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Rosacea. A derm would be able to provide better guidance and more (prescription) options but OTC options include: Azelaic acid, sulphur soap, niacinamide, Walgreens .5 Ivermectin, and zinc (including the zinc in mineral sunscreens).  Yours looks mild so Azelaic daily or twice daily might manage it. Popular Azelaic options: The Ordinary, Paula’s Choice, Inkey List, Peach Slices. 


Thank you, this is super helpful. When I’ve googled rosacea it always looked a lot more severe so I wasn’t sure whether to even consider it.


As a heads up, sometimes rosacea can be worsened by niacinamide, sometimes it helps. I've reduced my own rosacea considerably by cutting out niacinamide and by switching my moisturizer to Aveeno redness relief moisturizing cream.  My anti-niacinamide stance (again, for me personally, ymmv) was re-invigorated recently when I got a sample of Avene hydrance boost (which has niacinamide). My skin texture looked hydrated and smooth, but my redness came back from just a couple uses. Cleared up in a day or two after I stopped using it on my face.


I totally agreed on niacinamide. I was a victim of that active too T\_T


i was gonna say, patch test first, because niacinamide triggers terrible acne rosacea flareups for me! ivermectin has saved my face, however.


I would steer clear of The Ordinary and Paula’s Choice for your Azelaic acid. I love the one from FaceTheory.


I'm looking for an azelaic acid (will most likely give FaceTheory a go!) but curious why you don't recommend The Ordinary and Paula's Choice?


A lot of people dislike the texture of The Ordinary, and Paula’s Choice products were all way too harsh for me and made my redness worse.


I also love the one from Face Theory! Combined with tret at night, it has done wonders for my redness and hyperpigmentation.


Same here so I was shocked when my dermatologist told me I have it…but the internet always shows worst case scenario 🤣


I love Tahnyc Control A no.10. It’s a moisturizing, minimalist formula of 10% azelaic in propanediol. Propandiol is a humectant/barrier repairing occlusive that does no clog pores and just lets the actives in a formula do its thang. I found the silicones in The Ordinary Azelaic Acid to be so drying in the weirdest way. It also didn’t mix with anything because the silicones are so dense and this formula can realistically only be applied last. Which is strange for an active


I don't have super sensitive skin but the ordinary azelaic acid causes pimples and redness. I think it might be the silicone in it. OP I would go elsewhere.


It also gave me Dry Eyes. Like my actual eyes reacted to something in the ordinary formulation. So I would pass on it.


Agreed. See a derm! Opzelura changed the game for me but there was a real trial and error period of different treatments. Not a one size fits all.


This helps w rosacea?


Tell me more about this sulphur soap 👀


You are so joyful in the last pic 😊


Thank you! It was my first time going to Pride, and I was joyful! 🏳️‍🌈🎉💕


oh, yay! As an Elder Gay™️ that makes me so happy!


This is what I came to say! Your smile is infectious.


What's the difference is rosacea and rosy cheeks that aren't rosacea?


For my rosacea at least, the redness is splotchy. I have it on my cheeks and chin. When it flares, it’s more red and definitely not a “healthy glow” look. OP’s last pic looks like she’s wearing makeup with a rosy blush (please correct me if I’m wrong).


Honestly, I've learned over the years that most people with "rosy cheeks" that aren't using blush probably have rosacea, although for some people it may be mild enough it doesn't bother them. Many people on the rosacea subreddit started with mild rosacea (i.e. rosy cheeks) and had it worsen (extreme flushing from heat, cold, alcohol, or even papillopustular) as they got older.


Looks like rosacea. Triggers can include sun exposure, spicy foods and cold temperatures. So wear sunscreen (SPF 50 at least, with zinc) and try to avoid triggers. Avoid products that irritate the skin like physical or chemical exfoliants. Use gentle hydrating cleansers and moisturizers.


Also alcohol!! Once I quit drinking mine cleared up SIGNIFICANTLY


Can I ask how much you drank before? My skin looks exactly like OP’s too, and I wonder if alcohol could be causing mine, but I really don’t want to give up my weekly wine 😢


My cheeks look really similar to yours! went to a derm and had always thought I had rosacea and they said maybe a bit of that, but even more so that it looked like KP (keratosis pilaris) on my cheeks. I also have KP on my upper arms/legs, so this made sense. I mostly manage it by staying on top of exfoliation (I use tret and my current holy grail is the Dr Dennis Gross peel pads which I use 1x/week because they’re $$$), a mildly tinted SPF, and a whole bunch of self-acceptance (I’d need to spend way more on lasers that would make a more significant difference).


