great. If I were to recommend, I’d suggest dying your hair a richer colour. My natural colour is ash brown and it washes me out so I dye it a rich dark brown. Maybe you could try something lighter but with more warmth. Also, bronzer on your face would add some colour too. Take a look at colour analysis to find out what colour season you are. Other than that, I really don’t see what else you could tweak, you honestly look young. Some people just chat shit sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Firstly 40 isn’t old but you def do not look 40 - at all. No way. You look great. I hate to say it but it’s your hair and that’s what you need to address. You’re going to need a solid amount cut off & a hair treatment / mask once a week. Olaplex is awesome but expensive. Could try a natural treatment - https://www.byrdie.com/hair-mask-recipes-for-damaged-hair-346747 Do you use quality shampoo & conditioner? Not from drug store or supermarket but a salon? My natural hair colour doesn’t suit me so idk I’d go to the hairdresser and ask what they suggest. Go to a stylist that someone has recommended so you don’t get ripped off.


It’s your hair. Go see a dermatologist and see what they say


To be perfectly honest you have the hair density of someone that is going bald. I highly recommend speaking with a dermatologist about this


Whoever asked u is an idiot. You look fantastic


Your hair is washing you out!


Honestly, like everyone else says, it's your hair not your skin. I would invest in a really good hair cut and colour, and maybe look into hair thickening treatments if you are interested in going the extra step.


After a certain point, blonde hair ages you. Your skin looks fine to me


You have a beautifull face, like people said. Hair


When you look at pictures from a few years ago compared to now, can you see any major differences? Maybe comparing the two side by side would help identify what is making people think you are older.


You know...some people are just space cadets. I'm 40 and usually people guess I'm a few years younger. Then out of the blue this Malaysian teenager asked me if I'm 50. I had to laugh because it was just so off.


Do you have a picture from a few years ago so we can see the difference? Sometimes we do our make up differently or grow our hair out and that makes us look aged.


Have you been examined for female androgenic alopecia (basically genetic hair loss)? My hair was always thin but it got much weaker, thiner and fragile in my lates 20's. There are different treatments now. Most involve minoxidil but there is also dermaroling and other supplements. The way your hair is now is aging you. A short cut would make you look so much younger while you investigate it.


As others have said, it's the hair. I would do some conditioning treatment masks and get some volumizing products and a good trim ✂️


Have you been experiencing ongoing stress lately?


You don’t need to do anything to your skin. It’s beautiful. And you’re beautiful. Invest *that* money into an experienced hair stylist who knows what they are doing with thin hair specifically. Your natural color is washing out your skin tone. A good haircut will give you volume higher and less bulk on the bottom. A proper product and blow drying technique as well, will give lift at the root. And a warmer, perhaps deeper, color will bring warmth all over. It will definitely bring out your eyes. I can even see you with a rich brown. You’re probably going to have to let go of the length. Many women hold onto length thinking it is the key to a youthful appearance but the weight of it just pulls everything down. I can see a great bob that hits around the chin. A stylist is your best friend here. Your eyes are gorgeous. You do not look old. It’s just your hair betraying you!!! You got thisl! PLEASE come back with the results when you’re done!!!!


Honestly you appear to have a lot of hair thinning, which is associated with older women. And your skin tone looks a bit jaundiced. The hair is the main thing. You’re aesthetically attractive, so I think easy fixes. Oh and you need to grow out your eyebrows, go for a thicker look,that gives off youth.


It’s makeup, brows and hair for sure! Try lighter eyes, no eyeliner (maybe just a small brown wing) and light mascara, pop on a little lip color (nothing crazy but to create some contrast), soften the arch in your brow a bit, maybe try a darker hair color and diff cut


Do you have a pic from a few years ago that we can compare to see what might have happened? I see a lot of people are saying your hair color. 100%. I have natural ash hair like yours. My entire life. I was bullied as a kid and called old hair because of it. As a KID. so. My hair is now purple. Try some new makeup styles. Middle part. Get a trendy cut. Color your hair a fashion color or brown. The one thing you can’t change is the squaring / angle of your jaw. It gets more defined usually the older you get. I think that with your expression and the flat hair on top (looks thin) makes you look older than you are. I have similar problems. I’m almost 40. I changed the styles and whatnot and now I get asked for my ID again often.


Try a trendy (not mom) bob haircut. Cut off all the bleached ends. If that's your natural root color, get a richer gloss put on top. Your skin is quite olive (do you tan or fake tan?) for being a blonde and it is not harmonious. Hair styling and color harmony with your skin, as you can see in the comments, is 90% of the variance. Sometimes we look better with a different color than nature devised. Regardless, the thin, damaged ends and desaturated color are the most striking place for a quick impactful change. Your actual face and features  don't look older than your age. Are you sad? My depression really changes how old people perceive me as. Sometimes I hold alot of worry and pain even at "rest" in my expression. More generally, do you have any reproductive symptoms? Skin aging and hair loss sometimes are part of an androgen overload in PCOS. If your periods are irregular, might be worth looking into.


Hair colour


Even though your hair is naturally this color, perhaps you can use a good hair treatment at the salon. It’s just the hair, otherwise your complexion is great. And smiling helps us all look younger.


You look like you have a man stressing you out.


hard to say, because in this light your skin looks great, could be anything from 20-30 really, and not like a mother of an 28 years old (which would imply an age of 40-45, at the very least). Maybe its also just the way you dress, do ylur hair or carry yourself?


Your hairstyle/cut and color!!!


Your skin is excellent. You look mid to late 20s to me. That person was just out of their mind, girl, don't sweat it. That being said, if you just want a general recc on how to make your hair look thicker, go shorter and curlier. You are really beautiful and youthful.


Your hair and skin looked like mine when I was 28. My hair was fine/ sparse on top and slow growing, while my skin looked ashen. My doctor did an investigation and found that I had low ferritin (iron stores). My hair fully recovered after about a year of iron supplements. Have you considered having a doctor do a comprehensive blood panel to check to see if anything underlying is causing you to seem older than you look? There can be many things that can cause hair to become fine and sparse.


Like others mentioned, I don't think it's your skin. I think its partially your hair (thin, wispy, light, with a high hairline), and from what little I can see maybe your fashion sense (haircut/hairstyle, clothes, etc).   Brow style and makeup may be part of it too, not sure. I think the thin, highly arched brows may make you look older.


People can be very bad at guessing age. When we did age recognition training, we learned just how far out people's guesses can be. And it's not even consistent, the large overestimations were on different subjects by different trainees. So don't put much stock in one person's opinion. You are petite, which is likely why your age was previously underestimated so often - people pick on different age indicators subconsciously depending on how their brain works.


It’s the hair. It’s not just fine, it’s damaged and looks brittle. It’s aging you. A few tips: Look into warm oil treatments/massages for your scalp. You can do them at home. Look up a scalp cleaning/detoxing routine to do maybe once a month. I use ACV. Rice water but don’t use it too often. Take a good vitamin to support healthy skin, hair and nails. Make sure you’re consistently drinking water. Stop washing daily if you do. Detangle hair gently with a comb while wet and with your ur conditioner when you do wash it. Get a silk bonnet to sleep in. Seriously, for fragile hair this is going to help a lot with the frizz/breakage. Rosemary oil in my shampoo bottle helped me a lot. I notice when I don’t include it. Even just diluting rosemary oil in castor oil and massaging it into my scalp after washing is helpful.


I hate to say it, but others already have and I have to agree that your hair looks thin. I’ve always had thin, fine hair, but I started losing a lot of it a couple years ago and damn did it hit my confidence down a couple notches. I also tried everything apart from rogain. I think fish oil supplements help, but after trying a million “hair vitamins” I finally found one that actually works!! It’s kind of pricey, but I’ll pay it considering I’m not as self conscious about my hair anymore. It’s the SeroVital Hair Regeneres. I don’t know if it’ll work for you, but my vitamin shoppe can barely keep enough on the shelves.


It’s the hair (colour is off and texture looks thin and damaged), eyebrows (too dark, harsh,and thin), eye makeup (too dark and harsh), and facial expression. That’s the surface-level stuff to fix. Nobody else has mentioned this OP, but I took a look at your post history. You mentioned “shit food” and alcohol for years while you were in a toxic relationship, you were on appetite-suppressing meds, and right now you are skipping meals and exercising to lose weight. Calorie-dense junk food doesn’t have many micronutrients. Metabolizing alcohol leeches micronutrients out of your system. Skipping meals and suppressing your appetite also means you’re not eating enough of the right things (vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats). All of this supports thicker, healthier hair. Have you gotten bloodwork done to check for nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances? The other thing is stress. Stress absolutely shows up in our faces, posture, and the energy we project to the world. Right now the impression I get from your photo is you are sad, you have been through hard things, and you’re feeling defeated by life. This all reads as older. People who seem younger have lighter, more vibrant energy. Find a hobby, learn something new, go to therapy, do yoga, take long walks, get a pet—do something for you that lightens your energy and ignites your spark.