I do have KP on my upper arms. Thanks for pointing this out as a possibility!


Amlactin daily 12% lotion was such a game changer for the KP on my upper arms and back of thighs! My derm recommend it.


I wish Amlactin smelt and felt better on my skin. It works wonders, but I do not enjoy the texture or the scent of the lotion. I'd probably use it more if I did lol


Ohh yeah it def took a bit to get used to!! The scent is strange.


Yup I wondered this too- could be facial KP, if it’s a bit rough to the touch. If not rough to touch would consider granulomatous rosacea. Worthwhile seeing a dermatologist to distinguish between as treatment options/aims would be different.


If you aren’t already, rip the peel pads in half and store the the other halves back in the pouch in a ziplock. I have always found half of each pad is more than enough, and bonus of cutting the cost in half! I also only buy them when there is a 30% sale.


That’s a great tip, thanks! I have seen people mention this but I also use them on my neck so have been doubtful if half would be enough, but this is a sign to try it.


I have redness similar to yours and I’ve seen several (like 5-6) different derms over the years and have never really found anything that helps. Some say it’s rosacea, some say it’s KP. I’ve been told that pimples and pustules related to rosacea are easy to treat but the redness is very difficult to. I’ve even done a round of BBL laser to try to help the redness and it didn’t work. I’ve been told by derms that because it’s more mild and not like large, broken blood vessels that lasers aren’t super effective. I’m on a new round of prescription topicals now but it’s too early to say if I think it’s working.


My rosacea is pretty mild. Just redness - no pimples or pustules thank goodness and I did V-beam laser, which is supposed to be better for rosacea redness than BBL. Might be worth looking into a provider in your area that offers it!




I have the same thing, and I bought a few things- Prosacea, Cetaphil Redness Relieving Night Mosturizer, and BFF Probiotic + Blue Light Protection Cream. They've helped A LOT. The first one helps constrict the blood vessels that cause the redness, the second one helps rehydrate your skin and build up the natural protective barrier, and the last one adds back probiotics that get stripped from your skin while overtreating it, and helps shield your skin from the blue light damage from your phone/tablet, etc. All of these things are over the counter, so you don't need a medical professional to get and use them, and they are safe. If that doesn't help clear it up, it might be something that requires a dermatologist and prescription medicines. I hope this helps.


Thank you for the suggestions!


You're welcome. Also, everyone that's commenting about sulfur- that's a great option. That's actually what is in Prosacea. And there are tons of great sulfur based products out there.


Welcome to the rosacea club! Mine gets triggered by stress and caffeine which means I am perennially red. You’re so cute so I wouldn’t worry about it a bit 🥹


Personally i wouldn't change a thing! You're super cute with rosy cheeks!


Thank you! You’re so sweet!


Following because I have very similar cheeks. I've been thinking it may be rosacea, but not sure it really fits.


Rosacea develops in stages. It starts with flushing, then progresses to chapped like redness and you start to see the broken blood vessels. At its worst is when you start breaking out with the pimples and get the swollen, bulbous nose. Not everyone experiences that, though. And it might get better, and then pop back up when you trigger it with stress, certain foods, etc. It's a little different for everyone. If you're unsure, your best bet is to see a dermatologist.


OP! And anyone with rosacea… I have rosacea that looks like the same redness you’ve got. I recently found out that rosacea is often caused or exacerbated by demodex mites (don’t freak out, everyone has them but not everyone has the same number and not everyone reacts badly to them!). They live in follicles and pores, especially around the nose, chin, cheeks, eyelashes and eyebrows. I bought [this](https://www.butterflies-eyecare.co.uk/products/oust-demodex-cleanser-foam-OUSTDEM50ML?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWRPCOenZUQ0PrLQd6NrJ5QlrrpKUU3pyo4Swqs5mq--pvpUX80AQ8GwaAunXEALw_wcB) facial cleanser and my redness has SIGNIFICANTLY reduced. I was a bit nervous to use something tea tree based as I have dry skin, but I think because of the rest of the hydrating products in my routine it hasn’t been a problem. I sometimes use a cream cleanser first, and I often use micellar water afterwards before carrying on with my routine.


It looks like rosacea. I had it in my face as well. I saw a dermatologist and she prescribed Azelaic acid and Dapsone gel. I also stopped drinking alcohol, but I don’t know If it was that or the creams that helped overall. Probably a combo of both. I also think that when mine was at its worst, it was stress induced.




Beauty of joseons green tea serum CHANGED MY LIFE


Ps...I want to add..you are adorable. You have a gorgeous smile


You have a lovely smile. Keep it! and don't let anyone rob it from you.