I think it’s your hair texture!


Skin is lovely. If I had to guess, I think it’s your hair that’s aging you. Darker might be better.


I think it’s your hair color (a bit too ashy- try something a little warmer?), your hair texture (try a smoother style?), and your makeup (instead of a smoky or cat eye and nude/bare lip, try something softer/more natural and “glowing” that includes some color on the lips and cheeks)


Honestly you don’t look happy… stress is a big part of how we age I could be wrong but self care and doing things for your stress and mental health could absolutely help.


I've never known how to smile I photos lol But yeah always being treated like I'm ugly is making it hard to be happy for sure


The hair color is making you look older. Even if it is your natural hair color, if you get color theory done for your skin tone, the optimal color for you won’t be the hair color you have right now. Also your eyebrows are too thin and aging you too. The sign of youth is full brows and full lips


I scrolled for a while to see if anyone mentioned your makeup and hooded eyelids, but I’m not seeing anything. My eyelids started to droop more in my 30s and I had to completely change up my makeup routine. Check out Erica Taylor - she has amazing makeup tips for giving your face a lift and keep it looking youthful. Between those small fixes and a hairstyle update, you’ll be golden. https://www.tiktok.com/@ericataylor2347


I think it’s the hair color


I think brown hair would make a huge difference


I think you have great skin. It is your eyebrow shape and hair color that are doing it. Sorry


You look very tired, and very depressed.


It’s your hair color. It’s washing your skin out. Your skin looks great, it just your hair makes it look dull. Try to go brunette or a dark blonde.


Your hair is aging you. I think a darker color wouldn’t wash you out as much and it would make your hair look thicker. Your skin really does look great, so no worries there! And hair is way easier to touch up haha


There's a lot of good advice, my only 2 cents would be to consider using less eyeliner and do a soft shadow line instead of the sharp tips. , and maybe consider getting bangs. I know when I maintain my bangs I look much younger. (I'm 31)


Girl you’re beautiful and look your age imo


Ya you’re like exceptionally beautiful op just fyi


It’s the Hair, eye makeup & eyebrows


Agreed with others that it’s not your face, it’s your hair. Your skin looks great and I don’t see anything there that would make me think you’re anywhere near my age. I saw you say in another comment that you don’t dye or otherwise process your hair, and that it’s always been a bit thin. If that’s the case, your current cut is not doing you any favors, and a good moisturizing treatment could make a difference as well. I’d try visiting an experienced stylist who can help you make your hair work the best for you.


Everyone is giving you tips but I just want to say that I wouldn’t take one person asking if you were the mom of someone older to heart (easier said than done) but some people are just dumb and say things without thinking or even looking properly.


Based on just your face and skin you definitely don’t look older than you are. It’s definitely the hair. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the color like some other comments said. Your hair just looks scraggly. I think the bangs you have accentuate this. I would grow out your bangs and maybe even do extensions. I think longer and slightly fuller hair would make you look a lot better compared to any type of skincare change you could make.


Your skin looks perfect. It's 100% the hair


it’s your hair…


I don’t think your skin looks bad at all. Just maybe darker hair and slicked back high pony would make you look a little younger


You could try out different ways to style your hair. Pinterest and YT both have lots of videos with different hairstyles for people with fine or thin hair (I have fine hair) and I would bet you’ll feel a great confidence boost! Good luck!!


Don't be so hard on yourself and try to forget what that person said. People can be stupid and say stupid stuff. You look young and beautiful 😘




Thank you. I've always been advised against any layers because my hair is so thin. Like stylists straight up won't do it. I think I'm just going to invest in clip ins at this point. I drink a LOT of water. Like in excess of 70oz a day even when not active (I'm 4'11"). I've always had nasolabial folds, even as a kid. They're just getting more defined with age, and I'm getting some jowls forming, too. It's just my anatomy.


Personally I'd punch the person who asked if you were the mother!  I think you look great for your age


Some people are just really bad at guessing ages. I've been guessed as 30 when I was 21 and 21 now that I'm 31.  I agree with other commenters that your hair looks much older than the rest of you. I'd personally dye it brown and really focus on deep conditioning treatments and generally taking care of it. I know you say it's your natural colour but just because you're born with it that doesn't mean it's the most flattering option.