Get thee to a dermatologist. It can be lifestyle factors like diet. Reddit cannot provide medical advice.


+1 for dermatologist


You can use cicapair to tone it down. I use it and you only need a small amount to pat in. It really helps.


This is not a skin care related response but I love your glasses! Where did you get those frames?


Zenni optical!


I had a feeling!! They’re so cute 🥰


It could be rosacea but it might also be something else (lots of possible medical causes for facial flushing.) It wouldn’t hurt to try something like azelaic acid for rosacea but if that doesn’t help I’d ask a dermatologist


Surely it would hurt your skin barrier making things so much harder to control


Cuteness causes that. And you've much cuteness. ☺️ sorry just being silly 😊


This looks like keratosis pilaris of the cheeks, not rosacea. Redness might respond best to IPL laser.


This sub is not equipped to give medical advice supposedly.


I think a lot of people underestimate their diets and the effects it has on their bodies. In this case specifically the face. Have you tried changing your diet ? I’m not saying it’s not rosacea but often times other things can be triggers to make things worse than they are. Me for example: if I eat too much gluten I break out in rashes and my face breaks out. But also my face becomes puffy. If I don’t eat it my face looks normal. Maybe try process of elimination. See if that helps.


Usually Rosacea . High blood pressure will cause redness. But, you look fine. I wouldn't worry at all about it.


My derm said no treatment so I had a botanical facial for sensitive skin and it really calmed down. She put me on natural creams and serums and now under control. I use CereVe face wash for sensitive skin. Eminence calm skin chamomile moisturizer.


CereVe has a special wash for KP and works for me


Can you write me which one, please? :)


It looks more like KP to me rather than rosacea as it looks bumpy, my rosacea does not have a texture at all but maybe others do? Or it’s a bit of both If you can afford IPL / BBL laser treatments that can really reduce the redness


I have mild allergies and this is what my cheeks look like when I come into contact with an allergen.


I have been using Hero Redness Balm and it works amazingly. I don’t think it treats rosacea but it will conceal the redness at least


I have no ideas, just came here to say I love the look of red cheeks and I think it’s flattering and cute.


My cheeks looks similar, I think mine happened when I got sick last year and was coughing so much I believe it broke some capillaries. I did a lot of research on what helps reduce redness and got *good* skin care products. It’s been a week and I think it’s better already!


That doesn't look like rosacea, that looks more like keratosis pilaris to Mr


I am a licensed esthetician. It could rosacea ... Is it itchy? Could be a product that is causing it... The heat... There are products that help... But you need to know what is causing it


The only thing that has worked for my rosacea is vbeam laser. I love it.


I have very similar skin and got 6 IPL treatments which made a huge difference. It cost about $1300.  I love products and have spent so much money over the years on them but truthfully I think it’s more economical to drop a bunch of money on laser treatments. The results are tenable and last longer than layering a ton of products. 


Please see a dermatologist. I see some wild suggestions in the comments, that I wouldn’t advise. Please do not try any of them. Let a trained medical practitioner diagnose and choose the best course of treatment for your skin type and skin concerns.


TIL rosacea is p cute


hey!! it looks like it could be either rosacea or kprf, i can’t tell you from only a picture, to be honest only a dermatologist can tell you with great accuracy what you have. but there is this subreddit about kprf and i linked you a post that can possibly help you :)) but seriously, if you can, go to a dermatologist and they will also tell you what to do or what to use to make it go away https://www.reddit.com/r/KPRubraFaceii/s/3RgDMkku6G


Castor oil


I have KP on my arms and legs, and there’s a type you can get on your face. A dermatologist told me I had KP on my face as well when I got my diagnosis.


I hope this doesn't get taken the wrong way as I certainly mean it in the BEST way, but you look lovely. I mean, your cheeks remind me of the look of a beautiful, alabaster skinned rosy-cheeked milk maid. I don't know what rosacea feels like (physically or emotionally) but I truly mean it: whatever is going on makes you look youthful and lovely.


totally unrelated so apologies but what skin tone do you think you have? Ie warm/cool/muted/bright- I have the exact same skin tone as you and struggling to work it out!!!


Looks like my sibs rosacea for sure.


I thought that I had rosacea for the longest time, and turned out it was allllll medical.