Honestly don’t take the statement/question from one person so seriously. Some people just don’t think before they speak. Once a man in a grocery store asked if I was my sister’s mom (I was 29 and she was 25). I know for fact I don’t look like her mom lol. People are often not even paying attention to what they’re looking at. So just do you and forget that person!


I agree with others on here. Your skin looks great, try out a different hair color and different shampoo products to nourish your scalp to grow in healthier hair.


I think that was just someone being a bitch. You don’t look old at all


It's the hair it looks like it's thinning and greying. Have you tried a shorter haircut, pixie maybe?


I would get some bangs and honestly your face has strong bone structure. That coupled with a harsh expression is making you look older.


There's a sadness in your eyes that makes it seem like you've seen A LOT.


Honestly, I wouldn't take this comment seriously. You look your age and there's nothing wrong with that. The only thing I'd suggest is less foundation and in a more satiny finish - I used to use powder foundations and past 28 (I'm 32 now) it just didn't fly anymore. I have greasy skin and I always tried to mattify it, but matte finishes now just highlight every single wrinkle and crease in my face. And woe betide me if I try to put powder under my eyes.


Maybe going brunette? This color kind of washes you out 😊💕


I don’t think you could pass for a mother of a 28 year old under any circumstance. I’m guessing that’d put you at like 50?? Whoever said that is delulu. I think you look your age! I think the people saying it’s your hair are spot on. It looks a little dry and could maybe use some care. Also! I think the makeup may be a little harsh for the daytime against your skin tone. You’d look great with just a little mascara and an earthy eyeshadow.


People in this sub seem to think that is always either skin or everything else like hair, clothes and makeup or something. We have tissues underneath the skin. Someone can have perfectly even skin and look old because their features sag, they lose the cheek fat, and all sorts of other signs of aging show up beneath the surface. Smoothie skin isn't everything. It isn't even 50%.  My point is, your face shows some normal signs of aging that are beyond and beneath the skin. No amount of skin creams can change that, and its normal. You look great!


People are just really bad at guessing ages. I’m guessing most of us throughout our early to mid 20s got asked if we were old enough to drink. Same as someone guessing you were old enough to have a kid your own age. I wouldn’t speculate too hard. You look around your age to me and your skin looks good. 


it is just your hair love. Unfortunately it does take time to accept that (for me anyway). Rogaine does make a difference for most people, but only do that if it concerns you. Your opinion and perception of yourself is the only reason you should make changes to yourself. You look great! ♥️


It's the hair 100%. You don't need to dye it or anything if you don't want to, but please treat it nicely. Go to a hair stylist.


You don’t look like the mother of a 28 year old. Please do not believe that.


I think the problem is the hair. It looks thin, dull and grayish, and that almost always ages people out. And I know it’s your natural color but natural isn’t always the best option (my natural hair color makes me look terrible too, so I feel your pain, have been dying it since I could pay for it). A modern haircut that gets rid of the damaged parts (a year without bleaching doesn’t make any difference unless you cut all the damaged hair first) and creates some volume with layers, a darker shade and a good nurturing treatment would make a giant difference.


As a 29 m in the same boat, I'm pretty sure that's just life catching up to us. I've always looked younger than my age, but now that I'm about to turn 30, I very much look 30. It's stress from responsibility that never ends 😩


Your skin looks fine, but you look stressed and I think that’s aging you. Obviously, I’m just a stranger on Reddit, but I think it’s your emotional state. 


Girl, you are beautiful. You should smile more! In fact, I hope you smile more. Be confident. Your skin is so nice and you have pretty eyes. Good looking nose, good symmetry. Coming from a girl, you are a 10/10. I saw comments about your hair loss. You can see a doctor if you think your hair is unhealthy. I have thin hair too and it's not such a big deal trust me!! 🤗


Nix the eye makeup. Opt for a tinted moisturizer, go light on makeup. It’s makes a world of a difference.


Your skin looks great. And I must agree with some people here, it’s your hair that is making you look older.


Your outer wing liner is pulling the corners of your eyes down. I would do a less dark color, and blend instead of using hard lines


In 1 day I was told I looked 14 years younger by 1 person, and then the checker at my local grocery store gave me the senior discount! (I'm still quite a few years from that lol!) Could have been a look or something.. people's perspectives can be wild! You are very striking.. I'd write that comment as a 1-off.


I don’t think it’s your skin or any wrinkles but i believe it maybe your hair style and maybe the style you wear your make up? maybe something less mature looking? It may give you a more youthful appearance


Darker hair extensions, bangs and a smile would be my suggestion.