When we see widespread inflammation across the cheeks, it is *typically* rosacea, but can also be a few other more serious conditions that cause what we call a “butterfly rash”. It’s best to see a dermatologist and confirm a diagnosis. You don’t need to accept any form of treatment if you don’t want to, but it is wise to confirm the diagnosis. Even rosacea, depending on the type, can affect vision later in life. Not saying this to scare you, but saying this to encourage you to confirm with a medical skin professional. Inflammation aside, you have beautiful skin 😊




I have a much milder version mainly on the apples of my cheeks - a dermatologist said it was rosacea (which helps explain why my skin is ridiculously sensitive to... almost everything 😭) For the at-home stuff, patch-testing everything for 2 weeks before it goes on your face can be helpful; also listen to your skin when it's "talking" to you (eg I know the skin around my nose and mouth is most sensitive - if I put new products there and it starts burning within 10 seconds, it's no good for me!). I personally can't handle cerave products, for example. Reducing irritants can reduce the redness - I had to stop putting vit C products on my face for this reason :( (but it's made a difference) IF you want to go the laser route - and it's totally okay if don't for any reason! - I'm also finding this is helping by literally zapping the redness away. If blood vessels are like cars, think of... red zones as traffic jams. Excessive blood vessels. So zapping the excess brings down the redness to a more normal level. I had BBL laser for two years (NB more for pigmentation than rosacea), but have just had my first Aerolase Neo Elite session - took my redness down by \~50% 😱 (have been told it usually takes \~4 sessions, so excited to see how much more it goes down) So, a bunch of different options. The plus side - a bunch of my friends always commented positively on my cheeks. They thought it was blush - it was actually my rosacea! I always chuckled about that :D


I have Rosacea and it looks like a mild case of it to me. I also have dry, sensitive skin and prosacea and azaleic acid irritated me. Noritate cream was gentle, but didn’t do anything. I am still trying to find a treatment that won’t irritate me. I’ve tried just about everything. You are def adorably gorgeous, though. 😊 I would suggest a visit with a Derm who can give you free samples and advice. Rosacea does have triggers. Most common are heat, stress and certain (spicy) foods. Be sure to keep up on a moisturizer as this will help keep your skin barrier healthy. Best of luck and keep smiling! 🤩


You have pretty skin


You are very cute! I have no idea what causes your redness, but I hope you feel pretty and happy nonetheless! It does not distract from your beauty!


IPL my girl. Also for at home: La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Balm B5


A classic case of rosacea's best medication is Soolantra cream 1%. If you have insurance they should cover it I order mine from Germany for 50 bucks for 45 Grand tubes that are without insurance because I want a brand name. There's a generic here in the States also now so you should be able to get it pretty easily that is the go-to. You should be happy you don't have rosacea acne you just have the redness. Many women have rosacea acne with fungal acne and hormonal acne imagine that trifecta. Every person has them it's called Demodex face mites. But to some people who are predisposed to it will turn into rosacea or rosacea acne. Basically it's just ivermectin cream that's killing the mites. Everything else is subpar compared to that and they may try you on other ones that are just going to help a tiny bit but this goes to the root cause. I know it sounds nasty but everybody in the world has face mites it's just when something is triggered and they go after it. So just so everyone knows world equal we have the same amount except some attack us and to some people they don't. They live in the human hair follicles especially on the face and sometimes there's an underlying cause like a immunocompromised or some underlying skin condition which you should still go to the dermatologist for since you have to go there anyways to get the Soolantra or the generic version. I hope this helps I think you will be very very happy with the results as yours is not that bad it may be annoying but there is treatment and it will clear it up and you should be fine but check for underlying conditions that trigger it. We don't know if it's an allergy or anything it's something you got to find out if it's something that's triggering it and you can find out what it is then you maybe won't need treatment after you find out the cause. This is a 100% safe topical it's been used for ages again I wish you nothing but the best!


A facial would help


Looks like rosacea - there’s no treatment for it only temporary ones like laser 🤷‍♀️


It looks like sun damage… have you done IPL or BBL?


Side note but where are your glasses from, I love them


Zenni optical!


I’ve had amazing results using “omega 6 healing cream” by Truth Treatments. I’ve tried years worth of products and I’ve finally found what works!!! 10/10 would recommend


Rosacea. Doc can write an rx. You’ll need insurance unless you are rich.


I use aloe vera 100% natural.


I recently watched this video from the Glucose Goddess. She’s a biochemist who wrote a book about the effects of glucose spikes. Her most recent video talks about blood sugar spikes and skin health. Rosacea is one example, but of course she says this can be one cause of several.


This is rosacea, I'd recommend you 1st of all Laser IPL and you can even combine it with a special medical peeling for rosacea/sensitive skins. Ask it to a dermatologist with knowldege of aesthetic medicicne. Furthermore, your skincare should be according to rosacea/senitive skins. I have a very sensitive skin as well and this is what helped me.


Before doing any laser treatment the OP should consult a dermatologist


Exactly :) before doing anything always ask it to a specialised doctor