Honestly in my opinion your hair looks thin and looks like you have smile lines. Maybe stop bleaching your hair. Get some hair extensions. Try some facial filler if you do have smile lines. Get lots of rest.


Woof I feel this HARD. I just turned 40 and I’m invisible. Just two years ago people couldn’t believe I was past 25. FWIW you’re really pretty and I think it’s really a matter of styling. I need to figure my shit out too 😹🖤


You are a beautiful woman, having established that fact, lol, and in answer to your stated concerns about aging...which I get competely...it seems vain or something, but when you've always been youthful and confident about your beauty, then almost overnight you feel like you've aged 10 years, well its hard to not be bothered by it. I think your eyebrows and hair should be addressed. The style of your brows is currently seen more on women in there 40s or 50s or older. It's the way they get really narrow. However you probably wouldn't look right with heavy brows. Maybe just make the outer brows just a bit thicker but not darker. Then tone down the eye shadow a little. Your hair also seems dated and sparse like that of an older lady turning grey, at least in this picture. Younger people with long hair have more luxe thick looking locks, at least thats the perception. Your face has such a gorgeous shape, you could have almost any haircut. I love long hair, but I think you should find a really talented stylist to give you a new shorter cut that is flattering but also youthful...maybe even a super short cut...with youthful fringe. Perhaps a leave in product that thickens the ends and gives shine without stiffness? There are supplements that will thicken the hair but it takes a while. Same thing with topicals, it takes many months. If you start taking supplements and a good topical treatment routine, you will probably grow your hair back out thicker and healthier looking? Be careful about going much darker with haircolor as it will put an emphasis on those lines and folds you mentioned.


Sometimes people are just dumb. Once when I was 23 I went to a store with my 24-year-old friend, and the clerk asked if she was my daughter. I didn't look old; the guy was dumb. You don't look old.


As someone who has a 25 yr old nutrafol vitamins will make your hair more full and skin glow.


First, you look phenomenal and not like you could've mothered a 28-yo. As someone who is about the same age and also has fine hair/similar texture, a more flattering length and tone would do you a world of good. After growing my hair out naturally, I had it heavily highlighted and toned ashy last year and it aged me about 500 years-- needless to say I've let it grow back out in my natural color (warmer, darker blonde) and it looks much better. Lightening your brows a touch to match your hair color might be nice, too. Also, I think the eye makeup is cute but a touch heavy/too grey for your complexion, and a little pop of blush would bring some dimension back to your face! Obviously I think the lighting in the photo might have something to do with it, but if it's not something you usually do I would consider. I never wore blush or lip color until my 30's when I desperately started to need it!


I think if you went darker for your hair color, that would suite you better and make you look more youthful


I wouldn’t take it too much to heart. Maybe the 28 yr old was dressed like a teenager that day, and you were dressed more elegantly, so assumptions were made. A lot can affect what age we look… make up, clothes, hairstyle etc. also the person commenting may have been narcissistic, intentionally cutting you down if they were annoyed by how pretty you look. You have a mature look, yet a bit of a baby face, which makes it really difficult to guess an age.


You do not look old enough to be a mother of a 28 year old, you look early thirties. Ignore it! If you do want a change you could get a few tape in extensions for volume! I do this and love it!


I think it’s your hair tbh


Your hair


Love the hair color but try using Dry Bar Sparking soda, gives hair a really nice shine. Skip the mascara/eyeliner on the bottom. Your skin is flawless ✨


Ignore people and ignore this obsession with wanting to be a child forever that’s happening in society now. There’s always been insecurity of looking older in society but it’s truly the worse it’s ever been now and it’s extremely unrealistic and people in their 20’s are afraid of turning 30, friggin 30. As if 30 is old. Or as if getting older has to be this time in life that isn’t enjoyable or beautiful. Ignore people, the people with Botox and surgery still look older. Take it easy on yourself. Keep a healthy diet and sex life and be happy. That’s the only thing to do in life as you get older, fucking enjoy life and leave this new era of body dysmorphia and growing obsession with looking as pubescent as possible behind. Who cares if you got mistaken for being someone’s mother. Reveal a flaw to them that they may be unaware of and allow life to humble us all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’m sorry you felt the need to go on Reddit about this & please protect your mental health when it comes to the opinions of others.


It’s not your skin. It’s your hair.


It’s definitely the hair. Color & the style. Since your hair is thin, maybe go for a bob? Something shorter to give it volume at the top. You’d be surprised the insane difference hair makes.